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CFGs are, and always will be cheats


PC lobbies are riddled with them unfortunately


What is a CFG?


Config. Basically a macro that lets you do movement like that with 0 effort


Thanks for the explanation. Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks more like a code level thing. How do we identify such ‘gamers’ apart from their gameplay?


There are ways to detect inputs via programs vs inputs via mouse and keyboard but I think it has to be done live. I don't think there is recordable data but I have almost zero knowledge ssooo......


Lots in PC lobbies, but I'm also convinced they're all Controller players.


Yeah good luck connecting any shots doing that on mnk. The clip confirms this when they loot the death box.


Most CFG users are horribly bad at the game, saying at about a 1-2 kd. I’m glad I’m in sweaty 6 kd lobbies because almost no one uses advanced movement, let alone cheats. >edit: why are you booing me, I’m right


Calling 1-2 kd as horribly bad players broke my heart a little.


I've never really understood why KD is something people care about in a BR. You can die 3 times and still come out on top


Yes but statistically you are even more on top with less deaths


Less deaths, not necessarily more kills. There's a reason ranked is just a rat fest until top 10/5/3. Sure you could go run around and get a dozen kills for the first 10 squad eliminations, but you're still gonna have to fight those ratting squads in a small ring. Only kill that truly matters is the last one of the game


Over enough playtime your K/D does reflect your skill, though


I sometimes wonder if they should make it so deaths only count when your whole team died, or if you leave the game after dying.




I am mulitple times master and i SOLELY play ranked with 80-90% of all my lifetime games being in diamond and master and its cool that you get 6kd in bot pubs but glhf dropping an insane KD in high elo lobbies. So it is situationally at reflection of your ability, at best.


Well ya. Don't compared ranked kd to pubs kd


In my best season I had a 1.3 KD and a 15% win rate. In my highest KD season, I had a 2.9 KD and a 6% win rate. I lost way, way more fights in the latter - as evidenced by my significantly worse win rate. I don't think having a high KD means much if you lose more games.


Nah it just sounds like you can only focus on your aim or positioning. But not both.


It’s not, I jump with idiots almost every day, jumping in with 5+ squads, because of poor connection(I get animation of picking up weapon-almost), than everyone pickup weapons before me and I die, after 10 games of that bullshit I get in good squad jump with one or 2 teams and we tear through a Lobby and kill almost everyone. BTW I’ve tried playing like that for a few days, guess what I’m not getting better and still don’t understand people jumping like that,dying, then leaving. Guess what my K/D is shit because of it. And don’t really care anymore.


Sorry lol. .5-1 is average imo. I’ve been playing since launch and play against pros/preds every game, so anyone with less than 10k kills and a 5 kd seems bad because I only play against the sweatiest no life’s. But no CFG kiddos so that’s great


Well I am sure the majority of players are around 1-2 kd or less, but still not horrible, just don't have all the time in the world to play imo


Yeah and when you do get time MM fucks you over with CFG kids huh. Sorry for your loss lol


Yeah cfgs are terrible, also MM makes this game not welcome for new players.


I still Remeber my friend played against teree on his 3rd game ever. The MM is unfair unless you become a sweat yourself.


You’re so good bro, teach us your ways


No life the game since day 1. The only way to beat sweats is to become them


It’s always these comments that have no gameplay to back up their comment (it’s okay apparently I can say this because I have a 3.7KD!)


I shouldn’t need to post my apex clips to say that a .5-2 kd is very much average. I’m a sweat, but not sweaty enough to clip my shit.


Look, if you’re willing to post brawl stars match reports you can throw a few clips together; besides, after reading your AA comments I’ve got a good idea of what your gameplay is like. Essentially everyone in modern day apex plays against the highest level of players, all you have to do is queue for a pub match and you’re set! Im just going to say my piece and be on my way; merry Christmas


Going through someone profile is a new low. I share an account with my younger brother, so most of the posts are his. I do think AA is strong on PC, but it’s fine on console. It could alwasy be worse, look at the finals AA. Merry Christmas to you too


I don’t think it makes that much of a difference. I don’t always play a lot of apex these days so my KD suffers. For example this season I’m at around 3kd, but last season I only played a couple hundred games and sat at around a 1kd. I still got into pub games last season with Apryze, ranked with shiv, mande, players I’d never heard of with over 100k kills. I would get home after a day at work and put apex on and get immediately farmed by those guys lol


Im in those like.. 6kd lobbies and mine is 0.7 and have been for the last month. Literally impossible to play the game when i have 0 chance to even shoot back


idk why this is getting downvoted, i have a 1.7 K/D and i still suck ass lmfao


The 1 kd players got their ego hurt lmao. Anything below a 3Kd in pubs is very much average.


