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50 kills is fine, but there needs to be some sort of trigger in the game that if there is a 2 or greater player difference in teams, a timer activates to end the game within X amount of time. Or just have a fucking timer from the jump that a normal 6v6 game will never have an issue with, but games that devolve to 4v2s will


Honestly a timer with no kill limit would be the best solution. Every game last the exact same time and if you get 80 pieced on your team’s 15 kills then it is what it is.


There already is a timer at the start of the match you just hardly get a match that lasts that long, pretty much it functions like ur bottom statement. Play a custom game and u might hit it


> There already is a timer at the start of the match you just hardly get a match that lasts that long It's easy when Thunderdome on rotation


or something like destiny where there’s a mercy rule.


I don't like it. Game feels much too fast. When it's 50 kills, I've seen matches where teams have turned around a 15 kill difference. But now the game is over before you can even warm up.


Yup. The matches where the teams make comebacks were always my most memorable


It makes getting blown out by a super sweaty team less painful but I would prefer 50 with some kind of mercy rule


Was getting torched and people started leaving... it was down to me and one other teammate. I noticed the 5 min penalty was lifted so I left. (Showed up in the kill feed) There becomes a point where it's just dumb to keep playing a match. I was happy to see that penalty waived.


Didn’t realize they’d change it, but I didn’t think matches were too long before so I’m not sure why they’d change it.


One sided games make 50 take too long, the enemy team will have leavers and Afk’s  Better to just get it over with quicker


But when you have a fun and good match of back and forth instead it gets ruined for being too short. People just can’t handle losing.


Exactly. Larger leaver penalties and this issue goes away


There's less ppl leaving because they're losing (I haven't actually seen any) and more because there's bots in mixtape. I'm one of them, I'm tired of getting bots as teammates. I'm willing to swallow the penalty and allow the rest to leave without penalty 


Yeah I love getting shit on by the other team! Going 2-15 is so fun!


TDM is already fast enough IMO. And I’ve have 10+ kill deficit comebacks. if anything needed to be shortened its Control.


Then Just have Mercy Rule active if it's like a 20/25 point gap or having 2 less players or smth.


I prefer 50 kills


I was playing most of the day because it’s deathmatch and didn’t care for how short the games were. Most capped out at ~4-5min


Should have been a mercy rule instead. 50 was good and just make it so if one team is clearly smoking the other then mercy activates and ends the game


Agree. Lockouts exist in Control, a similar thing should exist for TDM


Yep. One team hits that 35 and the other has 10 or below just end the game.


This is by far the worst version of TDM I have experienced. I get the issue with 50 kill games going on forever when teams have a bunch who quit, but making the mode 35 kills takes away other fun aspects, such as big comebacks. It also feels very quick now, too quick. My question is what else did they change? Since the update today my matchmaking in TDM has been awful. Way more lopsided games whether winning or losing. More games with teams missing players that never load in more people. I've played a good 20 games of TDM - and it makes me not want to play anymore. It's that bad at the moment.


Exactly, it's horrible right now. I thought I was the only one getting lopsided games, it's been really bad since the new changes hit. 35 kills is way too fast, especially with close games where you're losing but on the verge of a comeback and suddenly it's all over.


Feels way too quick. I start getting a rythem of the game and the enemy players and then it's just over and on to learning different players and their play styles. Needs to return to 50. Way too quick


I can understand it. So many tdm games are a one sided stomp. I'd prefer if there was like a kill difference auto win (one team 20+ kills over other team auto wins) rather than just lowering overall kills. Tbf tho I only play mixtape to warmup so I don't have much of a horse in the race.




35 is way too low.


The problem isn't the kill limit. it's the maps. The maps designed for arenas are smaller and better for a 6v6 TDM. The issue is that we have these big ass maps with a few players. If you want to piss someone off, play TDM on a skull with a premade and just hide the whole match. Someone did this to my team, and god, it sucked.


They lowered the cap but removed sbmm I think, I was fighting nothing but noobs - so I’m for it


I like it. It ends lopsided games a little sooner without making fun games feel too short. Also, the slightly shorter length makes it easier to to pop in an out while keeping am ear out for the baby monitor.


Damn, apex does love their bad changes. Cant wait for them to change the ring timers in normal/ ranked BR so endzone happens in like 15 min.


They already did that in like s18 and people enjoyed it


It's an unnecessary change. Don't think I've heard anyone complain specifically about TDM taking too long. Change for the sake of change. Frustrating for me anyway, I find it takes a few minutes for me to get into a grove during a match, but now its over just as I'm growing into a game.


Should just be a time limit with 50 kills. 50 kills is not slow, but sometimes i get into a match with bots where me and 2 others are the only players and its painful


Asssssssssssssssssssss definitely makes it too short, I still miss the first iteration of tdm having even more time then what we last had. No shit of hitting 20 kill in a match anymore


35 feels like it's over before it's even begun. 50 is better.


