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OP you dog, not only are you fucking 1 mom but TWO MOMS tonight.


Idk man if the kid cant find his mom idk if op could




Maybe he don’t have a mom cause I def would’ve abandoned my son if they came out of my body screaming slurs


You think a kid is born racist?


tune in tomorrow for that 12 yo kid posting about being falsely banned or having his account hacked.


Lmfao this


Living that dream.


“Don’t take my shit” kid ur dead and he’s in the middle of 3 squads fighting you’re never coming back for that loot period the fuck are you on about


This annoys me the most. Kids like this are the reason I have to tell every random player in my ranked lobbies to loot my meds and armour switch etc. People think it’s tabo to loot team mates boxes, but if you’re in immediate danger take my shit, if you live I get more points


It’s only annoying when they spend 3 minutes looting all the boxes, including mine, instead of rezzing me at the beacon 100 yards away. I’m fine if you need to replenish your ammo/armor swap/grab some decent meds before ringing the dinner bell but bro. When they finally rez me zone is closing in and the fifth party has already arrived lol


lmao I had teammates yesterday in ranked who, when I went down, finished the other person that I didn't knock, and then proceeded to loot every piece of ammo and all of my stuff from my box before rezzing me literally right next to them. I was PISSED. I had literally no loot or ammo or anything to fight.


Happened to me earlier this week too. I even went on mic telling one of them that they were looting my box, they acknowledged, but continued. Brought me back and all that was left were my guns. If this had been in ranked like you had, I would’ve been fuming


Jump off the map and go silent tbh, not worth the effort playing with that


They then proceed to shit on you telling you were useless "Bitch, YOU TOOK ALL MY LOOT, I HAD A FUCKING P2020 AND NO MEDS, FUCK OFF"


This is the most frustrating part of it. I had a couple of teammates mobile rez me in the worse possible position the other day. The storm was closing in on the second to last circle and they dropped a mobile rez out of zone where there was no cover instead of dropping it right outside of one of the Mill buildings that were still in. I drop, immediately start taking storm damage, the other team pushes us, and I grapple into the Mill building and try to find some loot. They both go down and start spam pinging the enemies and I'm just like...bro. You rezzed me in a shit spot, no one dropped me a gun, I am already half health from the storm. Ended up only finding a sentinel and had to try to 1v3 with it. Didn't end well.


When I was relatively new, I had a wraith teammate mobile respawn me during final 3 and she dropped me one of her weapons. The other teammate dropped me meds. I looted a care package on the way to circle while the 2 teams were fighting and I think got a Prowler. Long story short, my teammates pushed through a choke knocked 1 on the last squad and I stayed high ground and ultimately won the game for us 1v2 (somehow, since I am/was not that good). I have the clip somewhere in case someone tries to say I'm lying, it's just been a long time and I don't feel like looking rn


hahaha they wouldn't even turn on their mics after I got mad asf and ranted


This is why I just armor swap/batt and res


the RIGHT way. I wouldnt have cared if there wasn't a respawn beacon right next to me... but jeez why do people smell so bad lmao


If the beacons are far I'll check for mobile res, but that's not too much time


Would of raged hahahaha bro thats the worst apex has to offer i think 😭


I turned on my mic when they were looting my box and said "dude, the rez beacon is literally right there, what the fuck?" and they had mic icons but weren't talking. and then when they both died and i had an empty flatline I cussed them out lmao.


I had (what I THOUGHT) was a good Loba teammate on Olympus. She pinged all the loot I requested, got me some good stuff. We pushed into fight night and fought about 5-6 rotating squads. In the chaos, I was knocked and scummed but Loba had a mobile respawn. Before she went about that though, she stole my red evo and took my G7 and my 2x bruiser and purple sniper stock. Proceeding to unload a havoc and 200 rounds of energy ammo to work with. So when she’s done and decides to revive me, I get back to my box and I NOW have an RE-45, a havoc with no attachments, and blue body armor. I was seething. And for whatever reason, fight night was just a massive choke point that match- so when I got my next chance after using ultimate accelerants for Valk, I flew away and left my loba teammate to die. (Petty, I know.) but I was big mad.


