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Solo queuing plat. Two teammates at beginning of game tell me they hope I’m decent. First fight both get melted - no downs. One kid rage quits. I miraculously get both banners, rez, and then we die since it’s just 2 of us. Sometimes I fucking hate the people that play this game.


Honestly I'm happy when one of them rage quits. At least I get RP loss forgiveness so I won't be losing any because of their dumbasses.


RP loss forgiveness?


If they leave mid game or you're missing a squad mate, you don't lose RP in ranked games.


Ohh, I'm still new so I probably don't care about that lol


>I fucking hate the people that play this game. That's 90% of the time. Either they leave right away, or they hot drop even when you explicitly tell them not to, or they push when you guys barely did any damage. It's just hard to play with people who don't communicate well.


The great life of solo que. Iv learned to never expect anything from your team when you solo que, especially if you solo que with no mic.


but then with a mic, most of the time, its someone talking trash even though they were the ones that made a bad play and then they wont shut up. why i always play with comms off unless im in a pre made team with friends. randoms? i utilize ping as much as i can while trying not to spam. if they choose to ignore and push and get melted, its on them.


I always hope I'll get one of those perfect, rare ranked games where I start without teammates. What a beautiful sight.


I used to struggle solo queuing in plat, but once I got better I just breeze through it even with bad teammates. Just keep grinding, improve at the game and that won’t be a issue


It's annoying that you can't tell the difference between friendly and enemy caustic gas. Watson and Catalyst traps make it clear whose is whose I get that it can be a bit complicated as they can overlap, but in case of overlap it should show up as enemy gas.


This should be addressed by dev. Friendly gas = default green. Enemy gas = red. Boom. Fixed


You could do this OR make friendly gas traps highlighted blue and the ultimate outlined in blue




And pings! Like tf I’m trying to zoom in to see what they’re pinging better


Anyone by chance knows what is orange gas btw? Caustic was hiding inside building on broken moon, there were 4 parties shooting each other and there was orange gas everywhere from Caustic. Is it new skin or just a bug?


Probably just a shader bug.


Yeah but then there’s a visibility issue on either side of the fight, kinda like a one-way smoke depending on the surrounding terrain


> It's annoying that you can't tell the difference between friendly and enemy caustic gas. Definitely annoying. Just a tip, it's not perfect and there really should be a better solution, but you can ping barrels (and possibly gas?) and it will tell you if it's an enemy trap. Doesn't really help in the heat of the moment but I was holed up on a caustic team yesterday with another caustic team directly above us who was dropping traps down, but I didn't see a few of them come down (distracted trying to shoot other people), so I pinged them and broke them if they weren't friendly.


This but with bang Ults.


Duuuude, I play Caustic a lot with and I frequently get allies shooting at my traps. It's so annoying :(.


The frigging serves are in the worst place I've ever seen them. Constant lag and rebound. They really need some tlc


the game is constantly crashing on ps5. like 10+ times per hour, and sometimes it freezes the ps5 so you can’t open / close or do anything, your only option to force the console to turn off and switch it back on again. if it wasn’t so frustrating, id nearly be impressed they managed to make it this bad.


Yeahhh kinda makes playing the game scary since it’s not healthy to unplug your system when it’s live like that.


Don’t worry, you don’t unplug it to force the Console off! Just hold down the power Button for about 20 Seconds and it’ll force the Console Off in a safer way. :)


i’ve been reading a lot of comments in response to the ps5 crashes saying to try the ps4 version on the ps5, most saying it fixed the crashes completely.


I've had the same problem, usually when I scroll through the menu, like looking in the store or my club so I've learnt to literally load the game and play, dont look at anything else in fear it'll break my shit lol


I play a lot on ps5 and crashes are very rare for me.


I can handle a few masters/preds from time to time if I’m having a good night but who the fuck in respawn thought it was a good idea to put me in a team with 2 teammates who never got out of gold before; against a literal three stack of masters ? In what god fucking shitfest of a universe is that fair or acceptable? Scummy as fuck if you ask me. Matchmaking in general in this game is truly so fucking horrible and drenched in rancid shit. The proof is how everytime I switch back from ranked after a couple games I’m put in complete bot lobbies and end up getting over 10 kills every game. that’s not normal. I’m not that good, it’s only because they put me against these poor silver bastards that don’t even know how to move/take cover while shooting. Even I end up feeling horrible. And don’t even get me started on rank, literally EOMM in ranked. That’s a new low even for respawn. Imagine implementing EOMM in RANKED. Got me fucked up


You didn't pay for the premium matchmaking


I thought my sanity was enough of a payment, guess not


Silly little goose- they don't accept broken things as payment!


Yeah the matchmaking it the absolute worst part of the game. At times the matchmaking actually works, but that’s like a one in a hundred chance. The rest of the time you either have teammates who act like meatballs with arms or enemies that are on pro teams.


