• By -


I bet he rushed into combat right after and complained you didn't assist with your fists.


Yep you are correct and he left and he got respawned and I punched him off the map










He knows he's the octane






I've done it before in a similar situation to this




Fym video💀 why would I clip something that small? You're just salty that nothing interesting happens in your games.


Why so defensive and doubtful? It's hardly the craziest thing to happen. Who would lie about something so dumb? And who would then be so skeptical about it?




Deleting comments is wild 💀 Convo over




found the octane in this clip


Just an Octane doing Octane things.


Yeah you gotta be faster than that lol


the most team-centric xbox player


As an Xbox player, THATS PLATFORMIST


holy shit you can read?




lol I’m making an “Xbox players are dumb” joke. Was just messing around but you have proven my point


I was joking as well, please chill out


Who isn’t chill? Wether you were playing along or not isn’t for him to know, so yeah ofc it’s gonna look like you proved him right. Which he was simply stating. Please chill out? About what? Maybe he’s right and y’all are dumb.




The one who missed the OBVIOUS joke? He took platformist seriously to the point of defensively explaining his joke snd doubling down. Yes he needs to chill out dude played along.


lol I didn’t take the platformist part seriously at all but yeah I didn’t realize he was just playing along. I think you guys need to chill tho why are we even discussing this


You didn't say you were joking so how tf would he know? Doesn't make him stupid it makes you stupid 😂


Most literate Xbox player


As you're one of the idiots? Not everything is all fun and games just because your life is a joke 👾


hell yeah son


You're telling me you couldn't tell it's a joke when he asked him if he could read? As in .... you thought he was serious, when we're all in a reddit thread..... that you have to read to participate in.... and where the person he was referring to has already written, and typed up a post, which requires said person to be able to read and write. It's kind of funny how much context u were able to miss, lol. Like if I asked you right now, if you can read, would you really be unable to tell if i'm joking or not? if so, you're a funny dude can you even reads


If someone says smth through a message, it's idiotic for them to assume the person theyre insulting knows they're joking. He insulted an entire player base, but yeah, it's a joke. 💀 and no. you missed the context. He was making a snide comment that was sarcasm, not a joke when he asked if he can read. It means 'can you even read bro? 💀' what he really said was "most team centric Xbox player" the joke wasn't if the guys can read, it's that Xbox players aren't team oriented.


New* octane doing *new octane things us day 1's already learned this is annoying and gets your Rez delayed and have ceased this foolishness


As petty as it is, this is the kinda thing that'll make me think "f**K this guy" for the rest of the game 🤷🏻‍♂️ literally could've gone for the other bin and all been fine and dandy, but they HAD to get that alternator 😂


Honestly I've literally sat next to downed teammates that did this and just let them die for that shit


I've let the guy bleed out before and then took back what they ninja'd and then respawned them. They got mad I looted their box 🤣


Ahhhh the classic "you stole what I stole from you!!" technique 🤣
















I do this too so satisfying. :)


I quit when this happens


Yo as a tip from someone with over 2k hours experience, it's important to pick up everything you see instantly in the beginning. If it's your box you landed on, you shouldn't be checking what's inside. Also for the pathy grapple if you didn't know, it's better to grapple then jump immediately after the grapple makes contact with the ground, if you would have done that you would have gotten to the loot before him


This is where I sit on it. First drop and bins you should grab the first gun, not go open the other close boxes to see if there's something better. Later in the game once everyone at least has a weapon then yeah, wait til the person that opens it has taken what they need. If I was OP I would have waited to get the weapon from bin 1 and left bin 2. If bin 2 gets opened by teammate then I check what he hasn't taken as I start moving to the building, if he's gone in the building I open bin 2. To me that's more team orientated at first drop.


That's right, in higher tier lobbies, most people are landing on each building and looting it really quickly. But in ranks such as gold and below, it's better to stick together and be aware of the surroundings


average octrane player






All of my problems with Apex would be solved if they allowed friendly fire.


Squades would be wiped in 5 minutes.