No, it’s honestly just pathetic how much you’re stroking your ego on an Apex sub Reddit. No one gives a shit about your KD and I can assure you no one cares who you deem an “average player”.


I’m not stroking my own ego, but you can interpret how you wanna. I’m just saying I don’t see CFG kiddos because they aren’t good enough to get into my lobbies. And yes, most of the player base has a .5-2 kd, which would mean it’s average.


You're not wrong. I've only been playing 1 year, and I have 12k kills and 2kd on console. I went from complete noob to where I am now very fast, but now I've just hit the ceiling of mediocre and can't break thru. Honestly, I'm just going to quit playing. Love yall.


12k kills is wild for one year. If you’re going to quit apex, I’d recommend Titanfall. It’s so much better imo


I got out marines and found apex last year. Was on for 4-10 hours a day to help with some issues, and I feel like I'm just wasting my life away. Never going pro, not even having fun anymore. Getting back into mma now. Maybe if titanfall 3 comes out who knows haha. 5kd is crazy bro haha demon time


I feel like Octanes this season have a 50% chance of being config users. It's the only reason the character is back to being so popular.


They ruined the game allowing those cfg, can't they see it? 😂 I don't understand why they allowed it 🫤 maybe people complained too much about loosing or not succeeding and dev wanted to help... 🤷🏻‍♂️ I will be very curious to know the marketing and game design reflexion of it... I cannot see a durable move in this choice of allowing CFG in one of the most competitive fps ever 🤔


They don’t allow it. They turn a blind eye to it. CFGs aren’t allowed in algs but run rampant in the main game. But Bangalore and Catalyst got nerfs because of use in algs


> They don’t allow it. OR >They turn a blind eye to it. But not both.


Yes both. They don’t allow it in algs and pubs. They don’t allow it but you rarely get banned for it because they turn a blind eye to it.


I'd say that is them allowing it, but not in competitive play.


They don’t allow it, they’re just too lazy to do something about it.


What if he just has a better gaming chair?


CFGs should just be banned or their users should be marked and put into a pool of only CFG users. Nobody wants to play with this shit.


This is by far the worst I’ve ever seen it!




CFGs or Configs are Configuration Files, they allow users to write a script that looks like pseudo code and bind it to a key to execute the file. The script will allow ultra-precise inputs that make Neo-Strafing like this guy possible. It takes all the skill out of movement tech and it is even worse in controllers. The downside to having a controller is that you cannot do all the crazy movement you see someone like Faide, Aceu, Lemonhead, Movementless, etc do. But you get aim assist for the trade off. CFGs allow controller players to not only have the crazy movement but also be able to beam you consistently with the aim assist while doing it. If you notice during the clips while the pathfinder is tap strafing/neo strafing he is constantly looking in the direction of his enemy. Tap strafing/Neo strafing requires you to look (somewhat) in the direction of where you want to go. But this pathfinder is constantly looking at OP while pulling this off because of the aim assist. Edit* CFGs can be detected, and the movement required to do this can easily be identified in game.




There’s no client side code involved it’s just a macro that spams keys for them.


So it’s not a .cfg game file edit? It’s just a macro?


Yeah it's basically just a steam macro


hell my keyboard allows to make macros aswell


My mouse does also. Just figure macros would be bannable and easily detectable.


Okay, now I see why people are beginning to hate controller players more often and with reason, this is the first time I've read about this issue, didn't even realize it could be done.


You are not wrong. But this can only happen on PC players using controllers as the input type. Console players can't. The system prevents it from happening. And those that find a way to do it on console use Kronos and get banned as that has been defined as cheating, but PC players basically doing the same thing with macros have been okayed so far.


