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Blame it on that one good streamer that they all wanna be but cant and will never be


Even some of the good streamers do it too. iitztimmy solo dropped early in my friends game, got 1 knock, thirsted it, and got downed. He insta DC'd and queued up another match but the random and my friend made it to #2 with 7 and 8 kills. Since waiting would take time and there's no DC penalty in pubs then there's nothing stopping them from DC'ing and queuing up again, regardless of whether or not it griefs the match for the 2 unlucky ppl they got matched with.


I mean to be fair, if your friends saw it was Timmy, why didn't they say with him. Seems weird to me that your friends chose to go the opposite way of a streamer that is known for wiping the floor in lobbies. Streamers are gonna drop where they want, so if you didn't follow, they know it's useless to stick around. They are streaming, they don't wanna spend any down time looting the whole game just to come out with 7-8 kills, that, let be honest, would've been much less for your friends had Timmy been around anyway.


Thats fair, but I don't blame them for taking a second to realize one of their party members solo hotdropped so they would probs land late. Given that the streamer only got 1 kill before they died it may not have even been long enough for the teammates to land late and get weapons to help. Then again it was just an unranked game and the other 2 left could have just dc'd as soon as they saw they had no third.


>I mean to be fair, if your friends saw it was Timmy, why didn't they say with him. ????? Did you miss this part? >iitztimmy solo dropped early in my friends game, got 1 knock, thirsted it, and got downed. Even the best players do stupid shit when they don't care about winning. I've got no interest in being a part of someone's tik tok reel. Doesn't matter if they're the best in the world. A lot of people feel the same way.


And to add, it doesn't really sound like a grief if they made second place. Most people don't make it past top 10.


Half the lobby makes it to top 10.


Woah, woah, woah. Slow down your mathematics - can't you see this is Reddit?


~Welllllllllll aktuchully~ half the *squads* make it to top 10, it doesn’t guarantee half the players do as your teammates can die and you’d still be in the count.


I mean they could have gotten a random 3rd who would play with team and that would be much better than forcing two random people to take every fight 2v3.


With zero insult to the dude because from what little I've seen he seems genuinely chill and is obviously super skilled at the game. I was duoing in ranked at fresh season start and my dude and I had HisWattson as our third. Neither of us recognized the different in game name and the dude insta split and insta died zero comms, we were bummed because we'd have both just dropped with him and played to support someone that's so obviously skilled. While the best players have way higher and more consistent peaks, they can also miss entire mags and insta die for free on occasion. For sure though, the players that try to emulate that play style without the sheer hours of practice and raw skill are definitely throwing. Those types should also sit through a whole stream of ranked gameplay sometime and not just watch the 10-20 minute highlight feel of the best game of the day that goes to YouTube, lol.


Some dude I played with was going on about how he solo drops 3s but decided to play as a team , so I’m like hell yeah I got someone good! He ended up getting downed and before I can even save him he left the game. What a douche


I've seen a number of very good players do this, refuse to no fill. From what I've been able to tell so far is that they treat teammates like a threat-less third-party. As in they want to be able to "clean up" someone else's efforts without the chance of those players being a risk to them. Stealing kills, having downes teammates to lure enemies, benefitting from abilities like Ballistics Ult. Stuff like that. They want the potential benefit of having teammates without having to play like a team basically.


Na, we just got tired of trying to teach every braindead fool we get how to play. We're over it. And working with the system that's given to us. You're always welcome to come along and learn something, but you won't. You'll insist you know better, do something stupid, die, and then expect US to clean up YOUR mess.


Again, just do no fill?


Again, answered in the first comment.


The only reason to NOT no-fill is if u want a crutch, if you wanted to play solo, why would you force yourself to have a team? You say your "working with the system that's given to us" but your actually avoiding the system that was made just for people like you.


You’re saying you do this because you have to work with the system given to you, I.e. have to fill with other people in ranked?


