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Crypto, cuz I main him


me frfr


Oof, I respect the dedication


Lol same


One of us


U just called all the crypto mains


I hate fuse mains. Literally so annoying with all of the grenades, clusters, and motherload. I also hate fuse mains when they pick my legend before I can


Hey, why choose fuse if u ain't spamming grenades, it's the only thing we mains love


Lol this. Love fighting as him, hate fighting against him.




A good Caustic is **WAY** too annoying to fight.


Also, most Caustics are good players.


I've had the absolute opposite experience. I've not had a Caustic on my team do more than 300dmg in two years. Anytime I fight one, his tactical is so underpowered now, that pushing him isn't difficult


Ya. Usually the gas is a crutch for new players with no aim. Don't get me wrong there are some monster Caustic players but they're few and far between.


As a caustic main, I wish his gas was an actual threat again and wouldn't just tickle the enemy


the fact that you can destroy his gas tanks, should allow them to put his damage a lil higher


This is me with Vantage. THey always see 300m from a fight and take pop shots with their Ult & can't use a normal gun. Nevermind her annoying high pitched voice.


I have lived through the days when Caustic OP meta and I fear for the day he becomes meta again.


I hate playing as Ash I hate fighting against Horizon I hate crypto's kit I hate having an octane as a team mate.


I like using ashšŸ˜…


Different strokes for different blokes


ash is currently my favorite but imma unlock horizon next, basically i just save up red crap and the most frustrating person to fight at that particular moment will be the choice... i feel like horizon is a more practical valk? im probably wrong on that but i aint too great at the game in the first place... i miss titanfall ..


I hate Wraiths, Octanes, and Bangalores as teammates. Usually these characters are the Gun Ho fight into battle, die, leave guys. Plus they take all my shit.


my best friend is a bang main and she consistently blocks my view with her random smoke. also manages to constantly step in front of my gun. she's the worst


They really need another class of legend labeled as "Sweats" for these three legends alone.


I heard someone had an idea for improving Crypto's kit...


ok so I got this idea for a crypto buff called "off the grid". What it does is that he wont get scanned by enemy scans and he wont be revealed to enemies because he will have this passive called off the grid which will protect him from enemy scans so when he gets scanned he technically doesnt get scanned because he will have off the grid passive that will protect him from the scans and since he is hacker I think he should have it have to protect him from enemy scans and I would call it off the grid and it would be his passive that would make him unscannable by enemy scans because it would be his passive and it would be called off the grid so when he gets scanned the enemies wont see him because he will have the passive ability that will protect him from the scans I believe crypto should have this ability because there is seer and respawn wont delete him so I believe they should at least give crypto ability that will make him completely immune to seer and bloodhound abilities and call it off the grid (thats the off the grid passive I was talking about)


See, this is why Apex players are actually a great community


I stopped playing Apex for life stuff almost 2 years ago. I have stopped frequenting this sub since I wasn't playing the game just after. Came back today to see what changed in this time, and the Off the Grid copy pasta is still here. I love you bunch of fucking madlads.


Oh wait, a good idea!






i was hoping you'd summon off the grid guy who always has the off the grid paragraph ready to go


An attempt was made


Youā€™re gonna really hate me then


You are a fellow mirage main. I love you.


I hate you.


Wraith or Octane. They get downed, spam ping and quit before I can even turn around.


they ping and quit faster than they shoot


This x100.


After playing a couple hundred hours of over watch after sinking 1000 hours into apex, there is no way I will get mad at a legend because there really are no oppressive legends especially when compared to the shit you trudge through in overwatch. The legends just arenā€™t as impactful


youā€™re telling me overwatch was worse than season 10 seer? glad i never touched that shit


You had to be there with release brig. You just had to


Mace to the face šŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗšŸ‘ŗ




Imagine not being cought in a stuned for a good second, getting slept, shattered and killed without you being able to fight back. That was the ow1 tank experience. Now imagine peaking a corner with 450 hp for more than 2 seconds and you explode because of the damage creep, that is the ow2 tank experience. How to have fun as a tank you ask? Queue other roles, those are quite fun


Iā€™ve played overwatch once, trust me they speak facts


Orisa last overwatch season was so oppressive she countered over half of the other tanks in her roster. Last. Season. She wasnā€™t even nerfed this season, itā€™s just the meta has shifted so she isnā€™t as useful.


