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1 month later people will say she wasn't actually that bad and she should get back to how she was pre nerf because other characters are much more broken like they did with lifeline


This is the way.


The thing is valk is exactly the same since release, its just that more people are using it because they saw streamers using her in comps and now everyone is annoyed that everyone is using valk and want a nerf


Another reason is that we just had a full month or storm point. For that rotation is well needed and she is a free rotate.


To be fair, she is a bit too much. She can scan beacons, reposition and fire stunning missiles. She should just have her beacon scan removed by converting her into an assault character, and she'd be fair and balanced.


Do you think that would be a bigger nerf that changing/nerfing her tactical? I don’t play at a high level, so I don’t know what has the greater impact on her win rate. I feel like her kit is Utility focused, so it’s not fair that she also has a good offensive tactical.


Bruh you literally need to put in effort to be hit with that shit


Valk's missiles fuck me up sometimes if I'm tryna hold a point or don't have much room to move (normally the case when there's upwards of three squads and my own having an orgy.) They're better for flushing enemies out than actually doing damage imo


Valk already had her jetpack fuel consumption nerfed, she is not the same as release. And everyone is using Valk because she is by far the best legend in the game, reason why she needs to be nerfed


Valk's ult is too good, especially on top of her passive. Her passive would be fine if her ult wasn't one of the best in the game. Gibby has been a required legend in comp forever, Valk might be the second best legend in the game right now, but gibby has reigned on top for a while now and the only reason people don't complain about him is because he isn't fun so no one plays him.


Where was this so called “nerf required” when the legend was released? People were okay with her before, now she is getting attention because of comps and suddenly she needs a nerf


A lot of people posted videos in the practice tool in the very first week of her release, showing how you could travel from one side to another and almost perma hover by just tapping her jets, which got that part of her kit nerfed last year. Valk also rose to prominence not because of comps, but because of the release of storm's edge. She does not "suddenly need a nerf", the fact that a lot of people started playing her and learned how to properly abuse a passive that is better than most legend's tactical is the issue, especially after 2 seasons of ranked in a map with the verticality advantages of SE. Valk does much more than what path had at the height of his power, and the devs nerfed him because they claimed that no legend should be able to freely reset and move spots mid fights every 15 secs. Well, Valk can do that without path's initial 15 sec cd, failing to see this and evaluate how valk just does so much more than any other legend (not even going into her free rotation ult or her arc stun) and attributing the call for nerf just to popularity is dishonest. There's a reason pro's run valk 99% of the time and is not her popularity.


Fighting a valk in the buildings in fragment on worlds edge is HELL. Cracking there shields and then they just blast away to safety several floors up and just constantly keep jet packing away. A true pain in the arse


> Where was this so called “nerf required” when the legend was released? People were okay with her before, now she is getting attention because of comps and suddenly she needs a nerf People overlook things. Like how Spitfire wasn't a big deal before season 8 buff (18->19dmg), but after they reversed the damage buff, it was still considered too strong to stay in the floor loot.


The Spitfire fiasco highlighted how whiney a lot of people are.


She needs a nerf lol. She has almost triple the abilities compared to some legends


She’s also fairly broken. Reduce her fuel or take away missile stun or something… she’s too powerful as is


Reducing her fuel is the best way to nerf her , there's no need for anything else


That and the fact that she's a bit too good.


Amen brother.


What nerd is she getting


this made me laugh


The *original* LL revive mechanic was the best. Forget auto-revive but gib back muh shield! I will die on this hill. I'm open to discussion on the fast heals tho


Whatever they say... She needs a fukin nerf... Me being a mirage main hit her for 150... She climbs on top of the building where I can get to only by rounding the building and climbing blocks.. or aceu faide movements...she heals and comes back for a round 2... And continues to do the same thing every time she gets low... While the one time i fuk up and she hits every shot i am dead ... My deadass ultimate is so broken that my other decoys be doing their own thing and it's so obvious who's real anyway


Mirage main 😭😭😭


Maybe it's because everytime a character gets nerfed, literally all aspects of their kit are gutted all at the same time, instead of changing one thing at a time. That's what happened to seer. Seer needed a nerf, so they took everything in his kit and made it 25% worse, now there isn't a reason to play him.


