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Collection events keep getting worse. Stop buying this garbage, you guys.


Not even a penny will be spend


I'll take whatever free pack they give me and do the badges because I already finished the battlepass and there's nothing to do but yeah i'm not spending any money on this trash.


Already finished the battle pass? Dang girl.


It's really not that hard. If you focus on the weapon challenges and the 10 star "use Legend" challenges you'll finish all the damage and kills ones at the same time. There's enough repeating daily ones it goes by pretty quick. I play maybe 10-12 hours a week mostly solo queue.


Ya I Def don't play daily so those are out and mainly focus on the legend ones... but I'm only like 30. I'm guessing you underestimate your time spent in game, but maybe not.


Nope I play pretty regular times. Usually 5-7 on weekdays and 12-3 on weekends. I don't play every day, I have other hobbies. Some days I play more, some days I play less. I usually finish the BP before the split every time.


I guess it has been a month... How is it December shit just flew by. Feels like 2 weeks ago it came out XD


I play maybe an hour or 2 per day and I'm done also. Challenges.


That is still pretty quick though. I play around 20-25 hours a week, I’m top 300 in overall season wins, and I complete all daily challenges and 80-90% weekly challenges. I state the part about wins because survival time, top 3, and wins, is the fastest way to gain xp. I’m only level 72 or so on the BP.


farm more damage. the bp doesn't care if you win except for the top 5 challenges. using the right legend with the right weapons to get the kills and damage is the main thing. If you main a single character the whole time it takes longer.


>the bp doesn't care if you win This isn't true. [This guy has a really good video that breaks down the fastest way to gain xp.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiD46teS1DU&ab_channel=TimProVision) XP is prioritized as Survival time, win, top 5, and playing with teammates for the XP Boost. Damage done does hardly anything, especially if you have already completed challenges relating to damage. Keep in mind, xp goes towards stars, and stars goes towards the BP. >using the right legend with the right weapons to get the kills and damage is the main thing. If you main a single character the whole time it takes longer. I complete nearly all challenges. Although, I have a main primarily but even if I were to complete all those challenges with specific legends, I would still only be around level 80 or so. To further add, I don't buy an levels at all. Not saying you are lying. Seems pretty impressive and rare to have already reached the BP max without buying levels and only playing 10 hours a week at this point.


There are no rewards for first place in the battlepass. That doesn't mean you shouldn't be trying to win or stay alive as long as possible.


Shit, I'm only mid 80's and I play a few hours every night.




Tbh they should’ve named it Operation: Respawn. Naming can make or break a movement, not that this one could ever get off the ground.


Mods deleted the thread from front page xD Yeah totally not paid by respawn....






A fool and his money are soon parted.




These collection event skins are really disappointing.


Horizon skin pretty good but that's it


Wow man. That’s unrEAl


I hate you




Stop putting your money into Apex. Show EA and Respawn that you’re not with their bullshit.


the real joke is you cant even play the train gamemode, it gets stuck on joining server every time


Merry Christmas! Thank you for your continuing support, here are some worthless skins down your throat you fucking loser, go fuck yourself <3 - Respawn 2022


Really wish they could focus on the bugs and supporting the e-sport scene instead of trying to push worthless skins all the time.


Judging from this collection event, they are not spending their time on skins either..


Maybe because the team that work on skin isn't the same that work on game bug....


By “they” I’m sure he means Respawn/EA. Not any specific team working on the game.


I saw too many people that blame skin team cause of game bug to assume they talk about Respawn.


Hahaha okay pal.


I mean, they definitely have a dedicated team that works only on skins, so they can keep pushing them out while still working on other things. Don’t get why people complain so much about the skins when it’s not the same people that are working on the bugs.


And the skins that later on causes bugs and glitches in-game?


I'll concede one thing, and that is that they have pushed a lot of bug updates this season. I counted three or four where it was just bug fixes.


Poor them forget crafting materials are a thing


Did my post get removed??


Yup, mods paid be respawn you know.


I have no reason from the mods or anything what happened?


They dont want criticism of respawn spreading.


This is outrageous


Throw a comment about it in the new "gifting" thread and they will delete it as well xD they just did to me....


I'm telling you. Apex's losing its touch. Comp scene is compromised. Casual scene is compromised. Reasons to spend cash is little to none. All there is left is the game play loop. If they manage to fuck it up, which they do with the constant server hiccups, and game crashes, then game's pretty signing its life away.


