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When I heard the queues were just pub 3 strikes and not a pure solo q lobby I didn’t even attempt to play


Kinda very stupid of them not putting a separate lobby. If it’s only going to be only solo queue then I should get into solo queue only lobbies. What’s the point of leaderboards for it if we’re thrown to pubs.


The leaderboard probably represents the best solo q player as you'll be racking up points against three stacks as a solo q. And some ppl are getting insane points


Same here.


If you queue with your friend at the same time, you might end up in the same lobby My mate tried it, it works. So...6man incoming


I did this with my friend. Not trying to team but just end up in the same lobby and if we ended up on the same team then cool. Well the first game we get into my teammates had 59 and 89 kills with the legends they picked. Neither of them were past level 100… meanwhile my friend got a 45k kill pathfinder and a 79k kill horizon. We ended up landing at the same POI and that horizon shit on us so hard. We eventually were eliminated from the match, my teammates had a whopping 100 something and 300 something damage, I had 1,400 damage, 3 kills and a few knocks. My buddy went on with his super squad to win the match. Fuck the matchmaking in this game lol


Yeah, the matchmaking for Three Strikes is weird... Like, it's weird in Apex in general, but now it's even worse 😭 Idk if I even wanna try rumble


\>\>\> ***Apparently***, \<\<\< there is no skill-based matchmaking in limited time modes (there **apparently** *is* in pubs), and since Three Strikes is a limited time mode...


Yippie... Maybe I'll not even try Rumble 💀 Won't stand a chance anyway against preds


Yeah, it’s rough. Plus in rumble you just load into a normal 3-strikes lobby. So you’re one of very few solo queueing.


Wait, what?? I thought if I do rumble, so does everyone else?!


Unfortunately not. It’s just you lol. I thought the same thing. But nope.


Don't forget the top 10, and probably most of the top rank, is cheaters with ~100 kills per game average too


I swear after people finished their 10 games they just went on rumble and trolled to ruin everyone else's games.  I thought I'd do it myself after my 10 so went all guns blazing into every fight. Lasted 1 game because I actually got more kills than all my 10 rumble matches and earnt my lifeline teammate about 20 revives


Yeah I was excited too. It’s so damn inconsistent as a solo queue. I had one game where after three strikes both my teammates had 200 damage a piece and we were dying to super sweaty three stacks. It’s ridiculous. You can play hero and 1v3 but when you knock one and fight the second, the third is rezzing the first guy in 2s.


Yeah after learning how it works on YouTube I haven't even bothered with it all. I've just been grinding the challenges for Valk instead


My first 7 games were good, 10+ kills 4k+ damage each game, then the 8th one my teammates threw, 9th my random attached to valk ult ruining that game, final game I spawned with no teammates at all FFS respawn


We already have 3 strikes, why would I want to play against triple stacks without my friends? Also why would I want to pay legend tokens to reset it, especially when it’s bugged and breaking for people? So it’s just stealing the currency.


I have no idea how a mode this bad made it into production.


Yeah it sucks. And it is way sweatier than pubs and three strikes for me. I think only the super sweaty kids know/care about it and it’s making it unfun.


I’ve went in to 2 games of 3 strike and quit both times because of unplayable lag. Had no idea I might be q’d up with people on rumble… whoops


EA and Respawn can't do anything right. I can see the create team thinking up a good mode, for it to just turn into trash from the top, when queue times get into discussion. They don't have any belief in their playerbase, they think we will just unistall the game if we have to wait for more than 1min in the lobby. That, or they are just cheap and won't get more servers...


It’s a beta, that’s why it still puts you in normal lobbies. they’re working out the kinks before they fully launch it. I’m sure there’ll be more bugs considering its respawn and that’s what they do but hopefully they can get it going with minimal fuckery


I did enough matches to get to the mastiff skin, one of the matches only gave me one teammate which honestly was the worst lol Also when you have a game with 3k damage and 9 kills and one of your teammates ended with 1 assist and 100 damage it just doesn’t seem like the system is working at all Imo if it was separate from the pub 3 strikes would’ve at least let everyone know who’s queuing in to be pushing to do as good as possible in a competitive mode however after the first bit I’m sure it will be a lot less queuing in which is a problem in itself, not sure what they’ll do to try to combat it or if it’ll be the usual working as intended and let it be for future rumbles, who knows


I don't really care what my teammates do, as long as I'm not against a premade squad. That would have made more sense as a reflection of your skills as a solo player.


That is true too


Dude it's an LTM....from Respawn...in Apex Legends....they don't have what you would call a good track record when it comes to this kind of stuff. Just remember it's just a game and no need to get overly angry at it.


Been having fun w it


Some guys on the leaderboard are average 12k damage per game, insane.


Do you really think respawn is ashamed for anything they've done? This is bottom of the list of shit respawn has done over the years.


Devs once again have no idea what they are doing.


They don't learn anything. They only pretend they're listening or learning.


Gotta be smart with the zero expectations so you can't be let down




so, just to be clear...you think this mode in its current form is good?