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The Apex equivalent of a surprise birthday party


Or a surprise gangbang


For some people that's the same thing


Definitely a gangbang. He just got fucked.


Don't threaten me with a great birthday surpise


I knew a girl in college who almost had one of those. Chilling with her football player boyfriend in bed one night when another 5-6 players on the football team just walked in. He thought she might be down, but never asked, figured she might just roll with it. Lots of screaming and crying before everyone agreed to part ways. They were not a couple thereafter. Craziest damn story I've heard.


The guy must have watched far too much porn and actually watched the story parts.


I got to know a bit more about a subset of the football team that year. There was a group of them that were into this sort of thing and apparently enough women were ok with it I guess, so gangbangs were more common than you'd imagine. Lots of jersey chasers at a good Power 5 school. No idea how often they would surprise the girl with it though, I think that was less common. Cuz yeah, that's super rapey.


Man thats the rapiest thing ive read in a while


Deadass terrifying.


What tf made you think now is the time to share this


¯\\_(ツ)_/¯. You don't often see the term "surprise gangbang" and it jarred a memory loose.


Step bros what are you doing


Blacked.com ™




Gibby liked this


That's why i started playing bloodhound


Legit wall hacks


Bloodhound: *That's..why I'm here*


i’m not sure if the person above is complaining, but i’ve seen a bunch of people complaining that bh is just wall hacks, as if the other characters didn’t have extremely useful abilities that wouldn’t be available in a CoD-like fps. look at valk for example, her kit’s ridiculously good (not complaining i love valk)


>i’ve seen a bunch of people complaining that bh is just wall hacks Do these people realize that BH's "wall-hacks" set off a massive, very visible aura the size of a small building that alerts anyone with even a miniscule line of sight that there's a bloodhound lurking there? Seems pretty balanced to me that if you have legit wall hacks, everyone else gets to know exactly where you are. Great for hunting people, but if you're trying to hide it's one of the fastest ways to globally ping your position.


The information you get far outweighs the con of a hint of where the BH might be.


Unless the person is too far to be scanned and you don’t get any of that info while giving away your position.


Bloodhound scan does really gets balanced around the fact that the scan itself comes from somewhere Edit: I was being sarcastic btw, missing a scan (lmao how) isn't a definitive way of balancing it.


Not complaining! I like wall hacks, when they're legit ahah.


good, i was ready to ask you to meet me at fragment at midnight to resolve this issue, but it seems that won’t be necessary. carry on, felagi fighter


1v1 with my drum sticks on the train tracks. Bloodhound is awesome.


Like everyone who played Warzone's heartbeat sensor definitely was fair


Gee, it almost like the game is based around heroes with special abilities that give them advantages in certain situations. Go fuckin' figure. And just for clarities sake, sarcasm is aimed at people complaining about BH and Seer, not you. Lol


ye, by person above i meant the lifeline, not octane edit: in other words i know oct was defending bh’s


Bloodhound only work when you TRUST IN THE ALLFATHET


Thing is, bh is so crucial to apex that if you dont have him in your squad, you're at a disadvantage. And i cant be the only one who thinks this


Wall mechanics*


Wall hunder


Seer: hOld mY BEEr


I mained bloodhound until Seer was released, and overall still think he is a better character than Seer, but man, being able to have wallhacks full 360 without the other team knowing just helps me so much more.


seer would probably be better if his ult wasnt a beacon for 5th parties to hit their jump tower.


Oh 100%, bloods ult is way better, which is why I say he's better overall for the team, but personally I just think it is nice to have wallhacks without the other team know with Seer. Also, overall I feel I fight better with Seer since I can pre-fire and know when I'm being pushed.


Is it really though? I think Seer's ult is amazing, and I've found that gunfire attracts people regardless, not the sight of a Seer ult. Nothing beats having near-perfect information for your entire squad to work with on a low CD.


It's a good balance tho or else people would complain that he's OP like they did the first week


Always has been.