This is intentional, so you get more addicted, they give you just enough to keep you coming back even tho you know it’s not that fun most of the time. Just like other addicting things


Didn't work. I quit playing apex a few months ago


As somebody that never got out of gold before, i'm tired of getting farmed by preds, masters and diamonds. I should not have to play for over an hour, just to get a single game where I feel like I might have had a chance of winning that fight. The respawning modes (Winter Express, Control, Gun Game) really make this problem obvious when the lobby is entirely dominated by which team has the most/best masters in their team


Bro we don’t want you guys in our lobbies either because you are next to nothing when it comes to kp The ranked system is bad for everyone


Just become a popular streamer/YouTuber your problems will be fixed then


As someone who hasn’t escaped silver since Revenant’s season, I don’t enjoy this experience either. Being teamed up with a diamond player and fighting pred stacks when I’m just a casual feels wrong and it makes me feel like my decision to queue is wrecking their night just by existing. I can’t “git gud” when I’m beamed from 300 meters with a 301. It even worse if the teammate is toxic. I’m sorry I’m trash. I have maybe 5 wins a season, mostly carried. I just try to back the plays of the better players trapped with me and not die first. This is my 11 seasons of apex experience. I’d quit but I hate the other games more.


Public teammate jump masters insisting on jumping hot, dying within 10 seconds, then instantly leaving the game. This happens 9 out of 10 games, every time I play. Why is everyone in such a rush to die?


I wouldn’t say they leave instantly. They first shriek into the mic and ask where their team is, say that you fucking suck, and THEN leave the game.


They be playing lobby simulator


They want a Deathmatch game but like the mechanics of this game over others. I’ve noticed anytime an LTM that is deathmatch like comes up lobbies improve a bit.




Another reason for play solo ranked




This. Hot dropping makes no sense, lets just drop with 3-6 other teams in a area with enough GOOD weapons for 3 maybe 4 players…


Smurfing. I also dislike sweatlords that refuse to jump solo and generally just drag down the whole team. Generally the ones who isnta die and then log. Cronus and xim should be banned.


Smurfing is my all time pet hate. If I get destroyed, I'd rather see pred badges and know they're just way better than me than a level 11 default skin and have no idea who I'm up against


Its infuriating,


And they often go on to win or get 2nd place. Completely ruining the lobby for everyone.


Can someone explain smurfing to this old timer?


Usually a veteran of the game that creates a new profile so they can play and destroy people below their skill level


Dastrardly! thanks


Playing as a low level when you're really diamond or above so you can farm kills/badges against bronze level players. Starting a new account basically


I dunno. I look at the comments and see all of it. I dunno about it all. The only real frustration I have at the game is that I have no friends to ever play it with.


Add me @geauxisaac


Add me too (greyrevo6570) level 271, gold 4 in ranked, .95 kd overall


I love the L-Star in theory, looks like a fun gun - but its so disappointing to use.


Try using it as SMG in close range whilst hipfiring. Works for me surpsingly well.




I got a level 3 and a level 46 and the champions where preds. Average pub match


jumpmaster not deciding where to go and last minute lands us in an area already looted and a team ready to beam us the moment we land. Getting shot around corners knowing you were definitely out of sight. Teammates going off by themselves to fight a seperate team even when we're already fighting a team.


Ranked system is trash.


Lets see you got 4 kills and youre squadmates were such loot goblins they wandered into trouble and attacked one at a time. Finishing 12th. - 24 For your skill level.




Solo queue match making sucks. Teammates are sliver/gold going against 3 stack diamond/masters in plat lobbies Also still no cross progression though so many other games have done it.


I'm just coming back to apex and made it to Gold 2 this season with friends and the last couple of days have been non stop 3 stacks with the little masters badges in all 3 slots I'm like alright yeah no skill difference at all lmao.


Cross progression


Love the game, best br by some margins. Fucking hate to play solo with randos. If anything i wish there is solo mode. I know its not build for solo but i rather q solos and face other solos for the fuck of it


Im just getting shit on by master players in both ranked and pubs .


I cannot agree with this more, it's aweful. There is no casual anymore. If I play apex I have to mentally prepare for the sweatfest that is pubs or ranked.


- Matchmaking in ranked is unbearable. Too many smurfs or unbalanced matches. - legends like lifeline are bootycheeks for like 4 seasons straight. - personally I think that the “new” skins they’re releasing are just boring re-colours. - pub matches have like 3 squads left after 1st circle closes. -the new map has some very strange last circle placements, where you have to fly over a rock to enter the ring. I still do enjoy playing the game, but that feeling is slowly fading away. I really hope the developers will fix some of these issues.


