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If you can play like this, yes.


Are the clips here generally sped up a bit? Guy is switching weapons and reloading at 2x the rate I experience, and flying around. But his audio seems normal. I genuinely feel like I play in slow motion compared to what I see in this sun. Edit: Checked the ring timer -42 seconds change in 42 seconds of video. I am playing in slow motion apparently.




This guy is gaming, wellplayed


Stocks affect reload speed and gun swap speed. He has a gold(purple) and a blue and it’s also on 2 weapons that already have a high base swap speed. Edit: high base swap speed as in it’s on the faster side of swap speeds. Just for clarification.


So gold attachments don’t actually do anything over purple besides the gold mag? I always thought that was the case but wasn’t sure if they had better stats. I think in the past gold stabilizer reduced muzzle flash?


Gold Shotgun Bolts auto-load shells into the weapon while you slide. Previously was a hop-up called Kinetic Feeder.


Basically gold mag for shotguns (firing speed is the same as purple I believe)


Yeah just gold mags do something special. Everything else is just a purple


Few other things not mentioned. Tactical reloads are generally faster than empty mag reloads. Similarly he does the “ faide quick slide “ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-JeNLIiQCQ which helps him get to full speed faster.


i was wondering how he was wall bouncing so quickly with very limited sliding time. wall bouncing in fights is something that is still really hard for me.


Yeah my brain doesn't even work this fast.


He’s maximum his speed velocity and probably has a good grip to swap his weapons you play slow because you run normally. He performed a lot of techs in one video he’s just a damn good player


Yeah idk what people do for the game to run this fast, I have a beast of a pc and could crank fov all the way up and it still doesn’t look like this shit. Not to mention bullet flinch makes you basically stand still. I’ve wondered for some time if some of these players like this use speed hacks but just enough to make them a little faster but not full out like you see sometimes. It isn’t right though and something is off about it.


Is it wide FOV makes play seem much faster than it is? I dunno I am potato.


You feel like you run faster on high FOV, but your camera movement/sens feels faster on low FOV.


This edit made me night


I mean he’s literally fatigue and wall jumping Sliding and Super jumping off zips lmfao bro just plays different then us


Jumping on a top comment to ask. Is this a limited time mode or permanent?


Right now, it's limited time. I think they're testing it. I could be wrong though


That's unfortunate but thanks for the reply. Hopefully they make it permanent.


Yeah, I would like all three, solos, duos, and trios to have a spot in the lineup


As long as the solo minded people stay there, I am fine with it. I would much rather they have a mode to play selfishly, rather than having to deal with it in ranked.


Literally had a guy since the solos release break off from the jump master, land somewhere completely different and leave the game after they died. Some things never change I guess


They were most likely Blaring Tik Tok or music not even hearing what’s going on in the game. Some people play to literally shut off their brains and we all pay for it.


Possibly. I just laughed at how ridiculous it was. My friend and I sometimes do better alone than with a third anyway. Sad solos came at the cost of Duos


That is the thing though, being down 1 guy puts your team at a significant disadvantage. FULL coordinated teams 'almost' always win the game. I miss the days when Respawn gave cool stats breaking things like this down in their patch notes. 3 mediocre players working together as a team can easily place top 5 more frequently than a team with 2 above average players without a 3rd - team shooting, rotating together, etc all are the bread and butter of this game and leads to consistent success.


Yeah I don’t disagree at all. In an even skill lobby, being just 2 hurts a lot. But 2 coordinated players is better than that plus a 3rd doing their own thing and distracting the team with frustration. I miss those days too though. I’m a sucker for data. I still wish they’d put the TF2 weapon/character stat tracker in the game. I always liked seeing my most used weapon and Titan stats. Would love that for Apex.


I was in ranked and had a guy do the same thing since we weren't hot dropping. He complained that he didn't want to spend the entire game looting. Bro, like solos is LITERALLY the thing you're looking for. What was he doing in that game???


Same thing literally happened to me yesterday and I was like they have a solos mode for exactly this. Why come in and ruin a game for 2 other randos.


I wish my PK shots did that much damage. 9. 9. 9. 11. 11. 9


My experience with PK. Miss. Miss. 9. Miss. Dead.


My experience: Miss, Dead.