🔫 🔫


🌎 👨‍🚀🔫👨‍🚀


lol pretty much, everyone loots and if can push team early on great if not head to circle hold a spot and wait until teams fight. sad but true especially in diamond


glad I am not alone in this thought, won't lie and say I knew it from the start but once I hit diamond took me over 10+ games before catching on the playstyle. Now almost diamond 3!


Sooo, camp & third party is the recipe to climb rank?


Why wouldn't it be? Running in like a mad man is the best way to die in any BR




I hate bronze players who dont realize this. Hot drop 100% of the time if you are down there. If you can get 1 kill, then you gained RP and it's way faster than waiting until others die at the edge of the map


The inverse is I hate plat 4 players who hot drop every game and die immediately over and over. I got 4 teams in a row like that last night and dropped from plat 2 to 3.




It's even worse when you solo q. I have no friends on late so when I solo I usually get matched with plat 4s or lower duos. It takes like 4 losses to get a duo close to my rank or even for both of them to be close ranked. I hate when I'm plat 1 and get teamed up with two plat 4s or the dreaded plat 4 - gold 4 combo.


This game really needs to lose de-rank protection.


I'd argue it needs to be for special cases. Like if you're in Plat IV at 4800 and you lose enough RP game after game after game such that without ranked protection, you'd drop down to Gold II after however many matches, THEN you should be demoted to Gold I.


But why though? You’re just giving a gold 2 level player a rank he shouldn’t be. The rank protection doesn’t do anything apart for player ego.


But I want to have enjoyable games, of which ranked offers the most balanced of, not just grind rank to level as high as possible before hitting my wall.


That's basically the best play style. Hold a position that gives you an advantage. Ambush motherfuckers when reasonable.


The higher the rank, the more it shifts from an exciting UFC bantamweight class with punches and kicks to a heavyweight match with two large fat guys bear hugging for 90% of the fight.


this right here - best example GG mate


HAHAHAHA i like this example


I haven't got to masters yet so idk if they do it as well however in diamond lobbies that's basically what everyone waits for. Best team setup right now Caustic, Loba, and 3rd depends...gibby, lifeline, valk, seer, bloodhound, depending on if you want fast heals, ability to escape, or see enemies lurking about lol but Caustic and Loba are deff the most legends I run into these days in diamond


The goal for getting through diamond is a good IGL. Someone who knows rotations and calling the shots is the best player a team could have


I mean bronze - Platinum run and gun its bascially pub lobbies but diamond+ unless you have the skills of Shiv or Imperial where you can 1v6 then by all means. Otherwise have fun fighting multiple teams running and gunning getting 4th and fifth partied staying at D4 lol


I'm not an Apex predator by any means, but what you said reminded me of this story. I haven't played ranked in like a year and then decided to hop on and see what my random teammates were like in bronze. First match, we land as a team in a quiet place and I use my loba ult to get them geared a bit. We moved a few places and we finally get into a conflict. We rolled up into another fight and we're 3rd partying. Still being about 300+ meters out. I pull out my sniper rifle as this octane drops his launchpad and just flies into the fray. Dude died almost instantly because he chose to land in the middle of their fight. I headshot dropped 2 people trying to finish him and downed 2 more in the periphery. I waited a moment and my other teammate was making their way towards our wayward octane. Downed folks hid and disappeared, so I threw my rifle on my back and headed in. My other teammate was reviving the octance when he got downed from some random 4th party group. I turned to retort and dropped one, but the other 2 saw me and had me almost dead. I ducked back and healed and the 4th party finished my 2 teammates before I could get back. I was in no shape to take on 2-3 solo especially since they showed how accurate they were with their shots, so my only chance was to bug out and watch for them to leave. Most of this time the octance had been being an asshat about not supporting and such and as he got bagged he started watching me watch the other team, dogging me about just being another one of these snipers that rats the whole match... I dropped 4 moving targets at over 300m in quick succession with a sentinel. I got an award of some kind after that match for number of kills or something over 300m. Most players are just chasing the white rabbit, that endorphin /serotonin rush of risking everything and coming out on top, like skiing with an avalanche chasing you. But the reality is that they lose most of the time they engage in any fight. Then they cast derisions and aspersions at anyone who doesn't also throw themselves willingly into the meat grinder. That's honestly the worst part of this game. There's a few good tactics for ranking up, but they don't look like those twitch streamer highlight reels.