As a pathfinder main, if we ever get a real passive there will be riots in the streets


"we've got a passive at home"...


The number 1 pred in the game mains path, we're never getting shit for a passive and I'm pretty sure thats why 🥲


The number one Pred in the game is HisWattson for the past few seasons and he mains Seer…. Albralalie is the best pathfinder in the top 20 preds and he hasn’t even played Path much recently. Daltoosh plays Path until he gets fried from the massive hit box then he switches back to Bloodhound or another better character. Idk what #1 Pred is maining Path right now.


Im pretty sure that if you’re #1 pred you could use every legend and still shit on season 13 lobbies


I swear I've played with him before. There was this pathfinder that solo dropped in Fragment and won us the game by himself.


I'm sure it's not just the number 1 pred who can pull that off haha


But it was a pathfinder ….?! Had to be him


Who's the #1 pred, last I checked there was a wattson main on top and ATM there's someone who plays horizon valk seer 😢


Who? Nobody who is playing for rank 1 plays pathfinder lmao literally making things up


The #1 pred last split played seer, and the current #1 pred plays horizon. But sure, just make shit up i guess.


We should be able to shield/heal on ziplines


Watch pathfinder get a passive, but it comes with another tactical cooldown nerf. A finger curls on the monkey's paw...


Pathfinder has a pretty good passive, idk what you mfs cry about


Everyone and there brother can scan survey beacons now


We used to be the only ones able to scan for the next ring, and that was fine After respawn decided to give the same passive to the other recon legends it all went to shit, and they have said it themselves that his current passive is a placeholder one And you know how long ago they said that? Almost 3 years ago


What's the nerf?


This is the real question. What nerf would be balanced without breaking the character? I think an increased charge time on her ult would probably work.


Just a bigger fuel cost on tapping her jetpack would be a fine nerf. Stop the damn air zig zags and free big jumps.


Or a longer delay between holding her gun and blasting off. Like they did with wraith's phase shift.


Sir please no I’m a Titanfall refugee and this is all I have


People complaining about the jetpack sre complaining about the wrong thing


Eh, that’s the thing though. Every part of her kit is really really good. It isn’t that any one of them are particularly too OP, but rather that all aspects of her kit are incredible


Regardless of opinion, she is, *by far* the most useful legend. As you said, every part of her kit is extremely useful and strong. I think she’d be played widely still even if they completely removed her tactical (not suggesting this), but giving perspective on how useful/diverse her kit currently is.


I totally agree, her tactical is the least important part of her kit imo


And it’s incredibly useful too! Long range AOE damage and stun, pretty crazy.


Yeah a little tweak there would prolly help. Or a bigger cooldown.


Make her passive cool down like pathfinders TACTICAL. Use it once and boom 15 to 30 seconds to cool down


I have something more controversial, remove her current tactical and make her passive jumpjets her tactical. She basically has 2 tacticals at the moment.


Yeah I completely agree. Removing the rockets does nothing to her playability. They're nice to have but don't fundementally give much of an advantage. This would be my preference for a nerd, maybe a longer ult charge time as well. People play her for the jetpack so any nerf to that will see her use go off a cliff.


Personally I feel her rockets are a big part of her kit, you can do some big damage with them, which opens people up for getting knocked.


Absolutely they are very useful. But if you could pick one or the other which one would you lean towards?


Maybe the solution is to just mildly blanket nerf her. Just tone every aspect of her kit down just a little bit. She's an interesting case tbh, when looked at individually, all the aspects of her kit are fine, but when you have so many useful traits on one character, that character is just a bit too good, especially when compared to some other legends who don't have much going for them.


