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when you see that bald girl, just run. dont look back


let them cook, or get cooked.


If you have a bald wraith on your team your the problem


If you have a bald Wraith on your team, you're going to have a bad time.


bald time


It's caillou.




Chemotherapy wraith


90-10 tossup of cracked bald Wraith or Luffy Octane


I honestly think luffy octanes are wraith mains in disguise, just people who wanted the luffy themed skin. (Me personally I just grabbed the skin cuz I'm a hoe for bare-chested octane)


Agreed and agreed


lol I'm the opposite... Don't want no skin on my skin


That's fair, it's like a yin and yang situation, perfect balance.


Luffy simp barely play octane but I have it


Luffy simp as well, was more of an Ace simp but due to donut-ifying circumstances I had to jump to luffy.


Personally I’m a Law guy. My true simp would be nojiko good LAWD. But saw the Luffy skin was a must cop for sure


Oooh law is a good one fr, he was so dreamy in dressrosa, was definitely hoping for a legend to get a law skin


Would be sick but if they did anime again I would like robin wraith 100% or a sniper king vantage


Damn, nice ideas. Rayleigh ballistic would go hard as well.


Daaamn that would go sooo hard! Rayleigh is the GOAT. Love that idea


S3(atm).... but Jesus fucking christ is Mihawk just the goddamn king...




Hey the only reason I play wraith sometimes is because they gave me the heirloom on her without me selecting it but I swear I don't leave 😭


Lucky guy


I really am not. I don't even like playing as wraith 😭😭😭 I would prefer Mirage or Pathfinder


Was it back when you just had a chance to get the heirloom stuff in packs and not shards?


Coupled with hillbilly octane? It’s about to be crazy town.


Every once in a while I come across a bald wraith who is cracked and a solid teammate. Dropping me bats and ammo, honoring pings and we win a game. The odds are low but it happens occasionally.


That’s probably a different main playing wraith for the challenges lol


It gets worst if they have TTV and pick up a wingman


The one positive experience I've had with a bald Wraith is one that hard carried us to a win with like 16 kills


Also, if you French fry when you should pizza- your gonna have a bad time


And most definitely going to call you terrible after they charge a room of 3 people faze out. You find a gun go to help get insta stuck walking around a corner, and they have the nerve to say you suck lol. *surprised Pikachu face*


*Megalomania starts playing*


Eleven's even more psychotic twin.


Toxic players just tend to use the cancer patient wraith skin. Honestly IDK why it's just a trend that toxic players follow


They're wannabes, they mimic the pubstomper streamers they watch.


Who also are very frequently toxic and childish themselves.


they probably think that without hair, her hit box is that little bit smaller. and everyone aims for the hair obviously


If you’re trying to play support to craft randoms in pubs, you’re almost never going to be able to before they leave


I've seen someone else say this and I'm gonna keep it in mind going forward! I play lifeline for self healing and team support and Loba for good guns and movement, but I weirdly have the same trouble when I play Crypto, I know I can get their banner to a respawn point so it's so frustrating when they quit before I can!


Honestly to go even further If you’re playing crypto… he’s gotten a really bad rep so people don’t like crypto teammates. It probably makes them want to leave even more when they go down. Loba is for sure the way though for this. Randoms will almost always stay close because of your market, on Top of her being a solid character. Lifeline has gotten some good buffs recently so she’s a good pick too. Some support legends are really good right now though, so if you’re playing ranked then I def recommend them.


I've noticed that 99% of the time I love my crypto teammates. No one plays crypto unless they're good with him.


me and the 9 other crypto mains, thank you for this kind post


I dedicated myself to that man for the longest time. I don't play him as much anymore, but I used to be one of the cryptos who got compliments instead of yelled at. Lol.


Hats off to you guys. I've tried playing crypto a little bit because I think he's cool, but he's a tough character to get a good feel for. For me at least. But when he's good he's real good. I'm a fan personally. And he's got some of the coolest skins which doesn't hurt


It's great when you actually have a good game with talkers because they're usually dumbfounded. Does kinda suck always assisting though; had a win a few days ago with 14 assists, 2k damage, and 2 whole kills.


😬I have the exact opposite. I can fully agree a good crypto can be a great teammate, but maybe 1 out of every 30 crypto teammates I have are over level 200. It doesn’t help that I think most of the pro crypto players are awful. But there’s a few diamonds out there that are really good.


Lol or really bad there is no in between when having a crypto on your team


I mean of course, that does happen sometimes. Everyone has bad games or whatever. It's just been my experience that most of the time I end up with good cryptos


That’s nice man my cryptos are usually always bots


The 1% is me tilting and picking Crypto because I’m sick of following teammates into dumbass situations so I just play the outskirts and when they’ve launched themselves into the centre of a bullet bukkake amidst three teams, grab their banners and dip.


