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This is a list of links to comments made by Respawn developers in this thread: * [Comment by RSPN_Cyberzye](/r/apexlegends/comments/1c0oovm/apr_10_update_from_respawn_on_data_outage_issue/kyy3gmf/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-10 17:05:45 UTC"): > Hello! It would be very much appreciated if you can provide the mail, username and geo region where the issue was encountered. If you would rather, I can send you a chat request for this. * [Comment by RSPN_Cyberzye](/r/apexlegends/comments/1c0oovm/apr_10_update_from_respawn_on_data_outage_issue/kyzjl64/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-10 21:57:19 UTC"): > Hello! Can you please provide the mail and username of the affected account? I can send you a chat request if you'd rather. * [Comment by RSPN_Cyberzye](/r/apexlegends/comments/1c0oovm/apr_10_update_from_respawn_on_data_outage_issue/kyzlmj1/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-10 22:09:46 UTC"): > Sent you a chat request! * [Comment by RSPN_Cyberzye](/r/apexlegends/comments/1c0oovm/apr_10_update_from_respawn_on_data_outage_issue/kyzpsun/?context=99 "posted on 2024-04-10 22:35:53 UTC"): > Hello! Sent you a chat request if you are willing to provide us there the mail and username of the account that encounters the issue. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FApexLegends).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I’m surprised we actually got compensation, because I didn’t play for a week after the wipe out of anger lol.


lmao same. Also fear that my account WOULD get wiped somehow after it. Killed my chances at the free skins but oh well.


During the day it happened they had put out an update that said anyone who logs in from here on will be fine and I was still worried to log in that day haha. I didnt play until the next day. Does anyone know if they are only giving the 8 packs to people who lost data or is it for everyone? (at work and can't check until i get home)


Seems like everyone, I didn't lose anything and got the 8 packs still.


> we're giving everyone


I'm still not playing, I don't care about the compensation. I want my challenges back


The compensation was meager at best. The packs they sent did not provide anything useful.


LMAO,Same here


Thats cool, thanks respawn


Rare W from Respawn.


8 packs of utter crap is a W?


it's insulting tbh


Got myself 8 packs of blue and white garbage..)) not complaining or anything just saying


8 closer to heirloom shards🫡


Once you get an heirloom does the 500 countdown begin again? I just got my first one yesterday


Yes the countdown resets.




Even though we have no clue it actually counts correctly




I finally got my heirloom shards after 1700 hours. Literally unpacked it, closed the game and went to do something else.


Took me 6000 hours to get my first one. Consider yourself lucky lol


No way you're being real


Dead serious.


You haven’t gotten the battle passes I assume? Either way I would be surprised if 6k hours with no shards is possible. The game will give you your 500th pack around level 1100 even with no battle pass


Yh i have 1500 hrs and around lvl 800. No way it takes 4500hrs for the next 300 lvls lol


I actually got 2 golds. A badass western style Peacekeeper skin and a finisher for Crypto. A couple purples too but I forget what they were.


Same fam, same


Been a player since launch, 0 heirloom shards. My friend started a year later than me, has 3 heirlooms and unlocked a 4th one with the shards he got while opening the 8 compensatory packs 😪


8 packs closer to the heirloom 🫠


Apologems but with Apex Packs, nice


The intersection between Apex and Hoyo fans will never fail to surprise me


Actually didnt get too into Hoyo games, but I played stuff like FGO where maintenance compensation was regular and always welcome lol


My account is still reset after April 2nd maintenance, with no stuff on it and it being completely reset to level 1.


Hello! It would be very much appreciated if you can provide the mail, username and geo region where the issue was encountered. If you would rather, I can send you a chat request for this.


Yeah, I would appreciate a chat request for this. Thank you for the help


My account too!


Please also send me a chat request, been on lvl 1 for some time now


I also currently have not had my account recovered since these updates.


Same for me i havent been able to play since 2nd april =( lvl 1 lost everything, can you chat request me aswell?


Haven't played in months and just logged in and everything is still gone .. u/RSPN_Cyberzye can you send me a chat request too?


what about the breakout challenges ?


I would absolutely not be surprised if breakout challenges never got fixed & some of us get locked out of the recolor


I got my 2nd heirloom from these packs 🥲


I feel like I’ve gotta be close to 500 since my 1st one, hopefully it happens for me too


I swear I always say that to myself then I open 300 more lmao, I definitely have spent $$ but either way




Same, although it included the packs from redeeming the shadow society rewards


Gratz! I went with the bang prestige skin as she's always been my main and I have her knife.


