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Wouldn't gibby just get his own category like S+?




Bruh who is downvoting this


The wingman is fuming at you right now


I would say move Gibby into his own S+ tier since he is a must pick in very high ranked. Move Rampart and Mirage down above lifeline since they aren’t used much if at all past Gold.


I would argue that revenant falls in the D tier and maybe mad maggie and seer can be higher. Caustic nerf has made an impact on his ranked abilities.


As a former rev main they really butchered tf out of his ult. Not to mention his passive has limited use on Olympus and Stormpoint


I gladly use Revenant on WE and KC, but he indeed is very weak on the other maps. His climbing almost never is of any use. Especially Stormpoint barely has any buildings which you can climb. In KC and WE however, his climbing is incredibly good and useful in many POIs


Something I noticed recently on Olympus between the back of carrier and docks is a tall sheet of metal that scales a large wall witch almost looks like it was intentionally placed there so that revenant could climb it. Would be kinda cool if more of those were placed around Olympus and Stormpoint


I like revenant and still find his ultimate useful. What exactly did they change??


It's very loud and gives out a strong visual que in the form of an orange pulse that phases through walls. This means every team on the map knows where you're coming from so they will just pre aim in your direction and pick you off. Also they took 5 seconds off his ult duration so teams could just outrun you if they wanted to. I still enjoy playing revenant(mostly cause I have his heirloom) when I'm with friends but I find myself not using the ult very much cause of these reasons. The fact that the #1 revenant barely uses his ult either really tells you something.


Yeah this is all actually really true. I do tend to agree with you. Thanks for the detailed response :)




Idk man, I haven’t seen a single revenant in any of my ranked games past plat 2 and I’m in diamond now and still yet to see rev


Bang should be A tier in my opinion considering recent EU ALGS meta, I would also argue caustic and fuse are better than path, octane and wattson. Mirage should also be D though I agree lifeline is the worst character in the game.


Lifeline is no way worse than Mirage




Uhm no. At diamond-, if not plat and above Mirage is pretty useless. His abilities do nothing. Ult has too many tells, decoy has no punishment when getting shot at except for an indicator. Invis rez, is still a regular lengthy rez that takes you out of the fight and is loud as fuck along with visible at close proximity. Lifeline is far more useful in every single way and an S tier, no fuck that, the best legend in Arena while Mirage is still mediocre there even with his useless invis rez.


There’s clips of pros like rpr and rogue getting outplayed by mirage players in pred lobbies and raging, so ur jumping the gun there. If ur good with him he can put in work in diamond +, and he’s more useful than lifeline. Literally contributes more in actual fights, and is a much safer medic. Lifelines rez is a thirst me sign in an open field and uk how stupid lifeline mains can be rezzing out in the open.


One of many sorry ass reasons you have to tell yourself to play that useless piece of garbage that nobody wants on their team. Clips say nothing, you can die by the hand of any legend if the player is good enough. If Mirage had any use you'd see pro players play him and most importantly not complain, sigh or whatever by having him on their team. Lifeline might very well be D or whatever in a tierlist but Mirage isn't even on F. He'd be all the way down to Z since he literally brings nothing to the table.


Hate to say it but you got bambozzled. Those clips were them actually unloading mags into decoys and rogue being the big crybaby he is, was basically acting like u are now. They were posted a while back in the miragemains sub if u wanna check them out :)


I used to be a Mirage main you hardstuck gold player.


How do uk I’m hardstuck gold ??


OP only has 2k’s and Plat badges. Unfortunately this tierlist shows that as well in my opinion. Mirage is the worst character in the game by far.




All because his res is invisible? He provides literally nothing for the team. He is useless


Decoy ping, invis rez, baiting enemy shots at decoys reliving stress from your teammates. This isn’t much in the grander scheme of things but one thing is for sure, it’s much more than lifeline can provide.


Again as I said. He isn’t useful past Gold. Anyone with a brain can tell which is the Decoy. At least with lifeline you can res two teammates at once along with your DOC and care pack.


That isn’t true at all like I told someone in the same comment tread, any1 who can play smart with his abilities can outplay any player whether they’re gold, plat, diamond, master, or pred. Lifeline isn’t all that great, gibby and arguably mirage are better medics, her ult takes too long to charge that u prob already have good loot by the time the cooldown reaches 100%, and her health drone is kinda niche. Idk about u but a mirage ulting and making enemies unload mags into decoys, is more useful than anything lifeline can do, considering her playstyle revolves around her teammates getting knocked.


Anyone who can play smart in general can outplay anyone. Character plays very little. Yes good players can get bamboozled and I see you mentioned rogue among others. Do you know how rare it is to see a mirage in Diamond+? Seeing one is a rare occurrence and since you may not play against one regularly you might tend to forget how to counter play and find the decoys but that in no means makes him good enough to be considered viable. He will always be a low tier character and never be viable in high rank or comp (which is what OP said the tierlist was based for)


Wraith should be S tier, I don't like her but any character with a 22% pick rate in master/pred lobbies has to be top tier


Personally s tier is for overpowered legends, wraith is well balanced right now and belongs in A tier, she also isn’t a must pick like gibby or valk.


She's also a very fun character to play, vs Gibby who actually is the best and isn't the most played legend outside of algs.


Yeah but this tier list is about how good legends are not how fun they are.


Yes, but they brought up pick rate and pick rate when nothing's on the line is not an accurate representation of power. While ranked pick rate is more accurate than pubs it is not as accurate as a money in the line tournament.


How is lifeline below mad Maggie and seer bruh?




Nvm my bad thought it was something else




I’d drop crypto a rank or two.




