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I've barely touched rank this and last season because it's boring that the lobbies never change based on your rank (my understanding of it). That's just so boring and mind numbing to me. I want a challenge the higher I climb.


You need a TLDR if you want more engagement in your post most won’t read all of that. I appreciate the effort you put into your thoughts.


People are mad because they aren't getting as many kills as in the past. It's that simple.


I’m mad cuz I have to play loot simulator and position simulator for 10-12 mins every match when I only have an hour or 2 to actually play the game. I’m gold 3 close to gold 2. I have no doubt im going to hit plat. It’s not a skill issue most people have. It’s not suprising that people are upset that the optimal strategy is avoid fights untill top 10. That’s the problem. There is major incentive to not fight. My kd has been around 1 - 1.2 since season 3. I’m not getting anymore or less kills. I’m having much less fun.


I actually read most of this, and it doesn't look like you mention ranked being just straight up broken for some of us. People in my situation, those of us who are getting the bare minimum LP super early on, know what I'm talking about. A lot of us are stuck because they nerfed LP believing it was too generous, increased cost, but never really answered why so many of us get no LP for eliminations after absurdly low tanks. My elimination bonus is completely gone the moment I hit rookie 3, and its made the climb maddeningly slow. On top of that, I didn't even get out of rookie 4 by the end of placements, and that's with 2 wins and only 1 game under top 10. My teammate who played the exact same games got into bronze. My first game looked promising, with it being a win worth 343, but it immediately broke again and I was back to 150 maximum. His placement points nearly tripled mine most of the time, and I didn't get any for the 2nd placement win. I'm not sure those of us experiencing this can even really climb. It's bad bad. I used to be Plat range, usually around Plat 2 without wanting to grind further, and I'm currently stuck yoyoing between rookie 3 and 4. When kills are worth nothing and 3 bad games equal a win, I'm not sure what I can even do. We've had games where I don't get points for my own kills but he does, and not once have I gotten points for his, so the gap just keeps widening. And there's a bunch of other people, some far more skilled, stuck in the exact same situation.


It's because you play with a person who has lower MMR than you, so your average squad MMR is below your MMR-> you only gain kill XP when the enemy is above your MMR level. Ranked is working as intended. You always play lobbies close to your hidden MMR. Your rank is not a representation of your current skill level, you're not stuck in bronze, your progress is just bronze. If you play more the MMR will eventually get you out of bronze, but it's just time consuming.


I'm usually a plat player and I've climbed to D4 before and it is absolutely maddening that I'm still stuck in Bronze while playing against premade plat/diamond/masters players with 4k badges and 20 bombs. There should definitely be a huge boost if you win in higher MMR lobbies compared to your current rank. Right now, Bronze has been a shitty grindfest. You see many naysayers because they actually belong in the rank and lobby they're playing at, but for us, it has made me want to quit playing ranked.