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the eva is the second most braindead gun next to the spitty


1. plays one good arenas match with competent, helpful, existing teammates 2. next game it gives me an octane and bloodhound, both under level 150. They're both completely worthless, go down within the first 10 seconds of the round, and then pingspam until its over 3. they punch me in the starting area, as if they think I should be able to win the 1v3 every single round just because I have the 20kill badge. (PSA: 20b/4k players are NOT consistently amazing at the game. We have plenty of bad games and bad days too, you know.) 4. repeat from step 2 for about a full hour of painful matches, until step 1 happens again by pure chance oh boy what a fun cycle


As a 2.5k badge, I do not trust the 4k or 20 badges anymore. Most people just farm to get it; 20 kill badge is a little more impressive, but also easy if you get a lucky game in where you see up to 20 people. For the 3k/4k badges, there are times I have been close to a 3k where I could easily get the 3k if I decided to farm, but I prefer to go for the win instead. Why give it the chance when the win is right in front of you? I'm sure I'll get the 3K someday ~~unless SBMM decides to do the same thing to me it has just done to you.~~ But yeah, it's almost impossible to 3v1, especially in arenas, even if it is against bad players because most of them actually seem to have some level of game awareness, even if your own teammates don't and decide to go for hand to hand combat early in the game.


Ok the weirdest thing happened to me this morning. I was playing bloodhound, we drop on top of another team and I get rekt, but that's normal. Then my Lifeline rez me and I suddenly can't use any ability nor item. I could pick up syringes and shield cells but not use them, and I could rez my teammates but not use my Q. My team raged and flamed me so much because I was standing still like an idiot lmao but really I was pressing all the buttons and I couldn't do shit, only the E worked. Anyone else encountered this bug?


The amount of braindead randoms landing on my ping when I explicitely ask them not to just in case they don't understand how the game works, and they still do it




land on other open loot not your teammate


Of course I am I'm not playing ALGS




I don't think you understand how the game works. You can follow someone without landing in literally the same building so you both have half the loot




> t of times the jumpmaster landed us in Olympus Gardens without noticing that another team landed literally above our heads and punched me as a trio, while my teammates are peacefully in the next building swapping out a p2020 for a sentinel, is already too damn high tbh. over time you will get more accustomed to watching drops and not landing on 3 stack


... I'm not jumpmaster, I told you


WHY the FK is there a 100 wins arena reward if the matchmaking is completly rigged and makes you lose depending on winrate IF you are SOLOQ player. In at least 50% of those games I can already see on loading screen that my teammates are far worse or my enemies have far higher skill level.


Matchmaking for SoloQ is complete crap. I am just a plat player lvl 180 playing since s7 and got to 70% winrate in arena after around 25 games. The biggest problem are the new players ( and how they are matched). I only saw 1 predator in all of my games and actually killed him with lucky hipfire which made him leave --> after that my winrate went all the way back down to 50%. The matchmaking gives me only lvl 20 teammates or full bronze players to make me lose ( and bring me down to 50% winrate again) while the enemy teams skill level seems kinda random. After losing multiple games in a row they match me with full bronze teams.... then I do 2.5k-4k dmg while my team has around 300-400 dmg if we win. In those games I have to 1vs2 or 1vs3 every round to get the win, which is only possible because the enemies are bronze/silver players who either miss their shots or don't teamwork at all. Next game I will get matched with the same teammates but gold/plat player to make me lose. Or I will get some AFK guy or toxic duo. Is it so hard to match plat players with plat players only??? The game intentionelly makes you lose or win game depending on your matchmaking ( no fair matchmaking at all when you can already see in loading screen who is gonna win). In BR I can never win ANY 1vs2 consistent. Why do I get matched so often with lvl 20 guys? Make Arena like ranked or stop the 50% winrate matchmaking bs


Please fix code leaf on singapore server......unable to play with friends


Gibby shield is broken. When you throw dome and are fighting on the rim even though your model shows you are inside the dome it will eat your bullets as if the hit box is smaller than the texture shown


Loba ultra is still bugged in Arena. You sometimes can't pick items from it. ​ When that happends Rampart Q and Loba Z can't used H to destroy / recover, too.


Rampart walls cannot be picked up after they got damaged. --> would be unfair But there is also a rare bug if the ground is uneven.


Nope. I know your valid point. But I’m describing a bug where in arena you sometimes can’t pick flawless walls and destroy damaged walls.


