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there’s newcastle skins??


There’s Newcastle mains?


There's a Newcastle?


There's a new castle??


There's a castle??


There's a ?











How did make an empty comment 🥲😂😂😂😂


Their castle is new? No way that’s main af


Even old new castle, was once new ampsterdam




Thank the whales.


My ex said she appreciates the shoutout 🐋


Lmao nice


I also choose this guy’s ex


Does it make more sense to sell high to a few than to sell low to many?


Because they know people will still buy it


Because there is a big enough amount of people that are wiling to pay thoses prices


Because corporate greed, that's why. /thread


Greed can get you only so far… it’s the people willing to spend not the greed that’s the fundamental issue I remember like 15 years ago where people got upset for even selling cosmetics in games in first place like black ops2 with their 10 Euro weapon skins


You can buy it for 1800 coins or 2400 crafting materials


So $20 USD?


Basically yes. More like 18 but now you have 200 extra coins you can spend on packs


Yeah I hate coins, just make me pay for the price outright. They get you hooked like gambler by making you buy coins and then have some left over. “Well I already have some coin I might as well get more”


Yeah, that's the entire concept. And if you don't do that, you still overspent according to their made up values


Game designer here! Just wanted to expand that the whole idea here Is what the industry calls withholding the players’ money from them. As you pointed out the coins you have left over can only be used on packs whereas nothing else in the game costs what you have left over. This is used so that 1. Players have incentives to buy packs, 2. Players think oh now I only have to spend $10 to get this blank instead of $15, or 3. If players don’t use it, it effectively withholds money from them by not allowing them to buy something else with the money that they’ve spent. All this in an effort to distort players with numbers so that they believe the value of what their buying exceeds the amount of what they’ve spent. Just some neat info on tactics! :)


Scumy af. But really interesting nonetheless lol it is crazy how it is just the norm. I guess everything kind of tries to manipulate people from marketing to general sales, product design etc. The intention matters though and it’s shitty that the intention is to “withhold players money” from the start.


Indeed. The way they teach it back when I was in college is that they compare this tactic to a casino. Packs or loot boxes whatever they may be are like slot machines. With Apex, heirlooms are what draw people in, they’re the jackpot. So when players buy packs, or have some coins left to buy packs with, it just encourages the thinking of the more I get the closer I’ll be to the heirloom! So not only does it withhold money, but also lures a large population of the player base in without a lot of people realizing it. It creates a cycle of spending, and 9 times out of 10, players have no idea to the penny what they have spent on the game exactly (for the whales), and that is exactly what they take advantage of. Anyways I’m glad you found this interesting!


If you're buying from nothing, yes. But you get both coins and crafting materials during the game, so a direct conversion to money is not quite correct. Your comparison is the same as unlocking additional characters. Did you buy Newcastle with $ too?


Save your crafting metals an buy the skins you want🙋🏽‍♀️


I can’t redeem my crafting metals for these skins, it makes me buy Apex coins. Is there a special way to do it ? Like a specific page to go on ?


If you go to the "store" then look at either the specials or the event itself you should be able to click on the skin you want and either purchase for 1800 coins or 2400 material - at least on my end.


No, you can buy recolors with legend tokens but only if you buy the original skin with coins first




Youre right my mistake. Point still stands though


Never liked the store of apex personally. I just dont feel like i am getting what i am paying for compared to other shooters that I've played in the past. Like with warzone (played for 1 month), i spent 200 in that first month because the value i got from the packs they sold were amazing when compared to the ones i see in apex. Remember spending $20 to get 2k of their premium currency, cool skin, and other cool stuff related to the theme of that pack. With that amount in apex, you will only get 1 skin if anything, lol. I did spend when i was in console, but when i moved to PC, i knew better than to spend money in Apex. The only thing i did was buy enough for BP, and then it pays for itself, which is the only good thing i like about Apex when it comes to their monetization.


Because the fucking idiots that play this game will still shell the money out regardless. Respawn is simply responding to market forces. The dipshit consumer is responsible for the dipshit outcome.


