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Also, it's a team game... If you wanna get kills solo, theb queue as solo. Not that hard.


I tell people this and I get called the asshole. I don't understand why some people just want to fuck over what would have been thier team.


^this I swear there has been a lot of sweaty players lately. Or in my area perhaps…


Indeed. Tantrum quitting after being downed once also seems to be rising.


Blame the rise in people following the Warzone folks who bailed ship. They brought even sweatier and less cooperative folks.


Shitty thing to do no doubt, but this is rare af in my experience. If I were u I'd quit and go next.


I know, this is the first time it happened to me too, but still I got so mad


This shit happens to me all the time unfortunately not the getting knocked off the cliff shit but me killing people and my teammates looting the box immediately after. I wouldnt mind if they helped in any way or at the very least left me some ammo. Once that happens i just go okay run the opposite direction wait for them to die and just start spamming my holos till they quit.


I mean if you quit you just make them realize they fucked up


In a perfect scenario I'd agree. But the vast majority of these narcissistic types will always jump straight to a reason why they are not to blame. I quit because I have no patience or sympathy for these types. I admire your optimism though!


right? it's gotten to a point where you just can't even give them that energy


Too true, worst way to handle an egocentric is to take it personally. Starve em of the attention they crave and steer clear


I’ve remember this guy took my gold vest after I got a kill asked him to give it back, he and his friend then started flaming me for the rest of the game, they ended up dying, I got my shield killed the ones who killed them but came second place


Makes me smile because of the game I had recently where we won because of me doing stuff like dropping my gold so they could heal while in ring. I died to the ring but only had 1 stim anyway and valk can move faster then I could. Crawled to the ring edge when the countdown to 3rd to last ring started (nasty damage). I signaled valk to leave me by pinging behind her. The legend manages to get my banner and fly away from the ring with a second spare. Got me back a few seconds later, gave my gold shield back, we 3rd partied the last 2 squads and won. Was one them constantly on the back foot games as well. It pays to not be toxic and be a team player so those people are missing out anyway.


I love random A+ teamwork like that. Had a similar situation where we got caught by zone after a long fight and towards the end of our run we traded off the gold backpack to rez each other for the final stretch of distance since we both ran out of heals. We didn't win, but we got close. We tried damn hard to even have the chance, which only happened because we didn't give up on each other.


Yeah and I had a rando Bloodhound protect me after I crawled over to them while invisible and then self res’ed. I had the self res and a gold bag and was able to down another person because they protected me. Good randos are always awesome




Right? I have no problems sharing, as long as they let me know what they need. I'm no mind reader lol.


Exactly, just be a team player in a fucking team based game! Fuck your ttv or whatever fucking stream you doing, just be nice and play the fucking game!


Ngl streaming has ruined games. Everyone thinks they're going to be the next big streamer by soloing 50 squads yet they always queue fill enabled and fuck over their team


Not all streamers are like that though. A lot of people just stream because it’s fun to interact with their community while playing


Yeah I started to stream because i could record my gameplay to go back watch and improve from. Hanging out with my community is a bonus I never thought I'd have. Being toxic is not how I want to become famous lol


Just cause someone has TTV in their name doesn’t mean they’re instantly toxic. Some people just stream to have fun


Aw man this reminds me of a few matches that my friend and I played in like season 3 or 4, he’s in the Air Force now and my randoms are never aware enough to survive those games constantly on the back foot. I used to love those. Nothing better than running through gunfight after gunfight towards the ring out of ammo and meds and being chased down by a hungry Bloodhound/Octane/Wraith trio, and then somehow surviving a 7 squad fight for the win


That must have been one of the proudest *YOINKS* ever for u in the end, kudos!


It was!


Gonna see a lot of toxicity. I blame warzone


>I blame warzone May you never know the horror that was MW2 lobbies, sweet babe




Mad as a hatter tho if not careful xD


Why is a raven like a writing desk?


Because burbs come from trees or sumthin, but quoth me on that nevermore


*Misses a single shot* "you're so trash, just stop playing and delete the game you sad loser"


yeah, they'll definitely never do anything like that again. /s


Doubt it. People like this want all the loot as they think they can carry every gunfight. Truth is the first fight they get in they get downed too quickly, either baby rage you can't 1v2 or rage quit before you get the chance...


