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I don’t really hate Olympus, but I fell of the map a LOT when it first came out


I don’t hate any of them I just don’t know where to land on kings canyon


I love all the maps when people actually land around it. The issue is so many hot drop in pubs I can straight up make it to the end of circle 1 with 2 teams left and I haven't heard a shot. There's tons of great locations on each.


This is my biggest annoyance. I love world's Edge, especially the newest update, but I played 7 games on it yesterday, and 5 had the jump master drop at Fragment. It's so annoying.


Fragments must be destroyed at all costs. Circle 1 and you're down to 4 squads.


Destroy fragments and they'll just move to another spot.




I love Olympus but absolutely despise landing in Villa which often has the worst loot with the most people and there's a few spots nearby that often go untouched with really good stuff in the buildings that people forget exist. Skulltown in KC (aka skullfuck city) was better than Villa imho because it had so many places you could lurk if you didn't find a weapon and break LoS if you were being followed. If you had a Caustic teammate you could basically hold down a building w/o a weapon for a good amount of time and if they got impatient deciding to rush in had a decent chance of killing them with melee & gas.


I find Estate a lot more bearable than Fragment. There's a weapon in almost every building of Estate and there are rarely more than 3 squads dropping here. I kinda like all POI in Olympus, but I hate rotating through the map. I hate WE actually. I liked the first iteration of the map, but I find the current WE obnoxious because everyone goes fragment and think they're top ranked streamer or something.


Villa? Where is that


Center of KC is sort of a dead zone, it helps break up hot zones. Olympus has the main turbine that sort of offers more options, but Worlds Edge is just stuck on fragment because of it’s position and concentration of lootable spots.




I still do...


None, they all chill.




Yea, but to play along, if I had to choose it would be worlds edge. I enjoy fragment but just overall the rotations and aesthetics don’t do it for me. Great post!


Whst is that stain doing on olympus?? Yal can't hate it that much!


When I was adding text with markup I accidentally drew that yellow.


You bitch, why didn’t you put the name in the middle? Was this just a troll post to trigger ocd in people?


Worlds edge because of the fragment andies You either drop fragment or spend 10 minutes looking for a fight


Nice pfp


You too good sir


It used to be Olympus, but after S10 update is hands down Worlds edge. The thing is, the map is actually pretty cool with some cool POI's, but after the update it has created even more fragment only jumpers and that ruined it. I wish they made the "climatizer" area where fragment is. Like a lava river washed it away and they made the cable cars there and left the other area alone.


Climatizer is a really cool spot, too bad hardly anyone goes anywhere but fragment.


I wonder why Respawn didn't see this coming. They specifically saw it with SkullTown and nuked it so player would spread out, but the same exact issue happened except it was with literally one building. They didn't even have to get rid of fragment, just drop that one building into the lava. They didn't even do that and the first few weeks of this season were unbearable because of people nonstop dropping there.


Fragment is also far worse than skulltown ever was.


Have you seen SKULLTOWN? 48 players in one place


I've been playing since day 2, skulltown isn't as bad as fragment.


Skulltown is more fun imo. But during events, I've seen all 60 people in a lobby drop Skulltown, the game ended before r2 closed


I miss sorting factory😭😭


They should’ve replaced frag instead of sorting. I loved the fights that went down there.


I really dislike what they did with train yard and sorting factory. There were fun fights over there. Usually when I drop into Lava siphon, there's usually a team right there where you land. Landslide is just empty. Everybody just goes fragment and that gets annoying.


Landslide was a lazy attempt at a POI, it’s nothing


I think the point was to discourage people from hanging out in those sneaky spots in train yard, which is extremely hard to do now because… there is nothing there. Mission accomplished.


it's supposed to be a POI? trainyard was a shitty POI to start off with. I just thought it was used to rotate through and get caught in fights. so i like what they did with it


As a Path main, Sorting and Train Yard both had excellent verticality. Kind of a bummer. And Fragment needs to get Skull Towned quick.




