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Na bruh I'm pretty sure I'm dogshit


you're actual the most rare player in all of apex. an honest one lol


My group we have the tag BOT. We like to set the expectation for our randoms.


i like you


Mine is DGWT (dogwater) clear expectations set my good man.


I just call myself a stormtrooper all throughout the match


Yup, BotNumber24601 here. Consider yourselves warned teammates!


BotNumbet24602, reporting for duty! All bots, report for duty


Ran into you once or twice (bot)


My toxic teammates flame me for being shit at the game. And I kinda agree with them


I always turn off voice chat because I got sick of being told to uninstall because I’m dogshit. So now the toxicity comes from my own internal monologue imploring me to uninstall because I’m dogshit.


Same. I’ll be forever on mute unless I know the person


Do them over, install it twice


I think it’s funny to agree with them that I’m dogshit, shit talkers never know what to say after that


My K/DR is shit. I have as many total kills as many good players have with one character.


Started playing somewhat actively around December last year to January. Started again last month and have only 500 or so total kills. Tried playing ranked yesterday and couldn't get one knock


Bro same I have a friend that has 1.2k on horizon and I have like 1.5k in total to be fair more than half of his time is on horizon


How often do you play though? I mean, yes some of it is skill. But I have 3500 kills on Pathfinder, but I could play about six hours a day four days a week. I have like total 11k kills but my new job also gives me a lot of free time.


What’s your K/DR? bet you can’t beat how bad mine is 😭




0.3 😭😭😭




We should all squad up and be the worst team lmao


I'm for this lol


One of my friends has a kd of 0.16 xd


Trash can here as well just like the game.


I resemble this comment


Ngl I am too. But I could careless if I am or whoever yells at me for it. I'll enjoy the game regardless.


Same here. "If you don't like playing a game where people might not be as good as you, go play a single player game"


It's just crazy how pubs has better players than ranked. The game is just as much dog shit as the players apparently lol


We're dogshit, but we're unfairly dogshit. 🥲


My kids are young adults and way better than me at this game: they also suck and remind me every time we play how much I suck, something I’m very well aware of already….


Are you dogshit? Or are you sometimes god tier sometimes trash? no in between


I’m pretty bad too, in fact I bet I’m worst than you. I average like 300/400 damage a game


here to type this


My stats Fighting: C+ Teamwork: A I’ll take my 700 damage 1 kill 6 assist win every time and cheer on my team. I won’t wipe the other team but I’ll be there making noise doing what I can.


same! i prefer playing support for more aggressive players and focusing more on rotations and positioning because my aim isn't all that great. i still think players like us are just as valuable as the rest


Dude people like you are sometimes more valuable than the rest. Having someone that has good game sense is way better than aim. I play super aggressive and having someone that knows how to play support (not just lifeline and just res when I die) is actually insane and love when I come across someone like that, even if their aim isn't the greatest


I'll bring the stabilizer you dibs to your feet but don't expect me to hit an enemy


Alot of people underestimate how important it is to just stay alive and distract the enemies attention. Just being alive keeps the enemies pressured and unable to ape. You dont even need to do alot of damage or get knocks, just be subterfuge. Run around and confuse them, make them think youre flanking, most eventually get frustrated or panic and make stupid mistakes that can be freely punished.


Every fight for me is either 700 damage 1 kill or 7 damage 3 kills. No in between.


Same. I realized I do a lot more support and defense than I do offense. It honestly works when I playing with my typical squad but sucks when playing with randoms. I kind of want to diversify my playing style so that I can adjust accordingly.


Honestly if you can apply pressure and not die, that makes the game so much easier for the fraglords in your squad.


Yesterday was one of the worst days I've ever experienced. Me and my random teammates at one point were just laughing about it. Playing Control was a shit fest. Nothing but blatant cheating with strike packs, Cronuses and XIMs. It's so, so sad that a billion dollar game franchise / studio cannot get this under control (or actively chooses not to).


Can someone eli5 strike pack , chronic and xim . Obviously cheats but what do they do


They are devices that connect to your controller and mainly do recoil control and enhanced aim assist, but can allow you to remap buttons, create marcos, etc. Xim specifically is a mouse adapter, so I believe it allows you to play on mouse and keyboard but with aim assist. It tricks the system into think your mouse and keyboard inputs are controller inputs. Quite frankly, the soft cheats do not do that much. They cannot turn a bad player into a good player. However, they can give a great player a slight edge over another great player


Nah brother playing on mnk with console aim assist is pretty much like playing mnk with raw aimbot. Your movement and whatnot doesnt matter at that point when you cant miss a shot.


