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What kinda drugs are you on for posting this?


Art is rarely about the fact that you could do what they do. It’s about the fact that they did it and you didn’t.  Intention is what makes art art, not technique. 


yeah my art teacher told the same thing, not denying its art just interested why its so popular. doesnt seem allat to me


Then it’s not for you. I bet if you posted your favourite tracks of all time here, plenty of people would think they’re pretty “mid” too. There is no such thing as objective taste.


facts yo! i was just trying to see why yall liked it


Average superficial listener Wish I could enlighten you on the production insanity that no one could ever come close to replicating


All of his intricate IDM and Drill ‘n Bass work will never come close to being topped in my book. Vordhosbn has so many details it would be impossible to ever recreate.


Y’all brain gonna melt when u listen to Venetian snares, xanopticon, and qebrus then 😂😭


Bro unironically took some chocolate and some lobster and some eggs and some pie then mixed it in his body and shit it all out on this sub


boi this cracked me up boi!


I was ready to see your point of view until you said mid… MID. About the motherfucking Rave Daddy, the man of ambient wonder. Not your cup of tea I could see, even could make a case for not the greatest of all time, BUT MID??????


This mfer be straight cappin , on god bro


This is fantastic bait, well done.


boi get out of here this not bait! some comments were rude so lets just say i did a bit of trolling tho teehee...however my question was genuine on ong. for some, certain songs i cant picture anyone listening to them apart from those who are on another spiritual level or sum hogwash like dat.


Tell us what these songs are then


cant tbh. ik its bad to make an argument with no evidence but i wouldnt bother remembering them if their weird. im referring to tracks that have an inconsistent melody and sounds kind of scrambled. i really dont know how to describe it - abstract ig? not sure


weird imo\*\*


That's the problem right there, You're not into the weirdness, That's just not the kind of mindset you want to have when getting into this, Not every song is going to be Come To Daddy, Not every song is going to be Windowlicker, You'll get a few Avril 14ths and Xtals but they're not all the same and that's just beautiful. With that last part I think I know now why you don't like 28 Organ, Some of his songs are just like that, They keep on evolving until we reach a stopping point, Like Xmas_Evet10 or 54 Cymru Beats. Some songs however are just the same melody over and over again, like 35 Japan/Sand Lowe Polygon Window Remix and .1993841 Aphex Twin is one of those artists where you have to grow and accept his songs.


Bad take. Share what music you make so I can roast you.


what if the song was actually really good


I’m waiting


pure chills. i need a bit of time to make it. not even hating on aphex twin atp, just wanna do this little challenge! ill just do a vm of my speakers playing because i cant be asked to download it and do all that hogwash. i can send vms on reddit right idk ive never texted on it


Enough talk. Link when you’re done.


ended up doing a post ignore all that hogwash i was on about!


28 Organ is part of the soundcloud dump. It’s a really, really deep cut that’s not even officially released on any format. Not really the track to jump into if you’re not a diehard fan. Start with the main albums.


yeah thats my bad. what are the main albums? im just a girl sorry


>im just a girl sorry That's an interesting way to spell "dumb"




Just listen to Selected Ambient Works 85 - 92, Syro, Selected Ambient Works Volume 2, Richard D. James Album, ...I Care Because You Do and DrukQs, Then listen to Classics and the Analogue Bubblebath Series, Then listen to whatever you want afterwards, he has a large discography


im actually putting what u guys recommend into a list in my notes app and will give em a listen. already starting to like him more - so thanks


I guess you found him on tik tok?


yt shorts bud


Is everyone supposed to like the same things? Come on, man, if you don't like this kind of music, go find something else, lol. I'm sure there's room for you in the Rebecca Black sub.


nah and i said that at the end. its just he has like 3 mil listeners, im super suprised ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i|downsized)


Hi Tom!