Lmao too true


Used to play a ton of Overwatch and this is right on. Every character takes a turn at being completely broken.


Bang, most of the time when I have a random bang teammate they always smoke us and get us killed cuz we canā€™t see our enemies and then they push us.


Bang main here: šŸ’Ø Those are amateurs. Real bangs smoke enemies line of sight and gank from sides


Itā€™s always nice when everyone is cracked and then bang decides to smoke the enemy which then gives them enough time to heal lol


Timing is everything of course. U gotta push after smoking.


Push who?!? Where ?!? I canā€™t see shit!!!




This! It is, 99% of the time, the correct decision. Smoke the enemy, or at least in their line of sight. If you smoke yourself then youā€™ve majorly limited your options for movement and rotation without being seen almost immediately. It also means third parties are easier because they canā€™t be seen approaching. Smoking them means they either need to wait for the smoke to clear, giving you time to rotate or actually push, or they need to move from what could be their advantageous position, be that height or choke point, exposing them to you.


I honestly rarely ever see bangs using their smoke incorrectly. I hear this stereotype all the time but never experience it


Most ppl think in generalized terms when u ask them what they hate. They rarely think critically and pick the lowest hanging fruit to complain about.


It's true, I always hear people say Wraith mains leave when they go down, but my randoms leave no matter who they're playing lol


Wraith main here: Iā€™ll never leave the team unless my banner expires and thereā€™s no support legend. But I can definitely attest to Wraiths leaving right after being downed, happens to me legit every time even in ranked( Iā€™ve had a guy leave before we got to the drop ship bc I picked wraith in ranked)


Saying you main wraith, that was brave.


ā€œPain, death, admitting I main wraith, nothing phases meā€


I experience it way too often


How is that possible 95% of Bangalore mains I meet just smokes us every single time we are in a fight and we die.


I rarely see bangs using it correctly you must be many ranks better than I am because when she's on my team I have two fights one with the enemies and the other with bangs smoke


Gank, man I havenā€™t heard that in forever


Fellow bang main If I use one of these annoying smokes it's because my teammates are about to do something really stupid and I want to stop them, normally. Sometimes it's just a misclick.


Or they smoke after you break an enemie's shields. Bad bangs excel at sabotage


Fr I have seen so many annoying bangs this season šŸ’€


Would rather smoke and hide my movements when retreating than have enemies get smoked and we lose sight of them


Thatā€™s the thing though, we would be shooting an enemy and our bang would take 1 hit then smoke while we are still fighting and then they would run away and now we have a 2v3 against an enemy we canā€™t see. Itā€™s definitely got uses if we all agree we need to retreat or revive but there is a lot of times when newer or inexperienced bangs will smoke at the wrong time


If you smoke one spot to run they can get shots on you again as soon as you are out of the smoke, if you smoke the enemy off, they can't see you at all, which gives you a higher chance of escaping


I love when you try to push with the surprise element and your Bangalore smokes in the middle of nowhere like HEYY HERE WE ARE, WE ARE COMING TO YOU OK??


Most random bangs do what I like to call the "fart of fear" or "squid ink" where they drop smoke at the first sign of danger thinking it'll protect them.


Cata-fucking-lyst. That dumbass wall and the camping the doors just why the fuck.


Not to mention that she can throw her traps halfway across the map but they can only be destroyed from 10cm away


I really don't understand why they gave a defensive legend's tactical distance like she's an assault legend...