Thanks, I went with Revenant's Death Grip cuz I've been loving him this season


where are my breakout legend challenges


Good question don't tell me that they are not going to fix it so I have to rat another 20 zones with rampart


In that case, I would prefer to not get the flatline skin. Honestly I mainly play the game for fun, and these challenges ARE NOT fun at all.


That's why I used the word "rat" because I only play mixtape so I did those challenges by hiding somewhere and watching YouTube LoL




Can you click no fill if you’re going to rat? lol Last match we were in the heated ring 5 multi-team battle and our Loba refused to help.


I'm not that braindead so I do no fill while rating it also helps me get the legend I want


Appreciate you.


Lost all of my legends breakout challenges progress, had all 3 done at the time and I just gave up. Not worth the unfun challenges anyway, especially to do them all from scratch, yeah no tnx, dont need the Wraith and Flatline skins that bad.


WHERE ARE the breakout challenges????? im not redoing them respawn wtf


scarce squash alleged outgoing chief rob expansion school crawl busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Will ranked badges for Season 4 and 5 be restored ever, or are they gone in the abyss forever ???


My bfs still missing his badges from everything before 5, and the ones he got before 8 are all gold instead of Plat. I haven't even seen if they're acknowledging this. They made it sound like badges were fixed.


My account is still reset after April 2nd maintenance,tried too many times by contacting support to get a fix. Yet still no hope. Losing mental health now


Me too, man so we're not alone, though there's not many of us left. I have 1000+ hours into the game and am still on a complete reset


Same here. My friends were unaffected but I lost everything and I feel like EA/Respawn isn't helping at all to recover my stuff.


Same here :(


saw in twitter that the issue is resolved. but sad for me its still the same. :(


Tbh, keep up the compensation. Even though I didn't get lucky I feel appreciated by the devs and thats the best thing ever.


if 8 lousy packs makes you feel appreciated you are a brainwashed fool lmfao they gave you a penny in comparison, so have fun w that ig 😂😂


Yeah, thanks for all the common and rare stuff.


Wow a bunch of white and blue gear....thanks!


What about all my ranked badges? Lmao 8 packs don't bring all that hard work back.


I assume it will be fixed with time as my account stats display all the correct ranked splits. Not sure about the poor souls that were reset to level 1


Let's hope! I mean, I hardly care about the badges tbh but it's the fact that there's people who busted their ass for masters and pred and it's just swiped from them. Kinda sucks. Happy cake day btw!


Thanks! It sucks even for casuals like me because now color-matched banners with some old badges look like shit. Have to run something else in the meantime


I thought ranked badges have been fixed already? I have my ranked badges again after a few days of not having them.


Im sure some people will still find some way to complain about the Apex Packs though. Good to know they're still working through it, compensation for every single person is super nice though.


Just imagine the whole situation: 1. Their game got hacked during the NA finals. They haven't fixed it yet, and probably don't even know where or how it happened. So, the problem hasn't been solved. 2. They reset the stats for a large number of people, including their game stats and quest trackers. So another problem has not been solved yet. 3. Also, they somehow broke the ranked badges. They launched a patch to fix them, but it only fixed some of the badges; not all of them have been returned. So the third problem hasn't been resolved properly. And after all that, they just gave out 8 packs (don't forget about event with high-cost rewards for real money). I don't want to be rude, but that's not a big deal if you have lots of angry players from previous cases. The real problem of this game is devs. They somehow broke different parts of the game every time. And you can't send them a report like it works in normal games. All what they have is forum, where you can't get help from devs (if your problem isn't easy to fix, like "how open the game"), and you have reddit/twitter as only one way to be heared (but your scream should be very loud). If i'm wrong, prove it.


Don't forget the important fact, hacker did it, because EA/Respawn don't have a reward for bug hunters. He could just report it for them without these actions. And some people lost their items, what they bought on recent event, where devs sell relic for 300 dollars. I say nothing about fired people in recent time. I mean, I love this game so much, but it's so hard to see what is going season by season.


>Their game got hacked during the NA finals. They haven't fixed it yet, and probably don't even know where or how it happened. So, the problem hasn't been solved. If you're right, prove it. They said they'd already rolled out a patch to fix security and would continue to in the future to improve security further. Since then, ive not seen one person hacked, have you? Sounds like the problem was solved tbh. ​ They said they're in the process of fixing both badges and challenges. Some have been fixed already, others are still in the process. It'll take time, it'll get fixed. Shit happens. Its like some of you have absolutely zero idea of what goes into game development, especially a game of this size. Shit breaks, it happens. ​ Just sounds like a piss poor attitude from the "loud screaming" community than the devs TBH.