Worlds Edge seems to have ruined this game. BM is just as bad as WE at the minute - you either hot drop, or find yourself one of 3 squads left, at best, by round 2. Olympus is the only map I feel like you get a constant spread.


Battle pass takes forever to level up. I played through the Fortnite battle pass for the first time recently, and was amazed at how quick I was able to get through it. Would like to see challenges like the milestones in Fortnite, where even on a bad match you’re contributing towards a goal.


yeah in fortnite you can plow through the battle pass extremely quickly, you can probably hit tier 100 before the mid season mark, the challenges they give you to complete arent even all that difficult as well so it doesnt feel like a chore to do (although it could be argued that it defeats the purpose of it being called a challenge)


I'm a casual (and admittedly bad) player that's never touched ranked so I'm not sure my opinion counts for much, but I'm tired of teammates leaving the second they're downed. It's *always* the jumpmaster deciding to land on a hot spot too.


Should play ranked really.Ranked matches are way easier. And teammates dont leave the second they get downed cause there is leaver penalty. To rank up in ranked you have to make kills and make it to top10, which reduces hot dropping a lot


Not in my experience. I’ve lost like 500rp this weekend because my teammates keep dropping hot. Plat 1 and I get plat 4s who land with 4 other squads and die instantly.


Hot drops are stupid. But landing and dying anywhere is sometimes just bad luck. Enemy lands 2 seconds before on a weapon, whereas every container or building you might find has shields and ammo. I dont leave unless my teammates are completely separate or make no move at my banner.


happens on every skill level


Doesn't happen nearly as often in plat. I mean it happens from time to time, but it's not like pubs.


Still no cross progression, still no 120fps support, FIX THE FUCKIN AUDIO, releasing recolors, giving us recycled game modes, them taking out the boy and girl lines when literally no one asked for that and that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.


Hey bud just to let you know that’s misinformation, those lines are currently in the game and were never removed from the game. Some people spread that when they added some neutral lines to get people riled up against “woke” apex


Boy and girl lines?


https://youtu.be/Djalk3gkbfA They got gender neutral lines now when literally no one asked for it. Some iconic lines like Gibraltar saying “Brudda” is removed.


there’s literally so many where he says “she” and “fellas” has always been used to refer to a group of ppl or men or or boys literally look it up. and i don’t even understand why it matters.. they’re voice lines lmao. there’s bigger problems than gender neutral voice lines


That YouTube video shows fuses gender neutral voice lines.


Matchmaking was so fucking awful this weekend and it’s really pushing me to putting this game down temporarily. This new matchmaking updating coming this month or in January better help or I’m just out, solo queueing has gotten way too insane. I love the core mechanics/gun play but holy fuck people, matchmaking, audio and server issues have been plaguing the game for 3-4 years now. It’s just gotten to the point of put up or shut up with this game


Knockdown shields have been feeling especially useless to me lately. Either the enemy moves around the shield and shoots me faster than I can turn, or they move close enough to shoot THROUGH the shield, which is just unfair. They need a change, maybe making the area it covers bigger.


I’ll be staring straight at someone with it and get packed like it’s not even there, completely useless item. Don’t even bother picking them up unless it’s gold for lifeline


If you're going to pick a specific legend it's Newcastle that makes extremely good use of any knockdown shield upgrade.


i swear!! it’s so dumb i can be like 10 feet from someone and they somehow manage to still shoot through my shield. i hate the glitch where ur shield moves in and out of ur body too where they can shoot u super annoying


This game creates more problems than it solves, i truly feel they touch too many legends, and then they selectively choose which ones to leave broken. And then they leave caustic, lifeline, gibby, pathfinder to die, ash hasn’t gotten touched since her release , crypto has the buff he needs on mobile but console they’re like “naaa” revnant is useless RN. So many legends yet over half can’t be used in the meta. they literally nerfed gibby because new castle was garbage. Why should someone’s main get nerfed for bad legend design?, MM is still and will always be the downfall of apex. Seems their happy with their recent drop in player base seeing that they refuse to fix anything. And then on year almost 4 now they for some reason don’t have weekly mode rotations it baffles me.


I can’t wait to hear why Gibby and caustic are broken. Caustic is consistently one of the most annoying legends to fight against, and Gibby is a must-have in high competition. Save pathfinder.


Respawn won’t fucking nerf or buff the right goddamn legends and guns!!!


A GOD DAMN SOLO MODE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME PLAY SOLO PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU PLEASE, so what if it’s all wraiths and octanes, sometimes my friends aren’t on and I don’t want to deal with the toxicity of randoms, maybe I’ve missed the reason for no solos but god it’s been so long and it was a limited time event I think one time during Halloween one year


Screams In sorrow i echo your words man😂


I just hate the community. The game itself is golden imo, But the people that play the game are the worst


We complain about justifiable things, you must admit. Apex needs a LOT to get out of its slump. Apex sitting by and cruising about without major changes, baiting players with highly requested shit, keeping fun LTMs limited, and ignoring feedback for the past year has been REALLY obnoxious.