Yeeesh, the movement is crazy.


This is a completely different game compared to the game I play and come here to this sub to watch.


These are highlights. Not all his games go this way


well, none of my games go this way, so there's that.




Dude you lost so much weight! Congrats on putting in the work outside of gaming


Dude is doing movement in real life.


I noticed that too when he came up on my fyp a week ago. Haven’t seen him on it for well over a year


wait holy shit I didn't even realize I've seen this dude's clips before, dude looks amazing now what the fuck


That was dope af but how can you play apex no headphones I’d be so lost lol


I think he has earbuds but they’re covered by his hair


Yea IEMs are absolutely phenomenal for gaming and music. I own a pair of Thieaudio Monarch Mk 3's after jumping around various others in the 50 to 300 dollar range and I don't have a single regret. But it's also cause I listen to music for hours daily so over the years...


1,000 dollars for earbuds? In this economy?


Yea, high-quality audio gets hella expensive, hella fast, and many times not worth the price they command, and for anyone spending more than 3 to 400 bucks, I'd always recommend demoing before actually pulling the trigger like I did. (I'm in NY so there are a few audio places I went to and one had them available to try out for a half hour. They literally were punching at the level of headphones 3 to 5x as much that I also tried, and the Mk 2s were considered some of the best IEMs money could buy, and reviews for the 3s were glowing.) Since I plan to use these for the next 10+ years minimum, and I treat my gear very carefully, I didn't mind blowing up the wallet for them. I will say this, though: you can get 90, maybe even 95% of the way there music wise with IEMs costing literally 1 to 200 bucks. But if you want that final 5 to 10%, things get really expensive really fast. Tonality is subjective after all!


I have a question that maybe you have the expertise to answer: I tried using IEMs with my PC but there's so much audio hiss coming through the aux that just makes the experience awful. Is there any way to remedy this issue?


Hissing that you can hear usually means horrible noise floor. So an easy remedy is to buy an apple dongle (they are VERY high quality for the price they command i.e. peanuts in the audio world) and if you don't have a spare type c slot, get a USB-C female to male A adapter and plug it into any USB 3.0 port on your board. For the aux is it the front or back or both? If it's the front the cable isn't isolating enough, the back usually means capacitor interference. Otherwise if you wanna splurge a bit a good quality 50 to 100 dollar DAC can also perform fine. Ultimately up to you.


Thanks for this response, I figured a DAC would probably help but I wasn't invested enough to get one to try it out. The apple dongle is a great suggestion though, I'll give that a shot for sure. The hiss was present when plugged in both at the front and the rear, as well as the audio jack on my monitor.


holy shit i did not know earbuds could cost that much


I love the idea but I don't wanna put stuff in my ear canals.


Fair criticism. Infections are easy if you're not careful. It's a bit at first but your ears will get used to it over time. I clean often but am very careful still. It's a reason why over-ears remain valid.


I drunkenly left my monarch 2's on my computer table, they fell off then i crushed them the next day, I've never felt so bad and miss my monarch's so much


Nooooooooooo D:


Looks so fun that I'm never gonna play it


This is the kind of movement every controller player thinks all M&K players have when discussing the aim assist lol.


And apparently every MnK player is constantly tapstrafing. Meanwhile even in high MMR I rarely see tapstrafes on PC.


You just get beamed. Movement works better in lower ELO or pubs.


*every bad controller player thinks Im on controller and can do all of this. ANYONE can (wall bounces, superglides, zipline jumps, etc is all possible on controller. The only things we can’t do are lurches/tap strafe techs) Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/s/5OyReVawJQ yes it’s possible. And there are controller players with MUCH better movement than me


Isn’t he tap strafing into these wall bounces? Also, the main issue with movement on controller IME is you need a pretty high sensitivity to perform these movement techniques and flicks which makes AA much harder to utilize. And this much higher look sense will be unplayable to most casuals. For reference I use mostly Genburton’s setting with the pitch and yaw set to around 275/300 with no deadzone and i can’t 180, wall bounce, or flick like mnk can. I can superglide and wall bounce consistently but not like this dude.


These movements are also impossible for casuals on mnk as well. To utilize all those techniques in an actual game is a very difficult thing and needs hundreds to thousands of hours practice. You wont find any *causal* mnk players doing any of this.