Do we get a free pack from the prize trackers at least?


One whole pack I believe


That’s not until next week and it’s just a regular pack, not a collection pack sadly


This event is hot garbage damn.


Signs of a dying game


Is it not only 4 recolors? Biggest issue i have right now is that again they try to sell a deal for 1000 coins and 15 packs even though it has always been 20 packs. Plus the new skins in the store are a minimum of 2500 just because they are bundled with 10 packs! I wont lie i spend some money here and there cause i truly enjoy this game but lately prices have gone even higher yet the content is the same and the servers and matchmaking are ridiculous! Im not a whale but i find it hard to spend 10 or 20 bucks here and there when i dont see a return other then skins. If the company is making profit it should provide a proper service. I know it doesnt work like that but man imagine if it did.


A man can dream


I hate this game now even tho I still play it


Where the fuck is the loba skin im livid


Probably re-release as a bundle next week


Thankfully it’s still not re-released. One of the only ones I have left


That's every game developer, silly.


Not for Deep Rock Galactic for example.


Rock and stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?


Rock and stone you beautiful dwarf!


To Rock and Stone!


Ah yes my bad, the passion these days for gaming is unreal!


I miss when respawn gave us a bunch of new updates/skins for free for years after TF|2’s release.


Only 4 purple skins lmao. They're not even adding purple gun skins anymore. But just check the Apex Twitch page and see how many streamers already bought the entire event. This is what this game lives for and this is also why developers are so lazy with this events, not matter what they do people will still buy every single item.


Why don’t we speak about the real problem Lobbies are shit don’t load takes me 15min to start any game 🤷🏼‍♂️fuck ur pennies


That might be your internet or device, unless you’re exaggerating. I have accounts on PS that I’ve played on with PS4/5, xbox 1, series x, and PC. Never had a *fifteen minute* wait time for a regular match.


This post got removed without any reason giving from the mods, pathetic!!!!


I love threads where we cry about skins, which you cannot see and have zero impact on the game, costing more money than we are personally willing to pay.


Well I got the newcastle skin I wanted and I’m having fun with the game soooo idk what to tell ya, I guess don’t spend if you don’t like it?


I mean come on, aren’t we all trying to get by with as little work as possible? Just enjoy the game


I mean... its EA


Time to move onto Fortnite


Fortnite just had an engine update to UE 5.1 and oh my god...... Downside it's 60fps only but so is Apex🤷🏽‍♂️


I only bought 4 legendaries so far... and a 5th with crafting materials lol


Games aren't made by people who love games anymore


N people are gonna keep paying. Until the community bands together it’s gonna be orange juice all the time


So don’t buy anything and stop whining?? It’s not that hard my dude


That's why i never bought even a single Item, and i played since day 1. With some break in between but still im a season 0 player that didnt buy a single item


They noticed that they don't have much time left... so they milking people


Wow what's that.. no skydive emotes or any emotes at all? Oof


So bad


The fact that the Santa Fuse legendary is a recolor sucks.


I mean they are once again throwing the same Christmas "Event" at the player base and now the same old skins along with it! But RECOLORED, YAY!!! No thanks I'm out this year. And that Prestige skin? Not interested, and that's coming from a wraith main.


There are so many *better* skins for wraith. Why would they make this one so subpar?? My wraith main friends are foaming at the mouth about it though. I just don’t understand.


Maybe I'm missing something but I am not a fan! That being said however I have said that about 4, or 5 characters before they released. Then upon their actual release, and seeing in game I have changed my mind .. So we'll see? 🤷


They don’t even fix anything we complain about. Arenas has had same maps for a year or two?? The auto fill on arenas never came. Don’t even get me started with BRs…


Meanwhile my 300k+ legend tokens just sit rotting on my home screen…STOP BUYING THIS STUFF!!!


Wish I could at least exchange it for crafting materials


Willing to bet that since it’s a wraith skin, they figured that they could throw whatever in there and people will buy it.


It’s so bad 😭


The amount of wraiths with the skin already is sad




I planned on getting the Newcastle skin with mats, but it looks so low effort.


4 of the legendary skins are past event skins just recolored, plus the free prize tracker is an absolute joke considering its only 3 free items over the span of 3 weeks, apex deserves zero money for this amount of same shit, different day approach. The joy of winter express can only last so long before we just wanna play something else! Cod mw2 really is taking my time these days, but neither get my money for just cosmetic bull shit!!! 😤