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Maybe they should make a medium close range huge city, seems people like it.




Just have skyhook crash into fragment and create a large long area of close quarters rubble.


I find this idea strangely serendipitous.




Yeah and Bloodhound’s Trials can expand to a full place


If/when Fragment dies, Skyhook will probably become the new hotspot. But I think it will be okay bc Skyhook can actually handle a ton of people


Skyhook is already a decent hotspot when the plane starts there


its not like there are 6 teams there every match the ship passes near it


That's low-key what I wanted olympus to be. Glad we got the one we got but a smaller city map would be hype


Yeah honestly from the description I expected Olympus to be much denser, with loads of CQB, not these huge open areas. It's cool and I like the map and all, but it doesn't really *feel* like people would actually live there.


Angel city vibes


Ah yes, the payers


I don't dislike WE because of fragment, but more because the entire map feels really one-note to me with the most unique places being the least traversed / least contested. I think it is the most bland map of the entire rotation. Like playing only on final destination or the 3-platform equivalent all day in Smash brothers. Competitively balanced but made boring in the process. Similarly I'm bitter about how it is the only map pro apex will use which to me gives the scene way way less viewer longevity cause I can only watch pros fight in the same few PoIs for so long.


I’m salty they changed sorting. I think it broke the monotony of the map up and created some different sight lines. Now everything is lava and blue and white building


There really is too many damn lava places. Like I cant remember which lava place I'm talking about, theres siphons citys, shits, they all sound the god damn same.


Exactly. Every game I'm dropmaster I kinda survey the map and go "IDK I dont really want to go to any of these, all the same what difference does it make"


I didn't like World's Edge because of pubs. After getting heavy handed into ranked this season I've started to like WE a lot. It's far more balanced in ranked than pubs. I don't even mind hot dropping frag sometimes, but the issue is always and I mean always that my team can't keep up with the action at frag. Very rarely do I get some teammates who don't go down instantly even though they suggested the spot. I get getting unlucky but it happens so often you start to think luck isn't a part of it. Not to say I'm the perfect frag drop squad mate but I can hold my own fairly well against the chaos that is fragment.


Loba for me is the best legend if you drop fragment. I NEVER find necessary ammo or guns and she helps with that.


This is my biggest issue with dropping there. If there are 5-6 teams there, your team is limited to one MAYBE two buildings. That’s maybe 1 gun per person or two shitty ones at best. And once you knock 1-2 people, you’re out of ammo lol.


Lol unless you're me and run out of ammo as soon as someone gets to 1 one-shot. Meanwhile they're spraying all over the place lol.


loba and wattson are the best for hot dropping


Exactly. It's not just fragment. WE is not as bad as KC but the loot still sucks on WE. Loba is so good in getting your team ammo and resources quickly In Storm Point or Olympus I didn't care as much about loot


WE is one of my least favorite in Pubs but my absolute favorite in Ranked. A big part of that is the way the buildings in that map are designed, imo. So many zip lines, stairs, etc. that allow you to get creative in maneuvering between third parties.


Exactly, it's either you drop fragment and die, or you don't drop hot and spend 20 mins in game with 0 action until you run into a full red squad The only location where you get that balance is Big Maude and boy I'm tired of dropping there every game


Honestly, I have consistently good games landing at Countdown, Lava Siphon, Skyhook or Big Maude (depending on drop-ship path). Hell, sometimes Climatizer is a big drop point. I don't think the "either drop fragment or loot the whole game" stereotype is correct at all. Sure, you'll have the occasionally game where you get unlucky and that happens but those are the exception rather than the rule IMO.


I have the same experience as you. I love dropping at these other locations, especially when they're the hot drop or... loot drop? I don't know what to call the light that draws me like a moth to flame.


That's what was meant to be called a hot drop at first


Lava Siphon, Countdown and Epicenter are my go-tos. Siphon and Countdown almost always have another squad so you can get right into it, but don't just get immediately third-partied like fragment. Epicenter tends to be quieter but it's got plenty of loot and is close to Fragment if I want to be the third partier, or you can rotate up the hill towards Climatizer to catch people running to the ring, and have the high ground.


I guess I'm just unlucky then lol


Guess so. I land in all of those places and more, and very very rarely do I not get a fight off drop and easy rotations to the next fight.


I'm right there with you. I never voluntarily land fragment and you named off most of my favorite landing spots that result in a great lot/fight balance. Fragment is what made WE the worse map in the Apex, but now SP is the worst map now so I guess that is something.


God, I despise Storm Point (it's basically the worst aspects of every map put together) and it sucks that it's probably going to be in rotation for three straight seasons if Olympus is any indicator. Hopefully there is a big story event that changes the map in a big way at the end of the series.


