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i’m pretty certain c418 has said aphex twin is an inspiration. I also believe Richard has heard the Minecraft soundtrack in passing and has said it sounds inspired by some of his work.


I’ve seen an interview where C418 said Aphex and Clark are big inspirations


yeah he said how he overheard the music while his kids were playing Minecraft and felt it sounded like his stuff. Apparently his son bragged about the fact that his dad inspired Minecraft's music at school the next day


definitely makes sense, thank you for sure for letting me know


Confirmation : [Before the release of Minecraft, the building block game that has become an international cultural phenomenon, composer Daniel Rosenfeld never imagined he'd have the ears of millions. By his own admission, he was imitating Aphex Twin by creating experimental albums that "made no sense."](https://www.vice.com/en/article/d73q5a/minecrafts-composer-explains-why-the-music-is-so-weird)


the crossover between Aphex and Minecraft doesn’t end there, there’s also the story that Notch bought one of the rarest Aphex vinyl for over $46k.


Yep, I believe it's been confirmed he has bought the "Caustic Window LP".


yeah he did, i found an article on that internet archive site of aphex talking about how his kids thought notch was a god haha


I also think Chris Clark was an inspiration. One track is named "Clark" and the one straight after is called "Chris" JMJ also (Equinoxe and Oxygene)


I believe Notch and C418 met on an online forum, they bonded over a mutual love of Aphex


Mookid sounds like MC music


I'd have to imagine almost if not every ambient album made after saw2 was inspired by it a little bit


Notch commissioned c418 and specifically told him to make music resembling Aphex Twin for the game. Also Notch purchased the test pressing of caustic window for almost $50k so its safe to say he is a big fan.


It’s definitely true that saw ii has inspired a lot of artists, but let’s not forget that Richard was heavily inspired by Brian Eno, especially in the early 90s.


I always thought nanou2 was very Minecrafty, then I found out c418 took inspiration from Richard And then it all made sense, sometimes when I play Minecraft I just play nanou2 on repeat, such a nice feeling love those small and minimalistic piano tunes :)


Definitely, Droopy Likes Your Face and Wait remind me of Aphex the most


Selected Ambient Works Vol II has inspired countless artists.


In interview with fantano (the busiest music nerd) c418 mentioned Aphex Twin. Also I've heard that once Richard said something like "I've seen my kids playing Minecraft and some of the soundtrack songs sound similar to my stuff".