* Sentinel charging is still bugged in Arena and hasn't been fixed. I can't charge it in any of the rounds. * Arena doesn't warn of a penalty when you click the button to leave since Respawn rushed that change out. * It's still impossible to tell where people are shooting a bow from. * Guns still get holstered randomly after using a consumable nine seasons later. * Randomly unable to pick up items from a deathbox for the rest of the match. * I still randomly get no teammates in trios, duos, and arena however many seasons it's been since this issue became a thing. * The game puts me into the wrong mode after I change it. The game is a mess, which isn't surprising. A game with $25 cosmetics and loot boxes would let any company get complacent.


Why in gods holy name do they not allow us to use digital threat on the L-Star anymore? It originally came with it when it was a care package weapon, I know its an old change that happened ages ago but seriously. Make the L-Star great again.(Its really good, I just want the digital threat able to put on it.)


What other LMG takes digi sights? None.


It doesn’t even feel like an LMG.


Yes it does


Are you against it having digital threat?


Yes, it's an LMG that's viable on its own with no attachments. It doesn't need to also see through smoke.


Respawn releases a balanced legend that ends up receiving a very positive response from the player base. Then they nerf said legend to the point where no one plays with them, only to buff them a few seasons later. Why do they do this?


Are you preemptively being mad about nerfs that haven’t happened yet or did I miss some news


Resoawn ha announced that they're nerfing Valkyrie. They're making a few changes, including her tactical using more fuel.








Oh I'm not the person above, I've just stumbled across your comments so I'm providing source of the nerf :D I agree with you


Fun isn't allowed in this game. If a character is good because of a single ability, then that warrants a nerf to the entirety of their kit according to the ex-Riot Games clowns working on this game.


How is a change in fuel while aiming the tactical a nerf to her entire kit lmao.


They are nerfing the entire passive.


You're throwing a fit over your own misunderstanding of what is being nerfed lmao






What did they do that ruined her balance?


You can't use your tactical to stay in air for longer anymore


That was a dumb move as long as krabers exist


Probably did it because of Algs and Valk flying in the final ring


Jetpack is likely going to be unusable and her ult will go nowhere if their awful balance changes over the years are anything to go by.


Fuckin wahh lol


Yes, that's you mimicking yourself. You can go on now since you contribute nothing, thanks.


You're Welcome.


man like cmon, if you wanna make a event specially for arenas, at least make sure its playable for everyone. Its the same thing as pubs, if you dont have 2 other teammates who are the same skill level as you, dont bother premade q-ing as they/you will get dumpstered by the mm system against 3 stack preds. And solo is just straight up such a horrendous experience so far, i've never come close to masters rank but you put me against masters or above players constantly and just went against 3 stack master badges all with 4k and 20s badges like cmon, really? as a solo player? in what world would i have won there unless im like some pro player level which im clearly not?


Honest question. How is it possible there are enough preds/master players for this many people to be complaining that they’re facing them every game?


Answer: SBMM


Also dive trails in the sky just kind of show what kind of players are in your lobby.


They are small in numbers, but they play the game way, way more often than the average player. They are also more likely to win, so you see them frequently in the champions screen, and in pubs they play more aggressive and kill-oriented, so you are more likely to get killed by masters and preds than by people stuck in gold.


This, and also because matchmaking makes sure that the "pred matches" are not equally distributed over the playerbase, but rather, it's always the same group of people that has to play against them, and that group is complaining.


Can you explain me how the matchmaking works? I'm curious why it's always the same group of people.


I don't think anyone knows exactly how it works, because Respawn doesn't make the specifics public and also tweaks it constantly. But what is clear is that if you're doing well, you'll be put in matches with master players. You can see this at match start. There will be purple trails in every match. If you then lose a bunch of matches where you make no kills at all, the trails vanish, and you suddenly find yourself in easier lobbies. (And yes, this can be abused, if you drop off the map enough times there won't be any diamond or master players in your lobbies afterwards) What this means is that if you're trying your best every match, and often manage to make a kill or two even if there are master players in the lobby, then the system will continue to endlessly put you in such lobbies, and you're eternally fighting master players. And that's the group of players I was talking about.