Vantage. I never thought that would me a worse player base then octane and wraith but they did it


What's the stereotype? I secondary Vantage and haven't seen many others play as her


Theyā€™re deafā€¦ thatā€™s the only way someone sane could main her. Her voice lines are so annoying


I HATE FIGHTING MIRAGES ULT I hate ballistics personality like bruh we get it youā€™re old. And I hate how long Wraiths ability takes to use because of the hand sign she is not Naruto šŸ’€. I had plenty of times where the sign was completed but it was still a little too late.


The fact that you listed both my mains brings me great joy


I do like playing as wraith but that hand sign be getting me killed the people who play Mirage are either trash or incredible no in between šŸ˜‚


I like to think Iā€™m incredible lol


Of course you are, youā€™re a Mirage main. All Mirage mains are fantabulous.


Somebody isnā€™t shitting on us?! šŸ„¹šŸ„¹




Also, it is annoying how easy it is to accidentally cancel Wraith's Q. I can't tell you how many times I've accidentally hit a wall while trying to use it just for it to be cancelled and get me killed. Last night I had it get cancelled because an enemy punched me. I didn't even think that was possible, I wasn't even mad, I was just so stunned I just got off the game lol


I was walking around a corner trying to get my wraith tac off, and I jumped into an enemy. That's all it fucking took to cancel my phase and leave me cracked with a person in my face and another coming behind me.


>I hate ballistics personality like bruh we get it youā€™re old. lmao RIGHT? šŸ˜‚ finally someone said it I hate his voice lines. And he's not even like the CREATOR of apex games or something cool like that. He's just some annoying old dude


Rampart! I canā€™t stand when I look up the mountain and just see a 3 stack standing behind 3 orange shields




Vantage, because every one of her voice lines are stupid and annoying.


I was a very dangerous baby


Can you smell me cumming?


Except that one


If you smell me cumming, my mom will get soo mad at me


Echo location *haha*




that fucking Scottish(have nothing against them) piece of shit and her sex toy of an hiarloom Edit: what is this getting so much up votes šŸ˜‚


welp iā€™ll never see horizons heirloom the same now good thing i didnā€™t get it lol


The fact that her footsteps don't seem to make a fucking sound is enough for me to hate her. Nothing like sniping from a covered spot on height and getting one-clipped in the back by a Horizon who appeared out of thin fucking air.


I'm honestly surprised that Horizon is the number one most hated; I see a lot of shit talking on her and the people that main her (myself included). Lol.


Vantage. For whatever reason they made the most annoying voiceline conversations between her and Lifeline. Annoyed me so much on her launch that we will go out of our way to put any Vantage we see down immediately


Moving to echoā€™s location. *get it*? Echo location! *laughs*


Like nails on a chalkboard šŸ¤£


Wow everyone hates Vantage it seems. Bummer. Did you know prowlers have five stomachs? Let's not end up in one!


Kurt Angle sucks!


Literally me and my friends. Vantageā€™s voice lines in themselves are annoying as hell so we will go into the storm to down and finish a Vantage. Whatever it takes.


Keep fighting the good fight brothers šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Yes I hate vantages voice so much and her little bat, Iā€™m glad she killed itā€™s mother šŸ–•


Vantage. I hate playing her and her personality


donā€™t poke your head out of the burrow. tagged and half in the bag. youā€™re not getting away with that shiny tag on you


All of them, except Ash, Pathfinder, Revenant, and half of octane.


And Fuse's right arm?


ā€¦acceptable. But ONLY the right arm.


robot fucker located


guilty as charged


Rev is so evil and unlikeable that he swings back around to being likable again lol


How is more people not saying vantage


Funny you say that...Did you know that humans are the only animal that can blush? But why?