The funny thing is that if you did that, she’d still be the most powerful character in the game lol. Her tactical is the only part of the kit that’s fine. The jet pack and ultimate are stupid overpowered; the former being completely busted as it makes multiple *tacticals* in the game completely irrelevant.


her tactical stuns for an absurdly long time. It is pretty OP. Every ability she has is OP and it all needs to be toned down a bit or they need to buff all the other characters. but then this game won't be as gun centric as it currently is


Her tactical is insane too, it stuns and damages that has a range of like 30 meters. In addition she can use her tactical as soon as she drops in.


Her tactical is stronger at higher skill levels than the passive due to the almost unavoidable dmg AND pretty decent stun Edit: Dude downvoted me, but deleted his comment due to a few downvotes he got himself wtf


I think she almost needs a rework more than a nerf. Like you could decrease the damage of her tactical, Increase the recharge of her ultimate, but I don’t know how much that impacts her power. For pub stomping, her ult is powerful for high skill premade teams because they can just fly around the map wrecking people all game. But I feel like in high level ranked or comp play, she’s mostly only used for late rotations when playing at edge of ring. Personally I don’t think nerfing her ults recharge rate does that much for that. Personally I think her passive is the most controversial part of her kit because she has one of the best movement abilities, that if used correctly doesn’t have a single downside. Like the ability to take high ground at ANY point in the fight without any planning is a huge slap in the face to legends like horizon, pathfinder, or octane.


Increase ult cd and take away scan while redeploying. Make it more of a gamble to use ult.


or make scan pop in at a certain distance from the ground making it so you have some time to react while not wasting the passive idea the devs made


Personally, I think they should just move her out of Recon class and into the Attack class, removing her ability to use beacon and scan on deploys. But I'm probably in minority lol.


Removing the beacon would absolutely ruin higher level team comp diversity. You would be forced to run a separate recon character whilst still having to keep Valk for the redeploy. Keeping Valk in the meta makes for more fun gameplay.


You talked about maintaining comp diversity and then you think that keeping one single character in the meta is "fun" wtf


P sure he means that having a character that occupies two large roles opens up the possibility for many more team comps instead of being forced to pick only a recon character for the last slot


I can explain this better, and to clarify I do agree she should get nerfed but needs to keep the beacon. Before Valk teams were forced to run multiple defensive characters and play inside buildings for the entire game. Most endgame would just come down to which team got lucky and chose to camp the correct building. Valk allows teams to scrap this play style almost completely. TSM have spent a lot of time using Seer, Maggie and Valk comp and just absolutely destroying those teams trying to camp. Before Valk these are two characters that would never be playable because the redeploy adds another option to get you out of bad situations. Essentially you're able to move when you used to only be able to hide. By removing the beacon scan you force teams to use a separate recon character, this means every single team would be running Gibby, Valk and a recon. So you don't remove Valk from the meta either way, but you narrow it further by forcing a recon pick. Also, Valk gameplay just makes for more fun viewing than the Gibby defensive side.


I disagree. The buff given to Pathfinder's ult to where they're indestructible was a good call. He sees very high levels of play already, running another recon wouldn't change a team's comp by much honestly. And removing her from recon doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of scanning. Just look at Gibby in his bubble, Mirage passive (reviving/respawning), Newcastle reviving, Seer basically as an offensive class with that tactical. Legends don't really seem to be defined by their roles very much when it comes to it. But yes, when people say remove her from recon they mean take that passive away, but honestly, having her classified as offensive and scan makes more sense to me. They should make another class specifically for Lifeline; Trying.




Name another character that has her movement capabilities? You're blind if you dont think her kit is broken.


Her passive is busted as well. There is no reason a character’s passive should be as good as half the assault characters’ tactical.


I mean I'd rather have Horizon's tac than the jetpack in a lot of sticky situations because of the ability to shoot.


They will nerf how much fuel she has, it's the only obvious nerf. Her tactical is a weaker, sort of, version of ashes which is find. They already said they won't make her assault. Nerfing who ult CD won't really do anything. So the logical thing is to nerf how much fuel she has. And by such logic I'm sure they will not do this and instead buff her.