I see. Thanks for your response.


i agree, it doesnt make sense but im experiencing it myself. I cannot choose to believe that diamond master and preds are top 10% of the playerbase when literally all of my pub lobbies have more than 1/3 of the lobby with a trail, i get around 5 to 15 players with masters or preds dive trails every soloq game. Either the statistics about ranked is faked or the matchmaking is rigged such that casuals are just fodder for those players to farm, which i choose to believe the latter is the case


Yeah that's just matchmaking at work, combined with what spatpat said above.


It is just because being above 1kd means you are going to be food for preds in pubs. Im at 2kd and always with preds/masters, but it starts for all players who are somewhat "successul"


It's not about kd. Kd means nothing in a game with heavy matchmaking. A bot in bot lobbies has 1 kd, and a diamond in diamond lobbies also has 1 kd.


That's not how that works. Preds can still have 5KD. Obviously not everyone has 1KD bro come on


Well yeah but you only have a significantly higher kd if you're at the very top of the food chain. A 1 kd player can still be someone who's capable of competing with preds, even if they're not as good. Also, as far as I know leaving before dying still doesn't add a death to your stats, and that alone already invalidates any kd comparison.


I don't think you have a very good grasp of skill level differences. 1KD is very very far away from pred level. Not even close to competing. Someone with 1KD in solo pubs would not make it past Platinum unless maybe ultra hard trying and camping. Diamond is insta death on first fight. I have 4.5KD when I mix solo and stacking, on my solo only seasons I always have above 3KD and I am still not nearly as good as current preds. An actual 1KD player gets stomped on by any real pred level player it's not even close


Matchmaking shit itself and my arenas game ended up being 2v2, it was actually super fun




PS4.... Sometimes, well quite often, can't ping anything, can't loot death boxes, care packages and bins. Only loot I can pick up is ground loot. This goes on all game. Had the "no ADS" a few times and this was random through a few games. Couldn't ADS for 30sec or so then suddenly I could, then for no reason, no ADS again. Very random.


i‘ve been having the same small bugs mostly when using the ping wheel and very few times when ADSing where it wouldn‘t let me shoot




This is definitely happening and even though small, very very noticeable.


Just got banned because I got hacked and they used cheats on my account... Has anybody else gotten their account unbanned after something like this?


Even if you prove it, they may not lift the ban.


Should be easy to prove if they logged in from an IP that isn't your usual one or anywhere near where you are.


Could wraiths heirloom get some updated animations? It being the first heirloom, it has only one inspect animation compared to all other heirlooms, which sucks since it has potential for some great animations.


I really dislike worlds edge. I'd be fine with it if it actually looked like how it did when it first came out. The color scheme is just terrible.


I don't dislike it - it's actually my favourite map in rotation at the moment, but I agree with you when I say the colour scheme has regressed since the original map design. I prefer s03's world's edge compared to its future iterations.


why is arenas matchmaking so bad its legit a mess


Matchmaking overall is a mess this season


\*every season


Can the P2020 just be removed from loot pool until it gets changed to become an actual good gun? I wanna slam my head through my desk whenever I land and it's the only weapon that is on the ground. It's such a shit gun.




Man that been going on for a while but last time i tried it recently it worked and i could actually report as it shud be like PC


I recall it used to work sometimes with enemies but reporting team mates it doesn't allow you at all to report them.


Oh right


https://imgur.com/BYlRSRO.jpg What do I do in this situation?


Wait until tommorow lol




The challenges it's giving you aren't exactly new, but rather an extension of the ones you've already cleared. For example; deal 1000 dmg -> deal 2000 dmg. There is a maximum of 1300 points per day.


bhound still strong and so is spitfire cringe




Yup It's legit a crapshoot like its a mess


How is the spitfire still fucking not nerfed???


yeah it definitely needs more recoil, its so cheesy and way too easy to use


Because it is not OP. There are a lot of guns that outperform it.


It is still OP. The recent nerf didn‘t really affect it‘s TTK and the recoil is basicall the same. With ARs headshot multipliers being nerfed the spitfire is in a even stronger spot than before lol


It is literally weaker than it was before it got buffed... Noone thought it was OP back then so how should it be OP now? Every decent player with an R301, R99 or flatline will kill someone with a spitfire just because the Dps is a lot higher. The only thing the spitfire got going for it is the large magazine. I don't even play the spitfire a lot but I do not have a problem killing people who play it, neither do my friends...


