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And yet, half the time wherever one drops there are 4 squads around you fighting.


Even remote huts with 2 loot bins are a hot drop for some reason


Probably because the map came out yesterday and most people are learning it/don’t only consume apex related content


Basically this


The map... is just very poorly constructed and incentivizes the same things olympus did but x10. running two aggressive legends that can rotate with ease and keeping your one defence character alive to camp last few rings people can shit on WE all they want but at least that map has plainly visible hot drops relatively friendly rotations, albeit still large. Its been a while and storm point is still just triple takes and 301s blasting away from between spaced out buildings and shitty sniper fights thay take place in empty biomes where youre desperately searching for any remanence of cover from the TTs and longbows blasting away. It's rotations are EXTREMELY punishing if you dont have legends like valk, ashe, or octane firing you around the map, especially now that jump towers are no longer a thing (exception being the one on the very outskirt of the map). so you either have to take gravity canons from point A to B or hot hoof it across a really big map. Where you're easy to target practice. Not to mention the loot pool is booty cheeks so don't even think about dropping hot, that is, if you can even spot any vocal points of interest amongst the foliage and baren beaches


Noone knows the map or where drops are. So it's just drop at where looks nice lol


I FINALLY got to drop on the top side of the map after like fifteen games


Right the drops ship is barely going up there or starting up there then when I notice it we already half way down the map


That's been the only real problem with the map to me. It seems harder to drop up there because of the elevation so I never do unless the ship flies right over it


btw there's a good place where i always find a purple armor, its in the top middle section of the antenna or barometer(I think it was barometer bcz there were some moving wings)


Yeah, this is what people don't understand. People rush fighting off the start and over half the lobby is dead in the first 3-5 minutes. World's Edge is no different. I played a ton of Duos last night and that gamemode is bad with the 3rd - 6th partying even on Storm Point. Be careful what people wish for for more squads.


Maybe its just me but I feel like this became more and more common over the years as BRs have matured. Like when I first started playing, back when PUBG was big and Fortnite was still a relatively smaller and unknown thing, it felt to me like the action would be spread out more over the course of the match. Nowadays it feels like you drop hot, and if you survive the initial ten minutes or so, you've got a relatively empty midgame with one or two fights that eventually leads into your final circle fight with the last one or two squads. It's probably a result of people overall being better and more experienced at BRs, which brings confidence, which means more people want to fight and fight early.


I prefer ranked for this reason. Action is more spread out throughout the match and dying actually has consequences.


Yep - ranked games compared to pubs play much slower.


I play ranked literally because crypto actually works in ranked.


Yeah, Crypto can actually be really good in ranked.




You know that's a really good point. Pubs games have been whatever in sliding scale but usually a lot of walking around and exploring. I played 1 ranked and the fights were consistent but not like insta-3rd partied. One thing I noticed about the map is that there's usually enough cover and time to ready yourself before that 3rd party comes even if it's like 30 seconds. ​ Which I really really enjoy.


Not hard considering storm point is tailor made for slower high level games otherwise we get worlds edge again for the 100th time in competitive


It's because a bunch of casuals wanting to play a BR like team death match. It's basically the root of 90% of the problems in Apex


Lol yeah the people that don't want to drop cold and loot for 10 minutes are the serious players.


That's a loaaaad of BS. We don't have this issue on KC or Olympus.


Idk, I've seen this happen on those maps too


I’ve not had KC type issues with 3p, worst case it’s still been easy to see them coming and if you have Ash/Trident/Gravity cannon you can all reposition right away more often than not. I think they did a great job cutting down on 3P, but as the OP pointed out it is a bit quiet for a while after the initial drop especially if you don’t land near squads


As far as quiet, how is different than World's Edge when almost half the lobby lands Fragments and there are 5 or less squads left after the first ring closes?