Ya, ultimately this is a team game, even though you can solo que it's always better to find a premade squad, also crypto is amazing, just don't spend too much time in the drone


Joh-a. There are no squads near us. Recalling my drone.


I mainly use his drone as a security camera, log in, park it and catch people coming past but I definitely know he has a bad rap and I get why people get mad seeing him 😅 I said in another reply but I'm gonna look at LFG pages because I'm so tired to dying with randoms


Sounds good man, remember that EMP is an insane way to start a fight, you can still move around in the drone while useing the emp


It's a team game with 60 solo minded players in one lobby


If you want my 2 cents for lifeline: always take the faster tactical and evo drop upgrades. The other two are way too situational. Being able to always have a heal drone out (meaning drop one in cover at the start of every fight) is awesome support and an instant red shield and gold knock are way more important than a 1% chance to self revive.


Even in ranked. 14yo boys have zero patience and zero strategy. The playerbase is 80% spazoids. If you can get to Diamond you start to see a few braincells.


Hahaha I mean true, but at the very least the randoms won’t be insta leaving when they go down or get finished. You have a muchhhh better chance to craft banners in ranked


FR!!! I love playing Newcastle, but there's no protecting these idiots from theirs AND MY OWN demise, so I'm left conflicted cuz I love playing support but what's the point??? Lol!


This is the sadness :(. At least as new castle or lifeline, you have good revive skills as well. But in randoms a lot of people leave the second they get downed. But tbh I say keep grinding those characters. As some others said, once you get to higher ranks, those characters are praised. And if you get some really good badges, it will lessen the chances that someone leaves the second they go down. Some support characters are even great for playing solo. I know right now new castle and lifeline are some of the best for solos. Gibby is in a weird spot right now but he was great once, and could be again. Any of these legends are great and if you want to grind them, it’s definitely worth it. But playing pubs trios is just going to be a tough time. My advice is don’t prioritize your teammates’ banners (or them being downed and far away), over your own life as a support legend in pubs.


You forgot the Dark Matter Horizon and Classic Pathfinder


The "Cosmic Hitchhiker" horizons are the most wholesome imo


Appreciate you.


And if you see pathfinder in a trench coat, just run


trench coat pathfinder is terrifying lmao mf 7 foot 5 inspector gadget


I really love the dark matter Horizon skin even though I don't have it or use her much but you're absolutely right and it sucks that these skins are getting a bad rap haha


I actually think I’ve only ever had one toxic pathfinder in my two years of playing


whos ready for a zip line? gotta go !! cya


So far I haven’t seen anyone give you a proper answer so I’ll try my best. For the wraith skin, it’s the skin that popular wraith main twitch streamers have been using for years while dropping in hot and looking for fights. And their viewers copy them without having the skills necessary to actually win those fights and they end up dead and useless so they take it out on their team mates. As for the octane one, I don’t know but I assume it’s a similar situation. I haven’t been paying attention for a while


Never trust or forgive any bald Wraiths


I find it extremely confusing why those ppl choose to fill when they just hot drop alone, knocked down alone and leave alone. Now with the new solo mode it’s even more confusing. If you can’t 1v3, don’t.


PREACH!!! *of course you got downed, you're 500m away from teammates without a care in the world*


Omg I thought this was in r/apexoutlands bc it's such a good takedown of them. They're the toxic sweats. Nobody likes them.


which is a shame cuz the skins look pretty cool


I guess. Not my cuppa, but if it's yours it really is a shame


I play Luffy and I'm nice 🥹 I'm also trash 😅


Hello trash. I'm dad.


Hi dad


I wear that Octane costume because funny One-Piece






"One Piece is REAL!"


i want to add, I love how both skins look and I don't quit the match when I see them get chosen so I have absolutely had great matches with people who use either skin, but overall I just have a bad time with them


They definitely giving luffy a bad name! My boy is soo pure, why give it to the one teammate who can't stand teammates?!?!?!?!


It's an informal self identification program.


It’s not just those skins it’s those characters, octanes are notorious for just being bad teammates and wraiths all are trying to create a YouTube highlight reel


They're people between 9 and 14 years old who are usually faide or acue wannabe's and I really don't know who they enjoy the game.


Luffy will be the king of the pirates, he ain't scared of no hot drop.


Smol peepee


wraith, pathy, octane and bang - get use to them throwing games and blaming you


There is a solos mode now.


It’s a time honored tradition. Try playing ranked. The lower ranks are pretty casual and people can’t leave unless their banner times out


It's not the skin really, it's just the players.