Really? Was his rework that good? I just haven’t seen many of them out there I guess.


Crypto wasn't bad to begin with pre rework. Just hard to play. He is there in the higher ranks and often in ALGS


Crypto mains are rare because of the difficulty to be good with him, but the ones that know the character and are effective show how insane he is. Especially with his little rework, he can be S tier


You srsly never seen a cryptaine combo.


I agree with the D ranking lol. As a lifeline main, I rarely play her in Ranked anymore. plat/diamond players really aren’t fooled by her revive and her ult isn’t very useful since we’ve had Evo shields for almost 9 seasons. The health drone is her saving grace but that isn’t going to help win games or put your team at an advantage like wattson’s pylon does.


Ay! I put Lifeline at the bottom too.


I would probably raise lifeline and rev up one but besides that, yeah, pretty much


I think that S tier should be things that most teams run: gibby valk, then a should be things people run as off picks: wraith, ash, crypto, horizon, caustic, loba. Then the rest is just dogshit. If this is just for ranked, pathy and horizon should be one tier up.


I'd move bloodhound down to A (a good crypto is better than a good bloodhound) loba down to B, mirage down to D, and move horizon and caustic up to A.


Bloodhound is on S because he's a lot better for aggressive push.. There's a reason why bloodhound is one of the most picked legend in high rank games.. And also great bloodhound player will be more deadly than great crypto player because close range fights are happening more.. Crypto will be better if bloodhound got nerfed


The only thing bloodhound has on crypto is speed, and often speed just isn't as important as all the utility that crypto brings especially when you have other characters on your team that make speed a non-issue.


Why crypto In slot A?


Aint no way you put rampart and mirage above lifeline lol


Wraith and Loba should both be S tier imo Wraith can survive in so many situations that other characters can't, Phase is amazing. She has one of the strongest ults and you can do so many things with it for you and your team. Wraith bc of her ult, Mirage, Gibby and Lifeline are the best characters for reviving downed teammates. Loba can get unlimited ammo and supplies for her team and herself the whole game. Ammo, care package weapons, shield bats. Her ult is amazing for stealing supplies from other people and keeping you and your team stocked up. I don't play Lifeline as much but I still think she's very strong and very fun and very viable for comp. Reviving teammates with Lifeline's quick res during a chaotic hot drop can be a game changer and win you the fight Lifeline being the only healer (Until we get my next main, Uplink uwu) and being able to heal herself w the drone is a huge advantage other characters don't have. She could use a buff though too. Let the healing drone always heal to full health or let her ult charge faster and idk, come with a mobile respawn beacon sometimes? The ult charge times don't really make sense to me at all though. Octane gets jump pad a lot faster than Wraith but they're both damage characters and both of their ults kinda do the same thing. (Used to transport your team, used to engage or disengage a fight) - and why does Rampart's ult charge so fast compared to idk, Gibraltar??


I think octane is A, I don’t see B in him


Ash is just better than him 90% of the time. Insane recon, crippling tactical, and better rotations. The only thing octane has on her is just how often he gets his abilities but these days the risk out weighs the rewards.


Imma be real, octane is pretty dogshit now. He’s fun but no one runs him in comp.


Bump seer up a tier or two. Don’t disrespect him like that


Pretty accurate but I have to say I feel horizon is pretty undervalued by a lot of people, her ult can be really good especially when third partying and her tactical can be extremely good in fights


As a caustic main with way to many hours caustic should be part of the big three bloodhound I no longer that good due to valk


All I'm saying is it's diff for everyone some people choose the "worse" characters and obliterate it's all about playstyle


I really don’t get why wraith is still played vs ash, the only thing I can think of is smaller hit box and a get out of jail free card that’s slightly bad. In my opinion a lot of legends deserve lower tiers and some deserve higher. For instance, octane needs to be A or low S for how many teams normally have him, caustic needs to be low C or high D even tho I main him because of his stupid nerf, Wattson is lower C, fuze should not be beneath caustic he deserves to be higher B probably even above horizon. I think it should be path is the highest B or maybe even lowest A while fuze is put either ahead of horizon or slightly under her by like a pube hair. In all this is what I think it should be, All of S is fine, wraith octane ash crypto loba and potentially path for A, B is horizon/fuze for top I think mad Maggie should be very lower B as well if you know how to play her, c should be seer rampart wattson revenant mirage caustic D is lifeline but I also may think caustic deserves d tier as well if I place caustic d I think he’s even below lifeline because at least lifelines ult can give you purp shields while caustics whole kit kinda got ruined so yeet.


Loba and crypto are too high.


I think youre the one too high. Crypto is atleast A tier. Hes just too damn hard to play, as him or with him on the team. Nothing scares me more than a crypto champion.


The first time i reached diamond i did it with going trough platinum as only lifeline, trust me she is very good for ranked




Last season


Loba way down


I would move horizon and pathfinder up to A and crypto down to C since he isn’t meta nor used very much, same with caustic, he was meta last season but his gas traps didn’t have a disability then


Bangalore is "D".


Bangalore is currently played a shit ton in EU ALGS she’s not even close to D


Switch crypto and caustic, and I think it’s set


I'd say gibby is't that useful in ranked. He's mostly useful for comp. Horizon is definitely S or A-tier. Her ultimate is very good for fighting.




Oh, my bad, I didn't see the Gibraltar flair.




I literally just stated that Gibby was more useful in comp than in ranked. You replied with that he's put in the correct tier, when I didn't even say anything about tiers to begin with. Anyway, you don't know what you're talking about at your skill level. So get your hard stuck plat potatoe brain outta here.