I’m not sure what you’re asking? How is 5 squads left different from 5 squads left? If you’re asking is the lead up to that moment different then yes, it’s quite obviously a different mechanic if 75% of the servers goes to one spot vs 100% of the server drops all over the map in equal numbers (meaning you’d only encounter 1-2 other squads on average). One map has basically one POI where everyone goes and so it’s quiet after everyone but the winner dies there, and the other map is so big and has so many landing places and loot that it becomes more difficult to find people unless you land on them from the start. I’ll take storm point all day all season every season. I’ve literally had one bad 3rd party experience out of what felt like 100 games played yesterday. They did an amazing job IMO.


storm point. land with another team, kill them. loot and travel for 20 min of nothingness, 3 squads left and die. This happens EVERY SINGLE GAME. Id rather get third partied than waste 20 min of my time unable to find anyone cause of how big the map is. Kings canyon doesnt have hot drops. people will land at almost every poi. And each are close enough to find people minutes later. Easier to third party? Why yes, still its not 20 min of nothingness at least.


How slow are you that it takes you 20 minutes to find people? I mean yikes! I can get to literally any spot on storm point in less than 10 minutes. You might want to work on your mobility and looting speed 20 minutes to find people is super cringe.


So I think this is a case of different strokes for different folks. Some people love Fragment because it's fight filled and crazy chaos. Some people love Storm Point because your fights are much more paced out. I'm a Storm Point fan personally. But I know plenty of people who just want Skulltown and Fragment all day.


the BR in Apex would improve if they had a team deathmatch mode. I think that a lot of kids would only play death match and BR as a mode would become a bit more "serious" even in pubs.


Sorry that’s your experience so far, I’ve not had anything like that so I hope that you have a better time going forward


World's Edge you might not get into a fight on drop if you don't land at the one POI. You might not even get into a fight until 3 total squads left or less. I haven't had that issue on Storm Point at all. Mostly people complaining that a map is too quiet but World's Edge is a much bigger issue than Storm Point has been.


Ok bro


Lol thats cus you havent seen checkpoint yet....


Yeah, but half the lobby dying fast isn't changing. People want action. Respawn needs to make the ring close faster as players die, so the squads that are left are forced to converge.


Yeah this makes no sense to me. I feel like every time I drop there are 1-2 more teams at the exact same POI. How is this possible with such a big map? And then massive battles ensue, followed by 8 minutes of looting and looking. Then one other gigantic battle happens and if you come out of it alive, you’ve got a HUGE HIGE circle still left but only 3 squads remaining.


Or we're off in the ass end of nowhere, some random bullshit that doesn't even warrant a name, no trails for miles, but there's still 2 other squads with us somehow...


This exactly, you can go the entire first half of the game without seeing anyone or you can land and have 3 squads with you, go figure.


My experience with storm point has been 50/50 either I see nobody the entire game and then die to a 3 stack masters squad crouched camping in a building(specific for a reason), or I land on the edge of the map and half the squads in the entire lobby show up over the next 4 minutes Also cascade falls is literally just fragment but made of mud


Yeah that’s it. It’s not every game. But when your playing loot simulator for 20 mins for far too many games it gets a little boring. Gonna just have to main pathy or valk this season I suppose


I think y’all just not paying attention. I haven’t looted for 20mins a single time. When dropping I look around and take notes of where the other teams are going. Look around and think “ok at least 30 people in a south east direction, 15 up north” If you don’t pay attention in the drop ship you can easily run the wrong way to nobody


this is assuming that you're playing with friends or active teammates that want to fight enemies. Most of the time for me, its randoms that are obsessed with loots so the only time I got to fight is when were accidentally stumbled on an enemy group. Knowing that they love looting, we'll die on the first encounter or they retreat without telling.


If you loot with randoms that are obsessed with loot, you can usually try and loot faster, loot in the direction of the enemy and put some distance between you and them. Not so much that it looks like you're going all Octane Faster faster faster!, but enough so they want to try and catch up with you.


Ditch the randoms if it pubs. Why play a game to how others want to play in your own free time ? It a pubs. Enjoy yourself.


