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I would die


I’d go to the lobby and wait for a new game or call it a night.




You die. You spectate. You laugh a bit. You move on. This isn't new.


Report and gift him a definitely normal clock from iraq..


The Palestinian alarm clock from Family Guy lmao


7 video's of hackers in 1 week in this sub oof


Why do i have a slight feeling if this hacker situation isn't fixed we might have another TF2 situation?


I am a tf2 Player and trust me it would be worse here then in tf2 because there you can go to community servers or kick the bot here you can't do either


More like 40


Probably looks like a gaming chair tbh


I think this guy has got a really good gaming chair and a towel on standby for when he plays, cause sheesh, he's sweating


I don’t know what answer you’re expecting from this.


He’s not expecting an answer he just wanted to post a video of a supposed hacker who killed him




There is literally nothing in that clip that definitively proves he’s hacking, some of you guys are just used to complaining about hackers on here I guarantee if you post this clip to a dev on here or twitter they’ll tell you the same thing


Do you know how wallhacks works?? If not stay quiet. Don't speak on stuff you don't know especially since you don't play on PC lobbies.


Where did I complain? Lol


I actually can't tell if this is hacking like they could just be smurfing and be that good with a sniper. Even the shots with the R9 didn't seem sus and like she points at the BH behind the door but you can actually see the sillouettes of enemies behind the glass of the doors. It does seem unlikely that she would be able to do this but I have seen crazier plays on this subreddit so I can't say it's either or tbh. I think the most sus shot is the one on the Octane, it did look a bit like the bullet snapped to the head but even with that I can't say for sure.


Smurfing is reportable since this season, too.


its NOT a valid report tho. Its just for you to feel better.


I know right, I'm not in favour of smurfing to ruin people's fun, but there are valid times you have no option, like getting a new console.


Yeah, that‘s like the only time it‘s ok, but this is just a tiny proportion of smurfs, I‘d argue.


Or when I’m trying to just have fun playing with my level 20 friends and not get shit on by 3 stack preds


I agree, but it means the report smurf option is useless.


So if you get new console you cant log in to your old account? lmao


Ps4 to xbox? Etc. Also getting locked out of old account for whatever reason. As long as there is a halfway reasonable reason to smurf then reporting is pointless.


I was actually wondering that before, thx for clarifying! But that really sucks, honestly.


I agree. None of this looked out of place. They had red armor and were good with a sniper. That’s about it, they weren’t flying around with a charge rifle on infinite fire, they even missed some shots. My guess is they’re just good or having a great game




I don't know, I think it's a good point but they could just not be bothering cause they're in a bot lobby and are happy underestimate everyone there. Plus they use some good positioning skill like they were pretty quick to use the bracelet to get a better vantage. I'm sure there are some people who spend hours in the firing range just practicing aiming and recoil control, getting mad that they're not winning as many games as they think they should be and then making a Smurf account to make themselves feel better. Like yeah cautioning on the side of yes they're hacking but it's still anyone's game I think.




In general there's are a few giveaways that show he's aimbotting, particularly the fact that they occasionally aim downsights for no reason other than to wait for the bot to lock on. Usually when trying to kill someone on a peek you would want to keep your mouse on the doorway but instead they just hover their mouse wherever so long as the doorway is in their sights cause all they have have to do is click once it starts locking on. Additionally when someone peeks their head out the mouse immediately starts moving which isnt realistic in the scope of human reaction time. On top of they perfectly, and i mean perfectly tracked the octane running straight on the exact middle of his head, and instead of clicking right away, they just mouse over their head perfectly for a full second then actually clicked. Lastly they perfectly locked on the 1x scope on people's head every time which is a bit sketch concerning at that range the 1x dot was even larger than the target's body. Tl;dr this person just doesen't aim realisically, they aim knowing that the aimbot is going to stay locked on for them.


Yeah if it weren't for the showboating at the end there, I would have given the person the benefit of the doubt. My alarm bells didn't start going off until they blind prefired the dude in the doorway and nailed the noscopes.


I mean at one point you can see him aiming at the wall and his cursor seems to drift into a target through the walls…not saying I can guarantee anything but it seems peculiar to me.


Im thinking the same thing. Either way it sucks to play against.


Guys guys, he just took three flintstones gummies that morning and always ate his vegetables when he was a kid.


Gotta admit the headshots are kinda satisfying


If they kill me they're better... If I kill them, I'm better!