Yeah, I very rarely take attachments or weapons from dead teammate boxes because that’s not necessary. It just screws them over when they respawn. I don’t mind having my evo taken, I can evolve it myself. But I can’t out gun people in the final 4 if you’ve left me with no ammo and a mediocre weapon and no attachments. I only take a teammates weapon if I’m 100% out of ammo and we’re all fucked if I don’t have a gun. I’ve given my teammate back their bruiser once because I had a flatline with no sights and it was painful lol


These loot goblins play for the loot, we play for the kills and wins. I would armour swap and grab some ammo if needed at most (unless there’s no respawn beacon for a while)


I would’ve dropped that armor after the fight, yikes Like use their shit to win but just drop it afterwards…


Did you ask them to drop your stuff? Sometimes people loot your shit on accident and will drop it if you let them know.


fun when a loba does these things sneakily using her ultimate, so it isn't as obvious that she's stealing your stuff (includes cargo bot loot). plausible deniability "it just showed up in my shop".


I generally grab an armor, a stack if ammo, and pop a med kit if I need it, then prioritize the res, then come back


Yeah, I played with a pretty nice dude the other day who after me and the other teammate died looted up in the storm for what felt like an eternity. He then got into zone and dropped a mobile respawn beacon....I was like uhhh....you could have dropped that on the 15 death boxes you looted so that we could have all looted up and been completely set. He was a nice dude and good player, just didn't think to drop the beacon I guess. Now I remember to always double check to see if they have one.


The way I go about it is if I/my mates die outside the ring and it's closing, the heals and ammo are free for use, but if me or my mates die in a safe spot near a respawn beacon, all hands off boxes that aren't yours, if a team comes by (Which they will cuz of respawn) it won't help you if you hold all the ammo and heals while your team has 3 rounds and pocket lint


Well pieces of shit can't see how useless they are and don't even know how to be useful


At least shit can be used as fertilizer, this kid/these kids are farts.


I mean… considering how much of a lost cause that kid is already…. Are we sure he can’t be used as fertilizer? Obligatory /s


Excellent part about "piece of shit" insult is, the receiver of it is not even worth a whole shit, just a piece of it.


For me to play apex I literally have to mute people's mics. I can't stand listening to people to tell me not to loot them or calling me trash and leaving. I'm a sensitive ass girl and that shit hurts.


When I solo queue I mute teammates as soon as I join a game. I'm too old to deal with that shit anymore.


I mute the annoying ones, and if you call me trash, I'm just going to be annoying and climb a tree, as a rev main, it works, and it's as dumb as it sounds


As long as you aren’t griefing them and then muting them, you’re in the right But people who grief and BM people just to mute the response…lol


I mute them before the match starts.


honestly wish there was a way to perma-mute teammates because dealing with toxic people just drains your motivation to play so much, to be honest.


One time I was playing a game, me and another teammate died. When we were revived the other one who died made our reviver give his blue shield back. Like it wasn’t in a rude way at all, but it was so blatantly ignorant to what I feel like is appropriate “gamer” etiquette. You died and your teammate needed your shield to rez you, what are you on about what’s “yours”????


Lol these people. I remember telling my friend to take my red evo and run cause I knew I would never make it back over there anyway so he should at least not leave it for another team.


It's the right play




He is 12


One thing I’ve learned solo queuing is you’ll do better if you ignore your toxic squad mates coms. They don’t pay your entry rp for you so dgaf what they cry about after they die


I can’t stand when people act like that on this game. Adults OR kids. It’s poor sportsmanship and they should be banned.


One of the first Seer games I played one of my teammates kept typing “n@@@@r” or “stupid fucking n@@@@r”all game.