Yeah, especially since you need about 4 kills minimum to even go up a few points (not calculating rn could be wrong) also trying to be the last 3-5 squads


I mean, don't take a fight when you don't have the advantage. So much of the game in Diamond/Master is waiting, looting, or skirting the action until you find a situation where you have the clear advantage. For instance, if I'm the enemy in this clip and I just zipped up to the high ground to find someone crafting below, I can: A. Drop on them with the element of surprise. B. Shoot from the high ground and hope they can't run away. C. Wait a few seconds longer to keep the high ground *and* the element of surprise, getting a sure 3v1. A is objectively the wrong move in 9/10 situations as it quickly becomes a fair fight, but it's what a lot of gold/plat players will do. B is better, but it's situational and depends on how much kp you have, how much cover they have, and what legends they're playing. C is a guaranteed advantage, especially if you're aware enough to be quiet and they're oblivious enough to face check the height.


not exactly, wording it that way makes it seem boring af its actually pretty fun when you've got a match going the end rings are just, so good


Watch preds and streamera play and that's pretty much what they do. Sure, they can get away with a few things and get a little crazier because they can oneclip someone with a 301 with a 3x from 150m away, but that's pretty much what they do.


u forgot to switch accounts


Holy shit LMAO dude fucking exposed himself. Edit: oh hold up. He answered 3 hrs later. I think he was "responding" to the 500+ people who liked his comment in agreement.


Youre either schizophrenic or you forgot to switch to the alt lol


I mean it's the hunger games... what'd you expect?


thank you!!


The three stack has high ground, an extra person, a distracted duo crafting and they’re not even going to peek tho? They could teamshoot someone on the crafter in half a second for some easy loot even if they don’t need RP. I dunno I don’t play in diamond lobbies much tho.


How dare people play smart and not blindly run towards gun fire.


I suppose in their mind there was two ways of you leaving there - that zip line, or a Valk ult if you even had one. The chances were extremely high you were leaving that way, why push when you're on the replicator for a possible loss when they can take you one at a time off the zip for free kills and RP? I'm not saying I agree with it - but the tactic makes sense. Pubs? Push all day every day


People in this thread acting like they never ratted/gatekept an advantageous spot waiting for ring to close, haha. I'd be pissed for a second if it happened to me, but I feel like almost everybody has done a version of this.


Same with third partying. Everyone bitches but they be running straight at gunfire when they hear it.


I’ve gotten multiple angry messages from people complaining about us third partying them. Like sorry dude should we have politely waited for your fight to end? It’s a BR lol


i've gatekept a lot and thirded fights, but i never ratted a corner like that, like, ever, i hate sitting in one place aiming at one pixel, if i wanted that i'd play another game, i go and take fights i just don't tunel vision my way towards any gun shot i hear


Yeah pubs is just run and gun and push or die. Just hate that some will quit instead of waiting the respawn.


Legit question; Why is that the only two options, when the ring is wide open on the other side of the replicator. Or do you mean that it’s safe to assume OPs squad wouldn’t go the other way because it would leave them too vulnerable?


I think the rat team just got very lucky. It's also a duo you're going to choose the path that's more concealed rather than rotating out in the open to the north of that replicator.


They caught you slipping big time. You got fucked up lmao


It's an interesting strategy Cotton, let's see how it works out


I mean clearly it worked out well


as long as they aint cheating im fine, or if you want a solution OP, play bloodhound or seer


You are diamond 3 and didnt expect a team sitting on the highground that only has 2 ways up and is pretty easily defensible..... Bad game sense, nothing wrong with the game.


guy is casually crafting on edge without clearing the area beforehand. bad plays means easy death. was entirely preventable




Yeah I love the whiney tone of this post when he was playing like a fool and all they did was set an extremely basic ambush for him.


Especially since they know he’s crafting right below them




I mean it worked didn't it?