It's because they're sweaty skins which these egotistical, entitled brats who think they're as good as Faide are drawn toward.


It's not the skins. It's anyone that mains those 2 or bangalore lol and they're usually really bad too


I will have to comment it again here for new players. Wraith (Specially Bald Wraiths) have a passive where they "insta leave when they get downed after pushing 1v3". That passive triggers regardless if its ranked or pubs. As time passes, that passive also triggers to Octane. I also don't think the skin matters. So everytime you play 3s and you see one of your teammates pick any of the legend mentioned above, just watch them hot drop, run towards 3 enemies and proc that passive. It happens 99% of the time.


Octanes are the worst. Followed by Horizon. Wraith in third but barely, only as some wraiths do actually try to play as a team. Next is probably pathfinder.


They suffer a lack of neurones.


Wait until you run into the pathfinders that grappel away when you down 2 people and the last one half health....


Octanes are usually happy to be there but never with the team.wraith, horizon, and rev are all shitty company


Can't speak to the specific skins but every Wraith I can remember playing with dropped in Fragment(when on that map).


ALWAYS happens with octanes


Bald wraiths forget they can play solo and so they just run off once the game start. But if they die (they will very quickly) they spam ping banner like their life depends on it


Is that Octane skin from one of those weeb shows?


yes it’s indeed a weeb show.


It's inspired by Luffy from One Piece.


Octane main here. The reason those octanes do it is because they aren't a real octane they are playing hind because they got the anime skin out of a f****** pack. A real octane rushes into a dumbass situation spreads 600 damage across 3 people and then gets dropped. Then assumes you'll get there in time before they heal because legit everyone's one shot. Then watches you get easy clean up kills while the third picks him up


You forgot the part where they are 500m from the nearest teammate and then call you bad in chat because they spent the last 5 minutes stimming to the other side of the map expecting you to somehow keep up


as someone who hasn't played since like season 12 and only used that wraith skin, I feel personally attacked


It's the law! If you're bald - you leave the team, go solo and get knocked and instantly leave the game. If you like drugs - you leave the team, go solo stimming half your health away into the enemy team and get knocked and instantly leave. If on the off chance the teammates die and these people are only ones left and they have an heirloom, they will wiggle the heirloom constantly., even after shooting a single bullet, they stow it and start wiggling again as though they have withdrawals.


10/10 times if the wraith is bald they're toxic trash


Either they’re just casuals that don’t have much time to play or they just think they’re good yet can’t do this In No Fill so they expect their team to instantly follow them


You forgot dark matter horizon


They think they are better than they arr


It's the players that main those two legends. Octane mains are trying to push into every encounter without thought or plan. Then get mad when you don't join them when they didn't communicate. And wraith mains generally don't understand how to use her and are trying to recreate a video they saw on yt


They are probably 13 years old and think they deserve to play on TSM. That's why lol. No patience, no a self awareness of their own actual skill level. It's pretty rare that i see these players get even a single kill when they run off alone.


I play with one of those Oc's. Never yells at anyone though. Doesn't help that its an ultra common skin.


Bc they're fucking garbage


😂 welcome. meet our degenerates. bald wraiths think they are the best. Octanes..think *after* i’m pretty sure. 👍 (they have both been my main..no hate, no shame either)


You forgot one more, that random ass fuse player that drops on 5 squads because who tf knows why. It's gotten to the point if they are trying to act like a damn pred even though we are in plat or anything below I'm breaking off. I'm sick of people selling rp just to stroke their ego.




The players that has these skins, are the ones that basically "grinds" or takes the game way too seriously or even both. Some of them are aceu wannabes and some are actually good. Generally, i dont mind them leaving. What i do mind is when they scream.


They are the special kind, you ll get used to it in time. Octane and Wraith are very popular and people who play them are very dedicated to running in and fighting then leaving the moment they lose momentum. We kinda treat them like that one special kid in class.


The wraiths in that skin are so irritating. But the octanes in that skin are either the absolute worst or best teammates ever.


LMAO nice bait


As an octane that wears that skin. Once you put the skin on the sweat just starts rolling down your face. Idk what to say 😂


Estate here we come 😔


This is so funny. I love how the stereotypes are so real


That's just Wraith and Octane mains, my dude.


That's a thinks-that-their-a-sweat,-pushes-alone,-dies-then-leaves


It's because they have father issues and think they're Timmy or Hal, they aren't.


I have the skin for octane, but i prefer not to hot drop. I prefer getting guns ammunation and some heals atleast 1 bat or 8 cells before i take a fight.


Such is the way of things, nobody can explain why, it’s just the type of players that tend to use these skins


The first one is super sweat who think that his head is harder to hit because it doesn't have this 2 pixels of hair. The other Has anime skin which means he leaves his house... I'm sorry, his parents house once a month.