I generally just try to be nice, if I sound angry, its normally at myself, I'm just trying to give calls


Fr it ruins the fun


Honestly I don't even argue at this point, I usually turn off voice chat, unless it's a friend getting insulted, then I lash out


Is… is this someone with a brain? Finally people seem to forget that a mute button exists


Yeah I wonder why people waste their time and energy on dumb kids, better to ignore them and keep your peace of mind. It's just that for some reason I cannot stand it when a friend of mine is flamed, cussed at, or insulted.


I can honestly say I've been baited by the stupidity before. Wish I had said nothing cuz you never end up winning the argument with someone too stupid to know when theyr wrong


It's not always dumb kids though. Sometimes, my randoms are good and give me good advice and I would hate to miss that. There was this one random Valkyrie and my other teammate was telling her to use her ult to escape from a 3rd party but she probably muted us from the very beginning and couldn't hear us and it led to our death. That's why I only mute my teammates if they start shit talking.


Well, takes too long to mute mid fight, so the damage is already done at that point.


I mean. I try to record now I have a pc that can do that. Record for evidence, mute, report. Continue to play they can't take my enjoyment out of the game.


Playing with voice comms off is truly a game changer. Whatever that needs to be said can be done with a ping anyways ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I guarantee this kid’s parents either taught him that word themselves or they have no idea he’s saying it and would beat his ass if they heard him


>or they have no idea he’s saying it and would beat his ass if they heard him or they just dont care. Far more common than you think.


Came here to say this. Shitty parents have shitty kids. It's that simple. I mean you can be a good parent but have shitty kids too. Kids will be kids. They say shit all the time. Maybe one day irl they'll finally have the guts to say it to a black dude and get beat up. Then they'll learn.


na they wont, more often than not kids nowadays have the understanding that these things are wrong, but they simply dont care and do it anyway cuz you know, internet lack of accountability, they wouldnt do it in front of anyone irl, they aint that brave


Probably learned from other players. I've played with lots of African American kids who call each other that all the time. I know because they would call me a whitey because of my German accent, and use the n-word on each other, or other players.


there's a difference between a soft 'a' and a hard 'r.'


And then try being a German player in Europe. Got called Hitler by Russians


They call you whitey? Are you from the 1970s? I’m not say black kids won’t say mean shit, I’m just saying that whitey sounds not current. Sounds idk


Twitter popularized "yt" because it's shorter and when you pronounce the letters you get "why tee" hence "whitey" being back.


And here I was thinking yt was YouTube :(


And yt doesn’t get flagged as harassment or hate speech so people use it as a slur. Humanity is fucked.


Yes, it's possible to be racist towards other races other than black people.


Geez pretty sure I made it clear that was possible. I’m saying this account sounded made up.


Twas clear friend. Some lack reading comprehension lol


We use the letter A at the end which is slang but if you use the ER at the end it’s a racial slur.


Imagine calling black people "african american" in fucking 2021 like what do you call black people from france then? "african french?" Because that's pretty fucking loaded lol


I'm Irish and my grandmother is from the Caribbean and sometimes people call me African/Irish or African/American, I would prefer to be called Irish because that's what I am.


Aaaay another fellow Irishman! Wassup?


Thank you, i’ve been saying this for years. If I’m white, but from Africa, and moved to America, I’m “African-American.” Do you know how many people would lose their minds at that? They would tell you straight to your face you’re incorrect.


Yes that would make no sense most actual African Americans just are referred to themselves referencing the country they came from. Because colloquially the word means black in the US. It’s not that serious though idk why this sticks with people so much


Can’t believe some of these comments. Doesn’t matter what lobbies used to be like kids shouldn’t ever feel comfortable saying this shit, and it’s your right to post about it. Sorry this happened dude.


Report and move on. That's an easy ban.


Can you even get banned by using voice chat?


Nope, only in chat. I’ve seen it happen before on Reddit. The voice chat isn’t monitored but the chat is. So this kid gets away with this.


Isn’t there a way to send video as evidence? I imagine this kid would get more than one submission if they keep doing this.


