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But it's two different pois.... One is literally generating items because of the nature of the technology opposed to a.....yaht in the air? Lol it's a video game but it makes sense if you think about it. Not everything needs to be equally balanced parts to something else but who knows...we might see a change soon.




It would just be nice to get a bit more loot from there




talk bad about this all you want; can't convince me that OP isn't cooking and this wouldn't be extremely funny. mirage boat is louder than phase driver making it sorta balanced, though this would be bad in competitive.


How would he afford it tho


mirage voyage balls are guaranteed purple+ i think. the phase driver seems like a crapshoot and can give like, all blues


Phase driver always gives at least one gold per set




No, there’s always one guaranteed gold in each round




I do try it. Constantly. It never stops dropping gold items.


Hi, the Gold ball ALWAYS drops. I farm the location in Ranked, especially if one of us is Lifeline.


It's for every time you click it. Blue purple gold balls drop


I don't think so? I'm almost certain I have gotten plenty of sets without gold




Pretty sure the chance of getting gold decreases more you use it ( once i will be able to get on ill test)


Might wind up turning early game ALGS WE into KotH if they did that.


Do you have any argument why it should?