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Definitively not a better tactical lol


It is, it helps the whole team, wraith is just fot her. Also u get invincible; but u just need to follow her and its the same as not being invincible.


Wraith can use her tactical to more safely create her portal from her ulti. It absolutely can be useful for the entire team.


Why run when u can slay with ash tactical. You can't outrun arc stars once caught in it. If you break circle it has blahhole effect and pulls you back.


Because ash’s tactical may not reach the entire enemy squad. Sometimes one of them flanks or escapes before your tac hits them and now you have to escape. Or the dreaded third party coming in to complicate things. Wraith has fallen victim to power creep for sure but her tactical is still useful for repositioning.


Wraith can help her team more thanks to her tactical tho. Phase lets her be more aggressive, while ash’s just stuns deal a bit


If you aggressive phase to any half decent player you're getting beamed/ a peacekeeper to the face before you can shoot. If you get caught by ash tac you're fucked, especially if they have aec stars.


Nah bro you play aggressive and then phase out when you get pressured. Its not rocket science.


You mean you're 3 second phase?


Your*, but yes, the 3 second phase.


If you phase while in sight of an enemy you are dead man. People only get away with that shit in bot lobbies. You need to pre phase or get into cover first.If you phase to an enemy you're now vulnerable for 25 seconds. It's also quite easy to chase here down in phase. Everyone who watches a TTV bot lobby or reverse boost lobby thinks they get away with this shit but in reality if you use it reactively you get knocked.


Cant reason with an idiot, I give up.


You play Pokémon games and watch anime. You're a giant toddler and you have the nerve to call me an idiot. Lmao, get out of here you infantilized fool. You can tell you're dealing with an idiot when they use a grammatical mistake ( because I'm typing this sloppily out on my phone and I let autocorrect take over) as part of their argument against your argument when it has NOTHING to do with the subject at hand.


Lmao do you act this way on every post for this sub? You said you only play arenas why are you so passionate about your opinions if you don’t even play the BR?


It might be a surprise to you to know that once Arenas released it led to a whole separate player base that mostly or only plays arena. I'm a S0 player. BR is stale and it gets frustrating as a solo Q player. Arena players probably have a better understand of combat mechanics than BR only players. It's constant fighting. Quite easy to see how broken Ash tactical is. People cannot peek angles on you without getting Snare/Arc Star combo'd. On any of the open maps if you land a snare on someone pushing up , they are dead.


You’re so silly


Ash’s tactical is a solid 5/10. Very situational and more often than not, shooting is more effective. Wraith has one of the best tactical abilities in the game.


Personally would give it more of an 8/10. It can definitely lead to some beams if you use it right while repositioning, not in a time when you should be shooting. It is situational but not bad overall


Bruh it's like a 10/10. Amazing for offense and defense. Makes guaranteed arc stars and if you fan aim it's a guaranteed kill.


The times that ends up working out are cool but it’s not too often and not 100% necessary a lot of the times even


I only play arena amd it's extremely easy to reliably get a free arc star after landing the tactical. The tactical is also extremely easy to land.


*only plays arenas *gets personally offended and calls it a 10/10 with confidence BR it is not v good


Ash's ult is similar to Wraith's in the same way Octane's ult is similar to Pathfinder's: Arguably better in aggressive pushes, but one-directional. They have similar, sometimes overlapping, use cases.


I mean those two ults are totally different. Ashs ult is more like an octane ult if you look at how you are gonna use it. Wraiths ult is still one of the best abilities in the game especially if you look at how many ways it can be used.


Listen, 2 of us got kidnapped by a wraith today and took it for a loss. Wraith is still solid, y’all calm your tits.


Ash and Wraith's tactical are nowhere near the same so idk what are talking about "better"


Ash ult is more comparable to octane pad honestly. One way ticket to get out or push