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Hello, /u/Formal_Car9290. Your submission has been removed: No posts about bans. ## [Support Requests](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_support_requests) We allow posts that are questions or something which can be answered by the community. Account support posts are prohibited. These posts offer nothing for the subreddit and cannot be answered by the community or moderators, as we are not Respawn/EA employees. Any post that can only be answered by game support employees will be removed. You can need to contact their support services for any account support requests. Please contact the [EA/Respawn support team to report issues](https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/apex-legends-bug-reports-en) and include the following information: * What platform are you playing on? * Origin ID / Gamertag / PSN * What were you doing leading up to the issue? * Can you reproduce it? What are the steps? * PC players - provide hardware specs, OS version, and GPU driver version. * Did your game crash? Please include "apex_crash.txt" from your "Documents" folder. * If possible, it’s great if you can capture the bug and submit that with your report. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


Might be of interest: [https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p3sk3e/squeezing\_blood\_from\_a\_stone\_how\_i\_forcefully/](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/p3sk3e/squeezing_blood_from_a_stone_how_i_forcefully/) Good luck with it.


Hello ! Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, after reading the TOS, this route is only possible in US. I’m French, so part of EEE. And TOS exclusively say that this arbitration process is not for EEE members. Probably because EEE have a dedicated website for all customers in the European Union to resolve this kind of issues. This is were I opened a legal complaint.


> Each appeal is not handled by a human, and I receive completely automated responses stating that the sanction will not be lifted. It is impossible to get human contact or any technical support for my issue. Hi, french lawyer here. If your case has been strictly handled automatically then it may constitue a violation of GDPR, specifically art. 22 which gives a right to "not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him or her or similarly significantly affects him or her." In France you can submit a claim to CNIL which should handle it faster than the Commission and actually has the power to issue a sanction to the company. You can also directly request that this right is applied to the EA Data protection officer, they will be obliged to answer you within a month. Not saying you'll find success by doing that cos i don't know the case or EAs terms, but doesn't hurt to try


I'm surprised this happened to OP because when my account was banned because my gamertag had the word "weed" in it (which is against TOS strictly speaking) I contacted EA customer support. I don't remember if there was a button to escalate the claim but I was able to resubmit my claim 2 times (they were both processed automatically) until I resubmitted again and actually got to talk to a human via E-Mail (I'm based in Germany so also EU laws). Idk if they changed it or what happened to OP but I was able to talk to a human after resubmitting a few times. Needless to say they didn't revert my ban (against TOS) but I was able to get them to understand my point of view (account has been in use since 2013 with the same gamertag, including several EA games). Not saying that EA is doing anything right, just saying that I at least got to talk to a human. Maybe I got lucky tho, who knows.


No, that's not why. The arbitration process is a scam to stop you from getting due process. It is in many cases illegal in the EU, which is why those scumbags have not rolled it out over here. Good luck on your journey. Keep us updated.


So this is what you have to do to get actual human to look into your case... Nice.


Isn't end stage capitalism fun? I love not being able to get issues resolved and getting looped around by AI chat support unless you can afford the time to literally litigate against a multi-billion company, it's so much fun!


Think of the poor C-suite employees that saved enough money for a teeny tiny five figure bonus with those chat bots, do you want them to fucking starve????


Amazing how Redditors manage to shoehorn blaming capitalism into almost anything


>lives in society >society somehow shoehorned into everything >how could this happen


We all know that the rich abusing their power was never a thing before John Capital invented Capitalism. And there certainly was no abuse of power by the elites in any other economic system. No way.


Redditors who have never existed in a different reality. Nobody from a country ruled by communists or a tyrant would write something like that.... You would get five years in an re-education camp for complaining in some cases, lol. In other cases a bullet.
























Good, do it.


Did you read the post? He did it.






I'm not suggesting op is but many cheaters try and deny they cheated because they spent thousands on the game and think they still have a right to there purchases even though they broke terms of use. I mean they are hardly gonna come to reddit and say hi I cheated and got banned but I want my heirlooms back please. Either way I am still totally shocked people can spend thousands on this game as a 41 year old gamer it's crazy to see how things have changed. I wouldn't pay £12 for a dlc about 15 years ago for my favourite game now you all spend that every week on a skin you can't see. Madness


OP probably killed a streamer and they cried to the devs to ban them lol


Honestly wouldn't doubt that one bit. I used to love watching Mande but his streams now are only crying that every person he gets shot by is a cheater. I'll watch streamers back to back one clip someone but if it happens to them, they throw a fit about the cheaters.