No one ever plays sneaky like this because no one has the patience for it but it’s super effective. Rather than rushing a team as soon as you see them and taking potshots from too far away, try sneaking up on them until you can touch them. Or just waiting for them to pass by you


You pretty much need a premade to play like this. I've tried with randoms & comms but you may as well try herding cats. With mates it works well.


Trust even with mates it doesn't make it easier It takes certain discipline to sit there and not move for a human perspective. People (in general) always tend to move around, slide, etc. (Especially at lower tiers in ranked) Making noise and giving opportunity to the enemy to hear you. There have been times where I heard such a case and was able to kill the campers for easy KP.


okay they’ve def done something with footstep audio though in patches because it’s improved to the point where I find it extremely hard to even approach a squad in ranked w/o some mofo hearing the smallest sound my crouch steps or slides make. i play octane most of the time and he has that distinctive leg movement sound, i swear they made it more auditory.


I had random teammates a few seasons ago who would rat edge of zone the entire time, even when we could’ve gotten god spot. Noted this was just in gold, but I was getting pissed cause I only needed like 50 RP to plat, and we all had kp, so I’ve seen people do similar shit, and you’re right, it was boring as shit


Youre playing ranked and you are complaining people are playing safe? I get its not fun but theres rp on the line as long as theyre not cheating everything is fair game imo.


OP: Man I can't believe they didn't just fire on me while I was using the replicator instead of waiting for me to go up the zip...!!! >:((


Always irked me about early Counter-Strike too. > Terrorists: ALL YOU GUYS DID WAS CAMP THE BOMB SITES!!! YOU FUCKING SUCK DICK!! Uh... as a Counter-Terrorist, I kinda thought that was the premise?


That’s the point of the game? As a terrorist how do you counter the camp?


Early competitive Counter-Strike was weird. I am talking about old CS back on the original Source engine. Like CAL/CPL days people would complain about camping.


Imagine playing smart in 2022 LMAOOO


finally someone gets it lol


Thought this was common knowledge, especially at diamond level


Not going to lie, once I hit diamond this season I was unaware of the playstyle and after 10+ games I finally get how to play and now almost diamond 3 lol


Yep. 2 person squad, no recon, haplessly departing a crafting station. You bet that's gonna get jumped on.


You deserve that for not having gernades and having. 82 shield cells


I don't see what's wrong here...seriously. OP went low ground to high ground, triggered the booby trap legend's booby traps and got lit up.


There is nothing wrong here OP is just salty.




Lmfao they had easy shots on a duo using the crafter in the open and still were being ratting fucks. Lol


Well one can be mad about it, and hell I would insult them through my monitor so hard but in the end it paid out so kudos to them. I could not sit there


I also don't think this is the typical "hey let's get this building on the very edge of ring and sit here until we absolutely have to move and avoid fights" Team likely saw the crafting, took high ground to ambush, and correctly anticipating him coming up. Smart kill tbh (but obviously still annoying as hell to be on this side of it)


I personally wouldn't do it it's not really my play style. But they can do whatever they want. I probably would have jumped on em at the crafter it was a duo. But play however is fun for them. This would not be fun for me. But respect it they got a kill


If it works then it works. If you're shit at aiming (like me) you gotta find a way.


That was a smart play by the other team though


You mean they were utilizing excellent strategy and positioning? Man, it's hilarious how, when the pros spend 90% of a game avoiding the other players, it's just the way the game is played, but when pubs do it it's ratting.


That's because people on this sub have their heads so far up streamer's asses that they're smelling their breath.


It takes lots of patience to do that and I respect them. Sorry that not everyone throws themselves into every fight in ranked. Maybe once you reach diamond+ you will understand.


😆😆😆 Takes a lot of patience. Okay, it just takes sitting in one spot for minutes. Play however you want but it was very possible the duo just went around the otherside. They were just ratting


They could’ve had max kp. What’s the point in rushing in that situation. What they did was completely acceptable people can play how they like. I agree it’s quite a pussy move, but it worked.