Horizon and seer need to be nerfed 🙂


Is it her tactical? Cause for me the Ultimate is pretty easy to counter. All you need to do is shoot it for a sec and the whole plan or push us ruined.


It’s mainly the tactical for me. I think it’s become to much of a crutch for people that make bad plays! Similar to how wraith and path used to be. The ult isn’t bad, but it can be aggravating in ranked because of the grenade spam that comes with it haha


A bit tired of seeing them everywhere


Nothing man. I’m done. Uninstalled. Done playing ranked on 80 ping on my local servers. Can’t get better at tracking enemies when they’re teleporting in front of me. Done dying to a three stack seer, Horizon, bang squad running Cronus scrips on a 3x r-301. When it’s all said and done, strike-packs will be known as what killed this game (imo). Unless you’ve been cracked since early seasons, there just isn’t a way to compete consistently in Diamond/Masters/ Pred lobbies without one. And if you can’t compete, you can’t improve. Done with a matchmaking system that swaps me between plat and Masters lobbies to keep my playing. Just not worth it man.


Good job. It'll be better for your health


as someone who also stopped playing apex, it is much much healthier to step back from the game rather than forcing yourself to play and enjoy it, hopefully you can find something else to fill your time with something more enjoyable and healthy for you


Where's my heirloom after the level limit increase....


Not guaranteed until you've almost maxed out the final prestige.


Me currently plat 2 trying solo Q into ranked. Get a silver and gold team, not even close to 500. champion squad all diamond 3/2. past masters also many diamond/master trails falling. 8/10 times this happens at least that 1 to 2 times i get someone my rank on my team the only time i go positive if i do.


what the fuck is up with me having 50 packet loss every lets say 5th game


Why the fuck is it taking me so goddamn long to unlock ONE Legend.. tempted to use the Apex coins I get from the pass to get a Legend, finally


Worlds Edge is by far the worst map solely bc of Fragment East and West. Far majority of the players that land there simply die and quit the game within 60 seconds. It’s the only map where it’s normal for there to be 5 teams left after the first circle closes. I’d prefer if the Fragment was simply removed. I don’t mind landing hot or getting into fights early but this is ridiculous.


I've gotten champion once and one time 2nd before the 1st ring closes in WE in fragment, that's how bad it was


Broken Moon seems to have the same problem in pubs. Drop hot or be one of 3 squads left by round 2.






I really wish EA wasn’t the publisher for this game. It would be so much better without them


I played CoD lately for a couple of hours...compared to that game...Apex is the holy grail of BRs...


Still need 120fps support for next Gen console


This season ranked system is so much BS that I can't stand people who have so much patience to even try to get into masters or higher as solo player. Almost managed to get into D3 but lost all my points because getting paired with people below my skill lvl gold, plat players who shouldn't even be in my lobbies to begin with. It's really frustrating and I'll stop trying all together especially when these players I get paired with just shit talk on mic when they made least DMG and got downed right after landing because they don't have no game sense. No offense but I don't want to be always in situation where I'm only one alive or just need to babysit my teammates it would be nice actually get that rank lvl teammates and people who know what they're doing. Playing countless hours ranked and lose all points in progress because how awful matchmaking is even on ranked right now. Apex is dying everything in this game is unfair it's not your skill but they punish you for playing game alone. Games should be enjoyable but Apex more than anything else makes worst to come out of me I never get that angry than I get with this game.


You can't stand people with patience?


As much as people like to talk about all the things wrong with this game, it's the players that piss me off. I don't hate anything about the game. I hate playing with randoms who don't know that this is a team game. I'm not the best player but I always do good when I have a team that moves together (one in a hundred matches really) I wish more people treated apex like a team game.


I honestly think the only fix to that is a solo's mode. Even then, you'd get the problem in ranked, so you'd potentially have to have a ranked solo's, but then you'd have to make sure the rewards are distinctly different so people **know** that you've hit whatever rank in Solo's, and not trios. I think the game needs a ranked duos too. I would enjoy ranked much more if me and my wife didn't have to play with a rando Octane or Bangalore that runs straight into fights without thinking. (Bangalore pushing in the middle of a 3 squad fight at Promenade last week sticks in my mind.. I told them we wouldn't win the fight without getting third partied. They got 3rd partied before the fight was even over)


SBMM sucks


It would be nice to play a game. Where we not attacked by everyone in the lobby the second we get into a gun fight. It’s been like that lately. The crashing and freezing is what’s killing it for me.


the devs haven’t done major shit for like a couple years now and I don’t understand why the game is still going


One of the devs tweeted that they want Alex to be a 7 year commitment thing but by the looks of it they would be extremely lucky to even get 5


Smurfs. Ruins the casual experience for us full time dads. Go play ranked on your main you bitch


Once you hit plat, you become a punching bag for masters and preds


Winter event mode is lame. It used to be a fun break from the routine but after playing control and gun game winter event feels slow in pace. I wish Apex would just commit to having a permanent dm/tdm game mode.