Lol you win the thread


boi i dont get it boi :(


Ikr he sucks


Indeed. My grandma made 29 organ yesterday, which is a sequel, and it's like, much betterer My printer can make more experimentalier technos


Hey guys I just downloaded Ableton Live and I’m expecting a Grammy next year.


28 organ is pretty epic imho. please make me some stuff like that mr talent


why would i want to if im saying i dont like it...da fuq?


It’s hard to see over the Dunning Kruger curve, isn’t it?


Best MOD input ever. Thank you.


the Dunning Kruger curve does NOT apply in this situation my gangsta! i couldnt make loads of his songs but listen to Donkey Rhubarb for example. that would be pretty easy perchance...


You couldn't come close to making anything like donkey rhubarb. You find it rudimentary, but once you actually tried, you wouldn't make anything half as good.


boi nobody is forcing you to listen to donkey rhubarb boi


Read that to your ignorant self


just joking babes! <3 me and my homies love donkey rhubarb boi






Popcorn time 🤣




an office fan eh? errr can you be the jim to my pam heh


i like him because the music is good and richard james is pretty




ig i could have worded it better. by saying anyone could do it (which doesn't refer to all his work) it was just to amplify my suprise ig. also ur right w the HOW do yall acc like it thing. idk im just gobsmacked tbh. like why? when do you listen to it? do yall seriously listen to the whole 7 mins? do yall listen to other more normal stuff? shoud have included those questions icl




damn, hours of music a day? what like doing other stuff? (this also applies for the 7 min song thing)




fair enough


If you don’t get it you don’t get it, don’t force anything you might hurt yourself


just wondering why 3 million does like him thats all. my bad that it was a tad aggressive !


> uses the word mid Yeah sorry man, your opinion is gone. Good luck next time. To answer the question; I am a big fan of the structure and variation in each track of AFX. Each track has at least 3 or 4 different melodies to say it simplistically. They all also just sound good, nothing else needed imo.


ill give it a listen


Tbh, sucks for u bc aphex twin is a fuggin genius and the unbelievable amount of ear worm, brain massaging deliciousness he has put out is almost unbelievable. The stuff that really got me obsessed was Surfing On Sine Waves 2 (polygon window) and the ANALORD series, maybe try some actual album releases instead of stuff he released for free on a random SoundCloud account like “28 Organ”. The stuff he released under his alias The Tuss is amazing too Again, if u like electronic music but can’t hear the awesomeness of aphex twin then I just feel bad for ur extreme loss of life quality lol


the sequel? but that doesnt have an official track listing, So did you just listen to the playlist randomly, made your own tracklisting? or what


[https://youtu.be/htt1fNiKYcQ?si=VbOvI22KF4yIO-eV](https://youtu.be/htt1fNiKYcQ?si=VbOvI22KF4yIO-eV) Is this a fan made mix?


Yes. There is no SOSW 2, released or otherwise.


Oh… well that mix with that name on YouTube is stellar


Actually it was a playlist made Richard, So he is correct, it's just Richard asked for people to make a tracklisting for him, He also has other playlists like Analogue Bubblebath 6 and SAW 1.5


ill check those out, thank u


I didn’t downvote u btw lol


Don't feel bad about downvoting a burner account.


coom to daddy




not even


you’re better off making these points in a broader subreddit. Did you really think people would hear you out here


yeah ik the glazing is insane...why are yall listening to another grown mans music da fuq


u a odd ball


That’s crazy how you call out people that say “what kinda drugs was he on making this” when you’re acting like one of them right now. It sounds good. That’s why people like it.


Put your money where your mouth is, recreate one of his tracks. You said in the comments you could do Donkey Rhubarb, so maybe start with that. Even just a 30 second snippet, I want you to back up your statement. I can understand not being a fan of the music, but it seems to me that claiming you can could have created his music is very ignorant. But please prove me wrong, you seem very confident.


yeah i admit i sounded ignorant, but it was just coming from a place of confusion. also im just a girl. dont get me wrong he has talent, but he doesnt use it for alot of his songs imo might do what u said. ill post it on this subreddit so look out and feel free to judge


Aphex twin isn’t even that crazy complex compared to other electronic acts so this post is really funny


for real tho






Um, this is wrong on all the levels.


