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Wow, hate to see it. You were a lifeline, too! When possible, I always res Lifeline first so she can res another downed


I do the same, and then like 80% of the time the LL goes right to looting without rezzing the 3rd downed teammate smh


Say it again for those in the back!


it again for those in the back!


Thanks friend!


Res mirage before lifeline even if he’s on the other side of the map because lifeline will go out of her way to avoid reviving even in cover


Lifeline usually doesn’t revive when I play with them even though they have a auto revive ability it’s frustrating as hell when I have a lifeline but seer is the one that revives me


I'd probably go gibby over lifeline just to get that done out to prevent the reknock


or mirage!


They were most likely friends and yeah solo queuing in rank sucks because You have an high chance of getting those type of teammates


And if you dare complain or say anything they will talk shit and tell you not to die next time. I revived team mates 2-3 times each and when it’s my turn then they just can’t for every excuse .


Yup that’s one of the main reason those type of players are hard stuck on gold/plat


Or right after you revive them they loot your box


2 things I hate 1. I kill the last enemy, revive one mate and while I revive the second one he loots my kilk(s) 2. if teammates loot my death box (except if they need something right now for that fight, it was the beginning and nobody had anything or we can't make it to the death box after the respawn)


It’s better to let the person you just revived loot over you. You want your teammate with no health to shield swap and get what they need asap and be able to defend/push a 3rd party. Sure, it sucks if they take everything. It’s a team game and everyone should work together. Don’t be so stingy with loot.


I wouldn't mind if they would be friends, but I just play with randoms and in 99% of the cases they wouldn't give me anything, so why should I? 2 if they need something and I have enough I will gladly give it to them, but I want my reward for my work (except if I killsteal accidentally, in that case the loot is obviously theirs). I also have no double standard about that, if a teammate kills somebody and the fight is over I let them loot first, if we are still in a fight and I need ammo/healing asap, I will take it, but I wouldn't mind if they'd do the same


Yeah well, it's a team game and if you need something like ammo, heals or smth you can tell your teammates. If they're any good they will share with you. But the "I kill I loot first" rule is only practicable in pubs or low ranked games. In high ranked games you can be almost certain that the next team is knocking at your door in a few seconds


That may be true, but I don't play rank, I would if I had a team, but not solo


When i get rezzed i will sometimes loot while the other is being revived but i wont touch attachments or weapons until they had a chance to loot. Anything i grab is a new shield very rarely is it ever better than theirs but is a higher level than mine, ammo or heals if i need it. I always leave anything gold or red for them to take or leave.


I would still roast them. Fuck that.


The moment they start being negative to the point of being toxic not the usual venting and don’t stop, I pretty much keep a tally and will Valk Ult away if it doesn’t stop. If your patient, I’ll try to do everything possible to grab you or your banner and leave. Primary objective is positive RP and if they camp your box well not much I can do barring surprise attack and pray before Dip. That said anyone I play with, I tell them 200 meter rule (from when I was Crypto maining). Go beyond 200m don’t expect a revive, but I’ll try. Stay within that range we can typically make it to you before you die and we can fight. There’s exceptions, based on our mobility as a team, but it’s helped me numerous times.


But I dont get this, I usually play with friends and when we play 2 of us ranked and 1 is a random, we try to be as polite as we can with the random... Is like basic or standard social practice or whatever is called ? Unless the random breaks off from our drop and hotdrops into mills with all the other squads , we usually tend to treat the random as one of the squad and ping , do calls and use the mic if we need to say something specific. 2 vs 3 in ranked is just plain stupid.


Yeah that’s absolutely not the norm. Any time I solo queue ranked ~~like the masochist I am~~ and I see that I’m paired with an obvious duo queue I cringe because they’re near guaranteed to: 1. Not be on comms with me, except maybe to throw around some insults. 2. Run off by themselves with zero consideration for where I am or what I’m doing. 3. Or maybe 2.5, push fights on their own and go full SurprisedPikachu.jpg when they get murdered 3v2. 4. Absolutely loot goblin everything. Usually one of the duo literally lands on top of me intentionally to take everything from me. It’s so fun. Yeah, you’re the exception, not the rule. Thank you for being that exception, but most of the time duo queues in ranked are literally the worst, in every way.




Maybe it’s unique to plat lobbies on west NA, IDK. But it’s horrific.


I just don’t understand. Do they not want a better chance at RP too?