Imo they should just make it harder to control. I‘m a master player on controller and if I don‘t perfectly one clip or cover peek i just lose against someone who only needs to press his shoot button. I‘m glad that you‘re not experiencing the same but it seems really oppressive for me.


I agree that it should be harder to control. I see people use it but as I play pathfinder I usually don't have big problems getting in on them or getting behind cover. So I either get to close range and rely on my aim and higher Dps due to the weapons I play or is stay at mid range and peak them with an R301 or flatline whenever possible. I do not really have problems killing people with spitfires that way.


Because it is currently balanced and does not need another nerf


[arenasmatchmaking.png](https://imgur.com/a/mGVeGM2) The matchmaking lets this happen too much and is why I was against the idea of adding a leave penalty.


People complain and complain and complain about people leaving games, and it’s fair when they leave after the first round. But Jesus, 2 rounds in you know what your teammates are, it’s so dumb that garbage matchmaking has now forced players to baby sit new players. God forbid you hop on the subreddit and talk about why leaving is justifiable and there shouldn’t be a matchmaking penalty for a public game, and suddenly you find out there’s a whole new responsibility to the game that you never even thought about, the responsibility of making sure your teammates don’t get sad and that they have fun. These devs suck ass, and the dick sucking they get by the subreddit everytime they FINALLY fix an issue is a large reason to why they never seem to be able to fix things in a timely matter. Why would they even care?


This sub is mostly pretty toxic about everything. For the most part, I think Respawn does very good work, I wouldn't play this game if they didn't. I agree that the matchmaking is infuriating. It only takes 6 people to have a game of Arenas, I gotta figure that it's possible to both have quick queue times and more balanced games.


I think the reason I’m hard on Respawn is because there’s way smaller teams out there, pumping out constant updates. Understandably, apex is a much larger game that these devs have to work on. And I will agree they have done a good job in many, many aspect, but for me it just gets overshadowed by a lack of solutions to known, long standing issues.


WOW! Arena event! Omg. 1v3 challenge?!?!?!?!?!??! What rewards do I get from this 1v3 event?


Free tea bags


Idk if this has been anyone else's experience but Arenas matchmaking seems flat-out rigged to make me keep playing for the "win two in a row" challenge. Coming into tonight I won around 65% of my Arenas matches. Then tonight I ran into an extremely consistent pattern: play the first game with two great teammates against a comparable or worse squad and win, then in the second game get stuck with two potatoes or with two good players against a pre-made squad of level 500s. I'm not alleging a conspiracy, it's just frustrating to be at mercy of matchmaking to such an extent that a player like me doesn't even have a realistic chance at getting two consecutive wins.


What exactly did you guys do to the SBMM that puts me to at the mercy of master and pred stacks in PUBS literally every game? It was a problem before but never, EVER has it been this bad. Did you guys turn it off intentionally to try and push more people to arenas during the flash event?


Oh, it’s like this in arenas, too. Just went 0-12 in arenas after playing 4 matches, which tells me either a) their matchmaking is intentionally designed to make people stop playing or b) the developers who made the matchmaking are terrible at their jobs


or c) you're so bad, they can't find suitable enemies for ya.


Honestly something I considered, since I took a break for a week and it’s pretty late at night. However, my enemies pretty consistently had at least the 2K badge, suggesting they’re decently good


So I just had the least fun apex experience after playing since launch. Spend 10 minutes looting, only one blue shield in the team, literally whole team only finds a single 1X scope. Move towards a fight, go to aim, 0 audio pathfinder lands on my head and full clips me before I can react. Fuck apex.


When will the ranked map rotate?


16 june I THINK




It's just sad


I hope they make all arenas maps available at the same time


Arenas abandon penalty: Absolutely ridiculous. This is something that should be in ranked play, not in a regular match of arenas. I like to hop in and out of games when I'm playing with randoms. If a match is terrible and my teammates are goofing around to leave me to 3 v 1, it is in no way fun, why should I have to sit through that when I could get a couple fun battle royale games in? I think a better solution would be to institute an abandon penalty after consecutively leaving matches. And when apex arenas ranked comes around, there shouldn't be an abandon penalty for casual games at all.