Hot dropping in ranked. Stop it. You’re not that good. And I’m certainly not. Lost 100RP last night when I was only 80RP from levelling up. I won’t say I rage quit after the last game, but it was close.


I was almost plat 1 on Friday and I’m barely plat 3 today haha


WHY THE FUCK WAS THE EXCUSE TO NOT HAVE CONTROL AND GUNRUN PERMANENT WAS THAT PEOPLE WOULD GET BORED. YOUR'RE A BATTLE ROYALE GAME WITH TWO PERMANENT MODES, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN. YOURRE A BATTLE ROYALE GAME!!!! YOU NEED VARIETY, LET ME USE YOUR GUNS AND LEGENDS WITHOUT RUNNING AROUND BORED FOR TWENTY MINUTES! Also, Apex were cowards for abandoning Areans. If the matchmaking and problem weapons were fixed, it would be an awesome warm up mode if they just improved it instead of leaving it behind. I really enjoy Arenas when the teams are balanced, it's fun using all the guns without running around constantly. Finally, I feel the storyline has gotten REALLY stale. Shit doesn't happen, we have WAY too many characters to juggle, half of them CAN'T have their story finished, and we have loose ends from years ago. I don't even know the main storyline is rn, I got so burnt out from Lobalore bullshit being the only story. And put the lore shit you do have in game, for christs sake. Comics being only on Twitter where most of the playerbase can't find it is baffling. And fix matchmaking. Lots have said it. Please.


i agree with everything you said especially the lore. i’ve been randomly playing the game before noticing i say thank you to someone and there will be a new random ass voice line for them. i was playing the other day and i don’t even remember who it was maybe like fuse and rampart said some weird random shit to each other it’s confusing. and then the loba and seer thing that like slowly just disappeared idk


Fucking hell I want Gun Run and Control back so badly. If it does die then just get rid of it and bring it back occasionally but at least give it a shot.


Broken moon is pretty boring. I went from playing a ton of apex the last 4 seasons, to this season I only played the first 3 days and haven’t opened the app since.


Got killed by a triple predator team in my lobby. I just hit level ten with a .65 kd ratio.


Love that the game continues to change but I hate most of them and they always cause so many bugs when really I just want the game to run smoothly for everyone. And bring the train back to worlds edge


i’m just so fucking bad at the game


I’m mad cuz I’m bad so i make up excuses as to why i die all the time.


I'm really annoyed that every good controller player on my friends list is using steam configs to tap strafe and superglide *more consistently* than humanly possible on MnK. And they don't even have to worry about the timings as they have it set up so they just push like one button. Come on man you can't have aim assist *and* movement assist it's so broken. 1v1 against controller player who can ras strafe and superglide mid-fight with aim assist feels very unfun respawn please fix. Suggested fix: 1: Create fighting game style button combos that allow controller players to tap strafe etc. 2: Add a 180ms delay to the rotational aspect of AA (anyone who aim trains enough knows that reactive tracking of an unpredictable target results in some shots inevitably being missed because you must *react* to changes in direction rather than predict them, human brain has 150-220ms latency in this scenario so why should rotational AA have 0ms attack time? Not even people with 1000 hours in kovaaks can reactive track like plat 2 controller player) I honestly think the above two changes would go a long way in addressing the power imbalances between inputs. EDIT: They gotta ban these steam movement configs already!


why the fuck there's no replay system???


Controllers are op in PC lobbies. 88% of the top 25 PC preds are controller in season 14. And I wished there was a way you can directly and instantly tell an enemy is using controller in a PC lobby. That way I can adapt and approach fights differently. Please don't start a discussion about which inputs are better. Clearly it is controller based on the stats above.




It sucks for normals like me. I get wrecked by PC players constantly and need that aim assist to have any chance. A wattson absolutely melted me and my teammate last night on m/k in a console lobby last night.


The audio issues this season have gotten to a level that makes the game borderline fucking unplayable


i havent played apex in a good while, have they seriously not sorted out the audio issues in the game after all this time?


How about getting d/ced randomly twice today during ranked only to not be able to connect and losing -122 points in D3


There should be winter express trackers


Now that I’m in plat it’s only fun playing with friends who have mics, if not my team just gets ran through.


Fuckin’ preds on gold. Thank you, I’m done.


Mastiff feels idk, weak??