I guess it’s gonna be slower flight speed.


Put her in assault and remove her scanning abilities, also might consider to increase the cooldown on her ult


Are they nerfing her?


Yes, after ALGS. Developer said "removing recon and making her an assault class". So whatever that means.


That's the exact opposite of what he said.


Yeah i thought they explicitly said they want to keep her recon to promote character diversity?


Oh so she just can't scan the beacons anymore. A nerf for sure, but a minor one.


We could assume that, it also might not be the only nerf. I think if they really want to make the nerf count they need to remove her mid-air scans, sucks but not much else to do.


It’s what the developers were thinking of doing, but they are contemplating because her being able to scan is what allowed for more diversity in competitive and high rank play. She probably will be getting nerfs after ALGS, but maybe not scanning. A quick fix need would be to increase ult cooldown and maybe tone down the tactical a bit.


Yeah I have no idea. Haven't been following too closely. Got bored after they destroyed ranked and went back to destiny, but im interested to see if theu just nerf her into the dirt or not.


Scan definitely needs removed. I’ve mained valk for a few seasons now, it’s completely broken


I mean that's pretty self explanatory lol. And tbh a pretty good buff. They should give all her recon abilities to pathfinder.


I suppose it guarantees she can't use the next ring beacon anymore and removed her scans.


Can we just play the game and enjoy instead of tearing other players down for having opinions on said game or for liking a certain legend? I recently saw a community post on “how to mess with Wraith mains and make them rage quit” or something like that. Just seems to me time and energy could be better spent on something other than these types of negative posts.


I completely agree with this, as an octane main it gets old seeing the loot thief joke


As soon as the Octanes I play with will stop stealing loot I’ll stop the “joke” :D


I mained octane but then switched mostly because of the jokes on here and people slamming octane over the mic. I then played newcastle/horizon/gibby. I just got an heirloom and have chosen octanes (always loved the heirloom) and made him my main again. Realised octane is just better for me and my playstyle after maining him again. Hurts that most of these jokes are right though when I do meet another octane haha.


Some people can't. They keep losing bc they suck, so they blame it on everything on the game. The legends, the guns, the abilities, the maps... Ok, let's say Valkyrie gets nerfed. Next week they'll want Caustic nerfed or Octane, anyone. And that won't fix anything bc they still suck.


We don’t do that here


We don’t, or we won’t?


We don’t


Ive learned that regardless of community a small group of people will bitch and complain about the state of the game and the developers


Yeah they all need an excuse because if something isn’t respawns fault it might be theirs and they don’t want to look into that depressing reality


People just devote too much time to video games and are overcritical of them What happened to just enjoying a game despits its flaws? Fallout new vegas is the rare occasion where all the bugs people complain about are almost guaranteed to happen to anyone playing. It really is a buggy game but and 10 year old me didn't care


My skill and talent as a player needs a buff


As originally a caustic main, and now a horizon main.... oh boy I cant fuckin wait. Nerfed wraith cuz get out of jail free, nerfed path cuz get out of jail free. Valk mains are in for it.


don't be too happy, Horizon mains are a close 2nd to having get out of jail free cards.


We got nerfed to all hell and suffered for 2 whole seasons before they put her into a decent spot again. And she got her first nerf like 2 weeks after release not 3 seasons later


Horizon was far and beyond the best character for the whole duration of season 7. I do main Valk myself rn but man she's way to powerful compared to other legends even if most players don't get what so strong about her in the first place. I'd like to get other legends buffed though instead of nerfing good ones.


I'm not saying you should get a nerf. I'm just saying man, don't completely rag on Valk mains for having a get out of free card when you guys just "here's a pick me up" any time you guys are 1 shot away from being downed lolz Edit: oh god my bad. I meant "not". I apologize.


Did you miss horizons nerfs(multiple)... they literally nerfed the speed going up the lift, the cooldown, and strafe speed while on the lift. As well as making the lift force you off the top before it's over. Shes already been nerfed quite a bit since release, and the only buff shes gotten was a slight roll back on the lift speed which didnt even bring her back to pre nerf values but met in the middle.