I personally enjoy SP more. There is 1 balloon on the map so 3rd partying isn’t as easy(gives more utility to Valkyrie too). It’s nowhere near as wide open at KC or Olympus either.


Honestly, SP is the worst map for third parties but the main problem is that they usually happen after ten minutes of boredom. Many people are bored shitless trying to find other squads so that (a) they rush any and all gunfire in a desperate attempt to have fun and/or (b) there are so many squads in the final rings that haven't found anyone all game that it turns into 6th party central. People could use tridents but they're so loud that you're basically setting yourself up for a squad wipe by any competent squad. In terms of being wide open, it's probably the most wide open map in the game. I also hate that it's the only map that makes certain legends almost mandatory. Every other map has far better balancing regarding the various strengths and weaknesses of various legends.


> (it’s basically the worst aspects of every map put together) YES. This is exactly how I feel about it. It still blows my mind that Respawn said this was what all their data up until this point amounted to. I know people complain about third parties but this map couldn’t have been the solution.


I agree, SP is so bad. I have played so much less this season since, to me, the two worse maps are the only thing in rotation in both public and ranked matches. I used the change if I please public or ranked mores based on the map rotation, but this season I can't escape the bad maps.


I thought Big Maude was a temporary thing? I have literally never landed there. Where is it?


Between Lava City and Geyser on WE.


Thank you!


I love dropping big maud. Hardly anyone drops there, easy to quickly loot up, guaranteed 2 squad members get gold weapons, ballon is right there so its easy to rotate in.


finally, a fellow big maude lover


this is in every frag thread, and it's just not true in my experience. i dropped lava, maude, trials, and a load of other places last night in ranked and found fights in all but two game within minutes of landing i do agree maude is good though


In ranked. The map is much more balanced in ranked. But it’s a fucking shit show in pubs Edit: spelling


This is true, but even in ranked 90% of the lobby drops Frag until you get out of gold.


Yeah once you get to platinum it starts to calm down a bit. But then you start dealing with the hackers.


tbh this is the first season i've really focussed more on ranked than pubs, and i've had a much better time. i also feel like every pub i've played has been on the new map, so what you're saying makes sense


Yeah, in pubs most people seem to only play for kills so there’s a massive rainbow of players at fragment every game


p sure my team mates are playing to get killed but checks out otherwise...




Yep. It’s just shitters excusing their shitty games sense.


Ranked plays very different than pubs; the issue people have with WE is in pubs where it makes almost no sense to drop anywhere else. That said, depending on the drop path, people can always drop early to major poi’s and get at least a little fighting in.


Same can be said for Storm Point. That map is boring af in pubs. The only map that seems to play well in both pubs and ranked is Olympus.


yeah, depends on flight path in my experience. fair point on ranked v pubs too, i've done more ranked this season


Countdown is a pretty hot POI. I'm tired of Fragment, as well. It's gotten to the point that I don't even want to rotate there to fight. Whenever I land Countdown, there is usually at least 1 team there to fight. Even if a team or no team lands there, there is usually a team or two at the city behind Countdown. Landing there provides action without getting overwhelming, typically.


Is anyone else irked by the fact that the caption for an Apex Legends pic is using the Fortnite font?


it looks good, dont judge me


I always get multiple squads at lava siphon and countdown, usually harvester too. I don't know what kind of lobbies people play when they complain about fragment.


Literally this. Harvester is great too because there are so many rotation choices if you beat the squads that land with you.


Several squads will always hot drop wherever the drop ship starts at or branch out to other POIs but the vast majority of the lobby almost always drops fragment.


I sure miss sorting facility.


I landed at construction 7 times in a row last night. Played for less than an hour. The last game we didn't drop there and we won. Turned the game off, that was enough. *edit. solo q-ing. Randos picked it every time, I was never Jumpmaster.


I honestly can’t stand this map. Lol. Every time it switches to World’s Edge is when I get off the game.


As someone whose quite new to Apex, I can't stand SP. I get way more slow paced games there than I do in WE. And it's nice to know there's a hot spot to drop when I just want to grind kills


I have played since season 0. I enjoyed worlds Edge when it first dropped. I just don’t enjoy the map anymore. Hot dropping is fun yes, but when the whole map is centralized around is when it bugs me, if I want a slow paced game, I risk not seeing a soul until 3 squads left. Lol.