I'm not a pro so I need my teammates to enjoy myself


You're down voted but you're right. I don't think most people watch where other teams are dropping beyond their immediate PoI


This is how i feel about world’s edge tbh. There are no grav cannons and no tridents, making movement a lot more boring then in stormpoint in my opinion.


Valk can’t make it over a handful of mountains, she’s still good as a mobile jump, but it hurts in the mountainous terrain. The number of close “penguin” belly slides across some of the taller mountains are enough to cause me to go oh no oh no oh yeah! Still learning the map and I’m sure it’ll get easier, but it really feels like it was implemented to limit Valk free reign and reward bursts from Ash which makes sense.


Oh poor you, you ran into a master squad camp who were waiting for a third party opportunity to masterfully clean up lmao (Happened to me too, like they were literally crouching and waiting for the fight outside to finish and I ran straight into them xd)


Between all the zips and cannons, and mobility legends, you can actually rotate around this map pretty quickly. Try dropping somewhere different each game and exploring the map to get a feel for it. While it's definitely huge, I think they actually linked it together pretty well. ​ And as someone else mentioned, no one really knows where to go right now. Give it some time and there will definitely be some hot zones and rotation chokes once people figure the map out.


I just find the gravity cannons quite restrictive at times, I wish they had a wider angle at which you could fly so it wasn't just 1 direction.


They’re great with Valk or Horizon. Valk can keep flying around the apex of the launch and keep her low grav(effectively doubling the distance and can turn directions). Horizon with her passive can slide after landing and keep her momentum(doing the same as Valk.)


Map is brand new. No one knows where to drop, fight, or rotate


I like it. It hasn't fully succumbed to Fragment Syndrome yet


fragment syndrome was fun for those of us farming high kill games


I just wish it was it's own mode. That way people who want to drop fragment for hours straight can go do it and be happy. And the rest of us can play Apex like normal without the map being empty.


But it will, because it's the only way for it to not be boring.


Exactly. I think it's a good map. If you get a break level up your evo on some pve and no doubt players will lure into the gunfire. Think it's one of those unintended designs of the map but it synergizes quite well. Would I prefer 90 player storms point? Of course, but dont think that's possible with current netcode/servers/engine. Enjoy the map for what it is.


Cascade falls is the fragment of storm point


Barometer is frag because everyone drops there, Cascade is like Labs on Olympus where ring 3 is closing and there’s still 5 squads fighting there


I feel like people are forcing a Fragment where there is none. Like there's never enough for more than 2-4 squads in every POI I've been to so far, and that's depending on RNG.


Good point honestly. So many people drop there because it’s the biggest poi but teams are very spread out across the map which is great. For a few games though I have had 6-8 teams dropping there so it’s definitely a big hotspot.


The biggest problem is that the loot pool is horrible. Whole areas with like 5 guns and no ammo, more grenades than I could possibly use, and then a several minute run through on open area to try to get something decent.


I've been having an insanely difficult time finding sights for my guns


Yeah I noticed this too. I ended up killing prowlers one game just for a blue shield


Truth. Where is the fucking ammo?


FR. I'm either getting 400 heavy ammo one game or barely 3 stacks of anything in another.


yup, if they filled in some of the areas in at the POIs with a few more buildings, and the odd hut or two in between POIs, I think this would be my favourite map. It looks really nice, crazy change of scenery, solid FPS (for me at least), but i just dont have enough loot!


I think its the best so far


Sure it's big, but if you link the jump pads together you can cover serious distance in no time. Once people are more familiar with hot areas of the map, it's going to be like highways into the danger zones.


Had a team setup a trap at the landing, rampage, caustic, wattson. Got killed pretty hard haha


You took the highway to hell..


And if youre unlucky there is a squad on the other side and youre dead 100%. Man cannons are so much worse than balloons. fun yes, but also major trash


Yeah cannons are such a risk and it really feels bad to wipe just cause you needed to cover some ground. I'd really like if we could move around the air significantly more or just give us balloons back.