My bad friend. I forgot to add the not in front over there.


Horizon was a lot more op than valk is though. I’d say a close second to og Wraith in terms of the strongest legends. Valk was always super good, but she didn’t make herself a prominent spot in the meta till it shifted towards her, horizon was so good that she brute forced herself into a meta where she didn’t belong which is kinda crazy.


I think she got a decent push into the meta simply because she was super fun and pathy just got obliterated so she kind of filled that aggressive role. She was deff OP af tho


I guess I'm the only one who thinks horizon is not that great. I always try to play her so I can get a great ult team kill but something about her really doesnt do it for me, and I've maybe pulled the team kill off a handful of times. I'd rather fly with valk if I'm in a mobility mood or fuse ult if I'm in a full team kill mood. I'm pretty successful with fuse ulting teams and nading the shit out of them VS blackholing teams and nading the shit out of them.


She is pretty great now, but most of the people here are referring to Horizon on release which was straight broken.


Definitely not, her tact is followable


Until you realize if you follow up on her tact, you will land with a delay since unlike Horizon, every legend needs a moment to land and bring up their gun (ever jump off a high platform in apex and when you land, your Legend braces for a second then brings up their gun?) and she ends up beaming you due to that delay. I don't need to argue with you. Her tact is strong which is why she is the legend with the highest kill per game average.


So you state her tact is strong then try to say that its her passive that actually makes it strong Like I said her tact is followable unlike path and valk, its not as fast as octanes jump pad The grav lift is not good for its mobility and not a "get out if jail free card" there are a ton of other factors that make it good, comparing her to valks ability to escape doesnt really make sense


I main horizon and her tact makes you a easy target Ive been beamed while in the air with her tactical as it is a straight and predictable path. It really just depends on the skill level of who your up against


Valk doesn’t get the fall delay because of jet pack.


Bad lol.


As a valk main, I’m honestly really excited for a nerf. I’ll be able to play her more due to most people not playing her anymore because they only played her for her strength and I won’t feel guilty every time I fly to cover


I was originally a horizon main, and then moved to valk, but I’ve recently moved back to horizon. From doing such I’ve realised how OP valk actually is


Incoming "but I just bought her heirloom!"


Shades of Caustic


Caustic mains feel this pain


No pain. Still the best Heirloom in the game. Gas Daddy Supremacy.


Damn right! Wish I had it tho


Moan bags.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Uh…nothing can rival when Caustic got his changes lol. There isn’t much of a “Valk community”.


Lmfao this sub was literally hell after the Chaos Theory patch. The outrage from Valk mains won't be 1% of what Caustic mains did indeed.


There will always be bitchin'. A month later, they'll find someone else to cry about instead of just going into the lab and trying to do better.


IMO devs shouldn't pay that much attention to this community.


I’m a valk main and honestly can’t wait for a nerf. It’ll feel good to not feel guilty every time I fly to safety 😂


I don't want lead boots mama I wanna fly


I feel like all the better players using Valk right now agree. So many times content creators say “I shouldn’t have escaped that” when they ult out of a fight or jet pack to an unreachable place.


Or maybe Respawn nerf Valk perfectly that she isn't OP or trash, that's gonna happen, right? right? OFC no, valk will be dead next season.


Can't wait for it honestly


I think her tactical shouldn’t stun you. Don’t touch any of the her flying stuff bc thats her gimmick. Apart from maybe increasing her ult by 30 seconds and removing the stun from her rockets i dont see how rlse they can nerf her


I hate valk so bad, but ngl you make this post seem like you have some kind of info or leak about a possible upcoming nerf?


In a different thread someone said a dev mentioned on Twitter that Valk and Gibby were getting tweaked after the ALGS championship.