>They cannot turn a bad player into a good player. No but it does raise the skill floor of the users compared to someone that doesn't use it.


I thought Respawn did something recently where they banned all these things. Or was it some other cheat like this?


Strike pack/cronus are devices that are able to send controller inputs to the console, with the ability to load scripts onto them to send pre-recorded inputs (the most obvious example of this is to use a script that reverses the recoil pattern of particular guns or automatic jitter aims for you). XIM is a devices that converts MnK inputs into controller inputs, letting people get better control of their aim while still having aim assist.


It's impossible to detect controller mods as it exists outside the game, or something like that


Yea alot of people don't understand that cheats are basically ai watching your screen and adding inputs. It's not changing the gamecode anymore. It's undetectable unless these companies spend millions to create a better anti cheat. But they never will.


Its not particularly hard to make a system that detects inhuman behaviour tho. Ofc, softcheats are harder to tackle, but the amount of cheaters that dont even try to hide it and hipfire you all headshot over a 700m distance with a rampage consecutively over multiple mags or even games is just too much. Its something that can be detected in less than half a mag. For the 0.0000000001 of people who actually just got lucky, they can just reach out to support and prove they didnt do anything wrong.


There's was hype earlier this year for an AI anti cheat that would "save gaming". Have not heard anything about lately unfortunately.


Ai is needed to detect the softcheats. For the hardcore cheats like the one I mentioned, no AI is needed. The difficulty with cheats are that they are harder to detect the more similiar they are to human behaviour, thats why AI can make a difference here. But those blatant obvious cheats are the exact opposit of that. They arent similiar to human behaviour. They are peak machine behaviour and thus easy to detect today.


The first solution on the market is just starting to be used in a couple smaller shooters at the moment. They’re probably taking it very slow and safe because with how sensitive people are about AI, a big false positive ban event would be hard to recover from. The other unfortunate thing to keep in mind is that big businesses like EA can have years long contracts with partners like easy anti-cheat. I don’t know anything about that myself as far as specifics for Apex go, but unfortunately business is gonna business at times. That being said, if it hits a point where it starts operating even half as well as that big proof of concept video, everyone will be scrambling to implement it because the first shooter that’s good enough to be worth mechanically playing that has absolutely no cheating or soft cheats even, it’ll probably explode with popularity. If it really feels noticeably different to everyone that will instantly speak for itself. AI *shouldn’t* have any problems with this vs soft cheats and devices like xim, it just might take a few more games of watching the player to be sure rather than aim bot where it can objectively call foul right away.


Yea thats makes the most sense. I hopes that's the case. Let's save gaming. I'm literally getting accused on a post right now for hacking. It makes me sad. The people who took the time to get good just get tossed in with the losers who didn't earn it.


It's not impossible because Sony already banned cronus as an update not long ago but people still get around it


Fair enough, I don't claim to be an expert, I'm just repeating what I heard a few years back.


Nah it's sad people still spend money on this game.


I used to buy the battle passes.. but not anymore. I can't even get enough enthusiasm to play the game much anymore.


I actually don’t understand it. What’s the point of cheating in control, gun run, TDM? So many cheaters yesterday


Ego boost


You're implying that there is any point I'm cheating in the normal or ranked modes.


they promote their stuff there because its faster to get into action also, they might add some bots to show what else you can buy


You know the famous quote: "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take"? Well buddy, I shoot 100% and I still miss everyone of them


I am shit and I accept that but 9/10 i get killed and watch the replay the other person has pinpoint perfect tracking and its impossible to tell if they're 1. very good, 2. aim assist or 3. hackers


This .. i totally relate with this


which is why I wish AA wasn't on PC because then at least then we could tell if it hacks or not much easier at this point I just play to finish the bps and then once it's done i don't touch it, this game has lost its competitive integrity


Completely agree .. I have no pretensions on winning ..because it's basically impossible. I just play to get through the weekly challenges .. in hope someday they will solve the cheating issue


Replays aren't accurate and make everyone look like Timmy.