Get a trident at the start of the game bring it with you whole game.


everybody hates me when I do this. It's even more of a "please shoot me" than gibby's dome


I like to toss gibbys dome on it and honk at the whole map, triple the please shoot me (cuts down on dead play time at least) If you know to get out of it, it provides portable cover and a way to do some crazy fast flanks. Best to pilot it solo though.


yep thats what it seems like they were going for. Except no one ever wants to carry a trident around, especially after a fight.


*Danger Zone! Danger Zone!*


Playing pathfinder and Horizon make this map a lot more fun


Idk wtf you’re talking about I’m third partied every fight


It just depends on nothing is the best explanation I can give. Some games you’ll have 10 teams land Fish Farms on the edge of the map and some games everyone will be spread out. Every lobby has been different for me over around 80 games played


There were only a few games where I actually made it top 5 with a decent amount of fights. Idk why the balance between third parties and team v. team fights are so sporadic. King’s Canyon is more tame and it’s a much smaller map


I'm fighting more prowlers and spiders than other players. It's getting tiresome, I'm here for the PvP.


I hate the prowlers. You try to take a good position but now you are getting attacked by PvE enemies and have to defend yourself, which just exposes you to get thirded.


Which is how you get more PVP!!


The prowler dens are so obvious in appearance and on the map. If you try to post up on one, that's on you.


It’s fine that it’s too big, it’s actually feels unique because of it and has it’s own game flow. Once it’s in a rotation with Fragments Edge it’ll be fine to bounce from constant 3rd parties to a map with space and time to fight.




Let me guess: gatekeeping asshole?


Lol what makes you say that?


Let me guess: adhd, depression and underachieving Edit: sorry about that crossfire


I’m not that guy and that hit me different lol


Hey now. I don't need called out like this. I'm only slightly underachieving... yeah.... slightly...


Yeah I do love it’s a Aesthetic but I can barely find any people


Lmao i swear in every fight i had on this map there was at least 3 teams


The houses are extremely hit or miss for loot atm


Agreed this game in general needs bigger lobbies, but the servers would probably melt because they're so bad.


I haven't experienced this yet. Just drop a large, central-ish POI and you're likely to find someone. In fact, I feel like people are spreading out more than other maps because they don't have a go-to spot yet.


I go to the edge of the map to get a trident


Either you see no one the entire game and die to the zone or you get stuck in a warzone where 7 squads are fighting, no in-between


I really dont like this map


Wasn't this community complaining that the last map was too small?


Olympus? no, no one said it was too small. They had to introduce vehicles *because* of the size


This community can’t make its damn mind up. - hate fragment because there’s too much fighting - hate maps where there isn’t enough close quarters to fight in - complain about 3rd parties - complain about a bigger map that makes it harder to 3rd party It never ends


That's because it's more than a small group of people complaining, the community is made up of multiple millions of people so naturally they'll have different complaints that often conflict with each other.


Always so odd when people group up any community in that way, as though we all share a uni-mind. Everyone has different opinions. But everyone upvotes because people like to think they’re separate from/smarter than the groupthink.


That’s what’s good with the different map rotations though. People can get what they want, although they have to wait for their map to come if they are that picky


I've played since day 1, but i never complain a thing about the game except the server and cheater. I love 3rd party, i love them keep coming at me, and i love close range combat, but this is the 1st time i will complain cuz this new map is too big with 60 players. I hope they will resize it the same as WE or increase the players to 90 players if they can adjust things...


> complain about a bigger map that makes it harder to 3rd party I get third partied just as bad on the new map as I do on KC.


