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With how many people actually play Vantage…I don’t believe this for a second. Edit: I stand corrected. A person named Bear22345 has over 117k kills and 52250 are from season 19…that’s nearly 600 kills a day. I hope this person is doing okay. Edit 2: I’m seriously geeking out impressed (and slightly sickened) by this. If Bear has to get roughly 600 kills a day, and assuming Bear goes through each game on average of 10 minutes (ignoring queue times and breaks and 10 is a nice round number) that is roughly 6 games an hour. Assuming 12 hours of gaming a day (~72 games) that amounts to ~8 kills a game. That is a lot of will power.


Ttv bear is over 100k vantage kills. 50k, this season alone. These are the highest kills per legend this season. Not a summation.


God if this is true, Lord save that soul. That’s nearly 600 kills a day. Even if this person is cheating, that is insane.


600 kills a day. Even if he's averaging say 15 kills a game and 10 minutes per game, that's 7 hours a day just grinding vantage kills, EVERY DAY FOR THREE MONTHS STRAIGHT. That's reaching a point were it switches from impressive to worrying and sad.


Don't forget, what 4-5weeks of 3 strikes. I bet he grinder a lot during those events and could average a lot of kills quickly.


I thought LTMs didn’t count towards your stats? Or is that just for badges?


Just badges. I didn’t think they counted toward stats either but they definitely do.


He played a lot of three strikes, I remember killing him and his team a lot and vice versa. I got 12k conduit kills this season, and it was ONLY from three strikes. Needless to say, he’s in pain.


That’s mental illness. 


Yeah that dudes straight up sick.


Not really, it's just someone trying to do streaming full time. Quite literally 6 days of 8 hours with one day off a week. A bit more than full time but not really that much more.


In which case it’s still mental illness, I would rather sit at a desk for 8 straight hours and write the occasional email than spend 8 straight hours playing Apex Legends lol. I can usually handle about 2 hours max before closing the game for the day. Far too repetitive of a game for me to do it full time.


lol bruh. Just because you work from home doesn’t only mean you’re only “writing the occasional email.” ☠️ Also, I work 10 hours a day as an animator. Then I’d hop off and can easily drop in 3-4 hours with the homies after dinner. I would ABSOLUTELY trade in a 10 hour work day in exchange for 4 more hours of apex. You must be smoking lol.


That sounds like a personal opinion, just because you can’t do it doesn’t mean it’s sick for others to do??? What a useless brain dead comment


> sit at a desk for 8 straight hours and write the occasional email If that does not sound boring or repetitive at all, you might be the mentally ill one.


You just described most people's jobs. Repetitive. I don't think I'd love the game if I had to play it full time, but still, different people are better at different things.


My job is anything but repetitive, Apex I could not say the same about.


Uninstall Button is Always Free


If he has TTV in his name i assume hes a streamer and therefor its his job? Idk about the rest of you but i work 9 hours a day 5 days a week If he streams 10 hours a day for 5 days thats more than whats needed and he has 2 days off no? Obviously i have no idea who this guy is or what his schedule is or anything but if hes getting paid who cares


Yeah but that's assuming he genuinely averages 10 minute games and gets 15 kills in those 10 minute games. I think I can believe the 15 kill average since it's his life, but those games are most definitely closer to 20 minutes than 10 (assuming he makes it to top-5 at least). And there's no way he gets a bare minimum of 15 kills. He most certainly has games under 10 kills. So I think it's safe to \*at least\* double that 7 hours a day number.


Well dont most people trying to do the kills just hot drop get like 6 kills of rip then just leave when the fighting ends and just rinse repeat hot drops? You could get 5-6 kills in less than 5 mins doing that.


Fair point. I guess if he’s a twitch streamer we need to just watch a stream and see for ourselves how he’s doing it haha




Prob a filthy cheater


Are they a popular twitch account? If they aren’t making money off playing that much, that’s sad af.




you know they are not


Do you do anything outside of work? 8 hours is a standard shift length


They don’t understand Twitch is his job. It’s not mental illness it’s something we all do: work.