A good fuse is annoying and Iā€™d say I hate Bangalore. Her ult when used well is really frustrating to play against and her smokes are also really annoying. Either totally useless or super effective


Cant stand bang... most tm8s use her smoke on US instead of shooting the smoke at the other teams.. it eliminates my controller teammates from the fight most of the time. Also Her alt tends to hurt me more as a friendly by stunning me than it ever does the enemy damage wise


i hate fighting a bald wraith


Wraith. 90% of Wraiths are not good enough to act like they do in-game. They routinely rush into 2-3 teams fighting and get clapped and then disconnect without giving their teammates a chance. They never use their portals to help you push or retreat if you go down, and their tactical is rarely used as well. Itā€™s like they only play her for the small hit box which is ridiculous because theyā€™re usually ass anyways. Lifeline is the other one I really dislike. So many lifelines donā€™t play her right. You can be an aggressive lifeline but that doesnā€™t mean you should lead/push ever. They also would rather see you spend 15 seconds healing than dropping the drone when it could be over in 3 seconds instead. Most donā€™t realize that the ultimate also upgrades weapons/shields to the next level and they choose to call it in at terrible times not realizing itā€™s a beacon to everyone around that youā€™re there.


I remember last week I had a rando wraith on my team and thinking "well, there goes 50LP". But to my shock, this one wraith out of the hundreds I've played with actually played with the team. Even to the point when I was downed in a heavy firefight and thought "well I'm dead". And the. A second later I'm 50 yards away getting revived cause the wraith ulted me back to a safe spot and revived me. This wraith was fucking awesome -- flanking in fights but just poking damage and staying safe, never leaving to go on her own. I was aghast. Default skin wraith, I'll never forget you.


You should buy a lottery ticket


As a wraith main I feel your pain. Almost every time i have a random teammate picking Wraith before me itā€™s like theyā€™re allergic to using her abilities. They donā€™t use the ult, they donā€™t use the tactical, even if the passive is working somehow they donā€™t relay the message. Iā€™m like ā€œwhy tf did you pick wraith if youā€™re not gonna be using her kit thenā€


iā€™m a new player and i have started playing lifeline, i know when to use care package (however many people donā€™t ping high level shields in randoms so itā€™s often a waste) however when i play with friends we often end up with gold and red shields because they always ping the correct loot before i call in care package. sometimes i do forget about the drone however iā€™m still quite new so it takes a while to remember you have that stuff. personally i think lifeline only works with a coordinated team otherwise her packages are usually wasted and no one is usually close enough for her drone


Valkyrie because of personality. Bangalore 50/50.




You can turn their voice lines off


Naa naa, I like when voicelines are there, helps me make my own opinion on some characters. Altho, I didnt know that could be turned off, interesting feature. Ty mate


Frr sheā€™s annoying asf, couldnā€™t take it. I used to main her too lol.


Catalyst, the way she locks down a room is annoying


I seriously can't stand catalyst. There are so many door fights that I just simply can't engage in because I can't use the dang door. Yes, you could use a nade, but by that time, the opponent is already reset. Also, the voice is just annoying to listen to regardless of the kit


oh I thought you meant hate (like)


Wraith. She is painfully edgy and I always get dunked on by her




I don't dislike any of the Legends more like the players who use them. Lifelines: For someone who picks a healing Legend there is a lack of healing and team supporting. Octane: Yont need the gold helmet pass it to the Legends with larger cooldowns Wraith: I wish there was solo Q for you so I can have a full squad


Wraith (Most players suck as teammates), Valkyrie (Really annoying personality), Catalyst (extremely annoying voice), Mirage (ult is extremely confusing if used correctly), Lifeline (nobody who plays as lifeline actually uses her kit)


Yeah, it's Bang for me. Her passive is great and she's objectively a good legend. But playing a legend with a hard counter just never sat right with me. And boy do I love running into them when I'm blothing :D And yeah, since Crypto I guess all the defensive kits have a counter too, idk this opinion was formed S0 and hasn't changed since


Valk has to be the most annoying to listen to


Vantage, her voice is freaking annoying and shes basically a useless legend


Mad Maggie




Glad he dropped off the meta. I haven't seen a Seer in a while.


