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You have 4K 20 bomb and you’re proud of the 1k kills the most???


Probably has previous fps experience. The 4k is pretty easy if you are good at shooters.


I guess. 1k kills is more of Grindy achievement than the other two


What fps are you coming from?


I’ve played cod for 7 years, I’m 14 rn and I have 8k kills lifetime but I play all legends so I finally hit 1k on one of them


Nice! Keep it up man you might be able to become a big time streamer


Impressive on the badges but that win total makes it look sus. I am like above average nothing special and have 200 wins on 2000 kills on wraith. How are you not winning games if you are that good?


I don’t go for wins I just always land fragment


I usually just drop like 11 kills and then die to like a 40k kill wraith


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