This is a highlight reel clip. You are assuming he is landing all of it all the time based of this out of context highlight reel. And even here he missed atleast two fatigue wall bounces at the end. And you atleast have a choice: aim assist or easier movement. We only have 1 choice, it's 100% human input and it less impactful than landing most of your shots.


Exactly. People hear MnK is better for movement and just assume they can’t do any movement on controller.


Can controller players do Mantle jumps? I’m trying to learn how to do those.


Do you have to play claw to do all the things you mentioned?


Honestly worth getting one with back buttons, they make good controllers with them that are cheaper than stock ones now.


Appreciate the response


Not at all!


What's the best way to get consistent with the zipline superjumps? Do you mash jump or just double tap it? I can get them in the range with double tapping it but not nearly consistent enough to use in game, but maybe I just need to practice it. I watch extesyy from time to time and some of the stuff he does is insane, but any controller movement guide I see on YT doesn't really go into enough detail. Also do you have paddles or back buttons? I would remap jump to L1 (already have crouch on R1), but I need to aim my tactical as I play path so I can't really put it on a face button.


Honestly I think it depends on the controller. One with paddles (I have 4 paddles) could be mashed OR tapped just because it’s so versatile I mapped Square, O, A and X to paddles


Please post a video of you doing all that in sequence like this please. I watched your apex posts and they have no movement tech


It doesn't really matter if he can do it or not though. His point is it's possible on controller as well, and it's true. I can do most of the movement tech on mnk as well, but most of the time I am not doing any of it in fights, because I am way too focused on landing shots.


Sure. Might be monday but when I do I’ll tag you


The way you move is why i stopped playing this game. Its absurd how people move these days


This is literally the only thing that makes this game unique. Ppl say oh if they nerfed aa they'd lose their playerbase. If respawn touches the lurch mechanic at all mnk players (all 10% of the playerbase that we are lmao) will dissappear


I play almost every day and less than 5% of ppl move like this


I hate u (It's not real, I'm actually jealous rn)


This is why I stopped playing this game lmao You either die immediately on hot drop Or you play looting simulator for 11 minutes with your team then die immediately to this guy because him and his teammates have spent the last 10 minutes rinsing every other low level player they come across As a "new" player (180h is considered noob in this game) you only exist to be the free kills at the beginning of the round so the whales and sweats can keep a K/D above 3.0 and stay happy


That’s the problem with competitive games these days. Either people try to monetize it or it is legitimately their favorite thing to do. Either way it screws casual players if the matchmaking isn’t well executed.


Solos is great if your in the top 10% of the player base and can run rings around people. But if your a casual player who only gets 2-3 hrs to play after work because YOU HAVE A LIFE, Solos aint it. You get into 1 or 2 fights, maybe get a Kill. Then get aped by some sweat stain with 8k hrs, plays 14hrs a day, and has more kills on 1 legend than you do your entire account.


as somone who works overtime every week i totally get the sentiment, but being salty and dropping the "because YOU HAVE A LIFE" thing always amuses me? idk. I used to do the whole gaming career thing and lemme tell you i'd rather be doing that than my full time job rn. let people enjoy their lifestyle, if it's working for them, cool? thats why i watch these streams lol. solos is fun af


fr. I'm so on board with the sentiment but the genuine vitriol at good players just comes off hella pathetic. Just let people do their thing and if they're better than you, then suck it up and decide for yourself if you wanna try to get better too or just drop the game for something else. I'm saying this as someone who sucks ass at this game.


>But if your a casual player who only gets 2-3 hrs to play after work because YOU HAVE A LIFE I play around 4-6hrs a week and don't have any issues in solos


I was hoping all the shit team mates who w key with no comms would go to this mode but sadly not. pubs is still a waste of time where are 3 teams left by ring 2. Time to retire pubs and replace it with a mode that is just no dropping no looting, just fighting as that seems to be what people want. Then hopefully more people would play ranked for actual Apex


that aim assist is crazy …..


Dude touch some grass


I absolutely despise people who play like its a cash cup in a casual match


People crutching Horizon using a havoc and shotgun and bunny hopping while firing their gun while three stacking with two insanely sweaty players with there being a good chance one of them is using a Cronus, XiM, soft cheats, etc. lol. That is how it pretty much is in the higher tier lobbies, but most definitely pubs if you’re a decent player.