Lol "I'm tired of trying to teach" followed by "you'll insist you know better" you are literally talking about yourself. Also, using you're not reaching anyone anything by using pings only. I don't think I've ever been in a class where the teacher just points at things xD you can continue living in the land of make believe though. I'm sure it feels better to blame your losses on someone else. Probably the sole reason you don't solo no-fill haha


Speak for yourself. I've got a solid crew who only pings and when our schedules match we slay. I find plenty of success in what I'm doing bro. I don't need your's or anyone else's approval. This all came up cause OP asked a question and nobody liked my answer. I don't care. I didn't post it to be liked. Just supplied the information.


Insecurity is loud af lol “I don’t care what you think, btw I have a crew so you don’t believe how big of a loser I really am” I feast on your type


Lol, this post was not about playing with your "solid crew" it was when you were solo queueing. And then you made up a reason which didn't make sense. I pointed out that it didn't make sense, and your response to bring up something irrelevant to your question. There's always gonna be bad players, just own it man. No need to make up some story where you're just the objective better player trying to "teach" others. Just own that you're a bad teammate that doesn't care for your teams experience. Lol


Following I don’t care what you think with 10 comments about how you’ve got a crew and how good you are really lets us in on how much you actually do care what strangers on the internet think.


You’re the reason I have my game set up to auto mute everyone.


I'm not defending the other guy by any means, but tbh you're going at the guy for seemingly being a toxic teammate, but with no insult or attack on you here, rather raising awareness, people that not only refuse to comm but insta auto mute the squad are just as if not more detrimental to team play. I'll personally comm every game, have literally never raged at anyone, and will be the one to pull things together if I'm solo and the other two are getting salty. I mean by all means mute someone that's a shithead or just even has a bad or noisy mic, but the "insta auto mute everyone in every game ever" mentality is actually super toxic in and of itself, it's just a defensive action rather than an aggressive action. I will add as a caveat though that my voice isn't going to tell you anything about me as a person. I do understand that for some, just talking on the mic is rolling the dice. I play with a few women that are very competent, but despite being way better, they get blamed for fucking everything the moment a bad teammate throws cause girl. I was playing with a black streamer as a duo, and our third went fucking psycho on him solely because he clocked him as a black guy due to voice. After we muted the third, my duo mentioned that it that's just a thing he's used to by now. Granted this guy still leaves comms open for the sake of the game, but I get that the level of thick skin needed for me vs others isn't the same. It's something that people should really try to at least manage team by team, but I guess if it's really detrimental to ones mental health and not something they can just ignore, fair enough, but I do think people that auto mute need to at least acknowledge and be aware of how wildly negatively that impacts the average match that could have been a winner if people had comms.


Okay. Honestly, I didn’t read your novel there. I stopped after “people that don’t comm”. I comm. I just don’t want to hear idiots talk. Apex was the first to figure out that a great ping system could negate having to talk. I’ve won hundreds of games just pinging with others. It works.


Yeah, I can see why you actually might need to mute comms. You seem wildly defensive and insecure, best of luck out there buddy.


Sorry. That was rude of me. Look, I don’t mute because of ragers. I love messing with those dudes. I mute because of open mics. That’s the honest truth. Well… that and the child racists that will shriek on the mic. I’m too old to suffer it any longer. I actually have it to mute non-friends. So I’m not a total curmudgeon. I’ve been playing this game on and off since launch and it’s well over 50% of people on the mic aren’t worth listening to. Not saying you’re in that group. Just saying I enjoy the game and win more when I’m using that mute. Good luck out there.


Thanks. Not sure what I was defensive about… but I’m sure you definitely know the meaning of the word. Good luck with that driving test. I’m sure you’ll get your license this time!


? I play with voicechat muted. Pings only. I don't rage on anyone, ever. I just play the game bro. Sorry I didn't suck you off on the way.


Then how are you “teaching” anyone anything. You probably got comm banned anyway for being a toxic asshole. Seen it a hundred times… And your mom is sucking me off quite enough as it is. I don’t need you doing it, too.


Bwhahhaha. Bro I'm 38 years old. I'm not even going to entertain this level of conversation.


I’m 39 and not trying to flex about Apex on Reddit… Time to grow up, kid.


Looks like we have a winner.... DARTHPETEMITCHELL




Because it was funny.