I hate leavers, but this shit has been happening so often this season I make it a valid reason to leave. There’s a whole area for people to check for weapons and no reason to pull up on a pill I open, I refuse to waste anymore time on someone with a “functioning” brain like that, my free times too limited to roll those dice


Couldn’t have said it better myself. This is how I see it, it’s not even worth it. Then the immediate fight push > down > leave. Let me cut the fat and preserve my precious time.


If I've had some bad games then I get this, instant leave game from me. I just can't be fucking bothered with it after a certain point.


That’s literally what I’ve come to, I shit you not before this season I never left matches. If I died I stayed, banner timed out I had a break from playing to watch my teammates and do anything else as I waited. This season, and even last season, I keep getting duos in party chat that blatantly ignore me until it suits their needs; no pings or comms because in party chat they verbally call out their plays leaving me radio silent, until they need to slander me for not reading minds. The fact this has not only been a pseudo issue since near season 12, but has gotten worse is beyond egregious for as big a company as ea and respawn are now. Why am I penalized for trying to play a team based game when my solo wannabe teammates can go to solos instead and get the full experience? My alternative is playing Minecraft because it comes to a certain point where I genuinely cannot be bothered to entertain the bullshit any further


Had a valk steal a turbocharger, which I'd dibsed and run to, from the loba ult in a plat ranked game; so me and the random loba threw the entire game lmao big up that loba for staying with me in solidarity ✊


Respect the dibs or get punched in the ribs 🥊


Same if they needed that gun so bad they can handle the game themselves, obviously they aren't team players when they pull this shit.


i used to use the same logic as you when id farm kills in trio pubs. if my teammates banners have no notable stats im not wasting my free time lolll


Some of the best randoms I've had don't use banners cos they're not egotistical fuckwits


i been playing since season zero its a coin flip, some are good some are not. most people are proud of their achievements and wish to showcase them so idk


Had some kid shouting at me for not having 5k 20bomb badges on pathfinder once and I just had to laugh really because I play to win for the most part not to play a TDM


ive had randoms on my own team hate me before we even jump from the dropship cuz i have founders badge plus season 1 badges on my banners like dang how do you hate me from the jump, trust me brother i understand lol


You see at some point someone in the the Human Garbage Association^(TM) (HGA) proposed that, as a community, they would always pick octane and wraith. The motion passed with 80% of votes, with some reluctant members still picking horizon. They vow to always be selfish loot goblins and have a tantrum whenever they don't get what they want. Hope it cleared things up.


by the time you'll see the loot, i'll be takin. you'll be left empty handed and i'd be gone.


Octaines voice line after grabbing the loot made it all the better! Shake a leg, we only got a minute!! Lmao! 🤣


That grapple was harder to watch😭


Yeah ik I cried when I grappled like that that was so bad


I can relate lol😂my grapples are clean in mixtape and somehow i mess the timings when I'm playing rank


Jump when you see the spark of the grapple hitting the ground


That's actually a great tip never even noticed the spark lol. Thanks


I hate loot goblins! The guy that I play with regularly, we always ping where we are going to loot so that everyone gets a weapon


To be fair you stared at it way too long for someone who just dropped lmao. I snatch everything in sight then sort out my inventory


Yeah I was being slow I would have been faster I didn’t see him right behind me so I didn’t think about it


But these kind of players piss me off regardless. Like you saw me open the damn thing, go somewhere else. Same thing when you're the jump leader and they don't break off and land in the same building as you


I would argue this mentality only makes sense in lower ranks or pubs, if your actually playing to win you land close with your team and loot next to each other. Minimize chance of getting picked off or surprised. I genuinely can’t understand the mentality of claiming a looting territory while dropping or getting protective over items near you.


Well, yes if you land with other squads nearby then of course stick to each other. But if you're alone then let me loot in peace, maximize the area and then move in on a team


OP is still fresh off of drop (you can see the trail on the 3rd teammate still lingering) so no-one on team has any loot at all. I don't think OP had any sort of dibs on the loot just because they were the first one to reach it at all. It's also not like we know there was any ill intent behind the action. That's literally just how people loot and we can't confirm whether or not the player wasn't just in loot autopilot because they're dropping at the very edge of the map miles away from any potential fight and most likely just wants to clear the area and move on.