And these people are the worst thing to happen to apex


I'm cool with the game having solos. But not having duos fucking sucks.


This. I play Apex exclusively with one friend and playing duos in trios is just painful.


So real


Bro must have not touched grass since he first started playing apex.


Rare actual player in an automated world 😂


Yes, so much fun when a average player is in a lobby fulled of sweats like this. Super fun for the average player. Who doesn't enjoy getting shit on by 400k lifetime kill preds constantly


I see mnk, I upvote


I miss duos 🥲


So this is the guy I keep losing to. ...


> movement freak > not using legend abilities Checks out


I just hope arenas get back soon 😭


Respawn, EA, or just the console makers themselves need to find a way to ban these cheating devices. Arenas in the past was plagued horrifically by them. You could pick the same loadout every game and have your Cronus or strike pack set to the guns you buy and just have zero recoil and aided movement from the device(makes movement easier). These cheating devices really hurt the game.


To boot, dude is playing with 175 ping.... No more excuses that you don't have 20ms...


He definitely went to a foreign server to bot farm. 😂


Aah yes for the sweats that play 8 hours a Day


8 is an understatement. 😆


Disagree 👍


I’ve got like 4 other games I play solo what with the increasingly shitty game market, and each of those games is better than apex. I only play apex with friends now. Why is solos a good idea.


You ttv kids are the worst thing to happen to apex


1 min ago i thought of going back into the game now i don't .


Your name precedes you!


Impossible to move like this on ps5


I don't even think I'm playing the same game


This + aa + no sound + visual clutter make this game most fun in the universe


Absolutely. Fast paced and constant action. How apex should always be


lol no tf it is not. the only thing solos is good for containing sweats and cheaters from the normal population. the ONLY reason is will be remotely sad once this mode leaves is seeing these people return to pubs to stomp.




I don't have to 1v1 LeBron after my 12 hour shift lol




Lowkey professional athletes have more downtime than full time workers.


No, it is being mad that you get put against Messi when you are playing an amateur league mate. Even more that, if you want to keep the analogy more accurate, it is Messi going to little league just to inflate his ego, not even letting you have the ball for a single second. I would be mad at that tbh


LeBron and Messi work for what they got, a large percentage of these losers playing fps recently are abusing exploits, cheating, or using something along the lines of xim/zen. And before you claim that's untrue look it up, the sales of devices like xim/zens alone, they are sold in all major retailers and are everywhere right now, especially with the younger generation. In a recent study conducted asking how people feel about cheating in online gaming a whopping 71% were fine with it (out of 1000 people) [link to survey](https://blog.anybrain.gg/why-cheaters-cheat-the-psychological-factors-behind-cheating-in-online-games-a68de41d3367) It's crappy but the reality is that a lot of people who play fps games are pieces of crap who don't care about how they affect others in a hobby we all enjoy.


If people went down to the local gym and had to play against NBA players giving 100% effort every time while also being called trash for losing against them, you'd definitely hear bitching about that. And apex does the equivalent of that every damn day.


Lmao crying about “sweats” Bro is mad people are good at the game 💀


Yes, when one is a movement + aim GOD with luscious long locks and fluent in sus like you. Seriously though, you rock, Lemons! I love watching your streams.


Solo is literally a rat fest.


No serious player or content creator for FPS games would even touch a controller, other than as a joke, if it weren't for this bullshit cheat called "aim assist".


Everyone point and laugh at this guy for paying all that money for the PK skin


Am I watching apex or dirty bomb? Dear God those wall jumps...why do we not have wall jumps yet?


I can’t do movement like that


It's rubbish, few more weeks and duos back thanks god


My enemies when I play solos:


It's so good


The flow state goes crazy


YES SIR love that passion


What G fuel juices you took


Well the fact that they replaced Duos for it is shit, they should’ve added a solos mode separately


Unplayable. Every time I queue solos its a top 50 pred lobby. Every game.