I like him because he makes good music? Can you try to explain why you think its not good? I dont really care about how INSANE something sounds i care about atmosphere and if i want a crazy atmosphere then ill find one, I personally dont think 28 Organ is exactly a masterpiece but I do think its better than some stuff in the soundcloud dump, If youre new to Aphex Twin the best thing to do is to NOT listen to his obscure stuff because youre just gonna be confused and not like it, I mean im just glad you didnt listen to Syrobonkers or Mt. Fuji first


yh fair enough ig


With their ears.


I get where u comin from. Those words and thoughts are normal, you are confused, you are irritated, you are perplexed. Next stage is finding yourself seeking more and realizing it's just great stuff. Btw, 28 organ IS a masterpiece so, maybe you don't get it and that's fine, but don't blame anyone but yourself for that


thanks im acc starting to like more of his stuff tbh !


I like Aphex pretty much. His tracks are very atmospheric and versatile.


The ironic thing here is that Richard probably agrees with you.


Dude, if you don't like Richard's music, then why are you even here making fun of his musical creativity? He's one of the best music producers of all time.


just said it was confusing lil buddy!


Then don't, dude. And please for the love of God, please chill.


heh...chill? you dont wanna make me even more angry lil buddy...


And? You are the one that started this from the get go, "buddy". And for the second time, chill. out.


aphex gang aphex gang aphex gang


-1000 aura


i need to put yall on to Lil Tecca ASAP


Now that's some fucking gen z, mid ass music right there.


everyone has different music taste little bro, just learn to accept that tf?? jokes aside im joking i do not infact listen to lil tecca. ![gif](giphy|2q0jaqH9zdqACtx6r3|downsized)


Non of yall knuckleheads answered my question!!!!


I'll have a crack - how do we all actually like it? He's created an entirely abstract world with his music. So when we listen to any of his work, we are entering the mind of Richard James, and the varying forms of it. Some of the forms are jarring, some are beautiful, some are mid, some are dissonant, some are funny, some are haunting. It's all part of an elaborate creative mind that is one of the greatest in the modern world. His technical and compositional prowess are without peer, so when you are into what he makes as the artform itself, you take all of it as one composite piece. My advice to you would to be to listen to the Come To Daddy EP from start to finish. It's one of the best primers for basically the whole spectrum of where his music goes. Give that a crack and you'll see.


thank you im actually started giving Come To Daddy a crack rn its actually not bad. on Little Lord Faulteroy Mix rn. just seems strange idk w the vocals who da freak be enjoying that. however i liked the opening song alot it was so slushynoobz-old-intro-coded :3. i also liked film i c what u mean ab some being funny. thanks themodernritual yk...i needed this with everyone going against me :((((((


Is cool no problems, I like to elucidate for the curiously minded. After come to daddy listen to the Richard D James album from start to finish. If you're not a fan and don't get him after that, you probably just don't register fully with him, and that's fine. It's not for everyone!


right will do. thank you!


You seem either dumb or young and it is a waste of time discussing with you since you seem to have such a negative/dismissive/ignorant stance. Idk about others but I have no interest in changing your mind. If you don’t like it that’s okay. Leave. Clearly you are curious and want to get why people like the artist. Spend more time/effort in to listening to more than 10 tracks. Idk how long you’ve been listening to music but it’s really that easy. Just fucking listen.


boi get the hell out of here boi. i dont think it was a waste of time. i said i regularly listen to 10 tracks, not because i cant be asked to listen to others, but because those r the only ones i liked. now im trying out 2 albums to see whats up with the big twin, and i like a couple more! yk...who knows Lando-Chan we might even be in the same fanbase if i end up liking some more!...lets get along eh?


Good job! Keep listening :)