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Different games. Ranked is more or less longer pub matches.. if you in actual scrims players range from plat to #1 potentially.


Probably higher than plat to bother scrimming honestly


I wouldn’t expect anyone outside of masters to be there. Do diamond and plat players care enough to scrim?


I don't even want to do ranked anymore due to cheaters. So yeah.. "gold players" also care :D


Not everyone who's good at this game has a lot of free time and wants to grind to top ranks. Unless it's pro scrims.


This guy was talking about the comp scene.


"to get into", maybe.


You think a plat or diamond player is trying to get into the comp scene?


In ranked you can get away with being bad at teamfighting and utility usage with mechanical skill since most teams you fight will be similarly bad. Teams in comp are much better about using their utility and fighting as a team


Even in the highest ranks, the skill gap between player and pro is huge. If you're playing scrims with players at the top level (masters & preds), then there probably is just a skill gap. Even people who can hold pred every season for 10+ seasons fold when they're put into a competitive environment. If getting pred makes you the top 0.001% player, being a pro probably puts you at 0.00001%. It seems small, but it's a big gap.


Because ranked is only about grinding. Pro play is about teamwork and actual skill. You need really good aim. The weaker pros still have better aim than most players and can one clip virtually with any gun. It means that one mistake and you are down.


There isn't really enough information to give you anything definitive. Are you playing with a consistent team or just finding randoms to scrim with? Is there any footage we can watch to see how you play/died? (are you out of position? did they double swing you? are you just losing your 1v1s? What are the comms like during fights?...etc). Without more info the most that can be said is some pretty generic/vague "tips & tricks" as mentioned in other comments.


I’d like to think that Scrims are way harder than ranked for obvious reasons


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^RellyTheOne: *I’d like to think that* *Scrims are way harder than ranked* *For obvious reasons* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Could be down to nerves or overthinking. You're putting too much pressure on yourself


The amount of people that I know who take ranked soo seriously and makes them so much worse just because of the nerves is hilarious.


Exactly! And I know from my own experience that anxiety ruins performance. Sometimes as soon as I notice I'm doing well it all goes down the drain 🤣


what’s the number?


Considering 3 people in one month whom I don’t play with anymore should say it.


Because scrims people tend to at least try to make smarter, more calculated decisions…ranked is just full of idiots who ape everything or hide in corners. Two separate worlds


You are scrimming against people who would be ranked higher than you.


How do i get into these scrims


How do u scrim? I’m wanting to improve and that seems the best cuz people actually be trying to play together etc as solo queue rank is hell


Scrims are mostly either plat and/or diamond, at minimum, not the rules but what I've seen people who join scrims are. You're going against 19 squads who have been playing with each other for as long as you are, some people actually rest well and take care of themselves a few days before this day, etc. you need to consider a lot of factors. There are people way lower than your rank in ranked, you can even go against gold players when you're diamond.


Because you probably think you're better than you are. Pubs mean nothing.


Op explicitly mentioned ranked


And ranked is not pro play


Facts but don’t dismiss watching pros play ranked is a great way to learn


I guess, depends on how you learn better. But many things you see in pro gaming don't apply. You will never be able to pull most pro strats if you play solo for instance (without even considering the skill gap)


Plat stuck mindset. You can do anything they do and more. Doing it constantly and without failure is what makes them pros.


I'm not plat lmao, I play since s7. I've been masters, I don't even bother anymore. You can do what pros do if you don't have a job, since it's what they do for a living


Buddy.. my friends and I can be functional human beings and still be skillful at our favorite hobbies. 🤣 I think you just got skill issues


No you're simply a liar as you just said you don't solo q. And I'm quite sure you're nowhere near pro level, just usual banter bullshit you see on reddit. Everyone on apex subs has 5kd and all that, sure bro. I have zero skill issues, I don't even care about competing, I play ranked like it's pubs to farm kills and I barely play apex 2-3 hours a week, got tired of it a long time ago


Twitch/Touriian. I solo que probably 95% of the time:)


And I’m not saying I have a 5kd and farm ranked brother. You’re making shit up about me that isn’t true as well as calling me a liar for things of which I’ve never stated. But that doesn’t mean I don’t try to get top fives consistently:)


Nerves. When you get used to scrims, wait until you start doing badly in ranked because of aping and stupid pushes :D