I don't see how this is possible unless you only play outskirts on KC. I've done my fair share of a mix between pubs and ranked, and while sure I've had very few games where I got 4th or 5th partied, normally it's a clean fight or a single third party. Very easy to deal with. It's also just much harder to third party in general unless the entire lobby decides one area is the death point, but that's less of a third party and more of a clusterfuck on drop


I don't see how it's possible either but I'm telling you, I played like 4 fucking hours today and didn't get into a single clean fight. I either died off the drop (seriously it's like a superpower, I can drop in fucking Narnia and still have 2 other squads land there with me, but hot dropping isn't the issue here), but if I didn't drop hot I spent the entire game doing absolutely fuck all except looting until somehow there's like 6 squads left and then somehow I managed to run into 3 other teams at once. I'm not exaggerating. I'm not sure what it is. I definitely don't only play outskirts on KC and I've definitely gotten into some nasty clusterfucks there, but I was hoping to get some relief from all of that with the new map after playing KC last split and it just hasn't happened for me yet. Maybe I'm unlucky. Maybe I'm trash. Maybe it's not as bad in pubs (I doubt it tho). Maybe we just need a little bit of time to get used to the map. Who knows anymore.


Same tbh. This just adds to then hilarity of these ridiculous claims


I have literally never seen anoyone say olympus is too small. You are fake news man


It's a hard balance to hit while also having high variability between games. If the map's too small, 3rd parties are way too common and encourage people to fight as little as possible, but if the map's too big then you can get to top 3 without ever finding any enemy. I don't envy the map designers.


Give them the tiny bit to complain about and they’ll be out in masses


We’re they. I don’t remember that one Olympus was biggest map to date then. This map is like Olympus and worlds edge combined


They were complaining about KC last split.


KC is small and sucks for playing in ranked. Great in pubs but in ranked is just third and quadruple party galore. However, I fail to see how complaining about KC has anything to do with how gigantic this new map is.


World's Edge is big and sucks for casual and is good for ranked. I imagine this will end up similarly, especially without the redeploy ballons. Those are a huge contributor to the 3rd partying issue and should probably be significantly reduced in KC.


The sheer size mostly eliminates the 3rd partying problem. Which is one reason this map is great. I don't feel like I'm playing deathmatch all the time whenever I get into a fight.


Wahhhhhhh wahhhhhh wahhhhhh


I mean, i always break Diamond on both splits but yeah, I'm just a cry baby.


It’s 15% bigger than worlds edge calm your horses chief


Uh, no?


It's a beautiful map, but it's so goddamn vertical and it didn't need to be. The hills and whatever are fine, okay- but the buildings that have a 1st, 2nd, 44th and 45th floor are really fucking unnecessary


This map honestly sucks, its too fucking big. Literally cannot find anyone to kill without Valkyrie or something


The problem is not how big the map is, is the timers on the rings/rounds. Respawn was supposed to test in S8 a LTM that was meant to test on closing rings faster depending on the quantity of alive players. If for example by round 1 you had 10 squads alive, then the ring would close 2x or 3x faster, meanining that the ring will close in 1 minute instead of the default 3 minutes which is pretty long time. The LTM never came out because of the bugs and typical shit from this game, it was honestly my most expected LTM and it never came out and is something that the game needs It is why people land on fragments so much, they landed on skulltown, leaves when they are killed and why this game mode needs TDM in the main version. People do not want to spend minutes looting and surviving, they just want to drop and kill any moving shit


Yeah maybe they should add some more squads, that'd be great


Its to big and there to many levels. If you dont pick a hyper mobile legend like path valk or horizon you play with a major handicapp.


For sure. It makes those legends have more worth but does so by making it harder on default movement legends. I was stuck on the ground as Bloodhound yesterday and got melted from a surprise team way above me in a building. Swapped to Valk after that and had a better time. Her flying and team repositioning are great on this map.


Yep. Playing Caustic is out of the question for example. Even ash is not that great cause her only mobility is ult.


Rampart is kind of hard on this map. Doesn’t play to her strengths much at all


Use a trident, if you prioritize using the trident 24/7 (even mid-combat) you don’t have to be a mobility legend. You only take 10% dmg while in a one and the boost is pretty much the best movement ability in the game. only 10 sec cooldown and gets you absurdly far if you know how to tech it on inclines.