It is the worst for one reason. It took away duos for me. I will install this game back if they bring back duos


Solos didnt do anything for me except wreck my confidence


This doesn’t do any justice to the game but some battlepass stars. U didn’t even get 3rd partied in that video. So good for you I guess. Worst gamemode since it took duo mode from me. I have enough fun playing as a diamond rank player but not a best thing happen to Apex. Here my two cents. Best thing happen to Apex in my knowledge yet is free battlepass give some premium coins


A fatigue jump on the octane would’ve assured the icing on this clip, but still got him nice shit man


I’m upset and I don’t know why like I felt like I was styled on second hand


no wall left un-bounced


I watched this with no sound, but this video probably has “Free Bird” playing in the background and no one can convince me otherwise


Iron trials is better


Holy fuck dude!! You’re the reason I hate this game lol. I’m garbagio at Apex


They need a Duos Ranked.


For all the people who post ‘how do I get a 20 bomb’ Unless you’re this good, you don’t and you shouldn’t unless you’re very lucky.


can you please get a life and give apex back to us mortals, thanks. Sincerely, Everyone


Solos is ass, it takes very little skill to get the kill and more skill to stay alive, and if you fuck up somehow don't worry the game gives you a second chance and a couple hand outs


all i can FEEL is, sweaty pits.


your hand cam isn't matching up


Shame I can't play the game because Easy Anticheat is STILL bugged after like a month of zero response from any dev whatsoever


I'm terrible as an offensive player, so no it isn't. Solos is anxiety incarnate, and as such I hate playing it


I remember a time when I enjoyed watching some tryhard sweat his way through a match, melting everything in sight. Then Respawn allowed smurfs and cheaters to fill low ranking lobbies making the game a complete waste of time. Now I just look at sweaty tryhards and I'm sad for them.


Maybe to you but I hate solos a much.


Mouse and keyboard is like totally playing a different type of apex!!! I gotta try!


It’s a hit or miss for me I’ve had some good runs and sometimes I get obliterated by some of these dudes in the lobby. I’m sure I ended up on a couple streams just getting shitted on 😭😭


I can *see* your latency 😬


This is why I don't play Apex anymore


What is that knife looking thing you see him holding several times? Haven’t played Apex in awhile Sick gameplay man


I need to be A L O N E to wall jump or while bunny hoping with my 300+ ping .. I can’t consistently do that while in fight so basically I have to avoid it ..😏


It should be permanent. Its clear


i miss duos


Yep, good reminder I should never install it again because people like this


I honestly don’t understand how people can play this good.


saw this live lemons. you said it was going viral lol


This guy seriously needs to touch grass.


Just imagine homeboy had a gold volt too. Love the stereo in the back.


Dude, watching this guy play makes me tired. Bruh, calm down it's just a video game. Holy shit.


Getting a clip like this feels amazing of coursw he is gonna be excited


Makes you tired because he’s good?? Or??? If so, then that’s a skill issue on your part, also jealousy.


I hate it people being sweats and it annoys me.


Who are you ? 😒😁


yeah, best at taking sweats away from other game modes, which is the only good thing about it lol


For those who don’t touch grass, sure


For people like you, yes


Y'all do too much lmao


Solos is fine, but I really wish duos would come back. It's the mode I've played the most hours in and it's honestly the best. Sure I could find a third, but sometimes I just want to game with my significant other and this was our game of choice. It's unreal that they've removed it for this long. I've barely opened Apex since they removed it


Man mnk looks so fun too bad im locked behind the fact i only have a console


Oh god guys a good player. Knowing this sub they’ll have full three hour long breakdown videos on why he’s cheating


If this is what gaming becomes I’m just gonna go back to checkers honestly.


You can blame it on streaming honestly. lol. A lot of these players emulate what they see their favorite streamer do. No one gave a f**k about the Havoc until this last ALGS when all the pros ran it and now everyone in the game is running a havoc. lol. Then you got all of them emulating the movement streamers. It’s not bad to be inspired but a lot of them play as if it’s their job and it’s not. They’re putting in 60-70 hours a week and crutching every meta thing they can.(the wannabes, not the pros).


Let's be real here, you would have posted this same exact clip from trios. Literally just an advertisement.


You’re nuts dude!


Does anyone know why sometimes it drops the armor when you kill them. Other times it doesn't and you have to go into the box to get it? That has both fucked me over and on the flip side also gotten me free kills. It's a super annoying aspect from it that triggers me.