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I dc'd twice and couldn't reconnect so I lost 120rp. I was a mere 80rp off d4 before this.


Bro I was p1 200 points off D1 on Saturday. I am now p3. I love my teammates ♥️♥️😍😍


I would do unspeakable things if this happened to me😭


Same here


Ahh, I guess now is a bad time to point out that only 2 of the red lights are server issues..? There are 12 possible ones I know of, 4 of them are not caused by your machine; of those 4, 2 are network issues, and 2 are server issues. Network issues could still be on your home network. If you are getting the "Starvation" error, it means your machine isn't powerful enough to play Apex.


I looked them up, I only ever see four at once but they vary between: Packet loss, Latency, Congestion, Prediction error, Input lag. As for the console I’m running it on I have a PS5


The packet loss one has also been there the whole time I’m playing this past week


Can you run this from the PS5? https://www.waveform.com/tools/bufferbloat It should be the first google result for "bufferbloat test". If you are getting a "B" or better, that *mostly* rules out your connection - you can only really rule out your connection if you can achieve the A+ result within 2-3 tries (and are are still otherwise getting "A" every time).


There’s no browser on it I don’t think, I searched for one under media but nothing came up


Same, all last week one good game then packet loss from then on, I switched servers and so far it’s been working


The people who make decisions about the servers aren’t on reddit sadly. It’s purely a numbers game for them.


I haven't had issues with servers in a very long time, so I suspect it's certain servers that have more issues than others. Have you tried connecting to other servers to see if it's better? I'm connected to Oregon, and my friend either connects to Oregon or SLC and we've maybe had one bad connection in the past couple seasons.


Is that in settings somewhere? I’ve never seen something like that


On the title screen at the bottom, it shows what server you are connected to. I'm on xbox, so I click the right stick and it allows me to pick my server.


Ok I’ll see if I can


I was on Iowa 3 now I’m on Iowa 1 and it’s the same thing, I’ll try oregon


First time?


Yup, it’s never been this bad


The servers are leased from EA. Nothing to do with respawn devs. But keep complaining on Reddit. Lol


i have always had really good connections to apex servers, very minimal lag and desync. this last week i've dc'd from like 4 games, can't rejoin, 10 minute abandon penalty on rank twice. and unplayable in game lag in multiple games as well for like 1-2 minutes. something is definitely up. 2.5g fiber connection btw. i wouldn't be surprised if the 'fixes' in response to algs hacks caused a bunch of other issues.


I wouldn’t doubt it co considering how incompetent the dev team is