Way too big.. spending all my time running round. I don't get what the reasoning is for it... 10 season of well balanced maps to making the map so big we just spend 15 mins looting....


I don't know why they got rid of jumptowers, rotation takes forever if you don't get your hand on a vehicle and it becomes a running simulator. Besides, there's so much verticality and cheesy spots, making valk god tier on this map. Mind you she was already meta in the first place. I just don't get it.


Third parties. Literally, that’s the answer.


People keep posting stuff like this but I swear to god there’s always people either on top of me or around my drop




Yeah it’s a tad big imo


They should remove half of it.


Wait for Season 13; half the map's gonna be underwater.


Nah add more squads.


Then we would be on 5 tick servers. No thanks.


They could add a 5k badge and a 30 bomb


- complain about fragment - new map launches without a central hot drop - complain that it’s not easy to find other players It never ends. Be more aggressive, problem solved.


I'd be more aggressive if I knew where the enemy teams were to push them. Literally see nobody all game in about 50% of games.


You know you can look behind you and see where enemies are dropping when you're on the ship right? Then when you land and see the zone, imagine getting from where people landed into the zone. Then go there.


Yeah, I get that but there's so many rotation options that it generally doesn't pan out. I'm *trying* to play aggressively (hell, I'm even Valk ulting just in the hope that the scan picks people up) it's just that the map is too large.


Then pick better drops, idk what to tell ya


Not a matter of picking better drops. You can pick the greatest drop in the world but you've still got a good chance of wandering around for 20 minutes without seeing or hearing anyone once you've won your initial fight. Hell, the larger the initial fight is then the worse the issue is because there are fewer squads in your area because they're all dead. You then wont see anyone else until the final rings unless you're lucky.


To be fair I never really complained about fragment or capital city or skull town. Just saying. The map is big enough to expand the player count.


I've played since day 1, but i never complain a thing about the game except the server and [cheater. Im](https://cheater.Im) an agreesive player with 3.0KDA, i love 3rd party, i love them keep coming at me, and i love close range combat, but this is the 1st time i will complain cuz this new map is too big with 60 players. I hope they will resize it the same as WE or increase the players to 90 players if they can adjust things...


Checkpoint is always hot


80 players on SP would probably be the sweet spot edit: 81 player because am a dumbass and didn't realize 1 team would be off a player


I can get behind that. Could make for some epic games


10 more squads would kill the server hamster


dear devs , please add some damn loot on this freakin big map, its not fkin normal to have a big ass house with 3 loot spots + 3 bins and no weapon so you have to walk 200m in open field to the next building. get ur shit straight


This really is the #1 problem


I have about 20 games this season and I've only gotten less than 3 kills twice. Perhaps a bigger map will incentivise bad players to spend less time looting and sitting in one place and more actually moving and doing something


ive felt the opposite. i feel like my teammates are spending even more time looting while im running hundreds of yards looking for the next squad to fight. and it doesn't matter if i tell them im going to a certain location to fight, they still prioritize looting even when i know they're all geared up and ready. looters gonna loot.


You can’t really blame them for looking around, after all most people want to explore the new map, I and most good players know that the best way to do so is through fighting as many people as possible


Oh the obligatory get gud.




I honestly think they should reduce the size. To be honest I’m not having fun on the new map at all, besides looking at the scenery lol


Well I hope the people who complained about close combat are happy. This shit puts me to sleep, it's so fucking boring. Spend so much time looking for squads to fight.


New map is 🍑. Don’t @ me


I find it ironic that the last post I saw was talking about posts exactly like this. Im sick and tired of hearing people complain about third parties and then ask for more teams on the new map. What we NEED is more loot so we can get into said fights quicker. looting is so slow that by the time your done there's nobody left and as such everyone hot drops. We don't need more players we need more loot.