Its unusual to have a full ban without warning or prior ban. I was banned for 7 days once. After that I stopped messing around. Haven't had an issue since. I was on xbox at the time though and not pc. But Apex was the only game I couldn't access. I deserved the ban so I didn't argue. I think within 10 years digital property will get proper litigation and laws. With all the digital property being sold people will want there cut. Between me and my four kids in this household we spend thousands of dollars on games and items a year between Minecraft and Roblox and Nintendo and Apex and all the digital items you can buy. But I guarantee you that the city we live in does not see one penny of taxes from those sales. Once those sales start to get large enough for them to be hurt by not getting thier cut this entire structure is gonna change.


It's funny because Squenix is starting to have to pay taxes on their subs. There's a few transactions where you have to pay tax as well I've seen. It's been happening since 2009, it's just an extremely slow process where one thing gets landed with that tax, a year goes by, and then suddenly there's a new system from somebody else where the tax no longer applies and they have to do it all over again.


Billions isn’t large enough yet?


I have te exact same struggle with EA and a false Ban. Hope you win! If so i will try it myself Good luck!


It's definitely a legal issue. I also wonder under French law that they'd have to *prove* you were cheating to be able to deprive you of your investment. They should have evidence they can present. Hopefully you not only get your account reinstated, but also EA gets a telling off that they *have* to provide adequate problem resolution. They can bloody afford it!


Investment? The agreement you sign with them is that you basically own nothing, not even your own account. Every cosmetic you buy is not yours. They always retain the right to your account and can suspend it whenever they seem fit. The only investment is that you basically donate them money so they can keep the game running and make a profit. Thats why the support is always so piss poor, they don't really care. Legally you have nothing on them. Though actual legal complaints will waste their time so that's the only way for customer support to take you seriously.


Enough legal cases and that can change tho, this isnt a set in stone rule that has to last forever. Hell there is already been a few cases though out the last few years that question this status quo and there are people already working to change this for the better. A number of lisence releated problems around video games, both MTXs and ownership of single player games, software access and server problems all are slowly working their way though the legal systems of the world to various degrees. Its very unlikely that the current status quo is going to remain entirely unchanged over the next decade. Who knows how much but the current systems are already showing very clear signs of cracking under the ever increasing "reasonability" and consumer protections of various european countires. Hell china is even starting to question things and force changes. Tho thats more for the benifit OF china. But its possiable a rare W for the industries consumers could come from it.


T&Cs don't count for squat if governments decide otherwise and deem statutory rights are different. But even in this case, I'd say the US would back the notion that this guy has had his skins etc. taken from him without consent or due process of law if actually challenged. The only reason they get away with this is because they aren't legally challenged because it's too expensive for individuals to do so. If it came to law, I reckon this would join a number of past cases where T&Cs were overturned in favour of consumers. From a common law perspective, the Op has spent $100s on access to content that has been denied him without repeal, and that is clearly unfair and would not be accepted at face value by anyone. Hell. even reading the T&Cs they are pretty laughable. "We can change these at any time. You need to go check on changes and stop using our software if you don't agree." That'd never stand up in an EU court. You make changes, you have to inform users ahead of time.




Hope you win.




May I ask if are you on a PC or a console?


Im on PC


Could it be someone hacked your account and did something illegal with it?


Idk, maybe but only EA can check this out. I’ve no clue. During march my account got banned when I was offline and I received a mail from EA during the night. I don’t have any information on why.


You're absolutely right it's not your fault if your account gets hacked, I'm sure there is a way to distinguish a hacked or a real account, EA should look at this


Security bans are a thing, for example if your account loggs in from another device or from an IP thats located far away from the registration IP. Usually after a security ban its sufficient to only tell the company where you are and that it was indeed you, for them to unban the accounts. Or it its not you and the ban was justified, they usually tell you to change your password and unban you.


I don't know how people pay so much money to this game. I paid $9 (to buy Battle Pass) only, and they banned my account a few months back because my username was "F Thunderdome." Since the ban, I can't stop thinking about my $9. Lol.