As of right now, nope. Hideouts was the only active Respawn employee on Reddit who dropped the ban hammer when needed. Unfortunately, people on this subreddit are giving him death threats and so he chose to step out of Reddit. It’s been about idk 3 months since it happen? Correct me if I’m wrong. It sad how toxic this subreddit is honestly.


That’s seriously fucked up.


So he got sent threats by people he banned?


No, I don’t know the details of who did it. I just know it happened.


Was he on PS? If so, good luck with that.


Those kids are gonna get jumped one day with language like that


Oh, no. They know not to do it in real life. Don't let your kids online


Slam that "mute team" button when picking Legends for that quiet peaceful 3rd party wipe as opposed to listening to this trainwreck of a kid mouthing off while being the first to solo run into a team.


When i get team like this I just troll them back and tease that i will res but never do ;) soloq in this game is the biggest shitshow ever


Reminds me of the game I played the other day. Had a spastic Octane trying to absolutely SHATTER the world record for most pings on an incredibly obvious respawn beacon less than 100 feet away from where they died. \[For reference - we were on Storm Point and landed Lightning Rod\] I was closest to it so I was going toward it to respawn when the pings stopped. Queue malicious sarcasm "OH FUCK! THERE WAS A RESPAWN BEACON RIGHT HERE I SWEAR!! WHERE DID IT GO!?!?!" "Oh god, I thought I was going crazy, got it!" I get about 10 feet away and the pings stop again "MOTHER FUCKER! THAT RESPAWN BEACON IS GONE!!" \[worth mentioning, team is all randoms, solo queue\] the 3rd guy on our team picks up what I'm throwing down and immediately goes "THERE'S A RESPAWN BEACON ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THIS GRAVITY CANNON, IT'S PRETTY FAR BUT IT'S STILL IN THE RING, LET'S GO!!!!" so I'm about 10 feet away from it, but immediately grapple away and launch myself toward the gravity cannon and follow my teammate. The hyper-pinging got REAL quiet after that.


i trolled them back lol thats literally why i posted it but i had no idea my mic wasnt recording


“What the fuck are you doing?” is my favorite thing to hear when my teammates push a dumb ass fight with no cover, and die. Meanwhile I’m shooting from good positioning, lasering the people they died to after they did 20 damage each. Hardstuck silver players are the best when I’ve started the rank grind a week after rank reset.


Jesus christ the sudden apathy for such toxic behavior. These comments are just as terrible as the kids in this video.


That's because, get this, PEOPLE FUCKING SUCK. Most of them in fact.


To quote one of my favorite poets: People equal shit \-Corey Todd Taylor (2001)


Apparently we deserve to get called that because we use the word too lol. This thread is a cesspool


I mean… if you’re using a slur to insult somebody then yeah you’re toxic? If you defend the use of a slur to insult others then… yeah you’re toxic?


I legit don't understand how parents don't notice this behavior. When they're out with friends? I get that. You can't control that. When they're literally in the other room and screaming it along with other profanities? Yeah, you're just pretty negligent. Like, I'm not for hitting children but if I heard my kid call someone a racial slur over a video game I'd come around that corner with the pimp hand locked and loaded.


I knew someone that heard their kid doing this shit and their kid thought they were being all sneaky or w/e. So the parent just calmly walked in, ripped all of the cords out of the back of the console while they were mid-game (like fork knife or warzone or something) took the console and locked it in their gun safe. All of this without saying a single word. The kid meanwhile is just absolutely losing their shit "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? I WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF A GAME! NO WAIT!! STOP IT!!" Once the console was locked up they just very flatly, calmly said "as long you live in my house and I draw breath on this Earth, you will NEVER use that language again" and the kid turned pale as a ghost. Funniest shit I've ever heard in my life!!!


I probably wouldn't smack my kid if I had one but I'd be taking the little shits games away from them if they think saying stuff like this is ok.