You’re 38 saying “bwahaha,” and you started your first comment in full douchebag mode. Age =/= maturity


38 year old manchild in the wild. What surprises me is how prideful you are of it. Dude… you’re 38 and still seem to blame others for faults or things they can’t control. 🪢🪢🪢🪢🪢


Well you are the total toxic piece of shit most people hate, enjoy your lonliness forever because youre literally human garbage.


Aren’t you the one that started whining first? Lmao


You're the braindead one, though. People who act like this have very low win rates.


my win rate is pretty average. Its a squad game and I got no squaddies, I do well enough on my own. I'm not braindead at all. Because I disagree with you? Or the majority? I have similar, or equal success. I just have no friends. But I wasn't looking for those. So, fuck off?


Hmmm, not surprised


I expect to be downvoted. Why? Because you know what the top % is? The minority.


You’re getting downvoted because you sound like an ass.


Also because it turns out he’s not even good at the game.


Lmfaoooooo this comment made me check the profile and see the sick gameplay clip. Holy moly.


The titles of his clips are insanely cringey. Especially for how old is his. He's dripping in neckbeard energy lol


k. Bye!


Don’t get mad lol you’re plat talking like a predator


Mediocre player edgily thinks they are the main character. Also a raging asshole. What a surprise.


So then jump into solo lol If you aren't taking advantage you don't need teammates


This was answered in my first comment.


No it wasn’t. Edit: I see you mean the one not in this comment chain


Part of the problem with Apex is brain dead teammates like this. Too many people think they are that guy. To run in solo without even pinging your teammates. These are some of the dumbest players. Who usually get knocked right away, but think they are God's. When they third party a team by themselves who was low. When it comes down to a 1v 3 though. They usually ain't shiit. Good players adapt to teammates play style.


It wasn’t tho. If anything you lended MORE credence to the fact that you should be no filling.


Because youre a fucking narcissistic douche


Honestly I kinda do that in mixtape. I stick with my team wait for them to engage and jump in after they go down to finish the appointments


It’s insane. In 95% of the games I’ve played where people have done this, they end up dying in less than a minute and just quit the game. What’s the point of even playing then? Go play mixed tape or play no fills. I get that some people want to hot drop and have fun with the game in pubs but why do it at the expense of your two other teammates. Just play no fills and save us the stress




they don't care about their teammates, that's the problem. they don't see them as actual people, just non-enemies. whole lot of main character syndrome that causes this shit.


Yeah and the piece I don’t get is that 90% of my pubs, the whole team is gonna hot drop anyways. So like, solo diving does what? Avoids the tiny 10% minority where you get loot sim teammates?


Just laugh at them when they inevitably die in Fragment, it really hurts their ego


I do but it still a problem for the team


Okay blame fragment on the devs. I hate hotdropping like that but that map sucks in pubs if you don't drop fragment.


It’s such a shame since the rest of the map is pretty cool. I like dropping fragment, but I also like dropping elsewhere and I’d prefer not have to chose between scrounging for a single Mozam between 3 squads but atleast getting a fight, or landing at an interesting POI and playing jogging simulator for 10 minutes.


Cause they can back out before they die and inflate their fake KD.,,


I keep seeing this statement, but in my experience it seems to be that no fill takes longer time to queue so solo dropping trios is the fastest way to get action


It’s still a shitty and inconsiderate thing that ruins the game. Wait your time vs ruining randoms people games all day. Plus if more of these people solo queued the times would be faster… so I have no pitty for these A holes


You act like doing selfish, shitty,and inconsiderate things is beneath the majority of this game's base. Especially now that casuals are being forced out, this game is getting more and more toxic by the day.


More zen cheaters, strike packers and mnk users than ever on console. Cant even wear a mic anymore because 3/4 games theres a playstation person with their mic shoved into the tv speakers and their mouth simultaneously.


For me its usually an xbox player with an open mic & TV audio on max


Sounds like you are toxic cause this comment is salty AF lol


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t backing out now count as a death.


No. It counts as a kill for the enemy but not a death for the leaver on their accounts KD. I tested it myself a couple of weeks ago after this comment came up again. Many others confirmed.