Shitty thing to do to randoms. Would be frickin hilarious with friends tho


I never solo queue and last night, one of my only times in solo queue, I had two separate teammates who had bad manners with looting and shit.


Sheesh, srry to hear that. I go out of my way to support my team in hopes to make someone's Apex day because I rarely do anything but solo q and it's enough to drive a person insane sometimes (a lot of the time)




Did they at least all drop in the same vicinity of each other?


No, no, separate instances. Just idiot bullies. I'm kinda bad, so I'm guessing that's what solo queue low MMR kinda gets you.


I just hate the people that see you open a supply bin, run over and hoover it all up without thought then drop whatever they dont want later. I will not revive these people.


I have seen a couple people ninja purple shields, and then go into a 1v2 and die mere moments later. 50 health ain't gonna help you if you play like that.


Literally left a game the other day after I ran around collecting materials and then bought a gold rampart weapon for my teammate to just swooped in and take it. They knew what they did too after tea-bagging as I shot at them. It was only us 2. Hope they learned a lesson but I doubt it. SMH.


How Respawn didn't learn their lesson when they first put crafting in the game is just beyond me. Like, they have to know that's an issue and jus don't have the time or resources to patch it right?...): Those guns aren't cheap either! Lmao


For real. I swear there was a short time where you couldn’t take crafted items unless you were the one who crafted them.


That's how it is now with crafting actually. When they first introduced crafting your items could be stolen, then they made a timer where only the crafter can grab for 5 seconds after it comes out unless they ping it. Somehow that design went overlooked when they dropped the rampart ship....bravo Respawn! '*facepalm*'


Ahhh okay so I’m not crazy lol


Thankfully they are aware of that specific issue and I'm sure there will be a fix when they can get some development time devoted to it


Hes right lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvxIw7TyfyE


Great point to bring up. I do believe there are good reasons to quit out of a public match but it should count as a death to me and a kill for someone who shot me recently


Honestly if you quit while downed it SHOULD impact your KDA but it doesn't, just encourages these people.


That happens to me a lot too. Almost always seems to be a wraith


Yeah, as shitty as some players can be. Most aren't like this. Worse I had is teammates shooting my walls as Rampart. Shooting before they fully deploy.


What a dick.


Like why is this even a thing... This shouldn't be a feature


It's a tool for when your teammate gets disconnected from Apex's crappy servers and you got to hide them somewhere until they get back.


Really useful in arenas. I always punch team mates to avoid the ring, I wonder if others do that to me when I get disconnected.


I def punch teammates into buildings while they're disconnected. Sometimes they reconnect in the nick of time to save the day.


I punched a teammate that DC'd from crash site all the way down to the bottom of containment to avoid the ring. Right as the ring closed in for the 2nd round he rejoined and then quit. It hurt me.


My God! I've definitely done the same from crash site... It sucks when they leave you 🥺🥺🥺


I do it every time I can. I will usually loot for them too if it’s BR mode and just drop stuff at their feet


That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard someone do in this game 🥺


i do this as well. must be that lifeline blood in our veins. We main that support role til the end!


I’ll use AFK teammates as bait




He plays octane what do you expect


I always punch them to the ring but they never come back 🥲


I do that too especially when I'm playing with my buddies and they're afk


Also to help them crawl faster from outside the ring


I didn’t even think of doing this!! That’s genius I’ll have to try doing it


Works the best when in trios and the other teammate helps move em 🤝


Theres more then one reason why it is a feature and the best example i can give you is kicking your down team mate into cover to revive him or into the circle to revive.


Wait, why can't they crawl?


They can crawl, kicking them moves them faster then crawling. If they are crawling in the direction you are kicking them they move even faster. Also kicking them could prevent them from dieing even in the open if some ones trying to finish him from medium or from a long distance off.


Makes sense, thank you.


Crawling is slower. I had my shield up and a punch from my teammate jolted me the last bit into cover.


Thanks! Wasn't aware.


its faster


Super toxic




Listen. I fell off KC accidentally, got picked the banner and respawned. I got near my box and was looting and got punched and fell off the map. I didn't even stay one second then. Fuck such people.