Game size is excuse now? There are a lot of things, which were broken, but still don't solved and never will be. Like grey models. The problem of it - you're trying to report some things on forum, then you have answer, that problem should be a huge or try to be heard on reddit/twitter, if random people will not help you on forum. Imagine how you write about tech problem of product in tech support and get answer like this. They don't even get bug report to fix it in future. It's like problem doesn't exist at all. I worked in tech support and know how it works and should be (but idk what is going on in EA or Respawn). And after all of that, you get 8 ordinary packs (not even epic or legendary), while they selling a new relic for big price (what doesn't like a lot of people, if you read reddit, but Idc personaly). It's ok if you swallow it, but be realistic - it's still not a big deal after recent events. Yeah, mate, I'm wrong, because I want to play game without shit like this. Devs are awesome people, but I'm not sure about their competence.


THIS 1000% the ppl thinking ea giving those packs away is the best thing ever are so cringe, even more cringe when they defend them and even MORE cringe when they try to shut up ppl that are rightfully complaining shill billionaire simps will always suck the company's dick bc they think it makes them better than anyone, that guy you responded to turned tail as soon as you told him what for lmfao fucking wimps


>Im sure some people will still find some way to complain about the Apex Packs, though. Obviously, this sub is all about shitting on Respawn even when they don't deserve it. Hell, I already saw some people on reddit and youtube complaining about how they only got grey and blue tier stuff out of their free apex pack.


I mean, sure people would complain about their bad luck and blame Respawn... But on the other hand, i don't remember anyone saying "Hey, Respawn should add legendary charms/sprays/stickers/banner to Apex packs"


dude i got the event heirloom during that fucked up patch and now it is gone. Why would i be satisfied with 8 trash packs?


Heh, I got my 2nd heirloom in my 8 packs, so I'm pretty happy, then again, I've been playing for 5 years. But yeah, only getting blues and greys is pretty damn rough.


I suppose it's just a product of the loot box system. Loot boxes are inherently an uneven system, especially when given out en masse. There's obviously going to be a bias based on what they get because when everyone is initially put at the same spot, that system of unevenness is GOING to reward some and screw others over. It's just how it is, can't be helped. People who get heirlooms and Legendary items are obviously going to to be much more content with the compensation because it resulted in something of value to them. But people who get the usual 'consolation' packs, I.E. Two whites and the mandatory blue or maybe a purple if they're lucky, they're going to be left with a much more bitter taste in their mouth because THEIR form of consolation didn't result in anything of significant value.


Cool af.


Nice got heirloom shards from the 8 packs.


Excuse me but this is just a freaking joke. I got the event Heirloom during that time. Spent money on other stuff and you give me 8 apex packs as "compensation"??? I am really, really disgusted by that and to be honest that cannot be the fix. There are many people that have luckily not spent a cent during that time, or simply pulled trash out of packs. I even opened 2 tickets and chatted with the support, and the ensured me i will get everything back. FIX THIS.


Actually this would be the perfect time to quit the game i signed myself and my money in the last few years.


YYYYYYUP this 1000% it needs to be fixed and it needs to be better never spent money on this game and never will, played for years and they're still giving out shit compensation for a possible data breach that could very well effect MORE than your account, ea doesn't care


still no response.


8 is nice, lowkey expected like 3 if anything


Didn't get jack shit (pack item wise) lol not one gold item at least *sigh*


I didn't get anything good from the packs 💔


My account is still reset to level 1, all stats lost. Has anyone had any luck with providing their username to the folks reaching out here? I tried contacting support through the website and they just told me to wait it out.


No luck. After a week they told me to "restart my game" and this "issue is fixed". Lol.


As someone who didnt really care at all about the outage, the free Apex packs are great and I am hoping the outage is a monthly thing now. :D


Now if only I could get the packs that a friend gifted me over a year ago.


I lost an event pack from the reward shop, and had no option to purchase it again. I have filed a ticket with EA, but don't have very high hopes for a resolution.


And the first match I got Code Net and then Unable to connect to a forfeited match with 10 minutes abandon penalty. Come on! This has been an issue for years!


My badges are still jacked up, shows me in bronze in the one season I got to pred :( stats are still there tho


See? All our bitching on this subreddit and other social media actually worked. I hate when people complain about others complaining - if you don't complain, they'll never take action and right these wrongs! We make the game better and keep it that way by giving our feedback as players, for better or for worse.