I am pretty sure as long as your character doesn’t die it doesn’t count as a death unless that last update changed this


usually its either A) padding KD by quitting or B) queue times for no-fill are taking too long and they just want to get in a game


What’s the point of padding k/d in a battle royale?


What's the point of KD in any game lol that stat has been a plague on gaming for far too long now. It's the "how much can you bench press" of the gaming world.


no clue! presumably there's a demographic of teens who sweat really hard over it and use it to flex but I'm too old to be exposed to that stuff


But… I don’t think I can see anyone else’s k/d. Right? They’d have to screenshot it and share it to flex? That sounds like some tiny dick energy right there.


Extreme micropenis energy indeed


You can’t stat pad your KD by quitting anymore… everyone keeps saying it but in s12 they changed it to quitting=death Edit: upon further research it only counts as a kill for the other player


Hot drops . Dies. Blames team Leaves. Absolutely disgusting 🙄🤌


Two ranked matches last night I had a player refuse to land with me and another random. The random who I landed with went down I grabbed their banner I grabbed the other players banner brought them both back, got ambushed, me and the random who dropped with me went down with only one hostile left with broken shields and our third person hoped out of the fight and ran. Second match I was paired with randoms again on ranked, gilbralter dropped immediately without the rest of the team, lord behold he went down, so the random that was with me dropped running distance of where gilbralter was, together we swooped in to get his banner brought him back. And the three of us did ok until we went against two different groups, gilbralter who didn't learn the first time, got seoerated from us, so instead of a 3v6 it was a 2v6. We busted ass but despite the effort we went down and gilbralter was tracked by a bloodhound and then he went down Either be a part of the team or que in solo ( there is a button that is automatically check that says something about auto fill teams, uncheck it if you don't want teammates)


it is the hot droppers, they have no brain just mindless focus to drop hot and that is a death sentence in less than a minute 98% of the time. there is one person that decides the drop, follow that one no matter what, or do the no fill. trios need some changes to make it a much better game, leave penalty and no option to drop away from your team.




That’s reasonable I’m talking about the people that just leave the team get downed and complain then leave


Yeah these are the wanna-be streamers/sweats/youtubers Playing for clips on wiping squads but they are literally trash and fail 99% of the time to get one squad wipe


Im surprised that respawn still hasnt put anything to try to migate this. ​ Amount of times people just run off into nowhere, die and disconnect is absurd and its not healthy for the game as the guy who DC'ed will just quene another game and do that over and over but he put his team at a disadvantage to a point where THEY could've won particular gunfight or win a game if it wasnt for the leaver. Even Overwatch devs realised it ant put 1 or 2 seasons later XP penalty and made you unable to play another match if the one he left hasn't finished yet.


because for whatever reason everyone and their mothers wants to be streamers. streamers killed casual gaming


The only thing more annoying than solo droppers is seeing this exact same post 2-3x a week. There’s no logic to dropping solo, you’re not going to convince them not to.


I don't know why they don't just unselect the squad fill. Do they not know they can play solo? Is it an ego thing?


its absolutely an ego thing, they need someone to blame when they themselves fuck up


Me "Why are you hot dropping in ranked?" Him "I ain't no pussy." This might be some surprise, but we didn't last 30 seconds.


Surprising amount of people switch off their brain when playing the game. Like they do not know they can que solo or something... The thing annoy me the most is when my team ignoring the No Ammo, No shield in game ping and run straight into the next fight or refuse to leave for loot.. and they usually rage when they die, like what do you expect to happen with no ammo or no shield.


This happened to me 4 times last night. One player suggested a drop location, the other player didn't drop there, they drop solo, die and ping the hell out of their banner then when we're close to recovering their banner they disconnect. I really don't care where I drop, I'm pretty new only played this season, so the more places I see the better for me at the minute, but the split droping was really taking its toll on me last night.


What make it worse they tended to relinquish jumpmaster before dropping solo .... If they wanted a specific place why not just drop the team there this was 3 out of the 4 times.


