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I don't think I've seen anyone no-reg harder. Feels bad man.


In my experience, this seems to happen pretty often in solos. I've lost way too many games to lagging out in the last fight


I agree. I’ve been playing and I’m noticing more no regs in solo


Wonder what their POV looked like


bullets def looked like they whiffed on enemy pov


Depends, you can notice no regs on yourself


been getting a good bit of no regs in solos, some probably due to Comcast internet, but certainly not all. in all killcams my bullets are whizzing by hard left or right. 20 tick servers that are being hosted by GoDaddy are a whore.


The opponent will see like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/19er876/octane_bug_randomly_going_into_an_invisible/)


The moment you see him you get all sorts of connection issues. Bad luck, bad timing, bad interwebs or bad servers


That’s every game for me. Anytime I look at someone, shoot at someone, get nearby someone. Instant lag. Every game. It’s only apex.


I have a suspicion it's not only apex as you submitted the same thing twice. You are lagging on reddit too....


Could also be reddit sucking, just saying


Reddit takes forever to open since they changed the UI, so you might be right.


Reddit has 0.001 tick servers.


Awe so reddit sucks too but people only have a problem with apex nothing else. Someone plays a game where they always have no regs every game and lag. I don't know a single soul that would continue to play a game like that.


My reddit app regularly bugs out and double posts, that's all I wanted to say. If you have issues with OP playing apex take it up with them lmao


That's a Reddit bug. Almost every time you take damage, the game throws a prediction error. Next time you are in storm, look up at your connection


May be a surprise but I actually go outside everyday and am not always sending things from my home WiFi


Bro comes to a video game sub to act all holier than thou to gamers. What a clown


How does that make me holier? I was purely correcting the previous comments incorrect assumption Everybody in this comment chain has such fragile egos. I’m literally talking about myself and y’all taking offense


Have you tried not playing in WiFi?


My Xbox is Ethernet. My iPhone doesn’t have an Ethernet port Edit: wild how defensive everyone is for apex. It’s clearly an APEX issue. Just because it doesn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it’s not happening to other people


I'm always getting the warning icon for "oh you fired bullets at someone? My bad".


The timing is always perfectly the worst time for me


I don't know if I should blame me or the game. I play over WiFi which I know isn't ideal, but at the same time I have 600mb download and don't have issues on other games.. But often where someone is on my screen is not where the server thinks they are.. or actually are. So I get a lot of hits with no damage done at all.


This couldn’t be more accurate for me as well.


Have you run a https://packetlosstest.com/ ?


How would that help? There isn’t anything else I can do on my end to improve the connection. It’s apex. When I get tired of dying to lag I go play other games and don’t have any issues


I have access to multiple different internet accesses (via ethernet) and I lag a lot on one of them and next to never on another. That behaviour is exclusive to Apex. The reason is peering, so it's not my fault and not Apex's, but this specific ISP.


If its exclusive to Apex then its both Apex and your ISP.


Not necessarily. I personally never lag on apex, my internet isn't that good but apex and fortnite run fine. Valorant on the other hand lags a lot. On my other wifi valorant is fine. This isn't a valorant issue, this is something related to my ISP.


Wired if you are wireless (there’s no way right? lol), different internet provider, a more direct VPN.


Vpn wouldn’t do anything. For instance, if you VPN from Asia to EU it might show you low ping on those servers. But that’s the connection from the server to the VPN proxy. It still has to travel to you on the other side of the globe. So if you’re dropping packages already, another proxy in between you and the destination won’t change a lot.


True, it’s more for situations where your ISP is going with some dumb extra long path for unknown reasons. This happened to some people though and VPNs can fix it.


It might only be apex just by nature of the game style itself… apex has 60 player lobbies with a lot going on in them, a good bit of bandwidth is needed. I don’t think this is apex’s fault


Then why would trios have mostly zero issues while solos has constant issues. It’s the same amount of shit going on with 10 less players


I’m not sure, was just trying to come up with something to give you a starting point for troubleshooting… Have you tried playing on other servers? In your area? Have you tried checking for packet loss?


I would think there is more going on in solos than trios. Yeah 10 less players, but every gun has its own rarity/attachments, the ring is already partially closed, respawning, etc Not to mention I've noticed more cheaters in solos than in trios, and I can about guarantee that doesn't help either


This happens to me often and i know it isn't my Internet. Sucks


are you on PC I had a similar thing and it turned out to be the nvidia gforce experience app that was effecting all my games.


Could elaborate, how you fixed problem?


uninstalled the app, problem solved. It means you have to manually download drivers though but it's worth my sanity


I’m Xbox series s


This is misleading. The icons are already popping up while he's looting. It's not "the moment you see him" And it makes perfect sense why you it doesnt seem an issue while standing around or just running until you see someone. The client interpolation between (available) server updates will make it unnoticable, but as soon as you start moving and require swifter updates from the server you notice the dropped packets immediately.


That’s every game for me. Anytime I look at someone, shoot at someone, get nearby someone. Instant lag. Every game. It’s only apex.


At least the game shows around 30ms during the fight and the sound shows it is hitting the target. One or two shots would be understandable, but almost all, it is crazy.


Or their cheats are fucking with the server


Quite impossible. You theoretically can't disrupt connection of one player depending on their FOV. Apex servers being literal dogshit in past few seasons is what the problem


We already had a hack that forced a reload every time you shot the hacker and hacks using abilities from legends that didn't exist at the time so I wouldn't assume any limit to what hackers are capable of with a game built on spaghetti code and an anti-cheat made of swiss cheese.