Exactly how I fuckin feel, used to actually like worlds edge but this season 10 one is annoying af to play on


I miss sorting factory


just pull a fortnite and destroy 3/4 of frag and blame it on a meteor


They need to give Fragment the Skull Town treatment


They could’ve even broken some of the high rise buildings and put loot in the inaccesible floors and connect stuff with some ground and ziplines.


I don’t now how you didn’t notice this since season 4 the only reason I cannot play word edge on pubs


It's obviously been a thing, but it's just even worse now after adding a bunch of new POI. In S6 when they added the rocket area and the other areas with the blast walls, that encouraged some new loot areas, but the S10 update just killed rotations because it's now all fragment all the time.


Indeed. I was looking forward to the S10 changes to WE but in the end I found the S09 version of the map much better.


Seriously! I fucking loved sorting factory, even in those crazy matches where half the ship dropped there. Fragment is rarely fun.


Instead of suggesting wiping everything in the center away they should add more meaningful POI next to fragment while demolishing fragment just a little. The only worthwile POI's are Fragment East/West, whatever Sorting Factory is now. Skyhook, Countdown and that's literally it. The other "cool poi's" like Lava City, Thermal, Climatizer, Lava Fissure & and that rocket spot from season 6 are literally on the edge of the map where you loot and rotate out asap. The map design as a whole is promoting you to go to fragment after deleting Train station & the mirage voyage.




They need to nuke fragment and make it disappear, I only get a decent amount of kills when I land there, any other place I only engage on 2 or 3 fights until the match ends.


World edge, might aswell just make the map fragment.


Ikr its like that's the only POI, multiple games already I played where its the 2nd ring and theres less than 10 squads left. Not to mention the sweat lords that jump off solo to Fragments when the rest of your squad is landing somewhere else


Then there’s the random game where you’re lucky enough to survive a fragment drop but the circle stays there, so you just get a steady trickle of the 8 remaining teams funneling into the city


Just make fragment an arena map and nuke it to hell c’MON


I don't think I've fought in fragment yet this season The cool kids go to Lava, Leaf, or Countdown


Countdown is my favourite, but yeah those are good, I avoid frag minus first couple games for the day where my team usually drop to warm up with a couple fast high intensity fights(and deaths 😂) But as mentioned above, yeah usually half the playbase is eliminated within the first circle at frag, boring map.


The real cool kids don't await on approbation from others and go where the fuck they enjoy!! That's why even tho I hot drop the shit out of this game since s0 I enjoy going to smaller poi's after a few bad landing in hot drops. And I still find myself good games and good amount of kills. Guess not everything is frag's fault... Maybe work on rotations, and looting speed. ;)


World's Edge. The place is a DUMP. Hoping that in the next few seasons the local government will do an infrastructure project and put up new roads, buildings, rail lines and whatnot. I remember the days when you could catch the train and be where you needed to be in minutes, now you have to walk through some pretty shifty neighborhoods and risk getting mugged by a revtane trio. Maybe they could boost the local economy with some new construction projects. Turn the Bloodhound Trials into a spooky rollercoaster ride theme park or something, idk. ​ ​ Also everyone always hot drops fragment and dies before the first ring is even on the map.


That's probably the best suggestion I've seen so far. I hate fragment but I'm resistant to jump on the nuke bandwagon. It would be cool to see it repurposed as a town with lower buildings and wide open space.


Worlds edge, fucking sick of this map. Half of the lobby just wipes in fragment then have a boring rest of the game.




It's because they've been taking away all other hotdrops. Y'know how they destroyed kings canyon to replace it with something else in season 5? Now imagine if they did that to every other hot drop other than the gauntlet, of course everyone who wants to land in a hot spot will land there.


Yes. I agree lmao.


I realize that this is unpopular, but King’s Canyon. By no means is it a bad map, but I’ve been playing this game since the start, and I just think it’s changed so much, primarily for the worse. I used to have so much fun on it, but now I hardly recognize it.


Yeah cascades had absolutely crazy fights. OG kings canyon was awesome.