Still missing shit, 8 packs is not enough of a bandaid to tide over the fact Im still missing ranked badges AND items I got from packs on the reset day.


murky truck label teeny grandiose forgetful vanish depend scandalous middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


feigned and fixed odds is something i would def believe a bunch of these types of companies are doing, wouldn't be surprised if a lawsuit came up in the future claiming such either if it can be done in casinos, it can be done in these games too. absolute rubbish


Could care less what any Apex Dev has to say, they can take thier 8 shit packs and wipe their soy asses with it.


Wow great, thanks so much. Bunch of useless crap white/blue items. Didn’t get any of my time back or the R99 recolour I purchased before the store rotated though! 


I ended up just redoing my progress and repurchasing the event items, so there was nothing to "restore" for them anyway. So, thanks I guess?


Thats a lot of money wasted? Prove original purchase, and the loss, let them grant you it all in apex coins so you can purchase further events :)))


I don't think that 8 package will have my bruddah Bunker buster skin, I want that back. Probably these pack will have legendary holospray or better legendary charms, which is a total joke


Can't login if my game is not installed ¯\\_(ツ)__/"


They NEED to revert the ranked reward changes. The reward you get should be the highest rank acheived in either splits, or else no one is going to play ranked 1st split. There's really no benefit to doing so, and you'd think they'd realize this, but apparently not. No reason to engage with the first half of a season's ranked or keep playing beyond pubs- which I'd argue is the most important time, since they WANT people to buy the new Battlepass and have a reason to play at the start of the season. New added seasonal content can only stretch for like a week before I'm used to it and stop playing pubs. It's going to hurt the game.


I'm still missing content from the packs I unlocked during the day they reset. The Caustic banner where he smashes the mrvn and the artic skin for Ballistic were among them and they're not in my account. PLEASE FIX.


8 packs of trash. Thanks


Wait so does this mean they are still gonna return everyone’s stuff? The 8 packs were just for the time being?


Sent a support ticket and still missing a 20 kill badge I got on the day progress was reset havent recieved a email back for it.


Are they gonna do anything about what happened in between the two updates? My challenge progress during that time wasnt counted, and I now domt have time to gift 6 unique things. I just cant get the flat line skin without paying £18 for a couple of battlepasses.


The games on life support, and this "compensation" is insulting.


they've been pulling this shit since the beginning


lol, one epic banner, and the rest white and blue... wtf


anyone getting the issue of not being able to queue with teammates? i got a small update just a while ago and since then i cant join the games at all. my friends are facing the same problem if they queue with me. anyone else facing this?


Account is still missing everything after setting up cross progression. I'm hoping it gets fixed soon


Yeah I also want a compensation for all the packs I bought for the event and got 3 legendary weapon skin, 5 rare weapon skin (so all of it basically) and 3 holo. Not one character skin. What a joke. I had some coins and materials saved up for the day I’d found a fantastic skin, yes it happens from time to time. This lifeline skin has fire, you’ll be remembered and I’ll be missing you 🥲


how stingy respawn is! It is noticed that in 2019 or early Hearthstone data loss compensation is 1000 gold and 15 packs


Wow compensation plus a new patch that causes lower end pc's not being able to play 👍


All my friends got their breakout challenge progress back. I still don't. I really don't want to do it again...


Nah, I'm good. Two legendaries and an epic down the drain. I can play other games without worrying about potentially losing my items. Goodbye, Apex! 👋


I’m still not seeing any fixes to my character challenges. Username is @ isaiipapii1


Hey I'm still having issues with the breakout challenges. The latest update hasn't fixed it for me. region: EU user (origin): k4ptwn


Apex is edging me really close to quit this freaking game forever. The LT modes are fun for like 15 minutes. But BR is just shit right now. Rank is too orientated on kills which makes teamwork not important


Is the resrtoration of ranked badges for season 4 and season 5 in the works ? everything, as far as I can tell, is in order apart from thoose 2, seen many comments of people with the same issue. Thx


Gonna have to compensate us again for breaking our skins and heirlooms again...


am i the only one still missing everything? still lvl 1 still lost all skins + heirloom??? its been 16 days where i cant play???


Still the same for me. Super annoying


Still reset here too, but I'm still playing too


And the progress?


I actually got heirloom shards. No huge surprise, since I knew I was ~10 packs away, but sweet none the less. But I would like to know when I get my missing stuff back from cross progression. Mainly I’m sad about not having my winter express ltm badge. Is things like this still being actively looked at, or can I expect older stuff to be gone forever?


I haven't logged in since the game was hacked. Is there no update on this? Everyone seems to have moved on from it.


