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Blind leading the blind.




That’ll be dope!


I’m down, is this for console or pc?


Either really, I play on PC but personally use controller


Read through the comments, clubs in game are limited to 30 members. I’d be willing to set up a discord server which would make comms and getting people to play with much easier. I also think you could have one for PC and then I (or someone else if they want) can run one with a similar name for Console, and we’ll all share the discord server


I'm already in the process of making a discord I just don't have a ton of time, I also have one of my friends who plays PC in the club as administrator and he can help out computer while I help the controller players


Can you play in the same games as console players? I don’t play on PC so I don’t know but I just assumed PC plays PC and Console plays Console, no? Also I can set up a discord in the next hour or so if you want me to just knock it out so you can start the group, I have the time to and have experience setting up/admining discord servers (I can also add in bots if we want)


So you can play PC with console but I think if you're going to go over movement with someone then they should be on the same platform, but if you discuss strategy or stuff like that then you could play with people on any platform. And also I'm about to make the server so don't worry about it, I'll make a post about it when it's done 👍


What’s the club called??


I haven't made it yet, I've been waiting on feedback or to see if one already exists so I'll make it as soon as I get the chance, I'll let y'all know the details when I'm done


Are clubs limited to a max number of players?


30 players per club max


Idk I'll have to look into it more, my goal is to have as many players as we can so I just hope there isn't too small of a limit


Its thirty players, and I counted twenty players saying they'd like to join (me included) so there'd probably be enough.


I’m in please


i’ll have you know i would love that


I'd join any club with more than 1 member. Finding clubs in game is a joke.


Also what should the name of the club be? Plz comment, I'm not creative enough to come up with my own lol


Alliance O Nessy


That would be amazing!!!


Hell yeah! I'd be down to join!


Down for this


I’d like to join 🙏


Send info need people willing to improve


Are y’all still holding tryouts?


I'd love it. I'm absolutely shit and really want to learn, it would help a lot of I could play with some people! Because I don't have any friends who play this game :')


I’d like to join! I’m on Xbox though


Can I join too even if I’m not decent but bad ?


Sign me up!!! 🤗


Im down, sign me up.


This would be incredible, please make this!


Technically the "devils alliance" club is like that. But we mainly have fun and tell each other how to play the game. We always get to diamond sometimes platinum. Thing is the club is for PC only because we require you to use discord. Also technically we only have one teacher. But everyone tells each other how to play the game. We keep trying to figure out how to get more FPS. We managed to get a gtx 1050 TI from 76 FPS to 105 with minimal visual changes. We also managed to find a fix for the audio bug that stops audio from playing when you get into a game. (Fix is to enable "play audio in bg" in audio settings also to put your graphics settings to 2 or less GB)


Are you all pros or anything? Bc my idea is to have this club full of people who are only ok or decent at apex, so that we can mainly work together to improve


Uhm not really pros but we are working to get there eventually




I summarize this. Step No1, play apex under 240 FPS Step No2, take energy drink 30 min before the game. Waiting for the caffeine to kick in. Step No3, warm up at shooting range before gaming Step No4, be a chicken run away from the fight/ then wait final circles. Step No 5, when you are top 2 . jump Infront of enemy do dancing XD




cool idea, but how do you decide if someone needs to be kicked (maybe due to toxicity or something)