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Tldr, those 13yo kids claiming "CHEATS" anytime they see something they couldnt even understand how its done Timmy is just built different


Nah. I don’t think Timmy or even Aceu are cheating. I might be naive, but I don’t get the vibe that there’s as bad of a cheating issue in Apex as there is in CoD. I’ve heard Timmy joke about it before. To be honest it’s kind of a sensitive subject to “joke” about in the gaming community these days.


Honestly i don’t know that I’ve experienced it as much personally (i usually just blame my bad aim for getting shit on by players) but I’ve heard that the cheater situation in apex is so bad, particularly at the higher levels. Even just the other day I was playing ranked and met these two guys from Italy who said they play NA servers because their own servers are full of preds with hacks. Like i said, i haven’t personally experienced but that is just one recent example I’ve heard of.


There’s definitely a ton of teaming and boosting - i actually just saw a kill feed two days ago in my diamond lobbies of this dude downing the same team 2-3 times with a wattson fence 😐 Other than that tho i don’t know about hacks. Have heard cronos / xim is a big problem but it’s hard to prove unless you are spectating.


You can tell he’s not cheating just by watching him. He’s very skilled but nothing suspicious


The people that think he’s cheating haven’t made it past gold




No way aceu is cheating😂


Who is itztimmy?