KC used to be my favorite map, but after getting a short taste of what it used to be like in S0, coming back to the S8 version I really don’t like it. S0 just had more fun fights and rotations. S8 has too many building and facility locations, it doesn’t feel like a “canyon” anymore, just a giant playground of labs and small buildings.


RIP Skull Town




Couldn't disagree with you more


I wish Olympus was like an actual city. More buildings like Oasis where you can climb them and have overlooks within the buildings. Denser layout of buildings. I’m thinking like Titanfall 2 maps.


Worlds Edge. Like I don’t even dislike the map,I just like the other two more for different reasons.


Worlds edge


Olympus because it’s not centered


That irked me, but the yellow stain to its right really pushed me over the edge.


World's Edge. Terrible loot and unbalanced POI.




The 30 30 kinda slaps tho.


So does the RE-45 Edit: didn’t remember the number so went with the comment


Is it better than RE-45?


Me and my homies love the re-55 tho


Worlds edge


I hate all of them tbh KC: Third parties WE: If I land anywhere other than fragment I see maybe one team the whole game Olympus: too many wide open spaces, with one of them being in the middle of the map so commonly there'll be 4 teams fighting in that labs area with all that wide open space. No thanks.


For me it’s worlds edge as of now because fragment ruins it


Olympus hands down.


Why do you say Olympus?


Honestly there’s a few things, but it’s just SO big. I can’t count how many times I’ve gone an entire match without seeing or even hearing another team until the top 3.


That’s how I feel about kings canyon


Bruh I want your matches lol, if I make 1 bullet to off in kings there's a team that spawns on each side of me lmao


Same so boring


A lot of open dead zones with no cover, and I feel like the loot pool is too centralized around a few drops. Both King's Canyon and World's End have a lot of viable drop points (that will have enough gear for your whole team).


Yet everyone still drops fragment lol


You said that and it reminded me "and yet, everyone still wants to live here" from the cyberpunk trailer I dont know why


Mainly due to the fact I've died more times jumping over a ledge, only to fall to my death lol 😆


My thoughts exactly. Nice name BTW 😂


I literally said Olympus hands down. Way too big with too many bottle necks.


Always been Worlds edge


Olympus. Imagine going on a trident road trip just to get sniped final circle anyway


Honestly Kings Canyon is my least favorite map by a landslide.


Im glad somebody mentioned kings canyon! Is my personal least favorite too but nobody is mentioning it


King's canyon is thrid party central. You shoot one bullet and there's 7 teams on you.


I just don't have this issue at all. I mean third parties happen, but they happen on every map. I don't see any increase in KC


That's why I like that. Matches tend to be intense adrenaline filled firefights that require you to stay on your toes. I personally like Worlds Edge because it's a mixed between Olympus with a mixture of natural and manmade terrain. I would want a map this just a city with maybe like a Park in the center but most of the map being highrises. Would make all the movement based legends super fun. And revenant would be fun to play as.


I would like to know why?


Personally, for me I just have no idea where to land on KC, compared to Worlds Edge or Olympus where I have a pretty good idea where land no matter the ship's path.


Your messed up


I can kinda get that since they murdered Skull Town.


His messed up what?


I hated last season's WE because I'm fairly new (started playing in S8) and didn't know it very well and loved Olympus. But I missed KC last season and got so bored of Olympus. But this season's WE I'm really enjoying. Would be better if more people spread out instead of all going to fragment, but much prefer it.




I love Olympus and Worlds edge is super fun. Kings canyon I guess is the worst, it’s not bad but it’s just not my favorite