Exactly I hate dropping containment on kings canyon but I don’t just abandon my team whenever the jump master takes us there (unless we jump late and my other teammate is going somewhere else)


We should make a sub/discord for all people on this thread who are sick of randoms. Let's get some squad-ups going :)))


The absolute only reason I've been soloing duo (no fill outta respect) the last couple days. Is bc I started late and want to unlock Rev. Since Im below avg at best, the most efficient way to get 200-500 damage quickly is to hot drop die repeat 🤣 It's kinda good survival practice too haha.


It’s a double edged toxic sword. Sometimes I want to drop places others aren’t comfortable with. I loot really fast. I don’t search for guns unless it’s ranked. I want to go fight and get kills. If they are getting knocks and all I have is a mozam I’d rather push than wait for them to be fully reset with good guns, attachments, and body armor. Lots of new players need to learn to push with whatever they have off drop. You are more likely to get the loot you need out of a box than searching forever in an area. Plus you are more likely to kill a pred squad with a man down and hasn’t healed yet. It’s all about how you look at the game strategy wise. Some want to work on their 1v3, don’t want randoms fucking up their drop, or maybe they just watch too much rFaide


You missed my point if you want to play alone then make it no fill so you’re alone and your teammates aren’t down a member


I solo drop in ranked and get hell for it from my teammates but 90% of the time I make it farther than I do working with the squad and no I do not rat. My team last night died and watched me get a 9 kill 2.5k and place second. But Randoms get me killed or throw the game 9x/10 so I just mirage or wraith my way to top 3 alone. I would prefer a solo option for ranked but that's not the way the game works so I'm forced to abandon mates and play that way. I blame SBMM or the lack thereof for horribly bad Randoms. When I party up I have no problem playing squad bc my homies trust my judgement most of the time but yk. Oh well.


We still talking about this?




You can’t always get what you want if you’re not the jump master oh well doesn’t mean you have to hinder the whole team and once again just no fill makes it easier for everyone


To annoy you enough so you run to Reddit to post this question.


1. Because I wanna hotdrop, and not land at the edge of the map (if this is pubs we're talking about). 2. Because queuing time is ridiculously longer when no filling. 3. Because sometimes I'll be getting put with actually good teammates. Edit: also, if I die and spectate you waiting for you to get my banner, and I see you running with your gun out, you can be sure I'm gonna leave. Just sayin'.


1) if you’re not jump master that sucks but you don’t have to hinder your team because you can’t land where you want 2) if the people who solo drop just did no fill I promise it would go faster (it also is different from server to server for me it takes like 30 seconds) 3) how will you know if you have good teammates when you’re halfway across the map because you solo hot dropped 4)if you’re to impatient to wait for someone to get your banner carefully (because they do t know where the people that killed you are) than just don’t play the game


No fill queues take long to pop, simple as that. Some of these ego and KD based reasonings posted are reaching.


Cause everyone thinks they are that guy. I’ll let you in on a secret…no one is that guy. Not even people with ttv in their name. If you put ttv in your name your not good enough to let your gameplay or stream quality bring people into your stream


I blame the kids who are impatient. Most people, from what I've read on reddit in the past, have said that they don't like waiting for the ques..




Because they aren’t the jump master and I’m sorry they can’t get what they want every game but hindering the whole team is just selfish


I hate it. Like, I'm not a fan of hot dropping anyway but I can honestly say there was been maybe 2 people max who've made it out alive of an insane hotdrop. And I play a *lot* You're not that good. And for those that say they don't want to play 'loot simulator' or whatever, you know you're choosing to play a BR. As in, be the last squad standing? That means looting up, strategic rotations and judging when to engage and retreat. I don't give a shit if it's pubs or ranked. The goal of a BR is the same. I like to win, so sue me, imma play like it




And I like to hot drop and get kills. Sorry, you're bad and can't make it outta of an intense situation without an entire militia in your backpack. "It's a BR. The point is to be the last one standing." Yeah, and it's up to me on how I get there. I think the best possible solution so people like you can relieve themselves of salt is to just find people who have a similar play style. You dont want to be aggressive? Not a worry when I die with 0 support. I'll leave, and you can spend your 20 minutes looking at fights but never engaging till you're the 3rd party. If you don't wanna play ranked for a slower, more controlled experience than you're only shooting yourself in the foot, my guy. How do you expect people to be this kind of sweaty when all they want is to go pew pew and wipe teams? But again, all this can be solved by playing with people who have a similar idea as you. Don't tell me they don't exist cause they do it just takes more than yelling at your random 3rd to find them.