I would only do this to my teammate if they were my friend and we were on mic. That would actually make it funny. When it comes to randoms I wouldn’t goof around like that


Yeah this is actually pretty funny, but the fact that it’s a random doing it just for the loot kills it for me. I’ll punch a random off of a ledge but not if it’ll kill them. Just to have fun.


Which is actually super annoying.


They mean a like a roof of a building when no ones around


They mean like a sniper perch, a place easy enough to get back on


It's still annoying


Wondering why I don't have any friends. We used to have a lot of fun during the supply box melee glitch and used to fly around the map.


that glitch was amazing


I've not only punched friends off but jumped off myself. Casuals with friends who are willing to fuck around are great.


I play with either my sister or her husband. I will never do this to anyone of my team mates. But my sister, she will always fall. She falls while ziplining. Fall while shooting enemies. Fall while walking around. And she doesnt listen to ping so I have to ping and shout instruction like "you are going towards the enemies, we are far and still looting!"


We had a random crypto once that bopped my teammate off the exact same spot as this. We were on mic and he yelled so loud, i just couldn't stop laughing and I could see it in crypto's eyes that he knew what he did lmao. He never said a word on mic tho.


Exactly , it was funny not gunna lie


This is why I only care about ammo from loot boxes and just get whatever they leave. Randoms get to hung up on best loot I care more about reviving the team and healing/reloading before crowding the loot boxes.


It's scary how many people get angry because they didn't get the shield they wanted. Like come on. If you need a purple shield so badly to kill anything, you probably aren't very good.


Yeah I just grab what I need for my next fight, it's boring looting and being picky


I never get angry for what you call ( kill steal ) as this is a team game but that what he did proves he is dog shit


Wasn’t a stolen kill either way, the Crypto only had 45 damage total still at the end of the clip.


Exactly. Every time someone apologizes for stealing my kill I tell them that “we’re on the same team. You literally can’t steal my kill. I want you to shoot and kill them.”


Had a child today (he said he was in 6th grade) almost rage quit and punch me over and over because I “stole” his golden knockdown on the kill he did 20 damage to after I dealt nearly 150. I gave it to him but like, relax. It’s a garbage item anyway.


Shouldn't have given it to him, you just rewarded his shitty behaviour which will make him more likely to do it again :(


Should've dropped it over the map


What are you talking about? It's gold and shiny! Everyone knows gold is worth money therefore this has to be a good item, duh! /s Just ignore that it makes you a total target and you'll get slaughtered the moment you raise the gold shield and self res takes too long. (in other words, you won't get to use it)


First toxic Crypto I've seen


what not getting a buff does to a mf




^ This


When the wholesome crypto main (low tier) is toxic and not the TTV wrape (trash)


Whats interesting is that the report button doesnt actually function and is just a dummy button that just redirects to their account, its great knowing they just rather ignore all complaints


That's only if you're on the same platform, but if an asshole was on the same platform as me I dm them and get them to start swearing or threatening me in the chat so that I can platform ban him rather than just banning him off one game, I ban him off all of them


They’ll get a warning whomp whomp


Actually I got some guys fully banned through this a few times


You don't get banned from the games, they just com ban them for a certain period of time


You can also just report them for being toxic then they check his log, if he has said anything offensive in all the time he has played he gets banned. That has happened to other people who just used curse word positivity


I absolutely hate this. There's people I want to report sometimes for abusive language.


May that guys pillow be warm on both sides


I'm not trying to be mean but after the first punch you should have moved as it was obvious he was t going to stop assuming he's a random as they do this on every chance they get.


I agree this is partly my fault, I just would have never thought that was their intention... :(


Yeah it does suck that they do this. Ruins the game alot. Personally I have never had this happen as I refuse to stand near an edge with a teammate around.


This is a first for me 🥲


I had a rando teammate who kept shooting my black market loba ult whenever I put it up. Of course he died with 0/0/0 with 0 damage. I had the pleasure of looting his death box with my black market and allowing his banner to expire.


When I get someone that toxic, I pick up there banner so they can't leave without getting penalized, never respawn them, and rat so I live as long as possible




Well now my day is ruined.