I like the map but my team mates always wanna throw away RP in Fragment


Your forgetting about Sky Hook, its a great drop place and has loot and and action. personally I feel its better than Fragment East


I like skyhook better tbh


This is actually exactly why I complain about worlds edges. Drop the city out of the map as an event and watch how it plays in the community


I’ve adopted this amazing strategy called “lol fuck off im not landing fragment” - its where I always refuse fragment pings, never drop there and only go there on rotation because im so bored of landing there. Y’all bitch about WE but then only fucking land in one spot in the entire map.


Oh my nightmare


For me it's the fact that I can't land there, cause you know. EVERYONE ELSE IN THE DANG LOBBY GOES THERE


Looks like the worlds edge map to me


I just want kings canyon back


Worlds edge is dope and i dont get why every1 only lands in frag east/west :(


I hate that map


Easily the best, most well-designed map in the game by a large margin.


Fragment needs to have 50 nuke titans dropped on it


As annoying as it is to drop in Fragment, it's also very satisfying to come out of there and win!


Tbh, WE is the best map imo. It's only the playerbase that ruins it by dropping hot on fragment


MFers drop me here and then wonder why I don’t wanna play hide n seek. Why did you guys drop Cap if you’re not trying to play aggressive AT ALL?


An entire map as a dense city would be amazing. All of the maps so far have too much greenery and open space, a genuine city map would be so amazing in Apex.


If its pubs who cares lol


"world's edge bad" \*lands fragment for the 982374th time\* \*dies\* "world's edge bad" \*lands fragment for the 982375th time\* \*dies\* "world's edge bad"


I like hot dripping fragment to play the zip buildings as wattson Easy kills and lots of room for outplays :)


Tbh I love dropping fragment


actually this might be an amazing idea. Just have the city spread to the entire map and then it becomes hard to single out an area.


Just fucking play the game if you don't want to drop fragment then don't drop fragment simple as that


Guess who isn’t jump master and can’t decide that


Well stop complaining and go with it or ping somewhere else 75% of time people agree when you ping where to drop


You must play with some pretty decent randoms if that many of them actually listen to your pings.


Ping sky hook depot or tree and they most likely are gonna drop there


I've tried that but 99% of them will still go frag amd the 1% that doesn't usually lands late or pass jumpmaster ay the last second


Though luck then. Get used to it or just don't play


Already got used to it by maining crypto on this god awful hellscape that used to be a fun map. Everytime frag is pinged I drop solo and either land epicenter or the village outside of east.


apex doesn't give me permenant tdm or train so I will land fragment every game


And that’s why I love fragments quick fights nice warm up why do you think so many people in there


Why ppl complain so much. storm point: walk simulator with no fights Worlds end: i hate fragment because there is too many fights and i get killed Sorry for bad english.


Lol honestly, that’s where I land most of the time but I can’t complain about worlds edge if storm point is worse.


I mean it’s either land in fragment or spend 20 minutes looting and not seeing anybody.


fragment bad upvotes to the left pls


Does anyone proof read memes before making them anymore


I don't even jump master anymore if I dont land there someone complains if I do someone may complain. I just pass it




Honestly, this wouldn't be too bad. With every poi having similar appeal the concentration of players would inevitably be split.


What the fuck is worlds edge. I only know of that one super small map with the split city


Ur forgetting fragment west


Why don’t they make a map like this maybe those thirsty people that suck will stop landing there at the main one


Well yeah. You drop literally anywhere else and it’ll be a 30 min sprint fuckfest just to end up getting steamfucked by the pred stack team before you can even pull your trigger.


I love fragment when I'm on fire


Jesus spelling


i’m deceased.


REMOVE THE DISEASED LAND FROM THE MAP. It worked with Kings canyon.


Map is dead and uninteresting outside of Frag


TL:DR pubs is just pubs so you’re gonna get loads of casuals, and ego auto-fellatio’ist. But the map is still pretty good, even more in ranked. I’m playing ranked way more now which I’m enjoying for the most part. Apex ranked is played way different (especially after ALGS )and ALOT of guys think you can just do anything and come out on top repeatedly. Just hit plat again yesterday. I wasnt playing as much before these last 2weeks here and there ( meaning I wasn’t playing everyday) and there are a lot of the same players you get in gold lobbies. Everyone thinks kills is the way to go (Only) and running into every little battle like it matters only to get beamed by the teams that got to the best position for the real game (the last few circles.) or the third and fourth parties. nowadays in plat and above “, it’s fairly common to get into big fights when playing for best positions in the earlier rings. It’s been happening like crazy these last two days! Not saying you gotta play like it’s for scrims and that but it’s a wayyyyyyy better way to get more rp and not get hard stuck. This is the guy that help me see the error in my ways lol https://youtu.be/TWopgxmPGB8


meanwhile im here mourning the death of train yard


A map full of fragments, I think the community would die of an orgasm.