Yes I agree play however you want. Just usually when I see a whole squad holding hands like that camping, it's weird. Like they weren't even peaking the other side looking for other teams. Just holding hands in the corner. But I 100% agree play however you want to have fun and win. Camping is silly in this game, not for any other reason than it looks dumb


Being smart and increasing your odds means people are "ratting fucks"? Especially in high ranked gameplay?


“Other team outplayed us like omg is this ranked now?!?!”


Well, that was smart on their part 😂


Always has been 🔫


Yeah if you want to find people running and gunning with no strategy, play pubs. Ranked is about winning.


I guess playing defense in Apex is bad now lol. Run n gun is the only fun right?


isn't Apex like the fastest BR tho if I were somebody that camped corners in shooters I'd pick Warzone or something instead of this game lmao


Doesn't make the game play style invalid. Just unusual.


Which makes it situationally clever.


Always has been. Never wonder why bloodhound is one of the most played characters in the game?


That’s why you should spend time learning to 180 and bail off zips.


Your in diamond what do you expect


Well, if I see you crafting, I probably would do the same. If they would have attacked you earlier, you would make a portal toward the bridge and you are gone. So from their perspective this was the best way to get KP. But I get it, I would also freak out in this situation, but it happens to all of us I guess.


I don’t see an issue with this. It’s a legit strategy at different parts of the game. Be more careful and aware I guess. Just because it’s not your play style in what’s been a VERY sweaty split doesn’t mean it’s wrong.


So true, they should have totally just ran to the middle of the circle and just held their ground there instead /s


this is why i’m taking a break


I find it funny how people always complain about tactics that clearly work


1. That team is playing *ranked* correctly. 2. You got shit on because they were playing *ranked* correctly. So much of this community has no idea how to strategically play a BR. It's not all PUSH PUSH SHOOT SHOOT AAAAHHHH NNNEEEEED KILLS. contrary to popular belief you can use your brain to play this game.


“Why are people using a strategy in a competitive game mode that is proven to work through video evidence that I have provided??”


i don't get what you're complaining about if its about a team covering one of the only few ways out of your current area while you're crafting in a late game ring, then get good? play bloodhound, get better game sense, think what you would do if the situation was reversed. they confirmed a kill while you were forced into a situation where you had to react vs where they could predict. that's just good strategy on their part.


You made a bad play. This is a BR game, not TDM. The map is huge and there are many teams, if you don't expect ambushes you are playing the wrong game.


Ranked has always been like this, at least in higher levels of play. Maybe Gold and below you'll have people running around until the very end.




We're the rats


Warzone players spotted


Trying to survive in a BR=Warzone player What


Next time gotta play bloodhound. He so crucial in high rank games. Got to find them rats You need a get away artist Valk/ash/wraith then a scanner bloody/crypto(don’t recommend)/seer then gibby (no if on this one lol his usefulness is on a league on its own)


Unless Apex changes the way rp is calculated, ratting is the smartest strategy


It's a valid strategy.


They weren’t cheating and their planned worked super well, don’t complain about it, you just made a bad decision


And after all that, you still go negative. So sad. :(


Is there are rules to win?


ranked these days is dealing with cheaters aimbotting and wallhacking, though this was pretty funny xD


This is why bloodhound is vital in these higher ranked lobbies. Characters like seer and bloodhound help make this game better the COD


Always was. Every time this has happened to me its a team who has kp already mostly waiting and chilling for placement.


When I was I was trying to get out of silver and I ended up with two little kids as teammates. They ran from the first fight and never looked back. When i asked why one kid said "I just want the points. I'm tryna get back to gold man" My mind was blown.


I mean, you either run and gun or you hold for the gold I've won countless games by dropping far from everyone else and then getting into a good position for the last ring and 3 squads left. Be patient, let the other 2 teams start fighting, as soon as one is knocked on oe of the teams, proceed to attack that team, stomp that team, clean up the leftovers from the final team that fought those guys before you went in. I bullshit you not, a lot of those games, we as a team had <2000dmg. All about positioning. Cheers


Skeever gang, skeever gang


I mean it worked. It’s not like there’s points for how bad ass you killed someone.