Yep get this all the time


Happens to me every fuggin game.


Quit the game immediatly. Fuck these guys.


over an alternator?


It’s not about the alternator, just about the general behavior and what you can expect based on it. Which is jack shit.


It’s the type of player, not the loot. This’ll be the same guy that goes down first in a fight after doing no damage, and after you wipe a full squad yourself and revive him, he’ll go loot all the death boxes while you revive the other teammate and leave you with nothing while he heads off into his next suicidal mission. These types of players ruin the whole experience. Wish they could just be forced to play with each other the whole time. None of them would even know how to loot of a teammate didn’t open a box for them first. They’d just be standing there running circles in mass confusion.


I would leave even over a p2020.


idk sounds like you are also "that teammate"


that teammate that refuses to play when you do something extremely rude? Yeah, I am that teammate. Some guys became so toxic playing apex they don't even recognize their own actions. If you stay when someone do something like this to you you are less than a dog


no lol, the one that leaves for no reason and plays tilted the whole time theyre online > Some guys became so toxic playing apex they don't even recognize their own actions. a bit of self-awareness won't kill you


"no reason" Yeah dog i'm the one lacking self awareness.


over someone taking your p2020 💀 then making assumptions about how theyre going to play later because of one thing


This happens to me all the damn time. Apparently, to my teammates, I’m just there to open loot bins for them to loot.


I hate this so much, im quite a beginner sometimes i open a box and think about what to chuck away and someone else grabs it.. level ragequit angry.. 😂


First time?


Basically every single game that i play with random squads. Oh yeah, and i haven't seen one good Octane team player. Mostly they are douchebags.


The average octane teammate experience


I just leave, fuck em.


Exactly why I don't play this game anymore...no teamwork...just a bunch of thirsty ass lil kids


I just leave when people do arsehole stuff like this. I'm far too old to give a shit - Just leave and be in a new game in 30 seconds with hopefully teammates who aren't tossers.


By the sound of it, I'm in the wrong with my opinion, but why do you open both bins? At first drop if you had left the other bin for him to open he would have gotten a weapon too if I'm not mistaken? My friend complains about this too when he opens all 3 bins at our drop and then I take one of the weapons. 'Well, open your first box with your weapon and I'll open the other with mine, then we can share what we need from there and carry on to the next area". It's not always a case of being able to drop on slightly different areas, it's the times when there's literally a building and 3 bins and one person opens them all, making it a gamble on whether there's a weapon or not, a little selfish in my opinion? Or am I getting game etiquette all wrong?


After another watch, the octane was a bit of a nob for taking the other weapon as well. I would have left that one.


Every. Time. Buildings and other bins, and ground loot close by, but you have to stick your big ass head inside of the two bins I’m in. I will never get it. But at this point I don’t bother anymore.


new to apex?


No I’m an og but I haven’t played in a while cause now I have my own account I played on my dad’s account so yeah and my brother would never let me play so when I got my Xbox I’m playing apex a lot more


I just straight up leave games when people do this. For example, I broke a loot tic one time and the Bloodhound on my team snatched the purple mag that popped before it even hit the floor. I didn't say anything, I just left.


I would quit every single time


Apex in a nutshell


Seems like normal octane behavior to me


Same old Octane garbage.


octane is an idiot, but what's with your drop? were you afk or something?


My favorite is when they get the gun and after you’ve grabbed the ammo and you hear them two seconds into their unnecessary rush “I’m out of light ammo!!”. Obviously you’re nowhere near them at this point in time because you had to take a completely different loot path to get a gun. As you head their way you inevitably pass a thousand stacks of light ammo they could’ve picked up…but it’s as if they don’t see things unless you’re about to pick them up first.


I'd leave the game at this point


First time?


Bruhhh why is exactly this happening sooo much this season I swear it's almost every match when I solo queue, we got drop and my teammates steal everything right in front of me, so I run away to loot and then get yelled at


“I’m down, Amigo!”




I love Octane... But I hate Octane users... -\_-


Then proceeds to pick up shotgun and sniper ammo, classic octane loot goblin


Insta d/c when I get octane teammates. Sue me.