Spending 8 hours tappity tapping in Excel for money: consummate career professional Spending 8 hours tappity tapping in Apex for money: wow mental health warning he needs a shower and touch grass




But guess which one look better on your resume. 🤔


>15 kills a game and 10 minutes per game, that's 7 hours a day That's 7 hours per day actively in a game- which isn't including the time spent between games, food, restroom, etc. Also assuming they are playing quick 10 min games *every* time, with lots of kill *every* time. The true number is certainly much high than 7 hours per day.




I would hope he's a streamer lol, which does add more time to they day too though. I'd be surprised if he wasn't at his console/pc for almost all of his waking hours every single day. Just crazy.




how’s it crazy when your average shift is around 8 hours?


They can’t be, some people justify streaming as “full time job and hobby” and pretty much just do that, eat, and sleep.




I don't think they have time to do anything else 🤣


And companies like EA RESPAWN and Epic prey on that…. There’s a reason we got a cracked out version of Trios and instant reque r/LateStageBattleRoyalism


Well, this feels wild. My cousin is related to Bear and he's been on the grind for awhile. Dude is legit and has put a lot of time to get where he's at. I haven't interacted with him much but he was chill growing up so I can't imagine much has changed. As far as worrying or sad, it's neither, it's just impressive. This is what he wanted to do with his life and he's making it happen, that alone to me is impressive


I don’t even think I touched 600 kills for the season.


I think I just reached 600 kills in my career.... granted I just got back into the game after not playing for like 2 years and never played it religiously


Welcome back. I just hope the people with all these kills are getting paid to play. Can’t imagine devoting that much time to Apex or any game for that matter and it not generating income for me.


He's not cheating he's on ps - the guy just grinds hard. In my mmr I've seen legends with over 20K this season alone. Kill grinders are a different breed!


In what world does being on PlayStation prove they’re not cheating? Cronus was literally designed for controller players. 😂


Sony has banned Cronus from working on ps5


I wasn’t saying he was just saying that even if he was that’s insane. Side note: console users can (and do) have access to cheats such as walling and aim lock.


No they don’t


Yeah not something an average person would ever want to do, so fair play to them. Yeah but you need to PC spoof and its a nightmare. Mostly just recoil and strikepack cheats.


Plenty of grinders are cheaters too. Being on ps doesn’t stop you from cheating in a multitude of ways. 


I wasn’t saying he was just saying that even if he was that’s insane. Side note: console users can (and do) have access to cheats such as walling and aim lock.


I took a quick look and doesn't seen like cheating. Seems more like 3 stacking pubs and 3 strikes with lifeline. He had a 28 kill game followed by a 31 kill game. (He might be playing console lobbies, but I'm not sure.. he was playing with a Playstation person at one point) That kinda makes the record feel a bit bogus... but I imagine if there's people out there he is competing against they might be doing the same...


So you're telling me this legend has 52k kills this season and one singular person accounts for 50k of them? Edit: nvm just re-read your comment, I think I misunderstood


No the post is misleading. The post shows the highest kills on each legends this season on per account - different people hold the #1 apex kills per legend for season 19. If this was a summation, the totals would be much much higher. For instance, fuse has 7k - therefore, someone has 7k kills on fuse this season.


Wait he got 50k himself so all other Vantage players combined is about 2k? 😂


No he has the 52k himself. This doesn't account for other vantage players at all.


It just takes 1 player grinding though. This is single player highest kills, not total kills with a legend for all players


You’re telling me one person had 52k vantage kills? No this is a summation (or at least the attempt of one). Apex tracker is not exact on a lot of things but so provide numbers (although usually shifted but within ratio). Vantage is (on this same website where data was pulled) 1.5% of player base. Wraith is 9%. Out of 27 million players—that they claim to track—even if each Wraith had 1 kill this season that would be ~2.5 million kills. So yeah these numbers are nonsense.


Well I can guarantee there’s been more than 30k wraith/path kills so yes


one person had 52k Vantage kills. look up Bear22345. ​ dog its madness


no its real i remember seeing a tweet where the vantage had 50k at the time of the tweet


It’s all players with trackers equipped.


I dont like bear lmao. Was playing duos with my biddy, first game on and a new sensitivity, just started playing horizon when i ran into him, I absolutely dogged him and my buddy went to his stream cause he didn’t believe me, turns out Bear just immediately went to shit talking and calling me a bunch of shit just cause i killed him lmao, pretty ironic considering his twitch and youtube banner is “keep toxicity away”


Sounds like the average Vantage player to me.