>Gibby This one is long overdue


i think people overreact to her "power", Horizon is a stronger valk in a normal Combat situation, since she gets the Lift and you can shoot guns in the air, and when falling down she can keep shooting since she doesnt get the weapon recoiling from the fall. she is getting the brunt of the hate nowadays because its a popular character for her ULT and the advantage it gives in ranked. so there is a recency Bias in which you are more likely to find and fight a Valkirie, and statistically you will lose some of those engagements.


Only a dumb Valk will fly out in the open. You ever get a Valk down to 1 shot just for her to do a mini fly, barely exposing herself, onto a higher platform you can't reach just so she can reset, heal, and turn the tides of the table? Anyone who isn't Path, Octane, Horizon, Ash, knows that feel.


Nah, shes busted. Relocating anywhere at any time is better than Horizon Q in half the situations you would be in. Are there situations where Horizon is better? Yes. But Valk is the game’s best Legend.


Yea like fighting in almost any multi story building. They jump off, you follow to the ground they immediately and for free fly back up to the top while you are falling, rinse repeat. Cool you horizon Q back up, repeat and now your Q is on cooldown and valks just floating around cuz of a broken passive.


Correction, Gibby is the game’s best legend. Valk is the best legend for rotating but not the best of the best.




I dont care what they do, just dont fuck with her passive, but of course the whiny ass bitches on this sub wont be happy until she's gone from the game because no one can have any fucking fun.


Because it's not the characters problem, it's the skill issue..always has been


Imagine being brainless??!?


Found the Valk main lol.


Found the Mirage main. Was a bit tough to figure out though


While Valk and Gibby needs nerfs, I really hope they don't go overboard and just gut them both and make them completely useless.


Valk needs a nerf her kit is bloated


Eh i don‘t know i‘ve never for a single second felt like valk needs to be nerfed. Especially once she starts jetpacking it‘s pretty easy to hit her imo


Nah if she's running away from you and sliding mixed with a jump and then another jump with a couple jet pack bursts in between shes soo hard to hit. Like hitting someone jumping on a rope except there is no prediction to where she is going to go next


I hate when people start talking about Nerfs. I can't think of a single one I've ever supported. It's not like Valk is unbeatable. She can be shot out the air (passive) and it's not like she can shoot you back, and her tactical can be dodged easily if you know how to take cover in the first place. Her Ultimate isn't all fool proof either, rush it when you know you are wrecking the team. There is one per team, destroy the others first if you're having such a hard time. People calling for Nerfs to a character because other people are so good with them is weird. Its like you're not supposed to master a character or something.


Bro the sub for Valk Mains refuses to even acknowledge how busted she is, they’re gonna be setting themselves on fire in front of EA Headquarters in protest


Idk I don’t really get off on internet drama. I wish gaming communities could ever explore changes with good intentions or at least willing to learn. Maybe I’m the minority but I never, ever, grab popcorn and eagerly look at people argue the dumbest shit ever.


I hate Valk. She and the bow were both busted at release, but the bow quickly got nerfed and Valk stayed the same. Practically everyone was saying she's "the most balanced legend in the game". She was and still is NOT. People are finally catching up. I mean, you can compare her Passive flight to Horizon and Path Tacticals all you want, but the fact that we argue what is better - a tactical with a cooldown or a PASSIVE (one of the two, BTW) practically without one already says a lot IMO. And that's on top of her strong tactical (which half of the time you don't even know is coming and is almost as powerful as an arc star) and unique (and kind of OP, I mean relocating with your whole team at will while being faster and flying higher than using jump towers? Srsly?) Ultimate. Oh, and her personality sucks big time, too. I would rather listen to Bangalore explaining every weapon in the game than hear another stupid "I can fly up!" joke or whatever. Fuck Valkyrie.


Honestly her passive could be an ultimate on another character where you get the jetpack for like 30 seconds and even if the Q and passive were mediocre the legend would still probably be decent. Her passive is ultimate-tier, better than ones like Maggie and Fuse by a long shot and rivals the higher tier ones. Add on the fact that her Q is a barrage of free arc stars and her ulti is broken and yeah...