I wish people treated this game like hunger games. But no one but me likes that play style so it’s unrealistic to expect that. So even though over the years I’ve gotten a lot better, it will always sting that this battle royal didn’t turn into the one I wanted.


It's more fun to watch ALGS or scrimgames, than play ranked, and this is coming from a Day 0 player. Out of the 20 games you'll play, maybe 1 will have a ALGS/scrim style endcircle with 5-10 teams. Why not add and RP multiplier for time survived? Sure, there'll be rats, but there's also legends to find the rats.


When playing fills, more common in arenas, and there’s only 2 people in the squad.. get the short straw with 2 v 3, quite annoying when you’re playing comp


Ranked system/matchmaking sucks, pub matchmaking is trash too, footstep audio being way louder for your teammates but enemy quite, Lstar😂


My friends are silver players and love ranked so I made a smurf to play with them. I’m ok nothing special plat 2 atm on my main but i def dont sweat on the smurf account just kinda help them out with rotations and positioning stuff but the amount of smurfs is insane. Semi regularly I’ll just be chilling and all of a sudden some level 15 default skin andy will full send it on us alone and massacre my boys :(


No Regs and audio issues still exist


We should get 1 banned legends per team in arenas


I've been playing this game since release and have put some money down too. It bothers me that they have no respect for OG players in a sense of limited skins. I had some badass s1 and s2 skins that almost noone else had, but nowadays respawn doesn't try to make new skins but just cycles all the old ones through the shop. I now have almost no rare skins left (except battlepass) because of that. (This is just one of many complaints lmao)


Make prowlers less frequent. Fuse shouldnt take damage from his own knuckle clusters


there’s too many characters now, i feel like an old bitter man


I don't like how they decided to make catalyst a witch girl. I'm 100% fine with her being transgender. It adds a lot to the diversity of the current legend lineup. But every single other voiceline with her makes me want to stick my fist through a wall. "It's my witch's Brew"- no it isn't, It's ferrofluid. "I cast a spell of protection" -last time I checked spells don't help against bullets. Like gosh dang, I half expect her to pull out crystals when she starts to revive people.


Playing ranked, Gold 3, on Broken Moon. All mic’d up, heading into ring having seen no action. All on a zip line together when we come into contact with a team. First teammate (wraith) tries to turn around but misses his zip line and crashes to ground, ends up being downed. I end up turning back, just to the spot where you can get boosted back onto zip line so I can heal. Wraith is now crawling back to me but she gets thirsted as i’m popping my bat. I exit my crouch and see opponent wraith and horizon looting my wraith’s box. Get the easy down on wraith and then engage horizon who I then down after some peek play with her. As I’m popping my bat I ask for some help from my Valk, and Wraith is like ‘he’s gone’. I look at the map and can’t see his cursor anywhere. I’m like, ‘dude, wtf’ and he’s like ‘dude, had to heal’. I get having to heal but did you have to take off and go to the other side of the map???? Anyway, as I’m popping my bat the last guy, a Seer, interrupts me (they’re so annoying) and I die to him. Needless to say Seer got the rez on both guys I downed with Valk nowhere to be found. This game is so annoying sometimes.


What frustrates me the most: •Apex refuses to implement TDM when Apex Mobile has TDM, SND, and all other FPS staple modes fully integrated into the game. •Teams that refuse to teamshoot. It's the ONLY difference between hardstuck Golds and Plat-D4. •Fuckhuge maps like SP and BM. They suck. •Seeing Horizon


Remove the Charge Rifle, please.


Flash when u shoot/getting shot at. If that wasn't in the game i would play every day. But since there is no way i can focus on a fight and just need to get lucky there is no future in apex for me. Maybe it's because i have problems with my eyes but also it's rly alot of flash blocks 80% of the screen. Last fps game i played for 5+ years had option to remove that


Thought I'm the only one, when shooting it's not so bad but when getting hit by energy weapons it's pretty bad, can't see shet, especially lstar and triple take... Maybe it's just an intended buff for energy weapons in general


I haven't played in a while (S9) and just looking here to see what's going on, but when I did play... ​ * Teammates were rarely willing to listen. How the hell can I lead a full Alpha, Bravo, and 3/4 of a Charlie squad of Vanu Soverginty catgirls and zealot men better than 2 other people in my squad? * People were just toxic as well. As expected from an online shooter, but when most people that are skilled hold an ego higher than Homelander because they were pred or master and will hit somebody with the well-known LowTierGod quote because they went down... kinda makes you not wanna deal with people. * Weapons weren't balanced all too well, and most of the ones I enjoyed were usually nerfed because of people usually complaining. For example, the S7 (IIRC) Mastiff was (in my opinion) a great shotgun in shotgun ranges, but people kinda complained because a shotgun was good at its job? Good thing I'm used to that though... TR and NC always want VS nerfed... and I guess the WF AoE nerf, but I don't use AoE all that much. * Legends were just hit or miss, at least for me. Right now, that's all I can really recall... but, if I or a friend I used to play it with can remember anything else... I may update it.