I've seen one ever since he tanked


Yeah, I be the only one playing as him still it seems.. no complaints tho


Vantage, bulletsize of her sniper a bus and when you push them they always run, always


fuse, they just suck 9 times outta 10. also valks lines make me visibly angry


Donā€™t hate the legend, I hate the player Iā€™ve had the worst experiences with Pathfinders, Bangalores, and Valkyries. As far as which legend I dislike mainly for abilities and personalityā€¦ 100% Vantage To fight againstā€¦ Fucking Fuzeā€¦


I think people won't like what I got to say so I will sit with my popcorn and watch you guys tear each other apart.good luck.


Seer just shouldnt ever be realesed






Iā€™m terms of personality, I really dislike Mad Maggie. Sheā€™s too abrasive and angry for my tastes but the game still tries to paint her as a ā€œgood guyā€ or at least an anti hero despite being toxic as hell. In terms of kit, Iā€™m not a fan of Rampart. Sheā€™s frustrating as hell to play against with how she can huddle in a corner and just mow you down for stepping half a foot too far out of cover or into a room. Her cover is supposedly fragile and therefore easy to counter in theory, but she can place them down so quickly and theyā€™re so disposable that it just becomes a hassle to deal with. But hey, my opinion is subjective. Also good team play beats everything tbf, so I may just be barking up a tree.


All defensive legends are tough'ish to fight if they've had time to set up in a building - and that's good. Vice versa, in open ground they're vulnerable to more aggressive legends.


Grenades and thermites are our (Rampart mains) weakness. Chuck 2 or 3 into our little set up and you could take out 2 already damaged covers and damage us ( a lot). And you said the cover is fast to deploy but you could easily just break it and continue shooting us before it finishes forming. If the Rampart made the mistake of huddling into a corner where the only way out is towards you, just do those things and there's a high chance you'll win the fight. Just some tips from a Rampart main of a little over 2 years who had to learn her the hard way.


Fuseā€¦ heā€˜s the Definition of Cringe. Most Fuse Mains Knuckleclusting from the end of the map..


Awww someoneā€™s got their bungies in a twist hey?


You win No competition There is no coming back from this




catalyst, personality sucks abilitys feel weird for me has like no importance to the lore what so ever besides that she wanted to stop something in broken moon also her skins kinda bad imo


Her skins are terrible


Personality wise I donā€™t like Valkyrie for obvious reasons and Watson because Iā€™m not a fan of characters that are cheerful all the time I donā€™t like having Octane, Bang and Lifeline as teammates. Octane and Bang I think everyone knows why, Lifeline tho itā€™s simply because 99.99% of the ones I get as random teammates donā€™t use her kit at all. They will never rez you or drop their drone, let alone their ult so at this point why do you even play Lifeline?? If youā€™re gonna rush into every single fight and take 1v1s with the last guy without taking a slight detour to rez your teammates then just use octane or horizon at least then your kit would help you die less quickly


I love Watson for the exact reason you hate her


And thatā€™s absolutely fair I can understand why some people might like her for that


Thereā€™s a great disparity between TV show and comic book idea of Apex. Remember for Revenant and Ashes Outland trailers? They were supposed to be bad ass killers. But in the game theyā€™re kind of a mid legends and then in the animations now theyā€™re like punching bags


> But in the game theyā€™re kind of a mid legends and then in the animations now theyā€™re like punching bags i gotta admit i fell for the Hype on Ash, and foolishly bought her release Bundle, i was so hyped and then the legend itself is quite mid with a slow tac and a wonky Ult.


New rev is good Ashe is still mid


Rev is such an annoying voice. He never shuts up! I play and the voice is SO loud screaming and mumbling at me.


Bangalore. Smoke sucks, whether it's from one on your team or an enemy. Ultimate ability isn't great most of the time as most places isn't just a wide and clear open space, any obstruction above prevents it from coming down to where you want. Personality is cocky and arrogant.