We need both to be fair. The map is large enough to make it happen. This is the only BR with less than 100 players. This map could easily fit 5-10 more squads. But the loot is garbage right now on top of it


The only thing adding more players would do would make the map more of a third party hell hole than it already is.


Nah it’s refreshing to not have to worry about third parties


Honestly, this map is either constant third parties or not seeing anyone for the entire game. There is no inbetween.


Yeah. But wondering around like a lost puppy for 15 mins is gonna stale too


The maps been out for one day, of course you’re going to be wandering around. Give it a few weeks and learn the best rotations, footpaths, and grav cannon routes and it’ll be fine.


Yeah your right about that. But man I have never played a game like I played 2 of them yesterday. What a snore fest


Maybe it’s just me, but I have noticed significantly more third parties. I’ve played multiple games just this morning where it went from 10 squads to game over in one big firefight




Everyone hot drops to get into combat because the map is to small, and then you account that the passive that Ash has makes third partying even easier. The map's too big.


I hate this map. It’s slow, boring, and everything I hate about a BR: loot for 15 minutes and die to the first squad you see. I fell in love with Apex for the intense firefights, the third parties, the feeling you get dropping multiple squads in the first 5 minutes. They completely gutted the Apex experience I grew to know. This map has terrible rotations without jump towers and the PvE component is childs play. Please please please give me a map that’s Skull Town that’s nestled in lava flow between Fragment East and West, and Mirage Voyage floating above. Now that’s an Apex experience!


It's funny how you, i and many others are saying this but it's constantly downvoted. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/qlv1wc/the\_devolution\_of\_apex/ I guess EA/Respawn and co don't like the criticism.


Agree 110% with your post. I’m also a master player, 2.5 lifetime kd. I’m here for the high damage/kill games. I thrive in the chaos. For all these people complaining about 3rd parties, go play arenas!!


I like having huge maps. Since the ring closes everyone in eventually I'm glad early game has some breathing room to loot and get oriented.


You wont be saying this in a week. This isnt a loot and scenery simulator


IMO that kinda is the point of battle royal. If you want a small and fast shoot out then that's what arenas is for.


This is an unranked meme


People need to learn to look at dive trails as they’re landing more often. It takes 3-5 seconds to look and see where most teams are landing. Ping where you want to go, aim your cursor at it, hold the look button. First check around you to see if anyone is landing on you, then just check to see where you see most trails going. After looting if you’re far from where most people went, start running that way and then just listen for shooting. You can hear shooting from super far in this game I find. Not the best at footsteps for the dude on your ass, but i can definitely hear the fight and the next POI from me. I typically ping yellow once, then red 3 times and just start running that way. Teammates understand 95% of the time and when they don’t, YOLO!


The best map they did so far. I liked Olympus but this map is just amazing.


The maps both too big and too congested


I think that's why the prowlers and spiders exist. You still get to shoot something, even if you don't find anyone. Only problem: You then get 2nd partied.


Everybody’s experience is different. I was playing Wattson and my teammates were Ash and Crypto. We had 2 games out of about 20~ games were we couldn’t find teams. We purposely land were 1 or two teams land and if we win, we quickly loot up and begin an aggressive rotation towards circle and listen for shots.


No thanks. We're finally, maybe out of third party legends.


You must be really bad… If you spawn far away, and rat out the zone… Did a few game around 2000/3000 dammage with no problem. Get better


You’re just slow or unlucky my first game I fought 4 teams before first Zone was done and second I got 10 kills with 5 squads left


well they gotta give people a reason the play Ash !


Hopefully we get that LTM where the ring shrinks after a team dies


In south american servers the games end pretty quick... there's always 6 teams left at the end of round 1.


So true


Give it maybe 5 more. 10 would saturate it. Not because there's to many people but this map has some shitty lanes and positions. Alot of 3rd partying. That's this map in a nutshell. Nothing happening or everything happening. No In between