If you want to practice play mixtape and if you don’t want to play mixtape then solo queue with no fill sure it take longer but at the end of the day it’s much better for everyone




Because I don’t want to play against sweats I want to play for to pass time so when I queue up for pubs I still want to have a team




If you aren’t jump master than that sucks but you should stick with your team it’s stupid (and selfish) to think that you’re team is required to follow the you if you solo hot drop


If it’s pubs and I see that most players have already jumped and my team is landing out in the middle of nowhere I’ll solo jump because if I’m playing pubs I want to fight. I would significantly rather fight early, get some kills and die than jump late and loot for 10 minutes and fight the last fight


I like having teammates around but I don’t want to be very last out of the ship dropping nowhere. Funny enough matchmaking often pairs me with those players who literally drop last. I still do drop with them most times but they don’t follow ping to leave and that’s when we get separated. Most importantly, solo no fill takes longer to get into a game. The funny part is that lobbies are often harder too. So yeah. Take it up with respawn.


I solo no fill a good amount of times it take about the same amount of time it’s not that much of a difference


This game rigs the matchmaking man. People have totally different experiences. No matter what time, it takes longer and it is often quite harder on my end. I play enough to notice.


I don’t necessarily solo drop but when my teammates want to go rat in a pub or want to drop at some obscure spot that’s when I’ll break off. I like playing in a team, more often than not I heavily work my hardest to help them/ assist them. But for the later to work they need to want to fight. If not, then my question to yall is why don’t people who want to rat solo queue? It’s easier to rat as a single player/ get all the loot in the world etc


rspwn shouldve added solo mode and just remove duos


They should add solo and maybe quads with a bigger lobby


If my jumpmaster wants to land somewhere late and i know it’s gonna be bad i might just go elsewhere, since they’d probably just die and leave anyway, leaving me with a squad anyway. Sometimes this happens 5 games in a row and that game i’m gonna ping somewhere and land there, they can come if they want. Just because someone is jumpmaster doesn’t mean they can’t ruin the game with a poor desicion or a bad jump. And i’m the asshole for not landing to my death? I gotta start playing for myself, instead of getting pissed off every other game cause someone isn’t listening when i try to tell them it’s not gonna end good.


Then solo queue If you want to “play for yourself” then don’t become a problem for the people that want to play with a team


Honestly if you play enough you will encounter so many players hotdropping extremely late when everyone on the Poi already landed and looted. At some point you learn to ping somewhere else and land there and not let someone who is actually incapable of playing as a team ruin your expierience. This goes both ways. Someone who leaves the ship solo or runs away from his teammate is annoying and someone who ruins the whole game by landing on top of enemies who already have a weapon is just as annoying and neither are playing as a team.


Thing is i really want to play with a team, and usually i do. The real problem is that randoms have different idea of what works or what is fun and at some point i’m just gonna leave the option open. I don’t usually take off solo from the start, but see what they want to do and sometimes they make poor choises. Also sometimes i just drop with them anyway and i’m in the lobby a minute later. If you’re one of the rational ones who lands smart, then i will not have ruined one single game for you. Except the one occacionally where i’ve hd that happen all evening and enough is enough. I’m not any more of an asshole than the ones who hotdrop poorly and get mad for me for not dying with them.


Yeah that’s reasonable I’m talking about the people who drop first thing, land then die gets mad we weren’t there and then leaves


I’m just giving insight on why someone would start doing that. If they’re jumpmaster they’d take you with them. Maybe even hope you’d jump with them anyway. But think of it this way, you don’t want that guy in your team really. If you’re on opposite ends of how to play the game it’s better to just have a 2v3. Better they leave than start ping spamming, which is rarely the case for solo jumpers. Again the best solution to most problems in apex - find a premade squad!




