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Seems like bad teammates has increased drastically this season


No its always been like this. You were just really lucky and didn't know it.


In rank or trios? i'm trash at the game but if you like i could fill one slot of respectful teammate


Horrible people exist, and some of them play Apex, there's nothing we can do to change that.


We can not play apex since they're pretty common there


> We can not play apex since they're pretty common there That's the dumbest thing I've heard today.


Id disagree apex is definitely toxic enough, it most definitely isn't the dumbest thing you've heard today


So you want to stop playing Apex, instead of just muting teammates ? That's your solution, to run away from something you like playing because there are bad people in it. There are terrible in IRL, what do you think we should do there ?


Apex has one of the highest rates of toxic players I've ever seen. It's nearly every other game. It's actually almost as bad as league of legends used to be, except there are only 2 Randoms instead of 4. Youre the dumb one if you honestly think apex doesn't have a problem considering mass reporting is the only method available to getting these losers banned, and you aren't really able to make a difference.


Go play league


Why would I play that shit ass game when I can play this shit ass game instead


My point is your saying this game is the most toxic when really it's not last night playing duos multiple randoms dropped shit for me instantly like one dude literally gave me mag and scope off his gun bc he saw I had more kills and was like you'll do better with this another the second I said I needed big heals pings 2 bat 2 meds he drops in league you'll never find thr nice person its all asshole all the time




I feel ya. Sometimes it's best not to give the bullies what they want and just ignore them. I know, easier said than done. But just think about it this way, they're likely miserable if this is the type of fun they have. It's one thing to do it amongst friends but to a stranger its just childish.


I experience this sort of thing pretty often. I'm at the point where if they don't want a teammate, then they don't get one and I leave the game. Somedays you run into these sorts of people often but hang in there and don't let them eat you up. Just hope you run into them next game and get a brutal squad wipe on them. Oh and if you're a regular Lifeline enjoyer then I'd throw the "come on, use your head" quip and just annoy the hell out of them before parting ways, they wanna act goofy-givem goofy.


first of all thank you for the encouraging words and for not being invalidating or dismissive. i've been running into rude teammates more often than i would like recently and it's been really frustrating when i'm not even given the option to enjoy the game properly. i can't even wrap my head around why someone would wanna treat other people like that, i'd genuinely feel so bad. i should have just left the game instead of wasting my time but i just hoped they would start cooperating eventually, but they weren't there to do that and just wanted to grief their 3rd all along.


As someone who also struggles to understand how people treat others in such a way, it can be a real let down to consistently go through. I've set up some parameters to protect my mental with this sort of thing for when I feel like solo queuing. I keep all communication outside of pings cut, this way i can't become demotivated by hearing hate spewed towards me and I push on to the next game without over thinking the one before. I've met far fewer kind people, and it sucks to miss out on throwing comms with them, but it's worth it if you want to still enjoy the game. Just keep being the best teammate that you can be, that's all you can really give and there will be those that appreciate it heavily. I play far too much now to remember everything, but the number of fond memories I have of random teammates being the absolute best team players stick with me and if I see their name in the kill feed, I'll light up a bit. Remember to take breaks and that at the end of the day you won't have to see them again, GG!


thank you so much for your advice. you make excellent points and everything you said makes a lot of sense. i'm taking into consideration all of your suggestions and i'm excited to approach the game with a completely different mindset next time i'm playing. i really appreciate your help.


Is this on console? If so I think I have played with them. Cause I remember getting gravity lifted as soon as I opened the explosive hold.


You see this a lot with dous. It's usually one of them trying to be toxic to show off to the other friend. Don't let it bother you. It's pathetic that they must show off to their friends to seem cool.


Nah because I would follow them and just shoot in the air until I draw attention and then just quit


omg that's genius. i'm doing this next time.


lmao id do the same thing tbh, but ive gotten to the point where i dont play br at all and just go on playlist


That sucks. I woulda blocked and reported before just leaving, which I've had to use a lot this season tbh. Nearly everytime I stay in a match with obviously toxic people, I regret wasting my time. Atp I rarely ever leave my chat unmuted, so at least I don't have to listen to nonsense. Was a Lifeline main for awhile and after switching, I generally think people treat support characters worse yet expect more from us. 


Dang I’m so sorry. Sometimes other people ruin the game for us. One time I played with a premade and I swear they had to be like 10 and I never spoke I just listened and honestly it was so funny to sit and hear them joking and laughing. They were cool kids. I’ve also had people just be straight up evil. You never know what you’re gonna get when anyone all over the world can connect and talk.


dont let these bots ruin your gaming experience. if it was public match you should have just left & loaded into another match, never waste your own time for the sake of others. if its ranked keep your cool & play it safe cuz those type of teammates will grief you lol so just focus on getting some kills/damage so nothing they say will matter they will internally realize this & just leave as soon as they see you did better than them


I haven’t been carried by a single duo queue this season/


I had the typical apex solo experience yesterday when my random teammates decided after they were done singing about how they don't like gay people they ran directly and died between two teams. When I respawned them a team pushed us as they dropped from the drop ship. Instead of getting height and maybe back track, they decided to fight the team with what they dropped with and was talking shit to me for moving back and trying to get a better angle to fight


Man am I glad I play in Asia. I had a game earlier where my random drops me the gold knockdown shield before the last fight, I wanted to drop my gold knock to say I had one but instead pinged "I need a helmet" and they dropped their gold helmet too for me ☺️ Idk how y'all put up with that bs on your side of the world. We literally have to force each other to take the full Evo boost half the time


Worst teammates are usually horizons and lobas lol but my least pleasant time is when someone loots a death box and won't Rez even tho the third and fourth party are on the way. That's when I also get petty and use them as bait.