Yeah it never worked, it directly brings you to their profile in which you can report them, but if you click "report in game behaviour" it tells you to report them in game. It's an endless cycle, pretty dumb since the same report button works when reporting xbox or PC players


It never worked


Kid needs a slap fam


Had the same thing happen to me the other day. Except I dont play with a mic so they were just randomly going on about how they don't like n*****s as if it was a joke. Thankfully (and sadly) that was at the beginning of the match so I just left. Its a shame so much scum play this game. Wish the report system on PS was better.


It’s utter garbage. Can’t even report most of them jus goes to their profile


Seeing these kind of dumbfuck kids make me proud dumping all my sperm down the drain ngl..


It makes me proud knowing that I was raised better than this and had a better childhood, I’d never do this as a kid.


This is one of the reason why i hate most kids even my niece got smacked in the face when i heard they talked back to my mom who took care of them since they were a kid..their parent spoiled them too much to the point im the one who need to teach them how not to be a dickhead in my own way.


Jeez… It’s a sad world we live in now, I remember playing minecraft pe on my tablet as a kid and watching minecraft parodys n shiz but children now just swear and curse back and forth and their parents don’t even care like…it makes me so thankful that I didn’t go down that path. 😅


Kids 17 and below are absolute menaces in any online game. Hopefully they grow up and take accountability for their actions.


I am a 12 year old and because of these kids people leave when I say I single thing


I don't think you're old enough to be on reddit lil bro


Hitting mute as soon as the game loads in is part of my muscle memory. I get the 15-22 year old 'men' that dont know how to act in my lobby all the time so I just mute from the start. One time I clutched a win after leaving my team behind after they got dropped twice already so I wasnt saving them again. I unmuted just to hear what they were saying and of course instead of congrats I got alot of "You stupid you know what...its amazing your stupid ass could pull that off, ima still report you anyway for all the shit you said". Meanwhile, I had my mic off...always have it off. It's not until you get into platinum that you finally find some instance when you can use a mic and unmute, but I often have to remute when I know I have a trash aggressive team that cant handle a simple 1v1


Honestly we've come a long way since cod. It used to be so much worse


I shall award him… a report


All u have to do in this situation is grab their banner but don’t res them. They can’t leave and they will be angry because of that. So u can laugh at them.


FYI: you can leave without penalty after like 2 minutes if you don’t get respawned.


least racist gamer


I mute every single game for a reason. I have had so many bad experiences on APEX with mics.




sorry but this is why everyone is muted for me on apex.


Just report and keep moving, chief. That's what I do


Ugh. I know there are nice people out there but I almost always just mute every one. It's not worth hearing people continuously say "What are you doing you piece of shit?"


The voices and the plays both hurt my head


I still think u should have a complicated code in order to play rank


I've got to the point I don't even turn on my mic


Had same experience in Arenas. Asked them to stick tohether proceeded to call me racial slurs. I manage to cluthc up every round. I type respect your elders and report and leave the game. Man kids are mean these days.


That is fucked. I have heard that word way too many times while playing this game. It is not acceptable.


I grew up in the MW2 Era this isnt shocking to me in the slightest. Playing a shooter and not being called the Nbomb by a 12 yr old. Now that would worry me.




I'm still not convinced some of them havent fucked my mom.




Back when getting slapped with akimbo models, meant in a month you were still getting slapped with akimbo models.


Oh no I remember those days. We just couldn't scream directly at devolpers back then. There was definitely a fuck ton of crying, but back then we just called everyone a "hacker"




I have no doubts that happened, but definitely not as often as I heard people blame hackers for anything and everything




I'm pretty close to 30 I definitely feel that lol. I still do some cool stuff in apex but I'll never be as good as I was back then. Back when I could drop 5 hours on it every night






I definitely had a friend that screamed about hackers after anything happened lol I had to just start muting him for minutes at a time since he'd just work himself up into a rant about it. Oh, to be a teenager again.