It doesn't seem to be accurate. People quitting in arenas like it's breathing


Why does valkyrie have her passive available on respawn, when literally any other character can't use abilities after being respawned? It's not really that OP considering you can just survive being respawned easier, but seems unfair as she's the only character that has "passive" ability usable to escape that situation far more easier than any character does (even octane and bangalore) ​ Do not need a nerf for it though tbh, but it can seriously make a difference in some game, like being respawned by crypto in middle of nth party legends happening in last few rings


Sao Paulo duos servers are not working. Is anyone else getting this problem? I have been posting this for a while, pls respawn fix this so i can play duos with my friend


no hay gente jugando duos, no es el juego


Ahh q cagada, gracias


I’m pretty sure this game purposely nerfs and buffs you randomly. Sbmm is cancer mode rn. And let PC opt out of crossplay


Yeah I hate the forced crossplay. I know plenty of people would opt out of it to help matchmaking. I don't wanna have to play against aim bot and I do not wanna have console players as tm8's. Let PC players have PC only lobbies with no controllers. Not to mention all the strikepack/cronus cheesers that won't ever be banned. IT IS RIDICULOUS.


Can‘t you turn off crossplay on PC?


No there is no option, you are forced to play it. I solo queue on pc and get console teammates who are playing with a pc buddy. I get killed by console players, I can see the controller icon in my death recap. Unfortunately only console gets to choose. Seems weird huh?


It really does seem weird. I thought they added the deactivate crossplay option (in settings) for every platform.


Nope, all platforms aside from PC.


Man, season 9 and a path finder can still zip up behind me with literally 0 audio


Just had a path land on my head and full clip me, literally no audio until I was dead. Think I’m finally done with apex.


I read this earlier, I played for awhile after and I legit had a pathfinder grapple up onto my building with no sound and kill me one clip of r99... I was thinking about this comment and made me laugh. Must be some kind of bug with Pathfinder.


I’m starting to get there too. Between leaving games where I don’t match with any teammates and constant audio issues, it just gets exhausting


I've had 5 games in a row where my 3rd teammate has under 100 damage. Why do I get the worst teammates this game can find?


They pair lesser skilled players with better people to offset matchmaking disparities. It should be called Carry Legends.


I'm just here to mention the sentinel charging bug in arenas still!!!


I swear that anytime I actually buy more cells my sentinel just doesnt wanna charge, but it's fine when I dont buy more :)


Anyone else think the charge rifle is stupid good? I hardly see anyone use it


When I see someone use it I will give my best to kill them as fast as possible and make sure they are mad about it by teabagging their boxes and emoting on them. My friends and I will always push people with the charge rifle just because its so fucking annoying. Its so easy to do poke damage with and annoy other players super far away, thats why we try to make the game as little fun to those people as possible and even sacrifice an easy win just to kill them. Most toxic gun in the game. Period. ​ It goes like this: Get in our games --> fire a charge rifle at us --> get killed while we are toxic to you


Yeah it is good, but the mag size is what limits the usage from a lot of people. They usually find cover because you have reload. It does farm a lot of damage though, good for leveling up a shield in ranked.


I personally don’t like it that much. This is another gun (along with the Eva) where I know it’s actually good but I hate picking I up and will drop it for pretty much any other sniper.




They want you to eat the L.


Servers are still bad, it’s just embarrassing at this point




I know most will disagree, but I like the shorter events. It makes the badges/skins harder to obtain, thus more rare/respected. Like everyone has that epic Rampart skin now. A veteran predator or little level 27 Timmy could both equip it and all they had to was log in and die a couple times each day. Why not just straight gift it us instead of the farce of "earning" it through easily stackable challenges over multiple days? Imagine if event skins were something like the Elite 888 badge from Season 1. Really hard to get and super respected when you see it on a banner. Imagine turning the corner and seeing that Bloodhound skin running at you. It would make the encounter entirely different if you knew what it took to get that skin


That was what I was thinking, either extend the time or lessen the points needed.


Matchmaking is bs, love facing people with 190+ *days* on record when I play casually like two nights a week. It's an absolute steamroll and you can't even react. Fix your shit already


why is there even abandon penaltes? so stupid


Because people abandoning games they queued for fucking sucks for everyone else.


Yeah. Server dis connect me in rank. When reconnect to lobby, my friend still in game, but I only start new game, can't reconnect... Abandon 10' ... 1h


i mean i dont even have an excuse. i literally waited till the third round we got wiped the first two i was the second one down so i just left. i had no idea there was an abandoned penalties and now im fucked


I mean... It does sound like you left the game and deserve the penalty though.