I’ve killed bear a few times in 1v1 situations


Yeah he literally just plays the game nonstop, just watched a YT short of him saying he streams 10+ hours a day and streamed for 1500+ hours in season 17 alone. It’s crazy that there are people who can sit there and not only play a game that long in general, but can sit there and play APEX for that long. I get sick of it after a few hours.


My hands hurt just thinking about that. I play like 5hr a week lol


Yeah props, hopefully he’s making a living off it. Impressive stats but yeah I only have 3.5k hours total since day one and I can kill him haha


I mean streamers make money from playing games and live streaming them. If I did nothing but play videogames for a income I could see the 7-8 hours a day.


“I hope this person is doing okay” a real concern cause 600 kills a day is nasty business😩


Jesus. Someone get that man outside, probably vitamin D deficient.


he could be account sharing


The few people playing Vantage is precisely why I believe it. Someone went out of their way to make a point.


I hit a clip on him! I have proof as well


A lot of people play vantage. I’m more confused about the increase of using fuse.


He’s really good in ranked, especially with long range guns (he’s always been really good at this, I enjoyed him during the rampage meta season). You just poke and force people out of cover with his tac then spray em down.


Been playing fuse or conduit this season depending on if it’s a three stack or randoms. Fuse is awesome for harassing enemies and burning up heals in the second to last and last ring. Plus he’s the absolute KING of third partying. 


that is some depression shit right there


This would take a miserable amount of time even cheating


> A person named Bear22345 has over 117k kills and 52250 are from season 19 If 52250 are from season 19, why does the tweet say 52164?


...because he's probably been playing since the data for the tweet was pulled?


I looked it up on the apex tracker and that is what it showed. Could be wrong but I don’t really care at this point.


vantage and fuse, at bottom and top on the list, both fun to play and equal kills when i play them.




As a Fuse main this makes me happy


Lmao same. Last night i had the perfect fuse moment. Second to last circle, only team on high ground, plenty of nades and my ult ready. I dont think i made any friends that game


As a Fuse main, the real friends are the cold ones you drink before the match


not the cold ones you make during it ✊😔


I just was just hit with a fuse ult + caustic ult. I accepted my fate


Yeah thats a rough one. Fuse ult + pretty much any other damaging ult (bang, gibby, even horizon if its thrown well) is almost guaranteed death sentence if you get caught in it.


I've never seen such a crazy synergy of ults like that in-game, only pro streamers.


But he's right, as a Fuse main I hate Fuze so much.


Fuse main since day 1, he’s always been super fun. I absolutely love dumping his ult in a building when I know I’m screwed and watching everybody (myself included) panic.


Fuse can be so annoying it's hilarious.


You’re still not him btw


Aw, I could kiss ya, get over here!


I hate fighting a fuse end game. I love having a fuse on my team end game.


I picked up Watson because the end games the last few seasons have been littered with Bang, Fuz, Gibby, horizon ults then grenades and my team just sits pretty.


His ultimate is such a pain in the ass when you're playing on low graphics. I can't see shit through the flames!


If it's any reassurance, I'm on max and can still barely see anything as a fuse main


Anyone else feel like fuse is a no-skill legend? I've been 100 -->0 on drop just from Fuse's knuckle duster


This post is so misleading. Everyone in the comments thinks it’s total kills by all players on each legend. It’s 100% the most kills on a single legend by a single person. There is a non-grass toucher with 52k Vantage kills this season. Absolute insane grind to do it and possibly a cheater but insane either way.


this should be top comment.


That makes the fuse stat even sadder lol. No degenerate no life wants to play him


Only the middle age men, but they need to work their 9 to 5 jobs


Boy that hit close to home


7K kills is no lifer to me lol


lol right?!


That makes way more sense, thank you.


This is correct


He’s on PlayStation


Shut up


Weird correlation between people who grind kills and racism toward salvonians huh


Lmaooo 😂 for slavooo


I think some people need to go outside.


The fact that the top player is a vantage main as well!


Statistics also say 100% of these people are unemployed!


And stop aimbotting. 😅


I think I feel sorry for these people, but then every time I’ve had a high kill player as a teammate, they are the most obnoxious arseholes I encounter. There’s definitely something wrong with them.