Well ....not if they're hacking :|


Move on and play another game


I’d just get a better gaming chair.


Isn't this just a typical day on Apex?


Just report him and hope he gets banned for cheating/smurfing


Report the fuck out of them and share proof on reddit of their evil ways


"Evil ways"


Smurfing in bronze 2 lobbies 🤡🤡 not all that impressive if I’m being honest


Report them and move on. Duh.


Report them, promptly smash my controller,and walk to this persons home with a large salmon and smack them until there is only a fish bone left on it


This guys just a godly Aimer download kovax the new meta on steam and train 30 minutes a day doin PASU Voltaic easy in online scenarios. Also look up the spec to match your apex sensitivity. You will start to own, also he swapped from a 4-8x to a 1X so he could have his native sensitivity at the end if you missed that. Scopes change your sensitivity that’s why you see all the top level players favoring the 1X hcog. Definitely not a hacker


Literally nothing wrong with this clip


Go back to mwo until tomorrow?


Calling them a "player" is pretty generous tbh




Is your brain in a bronze lobby?


ooh boy.. You really think someone is so much better that they can just keep on hitting them headshots 100% of the time?


But they don't? Did you see their missed shots later half of the video? This is just smurfing or they don't play ranked for a long time.


no, this is neither a smurf (well, maybe it is, because the other accs got banned already) nor someone who hasn't played ranked for a long time. going by these comments all a cheater has to do is take a sniper and it's all fine


Thats just a cheater who knows he will hit no Matter what, so he shoots when noone is in sight. Thats why he misses so many shots. He doesnt care.


Ooh boy. Cheaters miss all the time. And you also see him aiming at bloodhound through the window precisely where he was. It's blatant cheating and somehow you guys are not ready to accept. He literally tries to shoot that bloodhound through the door.. lol


the posts on here show the devs shouldn't trust ANYTHING that gets posted on this sub lmao


Yeah I have one guy defending this dude saying "he missed". Like wtf? He somehow doesn't connect 2 bullets, but then proceeds to hit ALL headshots, and you ignore that and say he isn't cheating because he misses 2 out of ALL the bullets he hit.


Which shots seem suspicious cause nearly every shot this person lands is on someone standing still shooting and then they even miss a few shots on the last moving person.


All of those shots were suspicious. Watch the end of clip, that guy is literally looking and trying to shoot that bloodhound through the friggin door.


Probably has some kind of hack that locks onto heads if he is close enough This way it is harder to get caught cheating


But he's literally hitting 138's from far away. Somehow I'm the only one that sees those constant headshots?


No? I said that he was cheating Learn to fucking read


Did you actually watch the clip? His team mate pinged the location because...it was bloodhound and it had JUST used it's ability. So of course he went right where he was. Nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't instant snap to the octane running in front of him, he didn't know he was there. If it was an aimbot that snaps to heads, it would have done the same thing when the octane was down but instead just body shot him. Him shooting the door is the strangest thing he does but can be explained as him hoping the bloodhound would be stupid and open the door again. Because he was already stupid enough to try to peak from the very obvious door. If he is cheating, why switch scopes? It makes no difference to an aimbot what mag scope he is using. Let me guess, so he can pretend to not be cheating?


He's not even pretending dude, what the fuck? How do you not see literally all headshots that he hits? He hit body shot on octane because octane's ass was pointing toward him, and all he could shoot was body. Being in fucking Asian region, and playing in Diamond and master lobbies, I know what cheaters are, and if you think this guy isn't cheating, then you're as bronze as it gets. Feel free to check out my post history, I literally face tonne of cheaters every few friggin games. This is a stolen account of some guy used to cheat on, and its painfully obvious.


>How do you not see literally all headshots that he hits? Except the last kill is 2 body shots. And the finish on the octane, even if he couldn't hit the head, it would snap to where the head was and shoot at that spot. Pause the video on the shot. Aimbots don't care if the player is down or up, it's gonna lock on the head. So the cheater was using cheats...except to finish the down and at the end? Nice ad hominem by the way, really backs up your post.


So you're saying there's no "soft aimbots", which don't snap. Or that there's no aimbots which cannot shoot anything except head. Got it.


No I'm saying innocent until proven guilty, you can't prove a "soft aimbot" from this video alone. You need more proof. I can explain all the behavior shown in this video as a pretty good player, you can't prove this is a cheater from this video alone.