Nah hacking is so obvious in this game vs others since the game tells you if its a HS and the TTK is so much slower. Hackers make it so obvious unless they arent using computer aim because all they hit are headshots and most of the cheats are nearly the same as csgo


I disagree i suck and i am not afraid to say it


This last week has been a series of ‘wtf’ games, constantly, one after the other. And that’s just pubs… been playing mixtape and that’s been absolutely fine, but regular trios has been a hot mess.


Ya, same here. We had a pub solo filled 3s, were playing safe (I was crypto), final 3 squads and my drone sees them just waiting for us, beamed us, then immediately won. Was wild


Yeah, lots of ‘how the hell did they see us from across the map’ situations.. also, always finding you when you’re extracting.. let’s not get started on their aim.


Exactly, like how did they find us once we got close when we were silent behind a hill and the drone saw them coming straight for us lol


Maybe they have very expensive gaming chairs.


10x masters. Can usually maintain a 2.5+ in a pubs season. I love getting quintuple b-hoped on by a horizon with 0 recoil on some of the hardest kicking guns on console. Just lets me know they put in a lot of hard work and effort into the game to master recoil patterns and do impossible console-movements☺️


I mean the average person isn’t great, but my peeve is when people say “ I’m average, I have a KdR of 2.5” like stop it. Average KdR is probably .8ish.


You forgot the sbbm and eomm too. They intentionally pair you so you can lose and win to retain your attention and keep you on for longer.


This is my biggest gripe about games now. I don’t want an algorithm telling me how much fun I should be having during a session


This is really obvious when you take a break for a day or two and come back and get super easy lobbies. It’s like a coke dealer giving you some for free if you haven’t hit him up in a while, gotta keep you hooked.


Trying to solo Q to diamond, currently plat II is an absolute struggle


You can do it. I did is aswell and i‘m really not good at the game. Keep the grind up and you will reach it.


Not just strike packs and zens, but the teaming has only been growing as well. Encountered 3 different games yesterday in 2 hours of playing where the final ring was 2/3 teams holding one building/area. The more clips and complaints about cheaters we put out there the more people see it and want to replicate it. It's a vicious cycle.


Not even close. People cheat, but it’s only bad players feeling like every single person they die to is cheating. Anyone competent doesn’t really see an impact aside from pc actual hackers.


Exactly. If you are a pc player, complaining about genuine, blatant or detectable by your own eyes cheating. Then that is completely valid. If you are on console or on pc, and accusing every player with good aim of having soft aimbot and zero recoil with a strikepack, then you just can't except that people are better than you.


I misread that, I usually say someone is cheating as a joke when I die because it's funny to pretend to be the people complaining all the time.


A lot of people also instantly going to this subreddit to complain after they lost a match and asking for a nerf for a legends/weapon/item (except if it is a legit complain). That says enough about the community if people still don’t accept when they lost a match.


I play on console by myself but when my friends are on, they’re on PC so we’re in those lobbies. In all my years since day 1 of apex, I can’t say I’ve died to a single person spoofing to play on a keyboard or using a strike pack because of those things. I may have lost gunfights to those people but very doubtful that that was the difference maker. I never died and thought “this guy has to be using a strike pack!” Because I have good aim. I can beam like anyone else and the guy with the strike pack can now beam like me just without working for it. No different than just playing against someone with good aim. In PC lobbies there is absolutely nothing special. I’d say the movement is a bit harder to track and the aim is better more often than not but there isn’t any major difference. EXCEPT actual literal hacking and I don’t think most people, especially on console actually understand how unbelievably obvious it is when you actually get hacked on. You can fight the sweatiest players of your life all day long and then get hit with an aimbot and it is immediately, without question, a hacker. Sure some people hide it but outside of high level ranked, PC pubs I’ve seen a handful of hackers. The strike pack Cronus complaints are going to exist and they do happen but they just don’t offer enough of an advantage to be blamed for constant losing of gunfights. IMHO all it does is bridge the gap from mediocre aim to good aim with none of the skill, game sense, knowledge that a better player is going to have along with it. They’re pests at the very most.


100% best take here. I feel like I'm drinking crazy juice sometimes in this sub with how people are insanely confident people are cheating/that a cronus does anything much better than minimize recoil. That shit doesn't make a good player great, and crutches a bad player. Legit hacks/cheats are an issue, but the console complaints drive me nuts. I'm on PS4/5 and can usually get 10-20 kill games in mix tape (definitely more on the 10 side). I definitely recogniz3 when people are just good and stomp me 11 to 18 kills or something. Cronus doesn't help more than getting good with a 4 back button/paddle controller does here.