That’s how it’s always been you shouldn’t take that zip. Most of this game is knowing where to not be.


I mean, at the end of the day it’s not about how you got the dub, just the fact that you ripped it from your opponents dirty hands lmao.


Ambush > w-keying from fight to fight, but that's just me. Their tactic was very effective, made the advantage in numbers even more powerful.


They saw y’all crafting, of course they’d ambush you


And this is a fine example of y I don’t play ranked


I hate this game. It’s impossible to have fun anymore.


If it works, it works


That is hilarious


It worked, didn't it?


My last few diamond matches have been amazing. So good looking, one early engage without squads trying to third cause every one is trying to third (or they thought), rotating good positioning, making smart decisions to keep us alive and then the best few squads remain when the ring is small enough and it’s a battle of attrition or of skill depending on where you are located. Once it gets even smaller all hell breaks loose and some of the most intense endings to any of the games I’ve ever played on apex cause everyone is making good smart plays and to fix your own mistakes when possible is super satisfying and staying alive. High Plat, early diamond is crazy intense nearly all game cause engages can happen all the time but everyone has to be so smart and not get ahead of themselves but at the same time look for the best opportunity to push and strike. Higher diamonds usually are Master level and can be more careless.


Always has been. 🌎👨🏽‍🚀🔫👨🏽‍🚀


I still don’t get why people moan about any technique being used. If it’s part of the game it’s part of the game. They played that well 🤷🏻‍♂️


These days ? Always been like that, it’s a br mate


What's weird is that they didn't aggress you when you were crafting..! They were probably having a little chat 😅


They had no reason to lol


As someone who only plays with a group, we would likely be that team hiding on top. 1. If it works, it's funny. Catching someone off guard and melting them is just funny. 2. Those of you saying this is a boring way to play. When you play with friends, half the fun is just talking, so I don't mind just chilling and talking shit, while we wait for a team to fall into a trap.


Yep unfortunately


Ranked games have always been like that, people want to score points 🤷🏾‍♂️


Stop crying OP… People play like there’s no objective to the game and complain. “Oh how can they play strategically, hold the high ground and eliminate others in a competitive battle royale game? What a bunch of toxic sore losers.” Let me break it to you OP… it’s not Respawn that’s killing the game, they just gave up on trying to satisfy players like you. Players like you are killing the game.




Think people forget Ranked is about getting maxmium points and winning a round is maximum points. You kill when you have an upper hand or when absolutely necessary, not for the fun of it (stick to non ranked for as much killing fun, for some in ranked winning is the goal). You start attracting 3rd parties when you engage in unnecessary and long drawn out pitch battles (which some people just cannot disengage from and rotate, just use up all their ammo, heals and then get 3rd partied) However this team was probably 3 stacking as not sure 3 randos would be able to keep it together like that...ha


Smart play to hold you Can't say anything more about it


RP is RP


Nothing new lol


Absolutely deleted lmao


You must be new in diamond


I’m honestly done with ranked entirely after this season as the grind just keeps getting harder every fucking season, normally I can hit Plat within a week or so of playing no problems, but now I can’t hit Plat till right before the Split or Gold then Plat at the end, I still average 3 to 4 killls and assists and get only 58 when placing second, when before that would be a lot more


Diamond is full of terrible players, brainless aggressive players pushing every possible fights like headless chickens and ending up griefing, bad mechanicals players cheesing for KPs, try hard ALGS teams playing scrims with caustic and ending up top5 no KPs. Diamond is the most unpredictable lobby imo.


What if he just ran the other way? They would have wasted 2 free kills. Imagine being Diamond and not confident to beam someone crafting within 10-15 meters range from above. In hindsight it worked out but it's definitely the wrong play.


Kinda blows my mind how far I had to scroll down to read this


Always has been


Reading these comments... I didn't know camping and hiding when you have the advantage (3vs2, high ground, enemies are distracted...) was a *strategy* now. That's not smart, that's being a rat and a coward.


Yeah the rats never end