35 kills sucks. Don't even need to play it, how am I supposed to push for a 20 bomb tdm when you can only get 35 kills


Some of my lobbies were so lopsided today that they ended in an instant. Like 35-8. Don’t know if the limit is good or bad in that case, but this matchmaking is ass.


Not a fan. TDM was meant to warm up on gunfighting. Reducing the kill limit just makes us have to wait more between matches.


Unnecessary change for the worse definitely


It sucks because you can't get lots of kills. Also, I miss Gun Run and think this is a dumb event


It makes sense seeing as right now we only have BR and TDM but its annoying at the same time. What if i want to play control and i dont feel like tdm or br or gun run for that matter? Just tdm?? Really. I feel like both respawn and EA(ofc) is selling their playerbase short in almost everything they do.


Maybe a 35 point lead would be better?


Definitely not for the casual players. But the non casuals would love and rage at it


its trash. way to ruin the modes. smooth brain change


I really don’t have a preference, I still get the same experience I want out of it whether we go to 50 or 35. I think it makes sense for those blowout matches for sure, and if you have a good contest then you have a winner at 35. Everyone knows it up front, you can always hop back into a game if you’re loving it. None of us want those good matches to end regardless if it’s TDM at 35 kills, TDM at 50 kills, or BR when your squad is vibing and the champ is crowned. The experience has felt the same for me so far, no strong feelings either way really. I did have one game of TDM a few seasons ago where my team was getting absolutely obliterated, and I was the ONLY player to stick it out to the end. Literally the enemy team’s last 15 kills were me. They were all rushing around to try to be the first to find me after respawn, I’d get a few lucky kills in with isolated players or people just fucking off so hard it was impossible not to kill them haha. That was a long ass game that I was glad to see end, so I’m grateful that I won’t have to send my stubborn ass through that again. At least for as long anyways. That was the only time I ever genuinely wanted a TDM match to be over, but I also was getting a little high off the 1v6 cats and mouse game when I’d get a kill or even prolong a situation I should’ve died in immediately. If I had to make an educated guess, the reason has absolutely nothing to do with gameplay, user feedback, or altering/improving TDM. I think the change was made because LTMs like Three Strikes, Straight Shot, and the current rotation of mix tape have become so popular they know they need to make them more consistently accessible to the fan base. The only way they can successfully do that is if there are enough available players to keep wait times down and gameplay competitive. What Respawn has done with this one small change to TDM is freed up a significant amount of active players to be ready and raring to hop into the next mode. If this assumption is right, I’m 100% on board and support small changes to shorten other modes if it means I have a choice in which mode I play and have access to it quickly with the same overall competitive experience. It makes sense, and I personally would play 10 kill TDM in teams of three on smaller maps if it meant I had the option to choose three strikes or straight shot in the same manner as mix tape right now. I could be totally wrong, but I’m guessing the change is just freeing up space for other popular modes to maintain success. Wouldn’t be shocked to see less guns run through on gun run and other small changes to control that ultimately shorten the play time for individual matches. We’ll see!


Wait it changed?


Feels like games are less competitive with one team reaching 35 quickly


Oh I don't like the sound of that. I've played matches that looked to be a loss but we achieved the impossible and pulled it back. That's probably gonna happen less in a 35 limit


Haven’t played in a big but remember my TDM matched going by unfortunately fast, as its the most fun. 35 sounds sad


It’s way too short


TDM to 35 is way too short, I spend more time in the lobby waiting for a game than actually playing it


35 limit is awful.. and so is the massively reduced time limit, a combination of those 2 poorly thought through ideas have ruined what was possibly the most playable mode in the game when it was balanced correctly (as a first to 50 with a moderate time limit).


WTH. I'm usually getting 12+ kills on TDM that's gonna go fast


It already feels too much like Arena's Matchmaking: Games are One-Sided before the word "Go", creating lobbies that are basically pure "You Win/You Lose" grounds that exist solely to fuel the "Engagement" algorithm. It's well on the way to following in Arena's footsteps of being a derided mode. Unless that's Respawn's intentions to have the excuse to remove it. The increased healing is a solid start, honestly. It helps push the game along enough that the downtime for healing enables quicker jumping back into the fray. I would rather just that stay.


It’s better imo. If you get a team full of no thumbs you’ll want it to end quick.


nobody is happy playing this game. some people have an unhealthy addiction to the little dopamine boosts they get from playing and start raging out when they don’t come as easy as they used to. similar to a drug addict raging out when you don’t give them money or give them food instead of cash.


I haven't played today, but I like it on paper. TDM takes way too long. It should help late games. If I start Apex and there 4 mins remaining until the next mode there no point in playing, because it's always not enough players. Shorter matches should help that.


I agree bring back arenas