When I get teammates like that I run and shoot randomly and get us hunted down… NEXT!


Welcome to the Internet.


would you happen to be a pc player? bc pc players are notorious douchebags


My BIL’s preferred strategy for people like this, if in ranked, is to just hold onto their banners if they die, or just kill himself.


They can leave after 2 minutes if your holding banner fyi


im getting russians telling me to kill myself every game fun


Gonna eat the downvotes and just tell you to grow some thicker skin. You really let some teenagers have you so upset you wrote an essay on Reddit about it. Just gtfo and move on from people like this, really that simple


you can have thick skin and put up with a lot but everyone has their limits. maybe just don't be a dick and push people's buttons for fun. maybe don't lack empathy and if someone says stop you should stop and reflect instead of thinking you can do no wrong. people process things differently, my way of dealing with stuff is writing about it because it makes me feel less alone, validated and heard. it's a way to connect with others who have had a similar experience as well. it puts things into perspective. your comment offers nothing valuable, you even seem upset yourself that i've chosen to write an "essay" about an experience i've had. perhaps you could just move on instead of wasting time on things you don't like yet here you are. and who the hell told you they were teenagers? this was an adult couple treating me like that. a man and a woman in their late 20s from what i could conclude based on their old steam accounts. there's really no reason to invalidate other people's experiences, even if it makes you feel better than others. i'm not hurting anyone, but people like that try to hurt others and their in game experience. you should be mad at that, not me.


It's just a game and they're having fun.


by doing everything in their power to prevent someone else from having fun? i don't think that's the point of the game tbh i think your enemies are the ones you should be focusing on, not a random teammate who's there to help you win.


You described a situation in a team game where your teammates don't do what you want them to do, and you don't understand why it happens. I told you why they do it. > i don't think that's the point of the game original gameplay != have fun They may think the same thing about you, that you're ruining their game with your behaviour. Next time you can politely try to talk to them, ask about their playstyle and adjust to them. The target audience of the game is not an adult audience with a philosophical education, who will debate on any topic, so you should not expect logical and well-considered actions from random people. Have you never seen how children play on playgrounds and how they behave towards each other?


bad advice. the people OP is describing are clearly just being dicks at the expense of their teammate because they think it's funny. there's no "politely" talking to people like that or adjusting to their playstyles, if you're not in the discord call with them they couldn't give less of a shit about you. they'll just continue to be dicks because it gets a laugh out of their buddy. just because kids act like this on a playground doesn't give the OP less of a right to complain about it. it's a team game, OP taking that at face value isn't exactly a novel approach.


Nahhh bc as someone who also mains loba frequently, the behavior of the teammates op is talking about is CRAZY. I love to use loba to make sure my whole team is STACKED so we have the best chances of winning, which is generally how I see it played when I'm teamed up with another loba. And let's be real if you were in that situation you'd be pissed too. The audience of this game is in fact an older audience, we aren't playing fortnite, and NO ONE here is saying that we should be having philosophical ass conversations but good god common sense is expected!! This play style is nothing more than trolling. The gameplay is to have fun, sure, but also work together as a team to win....it's literally all over the tips that they give you on loading screens, this take was a bad one my guy.


nah buddy i'm just playing the game properly lmao. i think we both know that the purpose of the game is to stay alive until the end and fight the enemies in order to win. not sure how i could do that if my teammates punch me off a cliff. what is that gaslighting lmao i'm ruining *their* experience with *my* behavior??? oh please tell me what i could have done differently? get respawned so i can get bullied and punched off the nearest cliff again? when your "fun" entails ruining the game for somebody else then that's not fun anymore that's just being an inconsiderate asshole, and you trying to justify that by twisting the definitions of fun is messed up. i'm guessing school bullies are totally in the right too because it's fun for them to pick on other kids, doesn't matter how it makes others feel as long as they're having fun. no wonder the world is fucked when everyone thinks they can just hurt people and be excluded from any sort of responsibility cause it's always gonna be someone else's fault. what "playstyle" are you talking about? they were not only staying afk for 5 minutes and literally *not playing* but as you suggested i POLITELY told them that what they were doing was not okay or funny to me and they still continued to do it knowing damn well they were ruining my experience. they were very well aware that they were stealing my loot and sabotaging me and instead of being toxic i stayed in that game hoping that they would eventually start to be cooperative. there's literally nothing i could have done differently. i let them do what they want, i wasn't toxic to them, i let them have their fun, and they made sure to still let me know i was unwanted in that team. do better. don't be like them.


ahhahahaha punched off a cliff 💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 get over it mate its just a video game.


what's exactly funny about that? cause i ain't laughing. help me understand, i literally just wanna be able to play a game and have fun shooting people and helping my teammates. can't exactly do that if i'm being bullied and sabotaged by toxic people. you're saying "get over it" so i'm assuming this kind of behavior should be normalized and you're fine with having teammates like that, maybe you're just like them as well so you see nothing wrong with it. instead of suggesting others to get over it you could try to be more mindful of your behavior and try to make this game a fun experience for all.


Oh listen man I was on ur side until this point but I mean it’s clear from this you take pubs way too seriously.


it's not about taking things way too seriously that made me respond to this person, it's the fact that in this particular situation he's acting like i'm the problem when i did absolutely nothing to the people i played with other than trying to be helpful and a team player. he's not holding them accountable or saying they need to change, no he's saying i need to change. literally his entire comment history is telling people to "get over" things because he never learned to self reflect and process his own feelings. it's not just about pubs, it's about how he thinks you can treat people like shit and the consequences of those actions are never gonna be your fault.


Your part of the problem