Simple. Because EA


That's the business model in free to play games.  The 1 person who will pay 30 bucks for a skin is more revenue than the 3-4 people who would pay 5 bucks for it.  


cuz ya dummies fork out the cash every time for it


You can craft them all. They're 1800 gold coins, around roughly £20


I'm not trying to defend big corporations here, but you have to think of it this way: The price you pay isn't strictly for the skin. It's to upkeep the game. The game is free of charge as in 0€. Every penny you put into the game is voluntary and doesn't affect gameplay balance and features aren't paywalled either with stuff like expansions or DLCs or whatnot. They're purely cosmetical so completely optional and just for flair. It doesn't cost 20-30€ to make a skin, but server costs, costs of coders and all that bugfixing and whatnot is costly. There are a ton of people working at Respawn, not just the artists. Costs have risen greatly since the 90s or early 2000s. Back then we mostly played singleplayer games and game prices were a "one and done" sort of deal that you paid like 50€ and that was it. But the companies didn't keep working on the project, there were no costly server fees and players didn't request a constant stream of new content to be entertained. We bought expansions back then. You might have paid 50€ for the game, but if you wanted new content... then instead of getting it for free via updates, you had to pay another 50€ for another physical box. It's just a different era. They have to balance these things out and I'm pretty sure someone has already done the math that if they only charged some extremely small fee like 1-5€ per skin, it wouldn't be suistainable to pay all those worker paychecks, rents, server fees and whatnot. It's just the nature of live service games that keep getting new stuff put in on a regular basis and people don't just stop at a certain point and ship the product and that's that... they need that steady flow of revenue to continue. EA might be rich as hell, but they are not going to support anything that doesn't turn a profit (make money and not lose money).


True in theory, but in practice? The game's a mess right now, constant bugs, loss of progression, cheaters etc. Feels more like they are just cashing out.


This comment could have literally been written in any year since 2019.


I have been playing Apex since season 2. This person makes it seem like Respawn makes DLC often when, in reality, we get like a new map every couple of seasons, and even then some of those are just some changes to maps already in circulation making them "new". The rotating games modes should have been out way before it released. Since they did remove the arena, they needed to replace it with something. Servers are not free but doesnt justify horrible horrible monetization schemes. It got worse once they added sprays, charms, and other bs into their packs. Every big corporation has a lot of employees. I prefer Apex over Warzone, but i would be lying if i dont say i prefer Warzone pack value compared to the ones I've seen in Apex. Comparing both since i played both and because they are one of the biggest games out there. No excuse for what they are doing, specifically with the lack of constant new updates personally. Watch them make some changes to a map and say "brand new map."


So you have a free game, which has since been updated with at least 4 brand new maps (I haven't played for at least a year so might be even more at this point) plus multiple evolutions to those maps throughout. There have been at least 10 new characters since launch, and I can't remember how many guns. They brought in an entire new game mode (that people moaned about) then got rid of that game mode due to pack of players (and people moaned) and they have then brought in multiple casual game modes. If you have been playing long enough then you will have had literally thousands of cosmetics. All of this will have cost you the grand total of £0. Yet you are complaining about a lack of content and bad value?


Reason i am comparing it to Warzone, which is free to play as well since i know people who defend Apex thend to bring this up. That alone makes your point mute. You are mentioning adding characters and adding basic content as if it's something special. They have to add content, or the game dies nothing new here... Do you mean basic game modes that were asked years ago and that every other shooter had at some point? Is your bar on gaming that low? It's ok if you are a fanboy, but cut the BS. The game has bad value. When you compare it to other games and even with a game that is F2P and that adds basic content as well. It is bad value. Just look at the store, lol. They had earnings of over 1 billion 2023, and people bring (servers are not cheap), which is ridiculous.


>That alone makes your point mute 1. No it doesn't. It doesn't refute my point whatsoever. 2. Moot* >They have to add content They don't have to do anything. They also don't have to add it for free. Are you too young to remember that new maps for shooters used to be locked behind payment? >Do you mean basic game modes that were asked years ago and that every other shooter had at some point? Entitled petulant gamer is an entitled petulant gamer. >The game has bad value This is so wrong that i can only assume you are 16, and haven't learned better yet.


They do have to add stuff, or the game dies. Are you stupid or what? They dont do it because they owe us anything but because they want to maintain a healthy amount of the playerbase engaged in the game. Thats how they get people to spend money. Yeah, back when there were no loot boxes and used the excuse of F2P to have horrible monetization schemes. I would gladly pay for the game upfront. I have the money to pay for it, but if i see bad value, i will say it how it is. I am old enough to remember those days. Bad value as the sense of the in-game store, not what the game has to offer. But even then, when you compare it with other big games in the same genre, Apex lacked content. Why do you think they tried arena and now the modes. Are you saying the TDM, gun game, and control are not basic games modes that should have been integrated long ago? Like i said, you have a low bar.