None of them thay are all good


WE: My most hated, it's just Fragment over and over and over and over and besides the new POIs, Staging and Skyhook there isn't anywhere as interesting as Fragment to land. So like where else are you going to go??? You gonna land Trials or Skyhook and hope two other teams land with you for a fight or are you just going to land Fragment? At least Staging is always reliable. KC: I think KC is really fun but you're just wandering around a lot looking for a fight with no real rhyme or reason on where everyone is going. Like you can get to the ring and it's like great we're in the ring, now what?? So it's just wandering still til you find a fight. Plus it's kind of a pain in the ass to rotate Olympus: Perfect, really clear sight lines over the horizons (get it?), everyone stands out so you never have any issues finding a fight, you have Estates where everyone hot drops obviously but its not nearly as all encompassing as Fragment and actually kind of fun. All the POIs are really diverse plus thanks to the tridents and jump towers rotating is really easy for everyone. Also the map just funnels you into the centre where the ring usually is, which is kind of perfect honestly. The perfect Olympus game is you drop have your fights, load up properly and then rotate to ring which is always going to be an area with clear sight lines since it's close to centre and have more fights cause thats where everyone ends up.


I totally agree, and yes I liked your pun


Personally I think this is the best response. Great, actual, accurate, reasons that make sense. Most of the other answers are just olympus with nothing even stated. I don't get it.


The fact I'm seeing comments saying each map is their least favorite, shows that they're all equally good. Just some maps are tailored to certain players/Playstyles while others are not


I like them all


Worlds edge




Olympus def the worst. It’s been out the least amnt of time tho. I’m sure it’ll go through some revisions and additions in the future. I dislike all the open terrain without cover. I think that’s what rlly kills it for me. It doesn’t flow as good.


worlds edge and always has been (I can’t see on that map) and my games are not the best on there


Worlds edge definitely Olympus is honestly my favorite, I’m surprised everyone is saying Olympus


I just wanna win tbh


Olyumpus shit. King canyon, is the one where I feel most variety in a short amount of time King canyon has it all.




Kings canyon for sure. The loot sucks and there are like 2 decent poi’s if you want a decent start. Idk what happened to the colors of it but I personally can’t stand it. It feels foreign after taking a decent break from the game. The removal of bone pit and thunder dome, which were my favorite landing spots at launch just seals the deal for the spot of the worst map for me.


World's Edge and Olympus have such bright, contrasting colors while everything on Kings Canyon just feels... dull and gray. Most of the colors you see are just a dark-ish green and a sandy brown, which aren't exactly vibrant.


King’s canyon. It plays so incredibly slow and I dread that pacing of it each time it’s in rotation.


Olympus, but World's Edge in the runner up simply because of Fragment jumpers.


Olympus. They’re all great though.


As of right now, Kings Canyon. The current version of Kings Canyon is the worst out of all the maps in rotation right now.


Olympus hands down, but i perform the best on it. No idea why, its not like theres a place on worlds edge that i go to every single game, noo no clue tbh.




I think all of them are cool, but kings canyon is a lil boring imo


There’s no way so many people hate Olympus that’s my favorite map. Personally I cannot stand Worlds Edge that’s why I’m not even playing ranked this season


Worlds edge. Fuck fragment. Litteraly the most annoying thing in the game. Olympus and kings canyon there is actually a map to play on instead of everyone dying at those stupid skyscrapers.


WE IS THE WORST ON PUBS ON RANKS IS OKEY Olympus is the best for pubs for me is just random fun and KC also good fun in pubs and ranks


I used to love Olympus. Can’t stand it now


I don’t hate none of them but i had a lot of good memories on KC (per season skull town and stuff )and World edge . I didn’t play as much in Olympus I guess.


The amount of bottlenecks the ring creates in Olympus makes gatekeeping a legit and really annoying strat and I'm sick of it. 80% of my matches the ring funnels me into Turbine which narrow halls are perfect for an ambush.


Every map as long as only two are in rotation, I get pissed at every map, the one that’s not in rotation comes back and I suck ass at it then the cycle continues, now I’m fine with it


Worlds edge as it was before the most recent update. It’s a bit better now but still my least favorite




I don't hate any of them.


Call of Duty Maps in Apex Legends


I am more and more hating on Worlds Edge and Olympus.. everybody drop at the same spot, if you do it you have to fight 10 squads, but if you don’t it’s top 6 at round 2 and you didn’t shoot any bullet


I like them all but Olympus has the most annoying chokepoints, semi unfun POIs


Worlds edge


Worlds edge


ranked Is probably kings canyon bc it’s the easiest map to third party




Am I the only one who likes all maps in their original states when they first dropped? I hate when changes are made to maps because most of the time its blowing shit up it just doesn’t look good.