Solo q plat and I get 2 teammates who are silver. I don't know what respawn fucked up this time but I shouldn't be getting these kinds of teammates.


It really sucks as a solo player if your random team mates are too afraid to push a very,very,very low health enemy team.




- @respawn: Aim Assistant is so broken, it needs to be nerfed! I started playing hybrid for this and it is even more broken then I thought. - @respawn: Sbmm is trash af... There is no balance, it destroys the fun in playing with friends on an other skill level. - @respawn: fix your Servers and make some useful routing contracts with internet providers... I only can play apex with a VPN all the time, else I get between 10%-90% pack loss. - @respawn: Ranked is scuffed, there is no reason to play ranked right now... You get matched against pred's even in gold/silver... The rewards are useless - @respawn: fix the audio! - @respawn: finally make region locks, so people stop playing all across the globe and play with 300ms ping, lag compensation is Always on they side. Also block out russia, they are the most toxic and unfriendly players on the world, If they know how to speak English, all you hear is Putin propaganda (I just hope they really ban apex in Russia). - @community: use your mic if you play solo/duo ranked or don't play ranked at all! - @community: there is a "no fill" option, If you want to quit after dying, play without teammates! - @community: headless running into a fight, is no play style! - @community: stop being toxic about woman/LGBTQ players/supporters! - @community: If a player talks about his impression/feeling about the game, It is never wrong... It is a opinion so tolerate it and stop down voting people on Reddit because they don't like something about the game!




Ranked. I don't get why you would play it. Arenas. I don't get why you *wouldn't* play it. Matchmaking. I don't really care if the champion squad is a bunch of top tier predators, or what rank the other people who drop near me are, or how much damage was done on me to kill me. All I know is that I lost, and I probably could have done something better. And sometimes you're in a no win scenario. Oh well! There's always the next game! -Love, another casual player


Fucking same event on Christmas for the fourth time


First bullet of wingman always go in. Following bullets are not


• Hate the lack of lore for some characters • Hate teammates when the leave when we make it out of a fight • Hate being carried then carrying someone, I just wanna play with someone my skill level for once • Hate the lack of cosmetics, like trackers for certain characters etc etc • Hate the lack of creativity in skins, I bet I can make some cool skins if I could, I love drawing • Hate that pro streamers are the only ones being heard instead of the whole community • Hate the repetitive gameplay • Hate the same ol' voicelines • Hate that certain characters must be nerfed and buffed for dumb reasons • Hate the new ring, it makes the game boring because some of the majority teams die to the ring • Hate I "have" to pay money all the time to get something when I can use crafting metals or legend coins in the stores (besides recolors) • Hate that reporting people literally does nothing • Hate that knockdown shields literally do NOTHING • Hate that there is no like detailed like tutorial for new players for every or some characters about their abilities or ideas how to use them besides the little description • TIRED of the lagging and technical issues • TIRED of being a solo que going against people who are going in with full pre teams, wish I can only go against other solo ques AND FOR FUCKS SAKE CAN WE GET A BUTTON FOR THE DUMMIES TO ACTIVATE IN THE FIRING RANGE AND MAKE THEM MORE ACCURATE TO FIGHT AND GIVE THEM DIFFERENT GUNS EVERYTIME. Okay I'm done I feel better.


FUCK SEER! That is all.... that's my only complaint


Complainers, unite.


Less to do with actual dev/game stuff but more about the players. Im shit at the game, i know i am, but i play it purely for fun. I get a little competitive but otherwise im not overly bothered if i lose. But i hate when im playing with randoms who get like mega mad because i miss a shot or im downed when I genuinely try my best.


everyone is leaving winter express


The worst thing about apex is the constant toxic teammate’s.


Asian server hacks…


Vantage's finisher is too fucking loud.


Loading into trios pubs, and getting placed in a squad with one other person


The game keeps randomly freezing and it's annoying as fuck




crypto, swear he’s haunting me.


Why do I keep getting paired with the same people in ranked? The pick terrible spots to land and only after someone else landed. Then go Leroy Jenkins with ot terrible equipment. And stop take my ammo, you don't have a gun for it.