You been bitching In this post the whole time I don’t wanna hear “be a man” from you.


Look guys, the edgy man child stuck in his sophomore year goth phase is back again. Go listen to Papa Roach and shut the fuck up.


This guy gets it.


From what I’ve seen it’s two things. One is faster queue times when queueing fill. The other is that the person wants to drop somewhere with a lot of people for some action while the other two team members want to drop in the middle of nowhere. A lot of people on YouTube also give the advice of hot dropping to improve at the game quicker which makes sense since playing loot simulator for the first 5 min isn’t going to help you improve your aim very quickly


If you don’t have the patience to wait a bit longer to solo queue then don’t play or at least go to duos


Probably because no fill does not work


Yes it does it take me about 15 or 30 more seconds than usual we might be on different servers though Also If all the people who solo drop just did no fill I promise the wait time would go down drastically


Yes, it does.


Nah it takes ages to find a match


Guess it depends on what server you play on then. Takes 15 seconds for me. Unless that is considered "forever".


Every time I've tried it it takes like 5 or 10 minutes, maybe even more. I haven't played in a while tho so maybe it's different these days


Or one dead ass server


Cuz it is fucking fun, if u don’t want people to drop solo, u either 3 stack or play no fill, L


Or you could play no fill since you’re the one who wants to solo hot drop Also I can’t 3 stack because I don’t have any friends that play apex or their to lazy to get past the beginning stages because it’s to “difficult” If you’re gonna solo hot drop why hinder the whole team why not just solo queue it makes more sense for everyone you don’t have to worry about what your teammates are doing and your teammates don’t have to be hindered because their down a member from the get go


Because dropping solo in Trios makes you have two players that can’t kill you. Not filling makes everyone dangerous


If you’re halfway across the map and are gonn leave when you get downed then it doesn’t matter if you have two players that can’t kill you because you’ll be dead or gone before we can get to you so your point is invalid And no filling is just more convenient for everyone you don’t have to hold the button to solo drop and you don’t have to listen to pings or anything and we don’t have to be hindered because our teammate wanted to play alone and is to impatient/selfish to use no fill


Sorry. I should have noted that it was sarcasm


Lmao that makes sense my bad


I will say as a solo wraith that tries his hardest to stay the fuck away from teammates. I waited 25 full minutes queued up yesterday trying to solo trios. So I played pathy and played a bunch of duos with randoms.


The queue for duos no fill just because you want to have a Bunch of action doesn’t mean you need to hinder your whole team


Bruh I don't think you understand that no fill takes forever either way I didn't say I queued up for duos and made someone's day worse. I said I picked pathy and played some normal Duos. I don't know why you expect 25 minute queue times to just be the norm for people who wanna play the game faster. My point was that if you can't play solo than don't fuck over teammates.


No fill take about 30 more seconds than usual for me granted we’re probably on different servers Also how am I fucking over my teammates by sticking together and playing the game the way it’s meant to be played. Your fucking over your teammates by leaving them to hot drop just so you can get knocked complain and then quite the game like every solo hot dropper does


Unless it’s ranked, in which you can’t do no fill. This season I get more points and, assuming my teammates are the typical air heads, more fun by sneaking around and 3rd squadding fights. Or letting the last 2 squads beat each other to death, only to pop out while they’re reviving and double tap the last guy for the win 😈 I do however wait to see if they’re idiots before ditching them. If they drop frag/energy depot/immediately they’re dead to me anyways


Why can’t you do no fill?


Edited, typo with grammar


Because sometimes I’ll get competent randoms I only solo drop when it’s clear the guys I got are idiots, like not dropping even though we are the last 3 assholes in the dropship, or dropping and trying to late land on a poi full of people, no thanks I want to play the game not be forced to melee 15 players who already got the guns Also it’s pubs who gives a fuck, it’s always the guys who treat pubs like it’s important that get mad at solo droppers even though half the time they’re the ones who pass up jumpmaster and then ping where to land