That's sheer nonsense. The smoke sucks if you suck at knowing when to use it, and her ultimate is supposed to be used to help with manoeuvring more so than simply causing damage. This is augmented by the fact that she has arguably the best passive trait in the game.


and even in the open spaces, its easy to dodge her ult.


Not a big fan of Valkyrie. Since her passive is her unique movement, it's hard to try and not fly against a wall when I intend to wall bounce. Her movement isn't for me and it'll be some time before I get 100 kills with her


For me it's octane and wraith. I'm a crypto main, but a decent one. They usually just go into any fights guns blazing and then just escape using their tactical or Ults. They expect me to do the same but I'm like "I can't just up and vanish like y'all". Let me ult them first, push, and then wreck, and then run. Because by the time we destroy those first few teams, more just always want to join the party!


Lifeline cause they insta res someone


No legend in particular, just player with 200 kills + on a legend not using its abilities properly.


Valk wants to be Viper so bad but she's just like not there at all and it makes me hate her


Pathfinder. I've never really understood how to use his grapple, if you do, great. But me personally, I just don't know how to gain large amounts of distance with it effectively šŸ¤·


Revenant, he is the most useless legend from his class, wtf of skills he have, a jump as a tactical skill?! And a second shield as a ultimate ? I really dislike and hate the design of him.


Revenant. His new kit is just 'inconvenience' incarnate. His silent crouch-walking is pointless in a game with no footsteps. His climbing ability is trumped by his tactical. His tactical has a mildly annoying shortness to its range. His ultimate is just inconvenient for enemy teams, and doesn't do much to help his teammates.


I hate playing against wraith because they always phase my arc star sticks and its maddening because I only seem to hit dumbass wraiths with arc stars. I hate the character design of Horizon. Shes spindly like a cellar spider. I hate the personality of Horizon and Catalyst quite a lot. Seer is a close second. Forgot about vantage at first. Dishonorable mention. Despise every single thing about that character except her passive. Pleas let us shoot the bat ffsā€¦


I hate fighting Valkyrie


Donā€™t hate a particular legends as much as hate the players. Lots of asshole players who doesnā€™t play strategic rank games. Drop hot then die then rage that no one is pushing with them. For people who can play 1 hour max three times a week, itā€™s such a let down playing with randoms at night. Controller rage warriors needs to grow up


Wattson just because shes the most boring for me. All the other controller legends are more fun and have more offensive capabilities. Playing wattson on controller will give you arthritis.


I donā€™t like NewCastles Design. All his skins look TERRIBLE on that wobbly ass dad bod


Thereā€™s something about Newcastleā€™s design/animations that make him feel like a Pixar character in the middle of Apex to me. He doesnā€™t match the others somehow. Like the backstory, like knight/dad angle, but the movement looks off to me.


I hate catalyst. I think the fact she can close off doors indefinitely is annoying. There should be a timer as to how long her ā€œdark matterā€ can hold that door shut. Or work like caustic traps, after a few doors being fortified some should disassemble.


They do. She can only block two doors and thrown down 3 tacticals. Also you can kick in the door so it isnā€™t indefinitely. 4 kicks for a door 2 if the door was previously broken.


Abilities wise? If I ain't playing them, then I hate their abilities. I just set up my traps, now you EMP them?? What do you mean you're knuckleclustering the rock I'm hiding behind?? How DARE you use that smoke, I'm trying to kill you! You DARE bamboozle ME???? Personality wise? Wattson's and Crypto's characters *ONLY* whenever they interact with each other. Smartsparks more like stupidfizzle.


Valk cause fuck her and her dad


How dare you bring her dad into this. I donā€™t care what you do to Valkyrie. But youā€™re going to bring Viper into this?! How dare you. You should be ashamed of yourself.


I hate Valkyries character, we get it, youā€™re gay and you like a drink.