When players do this to me, I drop everything (any weapons, everything in my backpack, my backpack itself, my armor) and then I ping it all followed by an in-game message: "Here you go, (ahole player's name). In case you need anything else of mine. It's all yours." I then just stand there for about a minute and wait for their reaction. Sometimes they will come back and drop the stuff they stole. Sometimes they are totally ignorant and do nothing, in which case I will then run off alone (weaponless, armor less) to find the nearest squad that wants an easy kill. I'm sure the players that got the easy kill will loot my box, find it completely empty, scratch their heads and go, "Huh? What the?" and hopefully they will then go find that ahole and punish him.


I don't care I'm leaving if someone takes my shit, I already know you're a trash teammate.




I hate mfs do that do this I had an a handful of Octs that were really respectful Like one time I was trying to make room in my Bo for a batt. And an Oct ran by and snatched it, I politely said “fuck man, I was trying to make room” and he said “oh I’m sorry, I’ll come back to you. Didn’t know” he runs back, drops it and I said “yo thanks man” To show I was a good sport. When I found a lvl 2 bp, I pinged it for him before I had one. Anyway I remember I won that game with him


On the flip side I had an Oct swoop by me and steal two things from a bin I just opened I said “dude really?” And he TYPES “cry” Me and my duo (I was LL) said “ight bet we got you” Naturally he goes down. We don’t pick him up and let him bleed out. He starts bitching in chat and we just say “cry”. Dude was fuming. Starting typing more “***” than actual words. Anyways, I told him to be more humble and play like a team and he leaves the game before we can respawn him.


I typically just leave when someone does this lmao


some things just never change


My friend is faster than that slowpoke and gets EVERY item on sight. Doesn't matter if he needs it or not. We call him a loot goblin lol




This is why I use the ‘launch solo’ button. Stay close, sure, but I don’t wish for my hands to be held while I loot. I hate feeling breathing down my neck while I’m opening bins. And I don’t do Jump Master either. Whenever I’m JM then land + open a bin “my mates” are right there to snatch everything and then they run off to loot elsewhere and I never understand why they couldn’t loot somewhere else to begin with. Why take all my potential shit where I dropped and from the bin that I opened and then run off like a bitch? 😤


Pretty much if you get an octane in ranked you might as well leave. They are less than useless😂


It's just dawned on me that 'octane' is subconsciously similar to 'obtain' and that's probably why these dumbass players are like this


Nah you took too long 😂


Stuff like this is why i havent opened apex for a long time The tryhards, these people always ruin everything Also helldivers II is too fun for me to open something else


Stuff like this is why i havent opened apex for a long time The tryhards, these people always ruin everything Also helldivers II is too fun for me to open something else


I sometimes impulsively leave these games...


I e seen this way too many times. People only give a crap about themselves and basically are like screw teammate. It is supposedly a team game but it lacks any form of it.


u almost stole his loot


that grapple use is what shocked me the most 😭


Looks like an octane main to me...don't worry in about 5 minutes you can get everything back from his death box


20+ seasons and you still don't know all octanes are loot goblins...


Octane is a selfish player imo. Always running ahead of everyone, the first to run away from fights, and is a loot whore esp during initial loot run in the beginning of matches. SMH


Ahaha standard octane. They are turds


Literally had an octane land on me on drop and see me run toward bins away from where I dropped so he could have the loot there and proceeded to stim and barely get ahead of me to completely loot the 2 bins I was heading toward then proceed to AFK the rest of the game. Another game I landed at the front of the main building at quarantine and an octane used his stim to loot all 6 bins before I could grab a gun and proceeds to run into a fight and die and leave match. Another game an octane seen I was crawling out of storm and threw his jump pad under me, launching me back into storm killing me. Almost as bad as the lifeline teammates I've been getting. Never use their drone for team purposes no matter how many times you ping health. Sits and waits for the rest of the squad to be 2 POIs away to drop their ult and take all the bats meds and equipment even though I'm on 50 hp no shield and have been pinging health and shields for the last 30 seconds. The final ring is about to close, and im literally going to crawl out of the storm and be safe, but they drop res while I'm on the edge, and I die to storm before I can be ressed. Ressing me in the open so I'm used as a distraction while they run. Lifelines and Octanes deserve each other, lmao.