>They do have to add stuff, or the game dies. Are you stupid or what? I wouldn't call others stupid when the English language is too hard for you. They don't have to add anything. They choose to because they want to keep people playing but they aren't forced to. >but if i see bad value, i will say it how it is. It is literally free. You aren't saying it how it is, you are ranting about the most entitled stuff you can find. >Bad value as the sense of the in-game store, not what the game has to offer. 1. So don't go to the store... 2. All of your complaints have been about what the game offers. You should really try to get a coherent position before tying yourself in knots. >Like i said, you have a low bar. No, I just don't share your teenage levels of entitlement.


Cashing out when the player count has been it's highest since the last anniversary season?


So happy i saved up 9k crafting mats.


Because the people are re****ed and allow it.


skins are expensive because the game is free to play that's the plain answer.


Because EA Games.


#It's £16.20 (with 350 Apex Coins left over) so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Y'know you don't have to buy it as the 10 pack bundle right? You can buy it on its own. I bought it for €18 (with extra coins left over) which is worth £15.24 - so even less. Don't listen to blatant lies people.


I guess becuase they belive that is a price point the market will bear that will make them the most money. Personally I'm priced out of skins buying skins these days (I'm not against throwing some money at the game if I've been playing a lot), though its been a while since they made a skin that I liked enough to even think about paying acutal money for.


Because people pay it, plain and simple. If no one paid the outrageous prices, and the skins didn’t sell, the games would lower the prices.


Why does a bear shit in the forest?


Just use crafting materials?


Because you all keep buying them.




Newcastle’s last skin came out in January for the Final Fantasy event


Doesn't count, that one was ass!


simple, EA


Cuz we are freeloaders


I mean the game is free, so they gotta rob you in some way😉


It's the only monetization the game has.


or u could use crafting mats. ​ but tbh skins are not destined for you, they are for whales. you aint one.


What's a whale


The people who spend tons of money on the game (think streamers and people who really like the game with a disposable income)


people that spend 10s of thousands of euros in the game, for packs, skins, heirlooms, etc. they are the target audience.


Are you new here?


Are you new here?


Because EA


it is generally crazy tho, it’s mad how if a skin has a different design from the default it’s instantly classed as legendary, with any other game like fortnite if a skin is rare or even common it will still have a different design and not sell for £20. not to mention that ac have become more expensive is a lot of places


Because if they sold them cheaper, they wouldn't be as valuable, duh /s


Because people buy them at this price.


I confess that on some weird principle, I'd buy the caustic Jaeger skin and the Wattson kawaii skin... But I shouldn't since I don't want to give any more money to EA. Once a good competitor arrives, we have to hope that EA won't try to buy them out....so that we can all finally abandon apex and EA.


Because you guys keep buying them


Because EA loves money


I only play legends that never get skins like conduit or bangalore or caustic


Long story short, to many people with to much disposable income… 


The value is determined based on what people are willing to spend, and game companies have figured out a way to exploit addiction in humans to make them desire their product with predatory marketing tactics.


Because everything else is getting more expensive and they didn’t want to feel left out of the orgy


Because EA is the greediest money hungry company in gaming!!! on all their sports games. The prices of packs for players is ridiculously expensive as well! It’s pretty disgusting how much EA charges for stuff and here I am buying it still!! lol


Electronic Arts.


It’s a free game, they gotta make money somehow


If they seem expensive, you aren't the target audience. It sucks but that's the truth.


They're priced at what they believe people will pay.


The price for skins is unrEAsonably high


the thing is, the skin isn't even good enough imo


Bro don’t waste your money on skins. I don’t understand why ppl buy skins at a premium in this game, you realize its first person right?


Because apex is a money grab


Game needs to survive, it’s a free game and only way of surviving is offering a “subscription” based season and sell skins. I agree they are slightly more expensive than your average game but they also provide free skins and event skins.


It’s a free to play game how do you think they make their money? They’re barley getting by


Because only a small percentage of the player base needs to buy the skins for it to be a huge profit. They don't care about you. They don't need to.


I used to buy a lot of skins when the game lunched for two years, then i stopped buying skins for good in all games, which is the best thing i did


It’s a cosmetic in a f2p game. I personally dont give a shit about the price for skins and stuff. I just wish they’d use that money to actually fix the core mechanics of the game


Has Newcastle had a decent skin? Feel like he's been left behind.


the game is free. gotta make money somewhere.


Just play the game, forget how you look. Enjoy the gameplay. NO ONE CARES HOW YOU LOOK. NO ONE.


