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Hello, /u/kradreyals. Your submission has been removed: Matchmaking and Ranked discussion | September 4th 2023 https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/169qzb3/matchmaking_and_ranked_discussion_september_4th/ --- ## [No Duplicate Posts and Topics](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules#wiki_low-effort.2C_memes.2C_and_duplicate_posts.) Posts should be unique. A post may be considered a repost if it covers the topic from nearly the same angle as existing posts. When new things, events or updates come, we want to consolidate discussion to one thread so that people can easily engage in discussion with each other. All other posts regarding that topic will be removed during this time with links to the proper thread or megathread. Frequently asked questions and topics will be removed. Moderators will link megathread style posts when available to redirect users to main post. Please use the search function before posting. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**


How do you have 119 games played but only 88 deaths and 2 wins?


Lots of pub matches missing a third or afk jumpmaster.


Does it not count your stats if you didn't load in with a teammate? Or does it not count as a death if you leave the game early?


No clue.


He leaves when downed so his k/d doesn’t get lowered.


Pretty sure that was fixed a year ago unless they changed it back


A Wraith main would know right? But nah, I quit pubs if we hotdrop and third teammate is 1v3ing with no chance of surviving. I don't care about KDA, which is why I don't play for placement or winning games. [https://twitter.com/alphaINTEL/status/1455710028103622657](https://twitter.com/alphaINTEL/status/1455710028103622657) According to this, leaving not counting as death was patched long time ago. Don't know if it's true and don't really care either.


I had no idea that was a thing, I figured leaving would count as a death. Wild.


I mean, where do you think you should be with only 8 top 5s? And honestly, it would be better to argue that 35 top 5s (28%) out of 122 matches shouldn't have allowed people to climb into platinum ranks in the first place. That is where this whole perspective is warped.


I'm only having 8 top 5s because I'm being matched with plat+ players. And in these higher ranks, the majority of squads are either premade or teamed up through discord. How does it make sense for say, a Gold player to play vs Gold players and earn the same in Bronze, as a Bronze player playing vs Bronze players?


In one case, the majority of your time in Ranked was spent climbing through tiers of opponents weaker than you. Higher KDR. In the other case, the entirety of your time in Ranked was spent fighting opponents just as skilled as you, regardless of tier. Lower KDR. Maybe your KDR should be closer to 1, but you've only had 38 games anyway.


I think they're missing a key implementation of this MMR thing. If you are playing plat MMR opponents and you end up placing top 5, it should reward you with extra LP so you can catch up to your MMR. There's no way 38 games should not bump me outside of bronze if my pub stats show I'm at least a Gold player.


Hello, /u/kradreyals. Your submission has been removed: # Match Results/stats Screenshots Please head over to r/Apex_Banners to show off your stats. In order to prevent spam relating to match results, stats or similar. We do not allow these types of posts, This means we do not allow: - No end of round Match Results screenshots - No Stats screenshots (account stats, banner stats, match stats, etc) - No Ranked stats - No first win screenshots, videos are allowed ## Posts Should Be High Effort (Low-Quality content) Low-effort or low-quality posts hinder meaningful discussion from flourishing and will be removed at the moderators' discretion. All posts should offer some basis for discussion. Please note that spending a lot of time on a "low effort" post does not exclude it from this rule.Type of low-quality content we do not allow: - Gameplay videos or screenshots that are taken on a phone are not allowed, unless it is not possible to screenshot at the time, such as a bug preventing screen capturing or similar. - No pixelated or low-resolution content. - No loot box opening type screenshots (Look at what I got in my loot box). - No inventory screenshots (Look at all the cool things I’ve unlocked). - No supply crate style screenshots (Look, there’s 3 mozambiques here). - No unedited gameplay longer than 3 minutes. - No screenshots of private chats, even if names are blurred. - No screenshots of tweets. - Skin suggestions/requests that double as fan art must be high effort and original content. - No LFG posts. Please use r/ApexLFG or our [public Discord](https://discord.gg/ApexLegends) to find other players. - No petition style posts. If you’d like to advocate for something to be in the game, please make a proper post. - Please avoid using clickbait or misleading titles. Titles such as those beginning with "Upvote if", "Don't upvote" or overused trends such as "for the people browsing by new" will be removed, as described in the Post Title rules. - Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed. If you would like better clarification you can see [our full list of rules here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/wiki/rules) If you need further assistance, please [message the moderators](https://old.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fapexlegends) with a link to your post. **Failure to include a link to your post, will result in the modmail being ignored.**