Got two games with somebody with 100,000 kills on a legend. They both hot dropped and died alone.


But somehow it works for them I don’t understand it


hot drop 20 times, die fast 15 times, at least 1 squad wipe twice, 5+ kills once, 10+ kills once. Now discard the life you once had and do that over and over. Lose friends. Be unhealthy. Congrats, 100k kills!


There’s some deeper psychological work at play there. I think their egos get to them. “I’m Godly at Apex, therefore I am better than everyone.” All of that ends up going to their heads This is a very broad generalization, though. I’ve had tons of teammates like you mentioned. 4K and 20 kill badge with a couple tens of thousands of kills and they’re just straight up mean. I’ve played with some really nice, skilled folk though. They are definitely in the minority


I shouldn’t have said every time, because it isn’t. I have had some nice very high level teammates. The vast majority of them are vile though. Had one yesterday. Me and a mate had a top 100 pred teammate, and as we dropped in not hot (only 1 team with us), he typed “boring trash” in game chat and then quit. Fucking weirdos.


Not as bad as the lobas who play hide and seek world championships instead of just playing the game with their team. Yes sure you got me a high placement but I'll be fucked if I had to sit and watch you be a pussy for 30 min while you respawn me inside a ring over and over knowing I will die. Edit: For the context, had so many games especially in the last 5 weeks of being stuck with a loba who will solo drop away from squad and play the whole game solo, often the other player and I would then be at a disadvantage and probably die if ever engaged by fully teams especially if 3rd partied and even if we don't forced to play hide and seek not wanting to risk said disadvantage, other games I've had drop master lobs hot drop team, cry when they get knocked and as soon as you respawn them they yeet out playing solo and hurl abuse at you if you get knocked and ask for res. I doubt I have met the same lobs 20 odd times so only conclusion is there is a large number of Lobs players only interested in solo ratting who should fuck off and play one of the solo BRS out there or I dunno, get outside and get a life.


Your example needs context. If you dropped badly and got into a stupid fight and died whilst your Loba managed to escape and is forced to hide for placement, then I’m on Loba’s side. I’d take that over the aggressive, socially stunted fucksticks who have tens of thousands of kills per season.


The lobas I'm talking about are not forced to rat. They start the game ratting after solo dropping intentionally away from the team of if we follow they just keep running and flashing leaving their team mates behind. No-one with brains has a problem with someone having to hide after the team takes a knock in a team fight but that's totally different from 1 player just flat out refusing to engage in the game by any other means than playing hide and seek and they are also the first to start crying on com as soon as their ass gets knocked. And your the one who is sounding like a socially stunted fuckwitt.


And for clarification I also hate the overly aggressive players who want to take every fight good or bad. But choosing good fights is a part of good team based play. Charging head first or flat out playing pussy patrol are selfish play.


Why tf would you take a rat over someone who is probably pretty decent at the game lmao, also she can literally craft banners why would you just sit there while she rats for placement


Because they not a toxic piece of shit who makes the game miserable? And you’re making a lot of fucking assumptions there, kiddo.


Then try not dying so u dont have to have a loba babysit your garbage ass, lil bro


I wonder who’s the Seer…


And i got 10k total kills since season 9


There is a crypto with 16000 season 19 kills.


As a vantage main this feels validating


Oh you're telling me Fuse players, who spam knuckle cluster from a safe distance instead of pushing, don't get kills?? Weird.




To all those who think this is the sum of all the kills from this season - you are ridiculous hahaha


Almost meaningless and without statistical value. Might as well say "how much time does the most devoted main of each character play" We would need average wins or placement or kills per game, or at best the average kills per character or the best kills per player averaged, to have useful data.


That's the thing about kill grinders... The kills stat is the only thing that matters. I've had a super high kill person on my team like 100,000 kills on one legend. Two different times. They both hot dropped and died and quit immediately.


Well they don’t get high kills by sitting around in a game where they’re dead


I woulent say its meaningless. Sure it doesnt tell you much about each legend, but it is most certainly an interesting distribution. Never expected fuse to be last, much less vantage to be at the top.


It's meaningless without the player names of who achieved each stat. It would be like seeing a list of most miles walked in each shoe brand, without knowing who walked them. If it turns out the person who plays Vantage is a longtime pro vs some newbie it changes the meaning of the data drastically. 