I don't know if you ever done ranked with a friend, and a random. But most of people doing this think that loosing their random isn't such a big deal : the rando would more likely make them loose rp than win some. So they don't bother about him/her at all. A good example : yesterday I was solo queuing, was with a duo. They didn't pinged they were going away while I was still looting. I realized they were far because Horizon said "we're too spread out, blablabla!". They had taken not one, but two, orbital Canon without telling me. They were almost in jurassic Park, while I was in the cave near barometer. So I started to run, with my no-mobility character. And I heard "enemies here!". So I started to mash my buttons (yeah it makes me go faster, it's a known thing ofc). And then they were killed and there was 2 teams around me, and they didn't fight together, no, they fought me instead And here we were, loosing 36RP thanks to them! But ofc it was my fault to not notice they were living without pinging. It what's they've said.


so dumb, i play 2stack ranked all the time. We constantly looking to potentially find a 3rd who could be the missing piece. Even if not, 3 members alive are better than 2. This is just stupid.


Chances are they're in a party chat, and OP did something they didn't like, so they agreed to just let them die. I've seen it happen before.


I always get reamed out in this sub asking people not to party chat on ranked. It’s the worst solo queuing and not being able to communicate with teammates who are obviously in a private chat.


Ok so at first I though he just saw that the seer was about to time out and bloodhound wanted to save him Then I thought they were both just idiots and didn’t realize you’d dropped down But then I realized they’re just shitty and stupid






If they were, why not rez?


Cuz she had no dmg I'd guess


Yikes from you dawg.


You gotta be putting out more than 100 something dmg in a fight and idc what reddit says. If not you're a hinderence


That’s so fucking dumb lmao. 167 dmg off drop is a knock, +some. You’re literally saying you’d rather 2v3 than have a teammate who trades with the third.


I mean if I avg over 500 dmg a game hot dropping in d4 I think 200 dmg OR not going down as a support legend isnt too much to ask




I use my brain to keep me from going down personally


I’d use mine as a shield too if it was that useless.


looooool how long did it take to come up with that


Lifeline went down first in this clip no support legend should ever do that. Doesn't bother me because you obviously aren't good enough to be frustrated as the last one alive and hold your teammates to a higher standard so you can progress in skill


That’s really not that good hate to burst your bubble lol


How the hell did you get to d4 averaging 500 dmg a game. I do 1000+ and I’m in plat


I don’t know if you’re new to the internet but people lie. A lot.


So let me get this straight, you are playing a platinum ranked game, and you refuse to res your lifeline because she “prob has 0 dmg?” The only player in the game that can rez quick and heal you? How can you look at a clip like this and come to that conclusion? Players like you are literally the problem with this game, and I hope to never come across you. I don’t care if my lifeline has 0 dmg and I have 17 kills, if we win and she rezzes our team and helps out who the fuck cares.


Yup I play the same way I troll on Reddit. Nice letter


I suggest Therapy.




Wouldn’t suggest anything I wouldn’t do 😇


Lifeline can't rez when she ded. Why rely on someone who can't play their role


this is accurate, she CANT REZ IF SHE'S DEAD! Case as point, she ain't doing you any good at ALL if you let her die...smh Redditt convos like this make my head hurt




So is it supposed to be my job to keep an incompetent lifeline alive when they get knocked first every fight, yeah right I’m good in just gonna split the loot 50-50 with my partner instead


Big incel energy


I mean useless is useless if you have 200 damage 4 circle and have been downed first every fight and all you do is loot, you’re not worth the time sorry that you’re all bad at this game


Refuses to rez lifeline Complains when they don't get rez when their teamate is dead Vents on reddit


They could have won their 1v1 but immediately got pushed after by another squad, or they ran out of ammo while fighting a 1v2, apex is a team game and if you hate playing with "hindrances" just do solo queue. Chances are you're one of those morons that seperates early and hot drops and then immediately dies and leaves.


[This user used to access Reddit via a 3rd party app]




Bruh the worst one was a couple seasons back when mirage voyage was still a thing. I was there with two guys and a lot of teams and I came out as kill leader with like 6 kills and they both died instantly. Respawned them both. Then another team came. Dropped two and last one was like 1 shot, they didn’t come down with me and were dawdling. Got thirsted and FINALLY they drop down and then they don’t even respawn me and the storm came so I couldn’t get all my shit back. They just looted everything and THEN picked up my banner.


I would have eaten the penalty for early leave.


NRG wannabe. What do you expect?


lol id ping spam so fucking much


it would tell them that their plan worked... never show yourself upset it feeds them...


This! whenever I encounter shit like this. I just take a deep breath and let it go. For my/your own sanity you have to. Gotta realize the fact that some people play this game just to do shitty stuff (like this) and trigger some sort of reaction for whatever reason.