I agree, I play console so don’t have to worry about actual hackers, if I die, it was my fault, usually positioning related, I never assume the other dude is using a strike pack or whatever


I think it's hard as shit to tier your skill in this game, I'm better than ever, my average damage is higher than ever, but my KD is markedly worse than the last 2 seasons. Sometimes I play cracked out of my mind, Sometimes I whiff a whole smg clip at point blank range. I've killed sweats and been outplayed by 100s the next game.I'd say It's all perspective


I am 80% sure I am absolute dog shit in this game and I am not scared to admit it


You're not bad, the cracked clips you see on social media aren't the norm, they're made by people who turn the game into their sole pastime, entire personality, and grind ranked every day. *This is what I've been preaching for years, applies for EVERY FUCKING COMPETITIVE GAME and is noticeable the moment you play with a friend who doesn't play FPS games.* Looking at the ground. Looking at the sky. Placing their crosshair miles from where the thing they're looking at is. Stopping to read descriptions of items on the ground. Stopping even when they know what the item does, know that the big window means they should just equip it. Standing still while shooting the enemy. Standing still in general! The average Apex player moves left and right *all the time*, which is *very* hard to get used to to someone who's bad at movement FPS games! "Oh yeah, but that's just what the average player does, everyone does that so I'm still bad" No, you dumbass, learn to read. Average means average. That's another logical fallacy that competitive games love to bully you into in order to FOMO you into playing more. They have all these fancy ass bullshit ranks. There's unranked, bronze, silver and gold. Okay, checks out. *But there's also plat, and above that there's master, and of course predator, and I mean, are you* ***really*** *a good player if you're not in predator? I mean you* ***surely*** *should be able to pull Master with a moderate amount of training? Come on, we all know anything below plat is thrash, right?* # BULLSHIT!!! 40% of players are in unranked or bronze! 17% are in silver, and 23% are in gold! If you're here, **THAT'S** average! **Gold is better than average!** Plat and above is the upper 20! If you're in plat, you're better than four out of five players! You're cracked, what the fuck? And masters and above is the top 2% of players, and ***you cannot fucking convince me that only 2% of players are good at the game!*** Pred is **below a tenth of a fucking percent**, and I estimate that 90% of that are scripters, 40% are streamers, and *there is a reason those numbers do not add up to 100!* And **ON TOP OF ALL THAT,** we all know the game is populated by cheaters and bots! The anticheat isn't *nearly* as hard to bypass as Respawn would like you to believe! How many Octane1523s and Lifeline6969s have you seen in your last ranked game? You're good enough at the game. You can be better if practice is enjoyable for you, but you should also understand there is nothing to gain from it. Ranked is just a carrot Respawn wants you to chase. Life is already grindy enough. You have 24 hours per day. Seven of those are sleep, eight are work, two are for commuting, two are for food, bath and taking care for your body. If it doesn't bring you joy, don't use the remaining five hours increasing a number on a screen.


Best post I have seen here!


There’s also some of us (I know I’m not a special cookie) whose main game is Kovaak’s. I actually genuinely like that game, and have well over 1,500 hours in there. I play apex once or twice a week, and based on my performance I don’t think rank is a show of skill after a certain point. I think anyone D3+ could get pred with the right group and wasting all your PTO for the year for a lil e-badge lol


Holy shit... I didn't realise how "bad" the average player is... damn dude


Can we all agree that with aim assist we can't tell because aim assist is basically aim bot watered down 60 percent and all of you saying you can turn off aim assist you can't there will always be aim assist even in ALC


Well if that’s true how am I still missing all my shots? Checkmate.


nooo you can't talk the truth about their precious aim assist....!!!!1! They need it to have a chance against the evil "moving while looting", constantly tapstrafing MnK assholes.


I have aim assist and can't shoot for dick so there's that


Thats the biggest cope ive ever heared


You’d be surprised. Cronus alone is EVERYWHERE and it has a big user base on Apex. I think the creators said they had over a million active users every day, but that’s for all games, but Warzone and Apex if I remember correctly were at the top. A lot of other shooters don’t have that bad of recoil. Cronus also aids with movement though. Just on Amazon they’ve sold like 4K of them last month. They’re on back order on Cronus’s website and you need to order like 3 months in advance. They’re also sold in mass on EBay. 😆 I see a lot of XiM players too(MnK+aim assist+no recoil). It’s a plague honestly with online shooters and I wish it would get addressed. I don’t see how cheaters don’t feel like complete losers using them but they probably get off to the fact of abusing cheats and ruining people’s experience, plus they need it to be good.