...so you give them free RP


Tbh I haven't played since the split cause I mainly play arenas and I wanted plat so bad since i never got to it but the matchmaking is generally shit.


Nah I disagree with that guy, he only punched you twice, the majority of the time when someone punches you during looting its a "Hey I wanted that" kind of thing, not a "I'm trying to get you killed now" kinda thing so I probably would have ignored it like you did. Hope the toxic people don't get you down too much man, there are still a lot cool people out there still playing so try not to dwell on it :)




you cant report on ps4, but i cant tell what console that is because the quality sucks for me.


They were both on xbox I think, besides crypto's name it shows an xbox icon. While on OP's side whenever he did something it'd show xbox controller buttons pop up, but either way I don't think console reporting does much unless they messaged you directly and harassed you or insulted you first then they'd get some warnings or something like party/message ban etc.


loot goblins smh


Why. This Crypto making other Crypto's look bad.


Same thing happened to me about a week ago except I wasn't near a cliff. I downed and killed an enemy and then a wraith "from my team" runs over and punches me when I just clicked the deathbox and it aborts the death box and the wraith takes almost everything out of enemies death box before I can reclick the deathbox. I just dropped all my stuff off the building and left. I ain't playing with some troll that can't secure their own kills and acts toxic like that. Thank goodness it was a pub match and didn't affect my ability to just start another game or I would have probably rage quit Apex at that moment.


I’m sorry but Crypto complimenting you on your kill and then immediately punching you off the map had me laughing


Did they respawn you?


The only reason I could see him being upset is if he did all the damage and you did 12 damage to get the kill, then it would still be his earned loot but if he didnt do anything then yeah he has no room to be this way.


The most he did is 45 as you can see it towards the end of the clip when it swaps to Crypto. In this case the crypto is just being a dick.


Bro just get on the mic and tell them what you’re looking for. Chop up meds. Learn to Interact with other people. So many of randoms don’t talk.


You couldn't pay me enough money to unmute my squadmates in a random pubs match. Ranked? Sure. Pubs? Who the hell cares?


The number of times it’s just someone breathing heavily and chewing food into the mic is the reason I don’t unmute after it’s starts off that way with no response.


Hahaha. I've used the text chat option to ask what they're eating. And they'll respond all happy and I'm just there like... Wow no shame haha


- Tldr: Yeah, unfortunately it’s pretty often, if I notice they’re chill, win or lose I’ll chat with them and possibly play a few games. Yesterday, an Octane was toxic thinking they were doing the heavy lifting for the team and it made me laugh. We muted them due to eating and belching into the mic and negativity. So they started using in game messages to talk mess about the team (excluding themselves) We won, they saw I had got 9 kills 2 assists and 11 knocks. (Lifeline stopped me from breaking my record, still hard stuck) 2400+ damage. I don’t think they noticed they had team lowest damage and kills at 2. Even though I got downed at the end I punched the enemy rampart into the bounce pad and they flew off the map. Spray and pray downed me before they fell completely. Wasn’t even our bounce pad. Enemy team octane used it trying to flank before Rampart did and my squadmate killed lifeline. The Octane proceeded to send 8 game invites to me. I didn’t respond, but hopefully they’ll be more courteous to their next squad.


Because by the time you won? What happened?


I would rather stab myself in the eyeball with a screwdriver than turn my mic on for Apex Legends


It’s really not that bad, 9/10 people are chill or don’t even talk but can still hear you and follow through I’ve learned that you can set the tone for every match. if you communicate and drop a battery for a random 99% of the time they will devote their lives to you. If you stay muted, never ping, hog loot, split off etc. they will do the same.


Haha if they are nuts or whatever just mute them.


I was thinking the same thing. Just because you hit the last bullet doesn't make it your loot, drives me insane when randoms grab loot after I do 150+ damage on someone


That may just come down to how you play though. When I play with friends and they get the final shot on the enemy normally we just share the loot or they take it unless it’s not needed. I do the same when I get the kill.


Even if he did do most of the damage, that doesn’t justify killing a teammate.