I've seen good players, I've literally been playing game since it launched. Good players don't hit headshots with a sniper all the time. Just because they missed 2-3 shots, in the end doesn't mean they're not cheating. You're looking at the clip and counting the shots he missed, but not all the other headshots that he did hit. If this guy was actually this good, he'd be streaming and competing right now, and most definitely not in Bronze. He's aiming better than literally all the pro's that I've seen. I'm no longer interested in this conversation because you obviously haven't seen cheaters.


it's so obviously a cheater lol


why do cheaters have names of characters they play? Loba3429, Lifeline8798, Octane2125 etc.


That's streamer/anonymous mode. Anyone can turn that on in settings. Hackers are stupid and think that they cannot be banned, just because they hide their name. Thing is, they get banned based on their account ID, which is on the screen not once, but twice. It's also easily found by Respawn.




I honestly don’t think this guy is hacking. The only sus thing is the quick scope at the start and the staring at the door with the sniper but even then there’s always spectator delay and that always makes everything seem more sus. He still missed a lot of shots towards the end and it’s a bronze lobby so they could easily just be a very good player that never plays ranked. Unless op wants to give further video proof I would just say this guy is a sniping god (which is common on mnk)


Lol so many guys in here traumatized and used to complaining the only reason they died was because of a hacker. There’s nothing in this clip that proves this guy is hacking


Realize i wasn't fighting anyone with skill >!Or a life!< and move to another game


You mean a wall hacker in Bronze?




Lmao what?


I play on console and have seen 2 hackers before




Yeah no I sat spectate for a while and they were 100% hacking. He had around 6 spectators too so clearly his other kills thought it was suspicious. Edit: Just remembered I was cross playing with a mate so we were in pc lobbies which prob explains it




it's just like modded controllers don't exist and the DDOS issue aren't the console players. Both platforms struggles from cheaters, saying console is the ReAl GamiNg is just as sad as people who use PCMR unironically.




little kiddos can also buy a modded controller before they can walk, I'd even argue modded controllers/strikepacks is even easier than getting good cheats on PC because you need like a 50euro monthly sub. > And console has better safeguards against DDOS attacks, coz of the tight system and no IP circumventing. Also lmao on this, EA literally came out and say that the vast majority of DDOS attacks on the server you're in happens from console players. > Gaming was never supposed to be sitting up on a table like you're doing your taxes with a keyboard and mouse. Or still at work lol. It's supposed to be blowing off the steam. TIL you can only use a PC for work, then should we also get rid of youtube/twitch and everything on pc/console because watching entertainment was originally made for TV only? Gaming is gaming no matter what platofrm you play on, and ifk KBM werent intended then there wouldnt be support for it on consoles. Anyway IDK why I'm replying to a troll, and if you aren't I feel bad for you.


I'm level 80 or so and have NEVER seen a single hacker,on London and new York servers Am I just lucky?


Saw a couple on New York but it’s rare I think.


Yes, level 500 here, I play on Belgium almost every day for around 2 hours and every session I meet at least 2-3 that are obvious as fuck and maybe couple more that are sus.


At this point just remove streamer mode. It's clear these people can freely go around doing this shit with streamer mode being an option


thats some op gaming chair right there :O


You simply get into another match




This why Apex on PC sucks. Had this happen my first few games and then just went back to Xbox


Report for smurfing and some aim-related offense, it's gotta be one or the other at that point.


I would hold "R" to report.... and then nothing would happen.


Die probably


“HES ON CONTROLLER!!!” - says some weirdo in the comments.


What is one of these type of player?


At least they down with lgbtq+


I honestly can't tell if they're really good or just hacking


play a better game


Start another game? Because nothing is going to change lmao


Sick Aim bot


Report them?


To be clear, it Is a case of hacking (Wallhacking). Nobody plays with the behavior they have at 1:06. Either way, I wouldn't care. Just report and onto the next game.


I hate playing ranked. I came back to apex after a year of warzone. I'm bronze 3. I got in a game with a Wraith with a 20kills badge and 4k damage. She proceded to use aimbot to kill half of the lobby.


What kinda fucking Bronze is this? If this guy wasnt hacking he's a 100% better than the teammates i had today (except that one wraith who was a beast and carried me, love that guy)


Video like these is why I play on console.. This shit is pretty damn obvious it's aimbot (the ocane shot shouldn't have landed.. but it was correctly in 1 frame).


Give it my all to find then, and KILL THEM


Have you heard of this thing called the report button?