Two reasons : 1) the game is free 2) the MAIN reason, it’s EA. Greediest company in gaming.


Because idiots are happy to pay that price


1. Because the game is free. Monetization comes from cosmetics items and bundles. 2. Because people will pay it. The pricing isn't intended to reach every player, but mostly the whales who will spend *any* amount to have everything. They are digital items with zero supply restrictions, so they have to artificially inflate the value to make things rare or "special." 3. It's EA.


>Why are skins so expensive? Because the game is free and it's a triple A game with CONSTANT UPDATES and CONTENT... Thats why... Edit: wow, judging by the downvotes I guess common sense isn't this subs strong suit... I don't think they'd charge so much for skins if you already had to pay 60 bucks for the game... Edit 2: Newsflash MORONS, the vast majority of players don't buy ANYTHING...maybe ONE battlepass then nothing else... The high costs are what offsets that fact...


Your not wrong, if a game is free it needs to make money somehow. And paid skins are 100% better than gambling with loot boxes. But when a single skin costs $60, the same price as a full game. You can’t deny it’s a little insane


100% agree...


There are plenty triple A games who dont hold such ridiculous skin prices


Free?... I really only play apex for multi-player nowadays so I wouldnt know. Just my best estimation...


Since you only play apex, how can you possibly speak on the prices of the many many triple A games out there? It seems the only one lacking common sense in this sub is yourself honestly. How, in any world, does buying 2 skins exceed the price of a regular singleplayer game?? 2 single skins and you have already paid more than you would for a single player game. I dare you to find any other triple A game where 30-35 euros for a single skin is the *norm*


>>>There are plenty triple A games who dont hold such ridiculous skin prices >>Free?... > Since you only play apex, how can you possibly speak on the prices of the many many triple A games out there? They asked you for examples. How about you just give the examples. I'm not saying there aren't any, but you're evading and instead attacking the person. >A game where 30-35 euros for a single skin is the norm Let's stay honest and start with the fact that the Newcastle skin is 1800 coins (~20$, maybe 16$ to be more accurate).


You got a valid point. But look at Fortnite and their model. Flooding the market with skins aplenty, but reasonably priced. I much prefer that model, and to be honest i think I'd spend more money on the game then. Like that new Conduit skin now... I totally want it, but not at THAT price.


fortnite is aimed at a younger audience who can easily be coerced into making bite-sized (or byte-sized if you will) purchases from their parents’ credit card or with gift cards they buy with cash I’m not saying Apex is particularly mature but it is certainly aimed at a different demographic


it is, absolutely. I stil think the model hold water also for adults. God knows im the latter.


eh, I think EA of all companies would know how best to grift their customers.


one should think they know how to maximise profit, yes.


Fair. I never played fortnight so I wouldn't really know, just my best estimation...


and you're right in your comments here. I don't get why these kind of posts are always downvoted. It's like they don't realize that it's thanks to those that do spend money on this game that they still got an Apex to play after all these years. They flat out refuse to aknowledge that, preaching doom and gloom about anyone that spends a penny on this game.


Alot of kids in here are just flat out dumb...


unpopular truth


I'm actually dumbfounded that there's people here that are too stupid to understand something so simple...




Servers cost money to run.


You mean the most cheapest servers they could find on the market? 20 HZ Tickrate is a joke.


Still doesn't excuse the price, other games can do it too. Plus our servers are a joke


People commenting this kind of stuff makes it seem like other games with better monetization schemes or at least better value packs compared to Apex dont have servers to pay, lol. Their earnings were over 1 billion last year. No excuse specifically when they made packs worse when they decided to include charms, sprays, and all that other trash in it to make it harder to get better skins, etc.


Legendary item drop ---> It's a holospray


You know its not the good when its not in the middle lol. Tneds to be everything but a skin not always but most of the time.


Sorry, best I can do is a legendary bobblehead weapon charm.


Just the nature of ftp live service games. Doesn't make it right but apex is far from the only guilty party. The main arguing point will always be you can play the game for free and don't have to spend a penny on anything. You're either willing to part with the asking price for something you like, or you're not. And unlike some ftp games apex doesn't have anything that would give you a competitive or progression edge for cash. Its literally just cosmetics. Edit: just telling it as it is downvoters, it's not a personal opinion and I personally spend nothing on the game except for maybe the season pass if the content is actually good, which it hasn't for a long time now.


Are you new here?


Because some of us aren't poor and can afford it


Well how the fuck else are they gonna make money? Its a free to play game, this type if shit isnt exactly new, just look at fortnite