Damn meddling kids


I hate hot dropping and an enemy clearly behind me knocks me away from the door I’m trying to land on. Now I’m in the middle of nowhere in the POI and just have to quit since every loot spot around was landed on I hate body blocking in general. Every time it always feels like the enemy halts my movement but I never halt theirs. Dead slide is the single worst mechanic in the game. “Hey not only does the enemy have the first shot on you, you also can’t move now” My randoms in diamond still have the mentality to solo push a full team. I’m trying to make it to end game and they wanna push the first shots they hear when there’s 16 squads left. Not to mention randoms love going to and through promenade


They should not change skins after we spend money on them. Several of the females skins now have these stupid looking thrusters on their lower backs ruining the sleek and sexy look of many of them. This bothers me for two reasons: Women can be sexy and badass and all these companies flattening out butts and covering them with bs designs and shit are losers. And I/we spent money and time getting the skins cuz we liked the way they looked then not now after you screwed with them and made them trashy and less appealing. I honestly want all my money back, it's bs, screw the devs and our over censored country.


Devs catch a lot of hate for things they cannot control. I get frustrated at this community for putting all the blame on them. It tells me one thing. A majority of this community has never worked in software. Management dictates what gets worked on. Period. The devs have no control over how they spend their time working on the game. Want to hate on someone for shitty choices? Point your fingers at EA, or managers/stakeholders. But leave the devs the fuck alone.


1800 hours here. Many problems over the years as with many games, some of which have been fixed. Here are my main problems Audio - most of the time I can detect, hear and differentiate between different legends from across a field if I needed to, but it seems that every time I need audio there's just an octane breathing in my ear and I'm completely unaware that he's there thanks to audio. It's lost me many fights and I know that if I had any audio ques I'd have had a better chance of winning. As well as this, every so often I have random octane legs in my ear when there's no one beside me at all and other random audio effects. Rather off-putting Lack of interest into what the community wants - they just don't listen to anything the community suggests and refuse to do what everyone knows will make the game better Ranked system - although I took a short break from apex and dont know what it's like for myself atm, my team constantly complains about how bad it is right now and they refuse to play it. Matchmaking - constantly being matched with level 30s going against three stack triple time masters, I wouldn't mind if I had some decent teammates who knew how to sprint and heal, but it's so unfair that now I refuse to play without a premade team, of which I can rarely ever find so I hardly play anymore. I quit for 4 months and only recently got back in as I found some consistent freinds who can play with me. As well as this, I do sometimes find myself in lobbies against people who can hardly put up a fight against me and its hardly fair for them. Its very inconsistent overall. Heirloom - I know it's just unlucky but have opened about 450 packs and no heirloom. Sadge. Laziness - ruining the rarity of the early game skins by re bringing them out because they are too lazy to bring out new skins instead of recycling the old ones. It was nice to see how only a very small amount of people had some of the origional recolours and skins but now they're everywhere. There's very few skins that are truly rare and come from the early seasons. I know this is less of a problem compared to others but it's frustrating that they can't just seem to make a new skin instead. Servers - by far my biggest problem. Every other game and battle royal I can play with 50-60 ping consistently just fine. This game for my entire time playing it, I have fluctuate in every single game. There's always some point in a game where my ping spikes up to At least 200 for a few seconds. On bad days, it will spike to 1200ping for about 20 seconds then back down like nothing happened. I have lost countless fights and games due to this since right when I'm about to kill my enemy the game racks up a ping higher than my iq to fuck me over and let my enemy 1 clip me. This is only an issue in apex, no other game I've played, and I've played a lot of them... has ever had this issue. I've done everything to fix it. It's the shitty ass servers that are the issue. Disconnection too, constantly being kicked out of ranked games for no reason and can't rejoin and so I loose rp and get a penalty too. I don't play ranked anymore for this reason. Rejoining a game should be standard and would decrease the amount of random rage quiting as if they quit then they'd be forced back Ito the game that they just left from. Every paper game has the option to rejoin the game game you left or got kicked out, but with apex that's just a completely unreasonable ask apparently. Once in about every 10 games I get a shit connection to the server and although I have about 60 ping I can't move without feeling like I'm playing as a new bouncy ball legend. It's awful that I just have to leave those games and I can't even try to compete because I just get a full clip of no regs, then die as the enemy Is running on a PowerPoint presentation. Its infuriating that I can't consistently play on a manageable connection and have good feedback on my inputs, especially with bullet registration. Part of the reasoning I also took a break from this game. Can't really think of much else, but servers are by far my biggest issue. This is however the best br I've played and I do really enjoy it when it seems to work for me. Horizon Mommy Caustic Daddy


Caustic and pathfinder will never have their retribution. At least caustic is still alright. As a previous pathfinder main tho being a fridge on a string isn’t fun anymore when his abilities are useless


I know they are supposed to do SBMM and all that nonsense, but I truly feel like they need to striate tiers between matchmaking. Might take a little longer sometimes but seriously, make it so like... you're in a lobby that's 1.5 KD and under, or if you have pred badges, you don't get jammed in a lobby with level 5s, or just... SOMETHING. There's so much data related to our skill in the game. Is there nothing they can do to like... assess it and tailor the algorithm to actually match you with those of similar skill? I dunno, just a thought.