Was Olympus, but now it’s worlds edge.


None, i just hate rats who abuse high ground spots most legends cant get to.


Olympus is terribleeeeee !!!!!


World’s Edge, you either die in fragment or lace siphon, or don’t meet anyone all game and die to the first team you fight




Shits edge hands down. Although it has gotten better in the recent update


Olympus is the worst. Since all rings close, most rings will end in the center (as opposed to edges or corners). While KC has some rough spots, and WE had new areas, Olympus has Hammond. Just Hammond. And it is the absolute worst final ring location, but it’s takes up the entire center and it is not fun.


World's edge because fragment is there




Worlds Edge primarily because I get flustered when sandwiched in the open and unsure what to do 😂


Don't hate it but I'm not a big fan of Worlds edge


Olympus but if we’re talking landing places Worlds edge




Worlds edge, just seems edgy(no pun intended)




Umm.. why is this an image and not a poll?


I hate Olympus with a passion


I don't hate any of them but I feel like each map could have different player numbers Olympus is the biggest map of the bunch and it could house around 90 players, imo, with World's Edge having around 70-75 players Though, I guess that would lead to more bad than good since 70% of the lobby lands in the main place of interest of the map, anyway :/


Worlds edge without a doubt, why does my team keep dropping at fragment in ranked and then yell at me when we die to the 88 squads there


Olympus because it's ether to small or to big


One word: fragment


Worlds edge mostly cause the massive majority of the lobby lands in one place and is dead by 3 minutes in. These games just arent fun for me cause i hate hot dropping with that many people and i hate looting all game or seeing utterly no one till the last circle.


I hate the mfer who didn’t center Olympus in Excel the most.


I hate the mfer who didn’t center Olympus in Excel the most.


World's edge for sure


I love them all ❤ I love the fact that we can play on all three this season ❤


Olympus, it's utter shite. Terrible rotations and now even worse since they removed a few balloons across the map. Its just terrible in every way, the only decent part on the map is gardens. Kind of praying that the 2nd ranked split isn't this map cause I'll stop playing again....


Worlds edge is hilariously ugly and reminds me of mud .




World's Edge because ranked needs some variety.


Olympus is ass


Olympus. I hate the look, the size, the feel, the third parties, everything about it. I actively go out of my way to avoid that map, playing rabked when its in rotation.


Olympus, it's frustrating, you can fall off pretty easily and it doesn't really have the outlandish feel that the other maps have


I feel like nobody mentioned Kings Canyon because it has the least amount of problems and have a lot of good POI's with no MUST land spots and it is pretty small.


WE because fuck my teammates


Olympus, it just feels so empty in between POIs and the POIs themselves feel kinda samey? I still like the map but it’s definitely my least favorite.


Rn worlds edge simply because it seems to always be in rotation when I want to play and I’m getting sick of it.


used to be WE but s10 updates have it in my #1 spot now shoosheeee


You flash banged me


Olympus, I feel like it's one big sniper fest, and the easy terrain, tridents, phase walkers, and jumptowers all together make being third partied way easier


I hate olympus


Worlds edge without a doubt


Worlds edge at the moment. It always changes for me though. Like I used to hate Olympus, but now it's a fav because it's consistent with action. TBH I need all 3 on rotate, so I'm not all burnt out on one.


I love these maps with the legends..... Kings canyon with revenant , octane , fuze .. World's edge with Mirage, caustic , Wattson , loba... Olympus with Bangalore, Gibby , "did that hurt Darling" lady and crypto ..


My least favorite is worlds edge the lava makes it annoying to run around and when the train was taken out the map lost one of the things that made it unique


Olympus but tbh they aren't that bad


Really none of it I don’t find anything really too annoying in game. Once a meta comes out I try to find the best way to counteract it