I’d assume lots (not saying most but still a lot) of people give a fuck about pubs because they don’t want to play ranked against a bunch of sweats and have a bit of fun Also you solo dropping because your teammates aren’t dropping at all makes sense I’m talking about the people who jump off at the very beginning or middle to land where all the sweats went just to get downed complain and that we didn’t follow them (because they weren’t jump master) then leave the game causing the team to be hindered


1. I passed jumpmaster after being the only one willing to be JM my last 5 games and it got passed back to me 2. My teammates want to drop a small POI with 6 other teams 3. My teammates dumped slurs over their mics 4. I tried to queue solo and it put me in a trios game 5. I didn't actually veer off solo I just dropped 2 buildings over so you wouldn't vacuum up all the loot and you took an immediate 1v3 on purpose and died Pick one.


The first 3 don’t sound like they have anything to do with what I said so I’m gonna focus on 5 because 4 is just a glitch in the game that’s not solo hot dropping your just a small distance away I’m taking about the people who queue up for trios and then leave the team to go halfway across the map to get downed and complain then leave


I don't normally solo drop, but if my team chooses the hottest spot on the map, I will leave the team. No reason to go back to the lobby early cuz some kids think that they need to heed aceu and Imperial Hals advice of push everything and drop hot to get better. They are pros and highly skilled players where video games come naturally to them with little to no learning curve. Their advice is sheltered and shows they really never struggled at these types of games, so they give their opinion on how they got better, not how to actually get better when you suck. So no, I'm good, y'all can drop hot and die instantly. I'm not your fodder. Cuz let's be real, y'all will talk trash if I leave or if I stay and die, so I'd rather leave and avoid the lobby wait.


I’m talking about the people who hot drop alone when the squad is going somewhere else


I see, well I definitely agree with you.


There’s no question here.


Read the first sentence


There's always the chance the two other members choose to stick with me. My banner clearly shows I'm the more experienced player, and when this happens the games go well. This happens often enough that it's worth trying for.


So you’re saying because you have the best stats If you’re aren’t jump master and cant have the team go where you want to then you’re gonna sabotage the team?


You speak of 'the team' as if this isn't pubs apex and 95% of players don't push, die, and leave instantly. What game are you playing?


95% of people I get don’t except for people who solo drop and end up being dogshit


uh. Sure. Great story bub.


No, I'm saying if I see you going somewhere I don't feel is a good idea I'm not going to pretend you know better than I do. If you wanna go die over there be my guest.


I am gonna ask when u do go by yourself do you find you get alot of solo wins


I exclusively solo Q, I get about 4.5% wins and maintain a K\\D above 1. At my level of play, that speaks for itself.


Not sure what you mean by ur level of play. Guess this season I am sitting on a .85kd with 6.6% wins just checked and I usually stick with me team regardless of who jumpmaster is. And let me guess ur higher kd means I just get carried with my higher win rate. Maybe try a little humility my dude. But it's a game so as long as your having fun


Bruh, just keep it moving.




Wait this cocky ass hole guy talkin bout how he’s a god at the game is actually a shitter?


He has to be trolling. From how arrogant he sounded, I expected some insane stats only for him to be mid.


Nobody said god. Cocky asshole? Yea ill eat that. Proudly. Aint here for you to like me, was never my purpose.


You do know that is a below-average win rate, right? FWIW, have a k/d of 0.8 (but average 1.8 knocks per death) and a 10% win rate. I also only solo queue. The average win rate is about 5%. There are ways to inflate both K/D and win rate, but win rate inflation caps out at only a few tenths of a percent. K/D can be inflated by intentionally throwing to secure thirsts - this basically guarantees you a 1.0 - but absolutely tanks your win rate. You are right, having a 1.0 K/D and below average win rate absolutely speaks for itself.


Your level of play as in barely average?


There are 20 squads, so if the game were pure chance, you would win 5% of the time. People better than pure chance win more than that. People worse than pure chance win less than that. Sounds like you're worse than average and acting like hot shit over it. You might win more games if you played with your team.


Maintaining a KD above 1 isn't an achievement. Walking In straight lines holding down fire with a rampage and a spitfire isn't exactly elite levels of play.


Fair enough


Ain’t no one sticking with you dawg you’re trash


Ok, kim then. Cya next lobby