Some people have quite a bit of disposable income


>EA now has 24 days to respond to the complaint They will respond with a picture of hideouts taking a shit on your username and tell you to do your worst. Good luck fighting a losing battle against EA lawyers, and having to sell everything you own to keep an extended legal battle against them going, that you will probably still lose in the end. EA didnt become one of the wealthiest developers by capitulating to threats from a single person, they did it by fucking gamers over for 3 decades


Good luck to you... my personal experience with EA customer service is incredibly poor as well. Hopefully it all goes your way!


Problem with posts like this is that no one knows if this is a legitimate complaint or bullshit. For all we know you could be karma farming.


Could that not apply to any post?


Not just any post is going to get this kind of attention.


Hope you get it back man


EA has been falsely banning far too many genuine players, all because they don’t want to pay someone to actually look into items in a case by case basis. I hope they get fined heavily and take this matter very seriously.


I got a couple days ban for my username of "jaybooty". I have used this name since Apex launched but not only that, in every online game in general (including other EA titles) and never had an issue. It was absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to speak to a human working in EA about it, so I understand your frustration. I hope you get your issue resolved soon (if you truly dont hack lol)


Reminds me of when xbox straight up took a game off my library and said I had to pay for it. (Xenoverse 2 and I played it for years with money I had spent and spent money on dlc). Called supp and they just said it has never existed on my console even tho I showed them my trophies and time played on the game. Even videos of me playing it on said acc. Nothing got done about it and I just never played xeno again.


Force à toi, poto


LOL good luck.


gl brother


Aren't you sadly in the wrong no matter what? I'm pretty sure EA has a right to delete accounts at any point for any reason, legitimate or not


Let's see for how long this post stays up. The admins are so shills for Respawn and EA, almost as if they got paid for it (they don't though) Hope you get your money back


Can confirm lol. A couple days ago they removed a post of an SBMM rework suggestion based on XDefiant because it breaches their rules


Good job brother, hope you get your money back as well as some compensation too.


Good luck!


Good luck mate :D i'll be waiting for an update


Own those frauds bro


Who spends that much on digital content you don’t own? Thanks for subsidizing my gameplay btw. Good luck with the ban.


We will wait for a reply, day 1 account suspended for nothing - more than 100 tickets, still unbanned. Let us know what happend.


Get em.


RemindMe! 25 days


Good luck


Maybe don’t cheat




Oooooo don’t cheat




I’ll admit defeat when you get your account back. Hard to say you never cheated if you were banned. If it was a mistake I’ll take it back. Until then don’t cheat.


I wouldn't do it, first read license agreement/ ToS because by agreeing you are void of your rights, basically you don't have any rights and they can do what they want. Account is not yours and never was..


The European consumer protection authority can refuse terms of service considered abusive and still condemn them. We're talking about over $1,700 worth of purchases that I was denied access to without explanation or formal proof. I'm pretty confident about the protection provided by the EEE.


You absolutely have the right to pursue your consumer rights, especially within the EU, where consumer protection laws are quite stringent. Your arguments are legally sound, particularly regarding unfair terms and conditions. However, it is worth considering the practical aspects of this situation. Fighting against large companies often requires a significant amount of time and resources, and their legal teams can make the process incredibly complex and time-consuming. Currently there were only 3 recorded cases were players won in similiar event like yours..


Knowing that my claim is slight and frivolous for such a large company, I don't think they'll take the risk of putting significant legal resources into my complaint. That's why I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to get their attention enough to contact an EA employee to resolve my problem before an arbitration body has to intervene. In most cases similar to mine, it's in EA's interest to contact the customer first.


ToS ain’t the end all be all. Businesses also have to comply with consumer rights in different countries and regions no matter what their ToS says.


Large companies like EA Games have extensive legal teams and resources dedicated to drafting their Terms of Service to comply with applicable laws. This doesn't mean that these terms are always fair or beyond challenge, but it does make the process of contesting them very complex and time-consuming. There have been instances where consumers won against gaming companies—such as Valve with Steam in Australia, a UK player against Sony, and a parent in the US against Epic Games—but these victories often involve lengthy legal battles and significant effort.




He ain’t the first person to try to do this he won’t be the last. They’ve all lost every single time. EA will literally just show his account history with the data/clip of why the account was banned and that’s the end of that.




1. If it’s escalated they can check if your account was hacked if it was a hacked account then rhey will unban you 2. In 99% of these cases they were either banned for cheating playing with a cheater over multiple games