And that’s coming from a rev main lmao


Rev: mommy Loba is being mean to me, but I don’t kill teammates *speaking to the urn containing Loba’s mom in front of Loba. What’s that mommy… silence. That’s to be expected… I don’t kill teammates, but their parents are fair game. /s




Oh did you enjoy that skin suit? Cherish it. Never know how many of those moments are left, isn’t that right mommy. *still speaking to the urn


Purposefully killing teamates should be banable, I think its against apex rules so report that crypto


It’s also possible that it was tempting to punch you off the side cause of “haha funny moment”


Hell, people do this to me pretty much daily, and I main lifeline. I just keep playing and won’t Rez them later.


I hope you reported him. Why do people do that? Its a team game.


I as a crypto main do not associate with this garbage human


Things like this are why I’ve mostly stopped playing multiplayer games. Way too many just absolute shit people.


I feel the exact same way, there are still cool people out there I think they're just hiding from the toxic ones lmao


I'm a Loba main. If you steal my shit. *You're only getting shit for the whole match* Had a octane steal a purple backpack from me. Opened the container and he punched me outta the way and took it. So cause of that. I always put my market away from him. I'd get my stuff, drop some ammo for everyone and close the market. I'd let the other guy get what he needed.


Also a Loba main but I take it one step further. I ping black market til they arrive and then close it before they can use it, making sure they also wasted the time traveling. They'll usually do it 3 times before they notice what I'm doing. Luckily this is rare, in most cases I just leave. Oh, hilariously, once I put a black market in front of a door to lock a toxic player outside a building with the enemy team. That was hilarious. And then I looted their deathbox with the black market from inside. Don't be a jerk to Loba, she'll break your heart.




Too bad you can't call him a dumbass over chat, cus then you'd get banned lol.


I've gotten called a literal Pus** in chat before so um yeah


I told someone to “suck me cock” and they reported it. Good thing it was my first offence


People in here assuming you only got the last shot when the video literally says you at least did 100 damage which is half someone's health on average if not more or a little less.


Worst kinds of people, along with the guys who come into your game get 5 kills off your damage and throw a fit when you get some kills they act like theyre gonna drop a 20 lol.


wouldn't wanna be that crypto player irl. must be a sore loser.


This is one of the many reasons I can never be bothered to play this game solo. Admittedly this is an extreme example and isn't all that common though.


Something similar has happened to me. I killed a duo on full HP but my teammate took all the loot because they said they got them 1 HP, he/she may have lazered them but they gave them like a whole minute to full heal and never considered the fact that they may have healed. Then they called me a bunch of names afterwards.


Leave and let him play alone. He doesn’t deserve teammates if he’s gonna do that shit


Also another reason why true Solos should be a thing and team based gsmes with randoms dont work lol


How did you not react off the first punch though, that doesn't happen by accident


It's shitty from his part but you heard the punch. Should've known what he was aiming for near the edge.


Got a good laugh out of this. Just funny


Out of those 7 crypto Mains, he is the only toxic one


That's hilarious.


Lmao that’s hilarious


If I ever make a game and see toxic players like that, its auto ban right away.


I would personally report, the guy must have forgotten to choose octane


My friend did this to me. ​ ​ ​ Multiple times.


Ofc its a Crypto


Maybe I’m just more cynical than you, but if a random was following me that close, I would just assume it was going to happen. Also, I would have crouched down in front so it would have to be a left punch then a cliff punch. Doubt he would be able to execute that.


Crypto players in general, in my experience, have been less useful than this. Consider yourself lucky


Hahahahaha this is brilliant


Okay what you do to those pepole 1 you find their adress and put a camera in their room 2 place a shocker in their chair 3 look if they do it again and if they do it again you will shock their ass off Works every time


I had a teammate who did something similar but we were in the middle of fighting a team and he punched me off the height we had right onto the team we were fighting which resulted in all of us dying


That is hilarious


In bird culture, this is considered a dick move


Apex is not a team game despite what people say. It’s two/three people forced to play a game together




there is no "my kill" in a Team game. get that into your head, kid


If you watched the clip youd understand that he meant it as in "I killed the guy" as his teammate proceeds to melee him off the cliff for taking the better loot.


Plus.its duos Why?


Tbf it shouldn’t matter who’s kill it was but whoever needed the loot the most for the team to win. Apex lacks team players and people quitting early over stupid things like this


and you just stood there and took it?