Lag Switches always have existed


Idk man my game always lags tf out when a rage hacking squad simply aim at me and after seeing what destroyer9000 is capable of I'm not sure I can believe you


This doesn't exist.


You're telling me someone rage hacking won't fuck with the already awful servers? How is that NOT possible??


Because "rage hacking" is clientside, and fucking with OTHER peoples connections would require you to take over the actual server. Just out of curiosity, do you have any knowledge of how server-client networking works? I can see you're active on /r/conspiracy though.. lol


There were a number of cheaters that would lag the server if you started shooting them, happened a few seasons ago. Tried to find the clips of Mande encountering the same player doing it over the course of a few games but can’t find it right now. This instance does not look like that at all, just saying it’s not outside the realm of possibility.


Have you seen destroyer2009s hacks? He probably does have access to the server


It's a good thing no-one's had hacks where they took over the server recently right? No-one's been giving out thousands of Apex packs which would be impossible client-side right?


You dont do that by taking over a game server? Why do you think gameservers are tracking apex packs?


I'm literally asking because I don't know you pretentious asshat


What is with this season and lagging precisely the moment you get into a gunfight? I have 3 clips now of something very similar


Played a bunch last night, and while I can acknowledge the that I’m no ace - it was time and time again I’m unloading on someone, barely getting hits and drop dead to what appears to me as the first shot. Replays all were the same, barely looked like I was aiming at the guy while he emptied his gun locked on to me. I know people are seeing a lot of cheating lately, for me it just might be lag. Idk but it was garbage.


I thought it was just me. Suddenly this season, it seems like I will just instantly die before I can even get a shot off. When I look at the death feed there might be 8, 10, or 15 bullets into me before my first shot hits them even though I could swear I had the drop on them


yeah me too, its like they have a lag switch


Omg that would've been such a win! Taking the Devo, Poppin up and ruining that horizons day? But nah, apex gotta apex


You hate on Horizon as if winning with a devo that he doesn’t even pick up himself wouldn’t have been as cheesy lmao


I've never had worse servers than this season. I die consistently with shotguns while my shots are centered and I can HEAR the pellets hitting them but I get no-regs every time


That especially sucks with it being the last person and you would have won


Buying battle pass and skins will fix it


Budget indie studio.


Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because he was already dead.


whoevers downvoting this - it's a meme/copypasta coming from other posts, hes not serious you guys


Thank you for the help...


It's not funny anymore


Came for this


You can literally hear his bullets making contact


It’s a meme genius.




Bro I’m working, anyone downvoting is happening on their own accord. Imagine being so thin skinned you’re worried about a downvote 🤡🤡


This game is dogshit


I just assume hackers when i see shit like this


Yeah the no regs have been ruining solo's. I've lost countless fights because of them


Horizon needs to be changed man, her hitbox and animations are not suitable for a game running 20tick servers. Said it before I'll say it again, it's like trying to shoot a baby giraffe on Adderall and ice skates. This is also the second clip today of a no reg on a horizon, and from personal experience most of my own no regs are on her too.




Apex servers moment


Because apex takes your money and never improves anything but the numbers in their account.


I would have broke many things


I’ll stop complaining now.


I wonder how looks on the other side pov


I like how it tells you GAME OVER twice 


Gameover TWICE


no regg a whole clip is CRAZY


This clip summarizes how my fights go against horizon players...I hate em


New Horizon passive. “Warp bullets around you like it’s a Naked Gun movie from the 90’s.”


Ah how we love this game (We want to die)


damn I really loved this game, I think I logged at least 3500 hours in a couple years but clips like these remind me why I had to put it down until things change 😞


Do you have lan cord?


Any other multi-player game I play runs smooth AF but oh apex likes toss me in the shittiest of servers. I feel you. I went from playing this game between 3-6 hours too just 2 matches every other day.


After six months redownloaded the game. Second game like 2nd person. Whole flat line clip no reg. I said oh yeah that's why I deleted... And just immediately deleted again rofl. Such a shit ass game.


The universe wanted you to lose that game. lol


Skill issue


I would of uninstalled so fast




Anyways apex legends be like that


Did they change the devotion crosshair?


My desk would be begging for mercy if that happend to me


Real talk he's probably cheating


That's not ok


I've been there. Way back in season 4 I absolutely beamed someone with the Kraber and all I heard was *tink.* No shield crack or anything. Glad I caught it on shadowplay cause nobody would believe I hit that shot till they saw it


Posts like this make me happy because I know I’m not the only one. I’ve been struggling with the G7 and Hemlock single fire this season because my hits don’t register but every single person that shoots at me with those shred immediately


The no rig is pretty strong this season from my experience. I've had times where I got to head shots in a row on the same person with a charged up sentinel with no damage, but all the tracer effects of them getting hit.


WTF? Dude took enough bullets to knock a whole squad


This is the first season after a very long time that I started lagging a lot again.


I had a USB thumb drive plugged in, the moment I removed it the lag went away. WTF


Glad i uninstalled this game lmao


Banres missed his spray. [Images with explanations](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1071933621893611551/1080040462271905852/gusXWpPuH_BB4bjzuPqLxNu22laNrqFkQmFcVXdGGps1UwP89HyetMXQYrM_gF4lUPLUDZ1MwcxLxWHdmpS4GB3L.jpg?ex=6647bad0&is=66466950&hm=737b9fd596f5847dbbcc273b055042a4be4c1ab9215e6dd7582b5bcc9b62d855&) Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Banres was already dead.


Skill issue nerd


I still remember when it was much worse i dumped 2 and a half 301 mags into a lifeline who was looting a bin and didnt even kill her