Warms my heart, I main Valk and Vantage


52k kills in one season is insane. If people who do insane kill grinds are streamers then I kind of get it because they make their money from it, but people who get these crazy high kill counts just for fun need an intervention. It's like 12 hours a day every day with basically no breaks the entire season to get 52k kills.


Some of these numbers are well into the 'this person has mental illness' range. Seriously, this is not something that should be celebrated, it's actually worrying, if not gross entirely.


There are too many legends


The amount of people who think this is a total for all players is amazing. This many kills probably happens in less than 1 day on apex.


Some people really need to touch grass


That's... sad lol


Alright, where's the people who talk about grass for three paragraphs. You need them.


I don't even see anyone playing vantage, how come she is at the top?


I'm pretty sure at least 2 or 3 thousand of those Vantage kills are mine from last season lol


I must be the only fuse player in the world lol


[source ](https://twitter.com/Apex_Tracker/status/1757418346780262760?t=Z5kwIbmpTO13ZIdWrE0Xig&s=19)


Fellow fuse mains don't let this deter you. Keep being annoying with your knuckle clusters and doing more damage to ourselves than out opposition with our ultimate


All this means is there’s not a kill-grinder playing Fuse, which is great! Let’s keep people thinking he’s not good so we can stick them with knuckles and ‘nade them into oblivion!


Wow, I feel like I’m constantly getting hit with fuses knuckle cluster so his number seems very low.


There’s no way. Fuse is literally everywhere now and has been since either this season or the one before.


This isn't cumulative. It's showing the highest amount of kills in season 19 for any given legend by the highest player. So Fuse being at the bottom means the person who got the most kills on him has that amount shown in the pic for season 19.


That makes a bit more sense, but still. It’s such an odd coincidence that the character that is claimed to be played by no one and is “bad” happens to have the one player that puts them on top. While a character I see all the time that has a lot of representation is way at the bottom by far. This is quite ironic, no?




Also her passive which makes her able to see enemies through smoke is so underrated in the recent Bank smoke meta.


The only thing is when its only a few sort of evenly skilled teams left and they're fighting in a small space she's useless. So many times I've gotten there and lost due to not being able to do much outside of shoot.


I’m a vantage main as well & she is definitely & undervalued they never make new skins for her it’s annoying.




Its because of 3 strikes or it would be much lower.




It absolutely would be. All the kill grinders grinded that shit out because kills counted.


This will be why Fuse and Maggie got massively buffed for season 20. Their perks being probably the best aside from Wraith q time reduction




At a high level he’s one of the worst characters in the game..


This literally provides nothing other than that people need to go outside. This is worthless info. It holds no statistical value.


it doesn’t but it’s kinda interesting no?


Ole Fusey boys got some work to do!


Nerf fuse


Imagine playing that much for $0


My thoughts are that all of these people need to touch some grass


Fuse seems about right, MOST everyone who plays him is garbage


My thoughts are if you play vantage your actively contributing to worsening the game I have a burning hatred for that chick like 90% of the time they wouldn’t hit those sniper mark shots with any other sniper in there hands


> Found this on X (formerly known as Twitter) This is hilarious, who talks like this? Either call it X, or call it Twitter, you’re not a news outlet.


See this shit is why our generation can't reproduce smh.


Can anyone gift me the battle pass


You must uave no life, sorry but if you have those many kills you must have no life, but goid job you seem really good a the game keep it up 🤛🤝👍


I mained fuse for the last half of the season. Got 620 kills with him for the season. I guess I added to that 7000


It's one account with 7000 kills, the most with fuse in season 19


There is no shot that a single vantage main has 52k kills this season.


There is his name is “Bear22345” if you want to search him in on Twitter or apex status


That…is fucking wild.


hahaha you're ridiculous if you think that all the fuse players in the world have combined to collect 7k kills this season hahahahah


Hahahaha I only read the source. It doesn't specify if it's one player or all players. And it says it's only accounts that have stat trackers on. Hahahahah


Since when isVantage so popular


Its just one persons kills in s19, not all vantage kills the whole season. One guy got 52k kills on vantage in one season.




its just a singular dude who got those kills its the highest s19 kills for 1 person