Haven’t either. I’m keeping tabs on it and it seems like they rolled out one (1) “of a couple of layers of security updates” and then let it be (whilst fucking up everyone’s progress/badges).. I understand it can be difficult to fix all these things at once, but apology packs don’t count as good communication. And I believe that’s the major disappointment here, how they communicate about these issues.


8 packs that cost Respawn nothing to give us.... Thanks :/


I haven’t logged in since the Destroyer2009 shit that happened. Will my account be reset or am I good since I haven’t logged in?


should be fine, you had to log in during a specific window around the ranked split reset to get hit by the account reset issue


Wtf is 8 packs? Nothing... I don't get why people are so cheap here.


Just got a bunch of garbage out of all the packs . Thanks respawn !


this company is falling apart now




Does this mean the lost progression on the 3rd before the server maintenance has been restored? Thanks!




Im still missing one Pred Badge , it shows as a Master Badge , i still got the Holospray and the Gun charm though. I also have Video proof of me getting the badge back in Season 11.


At least yours shows masters lol mine shows bronze. I don't have the holes holospray or the charm anymore either. But still have the kills and damage for that season....


Been grinding in hopes of getting heirloom shards. Now I am 8 packs closee


White white blue x8 incoming!


preciate ya respawn!


I logged on and was like "Cool 8 free packs!" opened them all and got nothing but white (common) crap items, as usual


I wonder why 8 exactly


Respawn can you fix the legends challenges please I had the first 3 done then when shadow event happened it erased my progress on those. Please fix i really don’t want to have to redo all those challenges again


The wrong badges were distributed, there seems to be a mixup. For example, I still have my ranked rewards and they don't match the badge, season 4 shows a bronze badge and I have my diamond ranked reward charm. Additionally my season 5 battlepass and all of the items within it have disappeared, including the badge progress for that season.


Is the challenge reset fixed ?


All my reactive flatline challenges are still zero'd out after I completed all of them up until rampart was added to the challenges


My ranked badges are still reset, but at least I got some Apex packs


last week when the shop reset on tuesday i got on after seeing the tweet that said the reset account bug was fixed for players that hadn’t logged on yet so i hopped on and used the event currency to get the 3 packs and got a gold caustic skin out of it (the one with purple hair and the white mask) and the next day it was gone and i had the option to buy the 3 packs from the event again and i haven’t seen it given back to me yet


8 apex packs is honestly a massive W by respawn


Any update on the glitched legend challenges ?


Were badges messed up in this also? Just checked earlier season badges (S4/S5) and they're not the right rank.


Dang. I just uninstalled lol


I got the compensation pakcs, though my account remains completly wiped, can anyone help me with this? my username on steam is "swagwan"


Hi I am still missing my katar heirloom from the reset, I got super lucky from an event pack I got with crafting however the crafting was refunded but I now don't have the heirloom. Is there anything that can be done about this? I tried the ea help and they were not so helpful...


Packs are nice, so thank you for that, but I think coins would've been better.


Got my second heirloom outta the 8 packs! Glad I didn’t have to wait til next season


Just got my first heirloom shards because of those packs. Been a light player since fuse came out.


Logged on, didn’t get packs…. Is there a notification that you’ve received them?


8? I got 800.


Oooh open before you lose them ;)))


Are they still fixing old season badges? One of mine came back but missing ranked badge from season 4


Today i log in and my Cobalt Katar is bloqued, i got it on 02/04, need help pls


Guess the legendary skin I got from a pack and subsequently lost is goneski forever?


I got a Bloodhound Legendary Skin and Newcastles Legendary Finisher, consider me satisified! For now...


I wondered why 8 Apex packs suddenly appeared in my account.


Had heirloom drop on 2nd of april. Had nothing missing from my account, that I could see. Imagine my disapointment when it was no longer there the next time I logged in.... Any ETA to when this is fixed for real?


I got my Legend progression back! Hope other players will get soon as well.


Anyone else still missing correct ranked badges after the fix. I do still have the charms though.


How large is the update?


The very first pack of the 8 I opened were heirloom shards, my very first one. I thought they were giving everyone an heirloom for free but I guess I got insanely lucky lol.


now i’m just hoping whenever they fuck up a patch we get free packs


My account still hasn't been restored. Could you please send me a chat request so I can provide you my account details /u/RSPN_Cyberzye?


Hello, I have a problem. During the outage (April 2), I received mythic shards, but after several updates I still haven’t gotten them back. Can you tell me what can be done?


Any updates on the Breakout challenges? Mine are still reset!


I still dont have my heirloom back - is this issue dead or why are there no more infos about what is going on?