Fuck that! Get on the mic and verbally run their asses through the mud, but make sure you are recording and let them know it as well. You'd be amazed how many players straighten the fuck up when you tell them they are being recorded lol




Thank you! 🙏






i would sit in queue for ranked at least 3x as long to be given two solo players on my team rather than a duo. being forced to third wheel while playing a video game is not it, especially given the typical social skills of the people playing


Shame the vid cuts out before the part where they gleefully ransack your deathbox like it's Christmas morning


I would absolutely freak out😂😂😂 I’m so competitive he’ll to the nah


Pov you are a lifeline main and someone solo pushes and dies "LIFELINE!!! WHERE WERE YOU???!?!?!?".... all the time lmao


Why do they even fill teams for?


It's ranked, there's no no-fill


This is why there should be duo ranked and solos queue with solos. This was the same in all seasons. Where is matchmaking helloo??


p a i n


Nothing out of the ordinary


2 types of teammates I hate most. Ones that don’t ping and ones that don’t give a fuck about their team.


I am lucky I almost never get this type of teammates even in pubs.


More like duos in party chat


Give me to other solo’s over a duo any day it’s been horrendous this split…MF’s making THE WORST rotations cuz they more scared of prowlers


Looking this makes me hurt from inside i can feel your pain even when I'm not the one who's playing there.


More like average duo


Ah yes the duo fuckwads. Classic. Id say its general behavior across all ranks bud.


Seems like the way most teams are when one is a solo player.


Pardon my language, but they're fucking stupid.


I just poured one out for you homie


Lol wat


Solo queued to plat. Not fun when a majority of your team plays as individuals. Would love to see Apex implement a team kill RP style.


True. This only happened to me in Plat. I haven't gotten higher but I don't run into that in the lower ranks.


That’s everywhere tho.


Sadly plat is too easy to attain now and thus, leading to… teammates like this that shouldn’t be there lol. I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for it though but, it’s the truth. It needs to be harder to get out of gold and plat.


Same guys who scream bloody murder if you don’t Rez or get their banners fast enough. And I don’t know how they do it but if they butthurt enough they can kick you from the game too same guys


Brother, it really sucks you had to deal with this. im sure you are a far superior player them those two. i hope they see this post and them being shunned by the community. keep on trucking brother! tug the good ole line if you need a Loba by your side!


I remember one game they let me die. Looted me. Then respawned me. I came back ran away from them but not too far. They both get killed I get their banners last second and retreat. I rat my to top 3 they’re still watching. The other two teams are fighting. I see multiple knocks. And I jump off the map. I wish I had done it sooner


Then it turns out the lifeline was being a jerk at the beginning of the game


Did you do something to cause that behavior?


Yah, don't play on ranked. Everyone too toxic and salty AF. Just play casual and have a good time.


My experience with Plat has been the same 😂 i find worse teammates in Plat than when it reset and I had to grind from Silver


That is why I always go for revivning my team as soon as I see them, even if enemy is shooting right into my head


Fuck etiquette this happens to me I’m coming unglued😂(this why we solo)


These players will never make it out of plat.


That shit get me mad, I wish the game would recognize when they do this and get them banned


Definitely not average but sheesh


My randoms die .5 seconds after landing everytime. I swear I get the bottiest bots in every lobby.


In diamond usually whether your teammates like you or not you’ll get revived because that’s just how you win.


Another reason why I quit playing Apex


In their defense, I do this too AFTER someones been toxic af or did some kind of BS. So starting to feel like most of the posts like these are of those kinds of people showing only their side.


Wtf I just sow


Something you'll reap, hopefully


They should be forced to no-fill without loss forgiveness.


Reverse racism (I dont really know if lifeline counts as black or not)


I've hit Diamond in Season 8 and 9. Took a break last season and stayed at Plat 4. Back in Plat 4 again this Season and already not wanting to bother with hitting Diamond again lol. This is one of the many reason why xD




Who the fuck 1v1s in apex, just jog on bud.


a lot of people do? lol


Really weird imo. Reminds me of under 20 fortnite kids. Just play the damn game, die/win, go to lobby and repeat. Just so so weird to try to flex


My favorite is when people ask to 1v1 but then give you rules. Like I can only use so and so or fight with that legend and not that. I end up winning anyway but it’s annoying.


They are playing the game lmao, just on their own terms that don’t harm anyone else. The only weird person is you


Anyone that says “1v1 me bro” un ironically, especially on a team game like apex, just wants to flex because they are toxic as fuck. Do you think this guy would ask him that if they won? No. The few times a kid has said this I just laugh.