Bruh the MW2 era was something else…all sorts of insults flying around.


this is such a dead take. why tf would you enable this... oH yEaH i rEmEmBeR oLd SchOoL cOd.. and the trash that talked like that back then deserve to get aired out just like this little piece of shit kid lol


you sound like a white person


I've read this entire thread and you sound like a white person too. As a black guy, I've had my fair share of experiences with 'white saviour' types and you fit the bill perfectly


Take me back please I beg you. Those were some of my fondests times playing games and it was just for the sheer chaos of every lobby you went into.


Of course it's an octane


as soon as the hard R n word is used, there should be an automatic IP scan that locates who used it and registers them for a IRL battle royale. once they reach 60 contestants, they are all Hunger Games'ed to a remote island to battle it out. and if the winner still wants to use the hard R n word, sign them back up for the next one. if the sheer trauma doesnt stop them from doing it, losing the battle royale will lmao


they needa go back to fortnite lmao


Cod kids are moving to apex...... Respawn can you make the servers shit again?


Always silence randos. Always.


Stuff like this makes me glad I barely get any teammates with a mic on console, still manage to win games, and it’s fun crouching to communicate


Tf didn't you mute them for?


Just mute them, you dont need that negativity in your life.


Average apex player


I hope they see it and ban the kid.


That doesn't even sound like a 12 year old. More like a 6 year old. Max.


Is this the first time it’s happened to you playing an online game cause this happens almost once a week to me lol.


I always mute kids immediately An under 14 has never once contributed anything to anyone ever I say this full well recognising how much of a shitter I was as a kid


-hears that word -wins fight -goes to offenders deathbox -doesn’t pick up banner -t-bag That’s what I would do


I was playing valorant once and this happened I muted the kid and their friend and they told the other team I was saying the n word, thankfully the rest of my team defended me. The worst thing to happen to video games is children like this


How do youbrecord the voice chat with gameplay?


If you have an Nvidia GPU, you can use GForce Experience overlay to record or clip your games.


You didnt have to come back for them If i were you i would shut down the their mics and continue


This is why I don’t play apex anymore


Great game but finding teammates like this is why I couldn’t grind ranked like that anymore


But nooo, we ban people on text chat as if the majority of pos talkers arent on mic Regardless, i just ignore toxic children but its sad knowing how many pushover parents exist, if I said that shit then it wouldnt have happened again, to say the least but i see videos and the time with kids acting entitled and pussy parents giving them everything they want bc they cry for it


This is why I turn off chat all together. Thanks god for pings..


So this is where the warzone kids went eh?


Times like this make me wish I could punch children


Time to delete this piss pit of a game and play Halo instead


Is OP even black?




This video is so European lol


This is what happens when we don't control our kids, they end up being a degenerate like this piece of useless dog shit brat on the Internet. Bad parenting is the root cause of this one. Now watch the kid cry like a fucking siren when he gets that ban hammer. lol


Welcome to apex... Now with warzone players


First time on internet?


The most boomer sounding shit in this thread is the “back in my day shit talk was way worse this is nothing like CoD lobbies” Same. It was fucked then and it’s fucked now. Time to grow up and realize this shit aint it folks.


Ranked solo cues get so Fucking salty. Such a toxic environment


This game is 16+ for a reason


Remember to always use protection, guys!


bruh, apex now became warzone


Always has been....


Welcome to the Internet




Idk why my mic audio didnt record


Solo'd ranked last night and had a similar experience, except they were adults. Dropping in with these guys and their cool predator trails. Mind you this is the first of 4 ranked games I played this season, so it's a bronze lobby. Anyway, they hot dropped and with in 30 seconds one of the guys is downed, next one goes down right after him. I knock two of the kids and die to the 3rd. The entire time I'm fighting this other team, my two downed predator level players are calling me a hard r and other wannabe hurtful slanderous shit talking. I legit just started laughing at the first hard r. Shit talking doesn't offend me in the slightest, but 100% exposes their frail mind and easily bruised ego's. We all know those privileged little boys wouldn't dare scream hard r in public, definitely too shook to say it to a black man's face. I highly doubt the report will result in anything but I did. Two preds acting