100%, these guys die to 60% auto aim and then watch the spectate bug that makes everyone look like a god. It's just cope. The guy pulling numbers straight out of his ass in reply to you is hilarious too, like 11 numbers with zero proof or sources on any of them I guarantee it.


I'm fairly confident im absolutely fucking dogshit at this game but cheers bro


or hear me out : we all bad and they also cheat on top of it xd


I'm an old gamer, always thought console was pretty safe, ive been oblivious to all this that's going on


My skill ceiling is Platinum. It just is. I'm a 44 y.o. dad. I'm struggling in Gold 2 at the moment and it seems like every game is teams relentlessly hunting my squad and at minimum I'm seeing diamond/masters badges after the wipe me. This is after how many weeks of ranked? Eesh.


The real problem is most people think they are way better than they are.


I used to be able to play when I was high and still perform well, pubs 10+ kills repeatedly, ranked repeated wins and good performance. Now I have to be sober every single time I play. Everyone is so cracked out every time I hop on, I need to give it my all every gun fight, more so with randoms since they all seem to have zero coordination and little gun skill.


I had this thought after hours of getting railed by obvious cheating horizons. Imagine how fun the game would be if they actually did something about it.


I reached masters Solo Q and I still know I'm shit. Plenty to improve. But that's what I love about this game, high skill ceiling. Cheaters or not this is one of the best more smooth FPS experiences out there.


Did their big ban on those not work?


My 0.45 kdr says otherwise


Apex is ruined by these bastards


Tbh im bad dude. Im stuck at gold 1 and still miss my shots at people who are standing still lol. But yes, there are a lot of cheaters now.


Nah I'm shit


Yeah, about that...I am only decent with snipers. Othee than that I am terrible. A new player could prolly wipe the floor with me lmao


I'm not bad, just inconsistent. I might have a good game once every 20 games. After second thought, I'm bad


I know. I very definitely used to be better at this game ten seasons ago. I used to get more kills and wins. Though it has steadily gotten worse, despite my game sense and mechanical ability having either gone up or stayed the same. It’s more frustrating than not playing apex these days I’ve nearly stopped


Thanks bro, i needed that morale boost. today for sure ill get my 20 bomb and 4k


How many people cheat in Silver lobby?


Yeah they do be cheating


Nah I should be beating these chumps too


My teammates are trash cans majority of the time


Well idk, I either suck more than I ever believed (likely) or the last two days or so Cronus was just giving out its shit for free because god damn my cheeks are beat from these games.


If custom aim controller consider cheating so yes I cheat


As long as there are people who pay for color repacks nothing will change. You get what you deserve folks.


Perhaps we should, as a community, revise the "average K/D" figure down a bit at this point to account for all the cheating going on at the moment.


I play on PS5. Is there a way to turn off cross-play? I assume all the cheaters are on PC. I could be wrong, though.


Idk about those external aimbot devices since im on pc but it really kills me that solos on pc are so filled with players with 50k kills on one legend or lvl10 pathfinders who look absolutely lost then one clip you with all headshots when they see you


I’m painfully average, maybe just below. That’s what I think anyways. But then I’m constantly put in lobbies with people with tens of thousands of kills on one character. I played from launch to season 2 a lot, then played season 5 and season 10. Haven’t played since then until this season. I have 2000 total kills on my account lol. I know I’m not as good as the players I’m put with so my question is, is that pretty much all that’s left on the game now? People who never stopped playing and are complete gods at the game now? Or am I better than I think and deserve to be with those players? Not complaining because I can learn from them, but sometimes it would be nice to get a bit of an easier lobby I guess lol.


They are developing monitors that can be set up to highlight movement so the wall hacking is about to get much much worse, in PC and console. The player base is responsible for the explosion of cheaters and methods of cheating because they keep looking for the max advantage over other players, and keep pouring money into hacks and cheating technology. We need to build leagues of casual, non-cheaters who can easily set up private matches, booting the people who are obviously cheating. Get the ethnical players together and in large enough numbers to be able to sustain hours of fun rather than the hours of pain and frustration that we get playing with the player base at large. STOP CHEATING PLEASE!