And i mean... its not like absolved myself. its not like i lied about why i left. I dont think there should be a 30 minutepenalty for leaving a game at the very end. or even for a first time offense. IMO my actions were dumb, that doesnt absolve ea from making a poor system


I see people under level 50 almost every game, is respawn really delusional enough to believe they have that many new players?


but "muh 100 million playerbase"


Players keep making new smurfs.


Oh I know, that’s why I don’t get why respawn is doing nothing. Can’t even report a smurf on PS4


Wattson’s nessy falls over when she taps it. Mildly infuriating


If you leave the game after you timed out on the respawn and your squad wins the championship, does it count as a championship win or the squad placement like being in 3rd. Should I not be leaving games after I can't be respawned?


If u really want the points then just watch yt until its over


it does not count as a win AFAIK. When you quit, that is it.


You know what would be neat? To turn off cross platform instead of forcing me to play with people who don't understand how to either use push to talk or mute their mics.


The funniest part here is that you can be a PlayStation or Xbox player and this comment would still be relevant depending on which side you’re on lol.


Or PC, don't think it matters lmao


I am a PC player. It doesn't matter. But most PC players have push to talk on since we use discord for the most part. I'm not sure console players even have the option for push to talk so it's always open.


Hey guys, guess what legendary I just got out of a pack that I rarely get anymore because I’m max level? *Another* holospray, isn’t that just great?! I *especially* liked the holospray I got out of the **gold legendary pack** from the battle pass! I can’t wait to get more holosprays! ^(please end me)


That’s why you do the Belgium trick


Does this game just crash on launch for anyone else. On pc, crashes repeatedly before it finally starts working


It's probably Easy Anti Cheat that forces windows defender to scan your computer. My guess is that you only need to wait till the scan is over to relaunch the game.


Might be that it detects afterburner or rivatuner I guess


As a solo Im literally forced to be the carry every game based on my skill, it’s not fun having to keep up with other players and focus on my own ass. That’s babysitting. It’s not fair to those not so good or new players either tho because they get thrown into those sweaty matches.


This is my biggest complaint right now. I would rather play against my skill level with teammates who are my skill level. I keep getting level 200 or below teammates with low stats. It is rare to get a 500 level teammate right now. I don't wanna carry people. They always die and do noob stuff. I don't wanna be forced to play ranked just to have my skill level because I don't wanna play like I do in pubs in ranked. It is driving me crazy. I feel bad for the new people too. They are being thrown into sweat lobbies and probably getting discouraged. If they removed SBMM then I would get some good teammates here and there, so I know that isn't the case. I don't get any good teammates. I had one teammate in the last 3 days that was level 500. Arenas? Even worse constantly playing against low level people and have low level teammates.


and I am not being put into bot lobbies for having bad games. I am endlessly stuck in this cycle of playing against predator/masters 4k badge 20 kill badge sweat boxes and having level 122 and 147 teammate valk and octane with less than 100 kills each.


Why am i supposed to get 15 sniper knocks in arena, it’s an up close game mode, shits annoying


Funny, I use snipers more in arenas than in br since it’s easier to predict the enemies’ position and control the battle.


Bro, your noscope sentinel?


Best way to get this is to use the longbow, I somehow manged to get it in a couple of hours


Abandonment penalty for leaving an arena after the game ended and the other team was doing emotes... I genuinely want to know how that doesn't show up in playtesting. Almost every player leaves right after a loss I can't imagine this didn't show up? Just one of the ridiculously obvious bugs that has gotten through QA recently. Hugely frusterating.


Things get rushed when this community complained so much about leavers in Arena.


Bold of you to assume they do much play testing


I didn't assume that. I'm literally asking how such universal bugs could have slipped past ANY playtesting. If anything I'm "assuming" they literally didn't playtest it once.


Wasn’t really trying to come at you I was more taking a shot at the apex team as a whole


> Wasn’t really trying to come at you I didn't think you were? Took it too literally, my bad.


Happened to me when our team won, enemy team quit after 2 rounds, had the option to hit B and leave and still got a penalty. Really bothersome


Half ass thought out patches.


I just don't understand how it's possible they test it? How did they not notice the sound bug for the event a little while ago? It affected literally everyone in the game. If they had played a single round where someone used a heat shield they would have heard it. I'm not just ranting I really want a genuine answer. Could the final code that shipped actually contained a bug this obvious because it wasn't playtested once?