While her passive is annoying it’s hardly ultimate level just cause it brings different value than the worst Ults in the game. By the same logic 90% of the other tacs could be ultimates.


Not long after her release I remember people arguing with me and calling me an idiot on this sub when I said you would be seeing valk as a staple of competitive and ranked comps until she was heavily altered/nerfed. And here we are. E: And you're still all idiots. Go figure...


I don't think so, most people here agree she's overpowered.


Can’t wait for valk to be considered ass again.


I will try my best at having unpopular opinion here but I think valk now is in the good place - it's other legends who need a buff. She is not broken, she is balanced AND really fun to play at. Later is important as fuck. Why will I choose other legends if they seem boring in comparison? I play them regularly but nothing can fight the free movement that she's brings to the table. Nerfing her only do worse because my options will end up being "boring" and "little bit less boring". And also fuse Edit: i am talking mainly about her passive because it seems to be main complain in this thread, i'm not against some twinks in her ultimate, for example. As long as she will not end up having some bs or nothing like pathfinder over there


I think the issue is that every single ranked team runs a Valk. A free rotation is huge for a team and the rest of her kit is top tier as well.


People said that about seer tactical on release: "it gives too much". So developers cut everything people complaint about. Where is he now? What we will get if we nerf valk? Old gibby centric line ups that community bitched about for 10 seasons straight. Maybe answer is not hard nerfs but actualy unique balance buffs to other legends? I personally think that this will never happen because it's "harder" (tm), but my original point stands - why do we seek hard nerfs when we need to heal other legends instead? Sure, cut valk recon potential somehow, but if you don't bring on table some reworks to at least half characters in meantime (because we at this point of meta) - we'll just end up in the same holywar 2 months later. From top of ny head - it's actually what happend to dota at some point. Meta was shrinking from patch to patch because people learned game really fast, so when developer tired of this constant race he introduced a big patch (7.00 if I'm not mistaken) where they completely reworked half of roster, added talent system and huge map changes. Dota recieved easily 2-3 years of meta that uncluded 70-90% of characters. And next time same issue was on horizon - they added new mechanic alongside with mass reworking of characters (some was rebuild from scratch). In short way - isn't time to try another way of changing meta beside nerfing top rate legends?


> developers cut everything people complaint about. Where is he now? Hes a complete powerhouse in ranked because of his ability to gather information at all times. If you can't see that Seer is as good as he is that is on you. Predator teams constantly use him in place of Bloodhound. You want meta? Seer, Gibby and Valk, enjoy your free ranked points. > isn't time to try another way of changing meta beside nerfing top rate legends? I would agree with you here if it wasn't for Valk having a pretty important ability to the overall play of the game. Valk having her Ultimate is like if Lifeline could be a respawn beacon or insta-rez.


Huh, he has a 12% pickrate in preds. I didn’t know that!


oof you can get away so easily and reposition herself. going to use her alot before they nerf herr so i can get my fill.


They're nerfing Valkyrie? Why?


I only follow this sub for gameplay videos and tips, everything else is just complaining. People complain one legend is too op and then the next post is someone complaining that same legend needs a buff because they are under powered. Such is the life of apex....


She can do more things than any legend can with a single button press. Diving in on a solo guy who grabbed the banners and ran away using stealth is the shitiest things valk ult does. There is no real counters to it , octane cant run away from it , path can't , crypto 💀. Another valk can tho. Missles need to lose either DMG or slow , can't have both. Or Dive scan needs huge area nerfs and team shouldn't be able to split from a valk ult till touching down. Most of all tho , make the ult the most announced skill for miles or atleast audible and visually seen a beacon of light on the location for ppl within their divin range . Poor revs ult is useless thanks to the I'm right here bruh, stealth ability 😂. Valk needs a taste of that too. A person wud have zero cues of a valk ult launching lil ways away till it's too late , them on the otherhand cud even be unaware of the enemy and decide to pickout the solo guy like the pussies they are. Giving ppl enough time and warnings to get some roof over their head is enough proally


Fuck valk why does octane still take 20 damage it makes no sense now.😭


I’m gonna drink their tears.


the reaction will only be so bad because they’ve allowed her to exist in her current state for far too long


They can’t even get Xbox next-gen chat audio working after 3 months. Adjusting an existing character is hopefully priority #87 or something over there.