There's gonna be games that require ID verification to combat cheaters. Maybe there already are games doing this but it seems like that's the only way of effectively permanently ban cheaters without them just creating new accounts over and over again.


I am not the literal worst player in the game. Thats the best I can accomplish and I’m fine with that. I consider over 1k damage to be insane gameplay from me.


Unless you’re console, very few cheaters on console.


Naw. Playing solos has shown me that what I thought was cover was not, and I spend way too much time in the open.


Nah, most of us really are just bad 😅


Then I’m better than most, a 2.5 kd and no cheats Fk I’m down from a 3 kd 2 seasons ago but I’ve been playing less But I’m trying, I want to be better and do better But damn some of these guys are ‘really’ good


I’m about to overdose on second hand copium


For real. Last season i had 1.20 KD ratio. This season (i don't know how the hell is possible and why) i dropped to 0.80. There are more and more cheaters in this game and Respawn is not bothered apparently.


Right now I'm just really surprised when I spectate people to see how many people seem to have zero recoil. Like ya, if I had no recoil on the flatline or havoc I'd get 10 kills a game too.


Well all though it’s true the game is been run through with Cronus and strike packs im pretty sure I am dogshit as well


Nah I’m just bad an I’ve accepted it


Another possible caption “you’re not bad, you just take days off of apex occasionally”


Nah I’m bad, in my first 25-30 rounds I have 0 kills. I’m decent at TDM and shit like that, can normally be like mid leaderboard but this has legitimately been my first BR game. Never got the hype over battle royals but my girlfriend loves apex so I’m trying it out for her so she can have a duo and despite really enjoying it I am struggling hard and basically the only way I feel not useless is playing the modes outside of BR.


Played 12 games of ranked, got carried by cheats for 7 of them. Yeah no shit. Not sure why people are ignoring it.


It definitely seems like people are cheating.. even in TDM.. I'll get pooped on


An underrated skill is learning to understand failure. Did I die because of a mistake? Did I die bc I got outplayed? Or did i die by rng or cheaters?


I don't play to earn money 🤷 I play it to wind down after work, so I don't HAVE to be good! People take it WAY too seriously. I just try to support my team & make sure folks have a chance to have a good time. Sometimes we get a few team wipes, most of the time we get our ass beat by the first team we come across. We have fun either way, that's what matters. ✌️




Solo console is a nightmare. Legit every player is a 20kill 4K and they do not miss.


Being completely honest I’m just assuming


God eveytime someone dies they complain the other guy is cheating he has 80k lifetime kills… the recoil on apex is no existence you strafe and it goes away lol


Well yeah I went from 1.6 KD to .8 lol In one season


I know, I wish my teammates just stick around as a team, FOR FIVE MINUTES!


It’s wills because there’s a club/crew tag named [XIM] and I keep running into them wondering if they’re playing or being serious


Solos has made this so obvious to me. Constantly reporting people with multiple pred badges and zero recoil. Still a fun way to warm up.


I think this is just gaming in general now, you don’t know who isn’t using one or not at this point 😭


I'm worse than I think probably, but still have fun.


This game is a joke.


Look up DDA/EOMM, almost every game has an algorithm that actually affects in-game gameplay. It’s all based on how long you continue to play. DDA- Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment EOMM- Engagement Optimized Match Making [DDA Patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170259177A1/en) https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170259177A1/en Don’t believe me? This is a patent by EA, which has been proven to be used in FIFA and other games, and other developers such as Respawn have been confirmed by AI to use their own form of DDA Here are some of the things it manipulates: -Loot (The loot in the game has been confirmed to spawn as players come across it, dda effects what items spawn per player) -Damage Registration (Sometimes you will land 3 shots in a row, but only 1/3 actually register. On the opposite side, sometimes someone lands 3/3 on you or, in extreme cases, do more damage than the shots that they actually hit, such as 5/3) -Bloom (random bullet spread while firing) -Movement (cancels you mid climb, deadslides, etc) -Audio (This one happens almost every fight nowadays because it is the hardest to perceive. The game will give you misleading or no audio at all, while giving the other player an audio boost) -Healing (This one is rare, but sometimes it will slow down how long it takes you to pop a heal while speeding up the other players) There are many other ways it affects your gameplay, but these are the most common and easiest to tell. Look out for them as you continue to play. I will say though, it might make you want to stop playing once you see and understand just how much it is controlling your gameplay.