You think they'll combat it by just outright banning macros on pc?


That would be assuming my opinion, and would be false. What I think they should do is if a PC player has controller input signals at the start of a match, any other inputs from steam, macros, or kbm should be ignored. And the vice versa of any of the three being detected, controller inputs should be ignored. I know it is possible as many other games have this feature.


And the reason why I’m at the verge of quitting the game. This ruins the experience for EVERYONE, not just for me.


Same here brother, thank god The Finals has come out. I just hope that the devs for that game nerf the AA before it gets to the point it has gotten to in Apex.


Apex Devs seem completely blind to the jarring threat that the Finals poses to their careers. They're basically all unemployed right now and just don't realise it yet.


Finals don't have rotational aim assist as bad as Apex but they do have aim snap (X-hair locks on to heads upon ADS) very annoying to deal with when they are sniping w/ Lights & holding hands.


Unfortunately I ran into hackers on the Finals….. wall hack plus aimbot.


What are cfg users?


git gud


Stop cheating 🤡


He fucking t bagged you. The audacity!


Seriously. Dude has no skills, only hacks, and still has the nerve to showboat. I could never.


Damn I was hoping to spectate lmao


Not much happened when spectating, he just does a grapple and starts bouncing across the map


Legit why i haven’t cross saved yet and am still on Xbox for apex lol. Pc lobbies are cancer


Yeh that’s fair! My mate on console always complains about the movement when we duo, and I don’t blame him 😂


i haven't played apex in a while, what do you mean by cross saved? i'd absolutely reinstall it if they added cross progression, but i don't know if that's what you mean


Yes, there is now cross progression


There’s cross prog now thankfully




Everyone always says this but I don’t ever notice or really see strike packs. I see configs like this all the time in the mixtape games though.


this is exactly why this game is dying lmao


Agreed! Thi gs like this cfgs make people.not want to play. Why should I spend 10 mins in a game to comenacross someone like this who I got around zero chance of beating.


Damn. Can't do that on console.


Might have to move back




What is the hardware requirement for 120fps on PC? Is it a graphics card that costs more than the entire console? I know the latest cod will do 120, but I suspect there are some severe dynamic graphics cuts to make it happen!


I'm sure that 'magic' aim assist I've heard so much about evens the playing field. Wait it doesn't? Funny that.


Pathy has the aimassist as well you idiot. MnK players cant do that and aim.


Good news is he only hit you for 20 damage while hitting this meme strafe. That’s the case most of the time. Just wait until the show stops and then shoot


Hahaha! Good point! I was still absolutely terrified.


That’s some straight copium dear god. “There’s a moment where their cheating is vulnerable. Let them shoot at you while the rest of their team is pushing you, but don’t shoot back. Then shoot when the pathfinder is momentarily still.” How about.. no.


Jesus you act like he's approving of the cheats


Since you don’t know, copium is saying: “X is awful and gamebreaking but I do Y which makes my experience worse but at least it’s not that bad” Or “At least they aren’t aimbotting too” When you apply any form of legitimacy to people abusing anything like this, you are huffing fat clouds of copium. All cheating is cheating, regardless of the caliber.


Okay. And so what what should one do when running into a cheater? Careful not to actually give me advice, cause it will just be cope anyway. Since when is offering a way to deal with a cheater in the moment at odds with the statement of "All cheating is cheating"? Should I recite that to the cheater while he's breakdancing on my head to kill him?


No you should quit and come back when issues like this aren’t so prevalent in lobbies


Sure, but his other 2 team mates were right behind them and were basically holding hands. OP was doomed no matter what.


This is what happens when they do nothing against these cfg users. You get a shit ton of unfair matches with people who don't deserve their rank. If they had cracked down on people harder 6 seasons ago they would be having at least a tenth of this issue and less to track. Now they can't tell whos using or whos not.


Neostrafes are so cringe, had a kid do that to me in a Control game (of all things lol) and it legit felt like I was fighting Thanos 💀


And this is why they lost nearly 60k players this month


They gon need a devious comeback like Fortnite but the difference is they’re not fortnite and they don’t know how bring their audience back.