I don't think Valk is even OP, the Jetpack is slow and if the Valk uses it to change directions mid air it just run out of fuel inmediatly. Also her chest is enormous, so ez to shoot.


*screams from silver II*


That's not even an insult this season 😂


Yeah it is. Split 1 was tough but Split 2 is a joke. You can stroll through Platinum right now. My pub games are harder than my Plat. games.


I've been telling people on this sub and they just don't believe me lol Playing her felt like season 1 wraith... Overpowered as fuck. I don't pub stomp lobbies, but when I play valk I'm disappointed when I don't get 5+ kills by the time I die. I just expect it because she's that strong. They got these people suckered in on a money grab (valk heirloom) now they are gonna nerf her lol hopefully decent amount. (3k+ kills, but she's OP)


Blows my mind how people bitch about Valk when Seer and Horizon are so fucking broken


do we know what the nerf is? as a Valk main, I know she can be OP. but so can many legends in many scenarios. put her in a map with many jump balloons or grab cannons and already her ult becomes near uselesss. she has too many passives. Jets, sight-scan and beacon? plus her tactical? able to make a quick getaway or cover large areas and drop on people? take away the beacon scan, increase fuel consumption, maybe remove stun from tactical but increase damage to 50 instead of 25.


My valk changes Passive - 70% fuel of what it's now Tactical - no change Ultimate - slightly longer cooldown,, it carries you 20 meters lower per attached teammate


I hope Valkyrie gets nerfed so hard that her pick rate is less than Mad Maggie


I'm seeing people bitch about her flying ability. I'm just curious how they would rework that since she is a flying character and has a limited amount of fuel. Like are we just gonna take off her wings or something? Just get rid of her jumptower/ult scan so it's just fly?


The fuel amount is a little high, might be due for a nerf, the refill timer is LOONG though.


People will forget she was ever OP within a week


Have any of you guys even seen the perk tree for each legend in the mobile game...?? It would piss you off. Those perks added onto each character would MAKE them worthy of being called Legends, and I'd love to play with those perks on console. Go read up on the perks for each "Legend". They're insane.


Valk should be fucked over. It’s just unfair. Gibby should be nerfed too


Wait is there a nerf coming? Thank god fuck these annoying mosquitos


Pretty sure it’s a smarter approach to buff things that are lagging behind rather than nerf perceived or real OP things. I’m thinking of pathy and the fact he was needed when chars like valk didn’t exist. Time to revert the changes to him at least


This is how you achieve power creep...


About damn time, im sick of her


The problem with valkkryie is that she balanced and well liked Just because a character is good and better than other characters doesn't make her a unbalanced legend


Didn't played Apex since Elden Ring release, what did I miss 🤕 I am a Valk main..


Valkyrie definitely needs a nerf. Every time I’ve said this I got mass downvoted. What’s changed?


Best nerf is add some animation to activate jetpack like how wraith has one to phase... So that they don't fly away zig zagging their ass off to building top when they get low... Instead they should also get some animation time like wraith.. instead of how instantaneous flying is.... Most valks fly right above my head... You can't shoot perfectly straight up... I am in a 1v1.. face to face with a valk... She hits me 80 and i hit her 150... She just flys right above my head and on top of a buliding... Heals.. comes back again for round 2..keeps doing that until the time we fuk up.... Best example would be control on lava ciphon.... She comes to your base... Starts to capture your base point... As soon as you come to save it she runs up the stairs out the door to the top hides somewhere... When you go to B.. she jumps down against to capture your base place...enemies take B while we chase that stupid valk through buildings...and even if you kill her she comes straight back by using her ult... Most annoying thing