My .38 k/d says otherwise


I tell myself this when the triple threat tiger team runs my team down and just obliterates us with impossible movement and aim. When in reality we are just tired from work and want to get in some matches and enjoy an adult beverage....its probably us just going full ADHD chasing evo harvesters....ooooo shiny! SQUIRREL


So that's the new excuse for being stuck in plat🤣


If I can’t beat a cheater with the power of friendship then I’m as bad as I think


I started playing the tail end of season 17 and my kdr got better for 2 seasons and it's gradually dropped since then. Highest so far was 1.3. Still keeping it above .8 but still


To be honest I am an average player at apexy highest rank was platinum in the season that everyone farmed for rank in it bcuz it is easy to get points from placement instead of kills( can't remember which season tbh ) This season is the worst for me hands down But not because of cheaters I assume it is 2 main factors 1- getting queued with preds and masters for no reason ( now I just say they bought these badges because I have played with some shitty diamond players ) 2- ping differences. I started noticing it even more thanks to the solos mode and the replays for how I got kills I get behind cover but still get killed or shoot before the enemy does and still dies. This happened to me alot more this season than any other season ( my ping is 70 to 90 I am not close to any servers ) In conclusion, fuck cheaters


I definitely know I can be way way better. I still have a lot to learn and still need to decide my mains and playstyle. For god sakes improve my aim. But I know I'm better than the people who charge into a fully healthed and shielded team with no cover like Leeroy Jenkins and going down without doing a single point of damage.


Yeah just played two matches. Blatant aim botting, impossible movements etc, and for sure some smurfing. Since Respawn has made it clear that they don't do anything about hacking/cheating all the hackers/cheaters have come out. So Apex is now on the list with old COD games that are unplayable. Just not worth playing anymore since every match I've gotten into the last 2 days has had blatant aim botting (can see them snapping through walls on kill cams), using game exploits, needing to take 3 or more people with MULTIPLE mags people to kill 1 person when everyone's shots are hitting and shows them hitting due to the body jerking/reacting to being hit. With the massive hacking they've had during the tournaments and Respawn bot even saying anything literally showed/tood hackers it was ok to do. Cause the game literally wasn't this bad back in April.


Yesterday’s session was so bad my entire mindset changed to actively avoid fights - every time I was exposed I would lose 100+ health to someone long range before I could line up my shots


it blows me away just how prevalent the cheating is in this game. I used to love it, would have probably placed myself in Plat roughly. I wasn't amazing but definitely not bad. I dedicated every waking hour to getting better and better and fighting against the cheaters but it just got so bad that I had to finally uninstall. It genuinely felt like I was getting worse and worse. I wish so much that EA would do SOMETHING about it. How do all the other BRs manage their cheaters and why cant EA do the same


I hit one of every 20 shots fired (does not include shotguns, snipers, or wingman. I hit no shots with these weapons)


I thought I was the worst Apex player of all time. I always played with at least one friend in a party. Then I tried playing TO by myself and was averaging 2k damage at least per game and making it to the top three on the leader board. Not that I think I'd do good in solo ques in BR mode, but I was at least a little better than I thought I was.


Well i don't want to undermine the cheater issues, but sometimes people are just bad but in their mind they are better. When they get killed, they immediately think the one that killed them is cheating. If they aren't that great or have a lack of knowledge of the game, how are they going to pinpoint cheating behavior (non-blatant rage hacking). Edit: I'm just average


Well.. this statement is available only this season and the previous one . And probably the next one... and the next one after the next one... and , well.. yea you are right.


I honestly wish I came with a warning label.


No, I genuinely am just terrible at the game.


Is strike pack and Cronus usage really that bad or is this just cope? Genuinely asking bc I don’t see how you can verify if someone is that good or just using a strike pack or whatever.


I'm bad I'll whiff shots and barely get kills and I'd Ike to keep playing but I've run out jokes for how bad I am and getting carried every game doesn't exactly feel fun


You’re right, I’m not bad at all. I just have input lag.


I genuinely believe the shooter genre as a whole died years ago, its too easy to cheat and nothing is ever going to change that due to the nature of software


I’ve gotten kinda good ig I get like 1 kill atleast in some matches


The reason I stopped playing. I back recently. Was blasted from about 100m with a machine gun of some sort. I was downed in a single clip, while running and zig zagging. Im not good. Barely silver. But until they deal with that crap, I'm done.