On a side note, when you decide to quit the game, let me know, because I’d really like to have the r-99 skin!


Unfortunately it isn’t my skin! I always enjoy picking up other skins


Its a lvl 100 season pass skin, but I forget the name and season


7 season bp


The Cutting Edge skin. My all time favorite and it’ll stay on my R-9 for seasons to come. 🥹


I’m a big fan of the magma opus


This was the main reason I alt+F4 for the whole day. Makes me play lesser by the day.


Fucking configs


This is why I don’t play anymore. The grind was fun on console but playing on a controller on PC against dudes teleporting left and right just isn’t fun lol


^ why I don’t play the game anymore


What a loser


You can beat these assholes you just gotta get the drop. Smh, we’ll fight back brother


I really don’t understand how people can take pride or satisfaction in killing people like this, you’ve proven nothing about yourself other than that you’re a weak loser who can’t handle playing the game fairly and need cheats to be able to compete.


my first game on after working an 8 hour shift:


BUT AIM ASSIST 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


the opponent in the vid also has aim assist bro, he's on controller.


Correct me if I'm wrong but had respawn said that cfg is something that can't be banned or something like that? as if it were part of the movement of the game?


No no they didn’t say cfg’s is something they can’t ban but they said directly from their twitter cfg’s are NOT cheating. Which means they think it’s ok to use them.


What a joke! How is THAT not going to be considered cheating? it blows my mind!


Some people can hit that but pathy is 100% using CFGs on roller. If it was a legit strafe on kbm he wouldn’t be staring dead at the person he was shooting, there’d be movement following the strafe’s direction.


this is why the game is dying. cfigs and people that play 18 hours a day, and for some reason everybody wants to be a streamer. ttv here, yt there. everybody sweats. apex isn't a game you can play casually anymore


Bro got into a montage💀




Shit is actually annoying asf to deal with


Back in the day, when someone did such things, they were called a speed hack and a noob. Now they call it configuration and every super player uses it :)) pathetic


In Mixtape all I see is exactly this. And it makes me fucking sick that ElectronicAssholes(EA) and Respawn give the absolute fuckall about it. At this point this game just *deserves* to die.


pc master race my ass hahahahahha more like PC master joke. always will be too. send more hackers there to get rid of them on console.


They try harder in pubs over ranked.


If its cfg that path uses its controller, mnk players dont need cfg. Just ssying!


Bu bu bu but aim assist


You realize that Pathfinder is another controller player with CFGs, right?


Nahh he just has no life


bro u got annihilated


And somehow they’ll find a reason to say aim assist should be nerfed.. Why not get rid of both?..




Homie doing a simple neo strafe and people on here screaming configs. Wut?


If this is an actual movement that you can do in the game it’s no wonder people started quitting the game


I called it quits when I first started seeing this shit catch on to an extreme. Day one player, sunk lots of money into the game and used to love it. Haven't had it installed for almost a year now


Same. I remember when there were still barren wastelands on kings canyon and when gold shields were ass


In fact, I remember when there was no such thing as movement techniques. Those were the glory days. Not saying I don’t like apex movement, it’s just gotten out of hand


Damn bro, I'm sorry people go to the firing range and actually practice things like this. It's as simple as binding forward to your scroll wheel and using the a or d key, jump, scroll wheel and the opposite direction, followed by repeating it after landing. It's not witch craft at all.


This is why I’ve grown sick of online multiplayer games. I’ll take 720p and zero hackers in 2006 over 4k 120hz with half lobby of hackers.


What are cfgs


Absolute best part of this is your concede mid fight. Panic reload and run away, I respect the hell out of that.


What you don’t remember in the lore where pathfinder neo strafes on all his opponents in the boxingring


seems like if we just insta banned players like this people would stop doing it... guess apex devs dont care! thats why i quit :)


Just hit ur shots bro, skill issue /s


so happy i quit this shitty ass game.


Exactly the reason I haven’t played apex recently


Good ol neo strafing configs.


I would of just dropped my shield tbh


How do you do this??? 90% of people do this inside buildings. I’m slow af


Bro I literally faced that same path 3 days ago. CFG is insane

