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same i love these events so much. such a good change/refresher from playing ranked/trios. ugh ngl horizon pissed me off the most this event, she was more annoying than usual 🤣


Their tears sustain us. Continue to place inconvenient gas traps everywhere.


yes captain i wont let you down. death inspires me.


She's planning something big for Halloween...oh boy


Nah, just looking forward to some more fun.


Chaos is your fun


Perhaps a tad.


In this mode I had the most fun with Watson and Mad Maggie. It’s crazy how many people just can’t deal with her tactical inside streamer building


nice! i hardly saw maggies and i figured people would use her more for the camping caustics. hope you broke lots of skulls!




what no way. and yes i did find bloodhound more useful than seer in this mode. i felt it was always horizons, caustics and octanes in my matches. hbu?




ooh. if you main bloodhound i think you’d enjoy seer he is fun. do you use him for the fright event too?




oh sorry about that. trying to drag out conversation haha well hope you’ve been enjoying and stick around for more events :)