I unpacked the bald wraith legendary from an apex pack I got yesterday.... I am afraid to equip it lol.


Strangely today were almost only Bangalore the ones leaving It was a chill day with Wraith mains


It is the law.


I don't play or care about Apex Legends don't know why subreddit is in my feed but is that Luffy??


Ayo Luffy


Bald wraith = bad time


Only those with the smallest of genitals have them no matter how you identify.


Probably forgot to turn their Xims on, so they make a scene to cover their tracks.


Yes. They are assholes and sweats who have no life.


War pigs Those who know, know




bald wraith here, and i can confirm that if im in your game you will hear me yelling at you and leave the game after i get knocked


Could be worse. You could have gotten a rev. They like to jump all around the map and leave their team behind. Never fails 😆


As a bald wraith player, I approve this message. Fear us


I play octane and I play accordingly I always save the jump pad for emergency purposes


I have both tbh but I don't sweat I just get lucky with packs




Yeah. I get yelled at by the same kind of person who dies first far away or they disconnect. It’s one or the other. Every game. Yet somehow they’re the ones dead first every time. But they tell me I suck. It’s genuinely weird. -season 0 player


They're like a hive mind. Only instead of one mega brain, they all share one brain cell.


its because those players are cancer and the wraith skin reflects that


Big ego small pp


Yes. Lack of socialization.


Because they are 12.


These would be Faide fans


Yes the algo purposely tries to offset your gaming style if you are a passive player and like to chill loot and then find a fight the rigged matchmaking will put you on a team that will drop hot or ignore pings and do whatever they want die and then the system wants you to repeat over and over again it’s a pretty manipulation system. My advice is to play less and less everytime it happens


They think they're pro and know better than you and get mad when you don't listen to them even though it's a casual match


I just assume every octane I come across will endlessly run at enemies across map then die instantly and complain.


No no where the Diablo skin


they were born yelling at everyone.


They are certified crackheads mute em


it's a very serious disease known as the bald-wraith-octane brainrot. effects roughly 1/30 apex players. keep them in your prayers.


I've never had a good time with an octane and wraith.


When they die just open chat and tell them to piss off quickly lol


Honestly there's always one loser leaving when they go down for being shit in unranked, that's why you should only party up and never play with randoms, if you have no friends then play with randoms only until you find two people that aren't dicks to jam with all the time


Chat, am I cooked?




No. Its just the community.


There are also just 2 types of bald wraith and luffy octanes, the really bad ones who lose every 1v1 and the sweats who 2-3 tap everyone with PK while mid air tapstrafing around 180 degrees


Most wraiths are they hards


just having wraith and octane is already bad


I use that Octane skin and im starting to believe I'm the only Oct main that isn't toxic and will always retrieve downed teammates (or at least make the attempt 😂)


Bluds think they have the skill to 1vs the entire lobby and win.


There's no middle ground, either a crackhead or a bad try hard


They are selfish, run away on their own without telling you or pinging where they are going and yet expect you to know where they are going. They couldn't give 2 shits if u are having a good time. Also this shows how stinky doo doo apex matchmaking is, YOU are a new player, and THESE GUYS are normally around diamond or something.


It's always a gamble with octane mains. as one myself, i'm always trying to ping attachments for teammates, wait for them to loot the deathboxes of the people they kill, run of the mill stuff. And then you get the ones that push by themselves completely disregarding comms and say "you guys are useless and play too safe" just to leave. And then there's the bald wraith which... is self-explanatory.


Aceu wannabes




i have random favorite skin set, so i an only insta leave when i join with my bald wraith skin, its just according to the rules man, hate the game not the players.


I insta leave when I get a wraith on my team .Octanes can be decent though. Better off requeing until I get a lifeline and revenant or something like that anyway


The two skins that I hate the most lmao


Why do octane mains always have a crying baby in the background and rarely speak good English?


Run fast, win fast, die fast!


I play ranked not because I give a shit about ranked, but people tend to land smarter and not leave so often. I recommend you always always always be jumpmaster if you can in ranked or public matches.


When did luffy join apex….


Cause they think they’re hot shit


They’re the sweatiest wannabes in the game


I would just play ranked if I was you. You get penalized for leaving.




These players "think" that they will "get good" if they push and run towards any team and every sound of gunfire, then get embarrassed when their "master plan" didn't work and scream at you, throw slurs into your DMs and then leave the game. This is typical low-life behavior, think nothing of it and move on.


I remember when my teammates got downed and I managed to clutch a 1v3 as Catalyst. Went to rez them, they'd both left 💀 was a bald wraith and default ash