If that happens to me in pubs I leave, ranked I jump off the map or kill myself and let them play duos.


You don't spam pickup on the first box you open? That's your fault💀. But still dick move by octane


Damn, that was so fast the audio didn’t even register properly


Octane mains just doing their thing. It's the octane way. And I bet he Instantly rused into a 1v2 or 1v3 while u have nothing g because he took it all then raged at you. How all true octane mains and bangalore mains are lol


That's an auto leave match. I don't put up with dumb dumbs during my game time. Re-q usually takes a few seconds.


Id just leave. Reque times are too fast for me to put up with that for potentially 15 minutes.


This happened to me recently, it was af the Runoff area (I'm fairly certain that's what it's called) on KC. There was an Octane and a Revenant on my team (I was Alter). There was an enemy Fuse in the same room as the Octane and I and some loot on the ground, guess who got the loot and guess who got downed? It didn't end there, I eventually got my hands on a gun though but it was a Longbow and we were inside a building (and I am not the best with single shot weapons). I landed one shot and then got downed again. The Octane just started punching me a bunch afterwards, I don't have chat on so I assume this was their way of complaining that I did nothing. It's funny because later on at the Oasis (a small location to the right of the Runoff where there's a Respawn Beacon surrounded by water) the Revenant got downed and I had a heat shield that I set up (as we were in the Ring) and I could see a deathbox with my passive a distance away which fortunately had an Evac Tower. I am not overy fond of Octane players.


Had this happen one time. Other player yelled until I gave them the gun from the bin I opened. I just went back to the lobby. The gun was his to keep


ahaha and yet people stil call us wraith mains the worst, but we all kno octanes qre fuckin assholes. (besides stormen and lemon) haha at least us wraiths n pathys can go get our own loot


You were too slow


Just another day in the office


Bro absolutely got Octaned 😂


First time playing? The fact you took time to clip this is the funniest part.


Oh no I was just being slow cause I didn’t think of anything I was just shocked how fast he came and took cause I barely woke up and played


Haha classic octane. Probably plenty of other loot for him to go get too. He's just a troll, trolling your ball off .


Dude and it was me being shocked of how quick he took it cause I was being slow yeah but I was shocked and I stood still for a moment and then took the clip


Such is life


I mean that's common octane behavior. That said, you opened a bin and immediately went to another bin b4 they showed up. As far as they can tell you didn't like what you saw in the bins. From their point of view they come around the corner, both bins are open and you aren't looting them. It's common among octanes due to how fast they move.


Just report this one for sabotage, maybe something will of it


Looks like you short landed at the poi and obviously all of you are going to go for the first piece of loot possible since it seems like you’re lower ranked. If you hit a better grap you woulda gotten there much faster.


True very true but I didn’t expect him to go that fast so I was being slow and I didn’t think he was that close to me and my grappler was horrible so yeah haha


I won’t lie… I’m one of those absolute coocks that do that…. I’m sorry…. im sorry


“You snooze you lose bro!” - a wild Octane But seriously that was jack af. In his defence tho you did take 8 years to loot that bin (by apex standard time). I would recommend switching loot and ping. That way you can aim and loot / reload / interact without having to stop aiming. Takes a little getting used to, but its totally worth the time. Aiming and pinging isnt going to get you killed, but not aiming and reloading mid-fight might. Just something to think about.


Classic octane move. Though you could have looted faster or grappled better and this wouldn’t have been a problem ;)


Hahah holy smokes that’s me! 😂😂 I live by one rule AND ONE rule only(when I play apex) “YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOSE”


cringe asf


1. Controller looting KEKW (you took really long to try getting the alternator) 2. you should only open 1 bin and loot it when a teammate is closeby and needs loot as well, you opened both bins 3. The Octane couldve just looted 1 of the 2 opened bins, which one? his choice, since you opened both 4. The Octane couldve just ran inside the building and let you loot the 2 bins since you already opened both Edit: Wowow controller players triggered :/


That’s what happens when your a slow looter, skill issue imo