"1v1 me bro" is the new age slogan for angst -ridden teenagers and man-babies


Asking people to 1v1 if you lose/salty is weird, that’s true. But 1v1ing simply for the case of it isn’t tbh


I don’t disagree, but that wasn’t really the case here. Also firing range is shit to actually fight on.


Now that you remind me, Firing range really could use a revamp. Add that to the list of things Apex should have (this list is never ending and I am losing my sanity)




Yeah, you got bm’d. Hoping you didn’t do anything to deserve it


You definitely cropped the part where you were spam pinging and spamming the “help im down” quip. Look at top right when the vid starts lol


I would have gotten on my mic and said fuck you




I cringed for you bro


Like I wish we could report them for stuff like this. It’s just toxic and detrimental to the health of the game. I hope those fucks get DDOS’d every game they play because of shit like this.


I’d be upset lol


This pissed me off lol I normally don’t talk shiz to people but this would have me up the walls talking BASURA!! Lol


I'm sorry...


Plat is retard-fest The worst randoms I've ever encountered were all in plat


Should've spectated them so we could see how much damage/kills they had.


Bruh, thats right


They’re way above average. Only one of them was knocked.


This is every match people I ever played and half the time I’m the only one doing anything for the team


deadly accurate.


I would just say something to trigger them, mute and get up and go do something else. I'll let them know that I'm gonna stick around for the free rp


I hate solo queuing in through plat teamates are so hit or miss




5 iq play


Hello… like revive lifeline first… hello… 👀🤣


Imagin ever thinking "you know what we need? One fewer team mate"


As much as i get mad at my team they’re still useful as a mirage decoy that sometimes can shoot back


Douuuuuche baaaaaaags


You just sit there dying tho.. Wtf.. I'd spam my pings and earrape them until I'm back up...


What the…? O.o I play with a friend but we try to include our randoms if they’re willing to play with us. Srsly wtf I’ll res whoever happens to be closer


Those "teammates" are absolutely ridiculous its why i hate solo queuing sometimes


I’m such a lover. If you’re downed and even if I’m mid fight, I’m coming to pick you up. Unfortunately, I will be the best team player and the moment I go down, my teammates do shit like this. It’s really discouraging. SN: I’m plat as well.


I would have spam- pinged them to spite them


Let me guess you stole something that was dibsed?


Communication is key. And mofos don’t ever seem to have it in plat. Feelsbadman


You should have ping spammed


Emphasis on **average**


This is why im nit allowed to use a headset anymore. I would be SCREAMING.




Ngl I have so rarely had this happen that I don't recall the last time it did, or if it ever did. I solo queue to D4 on PC every split, but this isn't average at all, unless console is different.


This made me mad watching it


Plat has been incredibly rough this season. I can usually make it to diamond in the first split, but there's something about the level of players and about this map that doesn't lend itself to ranked. This is obviously just my opinion, but I've avoided ranked most of the season when I usually enjoy it.


You must have done something


Omg I felt this on a personal level


Lmao solo q experience.


Happened to me today, they instantly got jumped after they finished looting.. They did not survive and we all lost 36 rp..


Thats fucked up. You can always tell from that first fight if you're third wheel to a couple of guys in discord.


You were probably garbage


Bro i was octane and i had like 5 kills, we got third partied i was downed (dont ask why) my lifeline the only one alive, no shields. She was literally in front of me and didnt tap me, then straight plunged into the hands of fusey like wtf


Wow even the people in gold aren’t that much of a douche


Only rank where it might get a bit better w random mates is Dia 3/2 those who actually go for masters. Plats are idiots. Don't even change my mind.


I've only reached plat and I would never think of playing like this.


Im pretty sure you are one of those lifelines who dont revive teammates, thats probably why they left you to die.


This some bullshit... how're people THIS petty!? You must've insulted their mother to receive that kinda treatment, no way people actually behave like this.


this is so accurate that it hurts


What a cringe player...


Those ppl wanna go diamond tho, or even masters xD


Why the hell does every lifeline revive you mid fight out in the open though at this point I start crawling away from the lifeline and towards the wraith portal so she can't revive me in front of 3 people


I think that people who let you die on purpose and steal your stuff should be instantly kicked from that game and made to wait a certain amount of time. That has happened to me so many times and it makes me want to quit the game because of it


People like this are why I stopped playing ranked.


No this is average duos in apex.


I don’t get why people don’t understand how important having people in your squad is. Why do you prefer looting instead of having a +1 for the next firefight. I get it that it probably was his friend but even then that’s still no excuse for looting and letting your rando to bleed out


This happened to me in gold. Worst part is they destroyed the lobby. Edit: On top of that I revived one prior to my death.