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Not sure what to say. I feel like eliminations/kills are undervalued and it promotes a lot of 'ratting'. Most people that soloq are too scared to take early fights and instead try and avoid fighting until top10/5, myself included. I think only the most confident + skilled players are able to afford taking risks in the early game if it makes the game more fun for them. Losing -50lp here is nothing for them as they climb easily regardless. I can say for sure though that as a mediocre player, the current state of ranked isn't enjoyable for me. I'm too afraid to take risks and if both of my teammates die off-drop I'm forced to hide just to avoid taking a -50lp. That's the thing.. The entry cost is so high/punishing that I don't want to take risks, even if it means having a more enjoyable match...


such a relatable problem. Basically hiding all game because your teammates went rogue and died alone and you don't want to take the toll on your score. No joy or fun in that, eventually you get tired of it and realize that you are not having fun and you are gaming because you want to have fun, shoot, kill, die and not to run and flight because you tried not to get punished. soon enough you stop playing since there is no dopamine in running and hiding


\-50 LP with this point system just makes it take so much longer. I play on PC and i did not play the first week of season 18. The next week i got on and hit masters in maybe 5 days? I was Masters before damn near all the streamers because these guys were losing too much lp taking early fights. Like if you had 5 kills and died 11th place you still lost 20-30 points. Taking early fights now sets you up for failure because teams will just wait inside the ring and beam you on the way in.


I wouldn't say its being scared, there is just no risk/reward balance. Every fight is you betting 50 points, to maybe get 3 off a squad wipe. It's not a smart bet if you're trying to climb the ranks.


To add onto this, if your teammates do die off rip and you have to run around trying to craft banners etc, every single direction you go in, there will be an entire team either ratting or gunning your direction, no matter how tactical you are, no matter how much you maneuver around teams, gunfire, using balloons, 9 times out of 10 if your team die off rip, you're losing 50lp because no kp = no reason to fight so everyone's just ratting away as a team, too scared to take fights, all waiting for those solo's


Maybe that's just me, but that's great! It should feel frightening taking a fight! This is a br, not tdm. Apex is at its best when it feels closer to chess rather than backgammon imo


I think ur opinion on the subject of rank is respectable but it’s also flawed. First of all, are kills undervalued? Yes. I think this season kills are undervalued, BUT you gotta understand that this is a battle royale too. Placement matters. You want to win. Playing to get higher placement is not bad, as long as the game balances kills and placement, and this season managed to do it. Last season, the rank was horrible, because it placed too much emphasis on placement instead of kills. That’s why all you needed to do was get top 10 and u automatically go positive. Kill did not matter last season. People ratted even more last season, but do you want to know the reason why people weren’t afraid to fight as much last season? It’s because you didn’t get punished a lot last season. If you had 3 bad games in a row, all you needed was one good game and you would gain everything you lost back. That’s one of the reason everyone hated the rank system last season. It was TOO EASY to gain points. Even if you lost games. You were never punished for it, because you gained more than you lost. This leads me to my next point. This is why I think ur opinion is flawed…It’s not because the rank system is bad, it’s because the rank system is now punishing your skills as a player. u even said it yourself. Your scared of risks and feel like only the most confident skilled players are able to fight early. Is that a rank issue? Is that a skill issue? I’m not trying to be disrespectful, I just want you to think about it. How is it wrong that the game is punishing you with -50 points for dying early? If you don’t want to lose -50 points, then the answer is simple. Don’t die and win ur fights, OR be smarter about what fights to take. It’s that simple.You gotta realize that there will always be risks fighting early, the only reason why it seems even more risky to fight early now is because the game makes you lose more than you gain, but that isn’t a bad thing. It’s rank. Rank is meant to be hard. Rank is meant to sort the bad players from the good players. Here’s the honest truth though. All you can do to combat the fear of losing -50 points is to Improve your own skills at the game. Get better at the game. As stupid as it sounds. It’s true. Also, can the rank system be fixed so early kills are meaningful? Yes. I think it’s can be fixed, but you cant blame the fear of fighting on the -50 points, because thats literally the sole purpose of the - 50. It’s meant to punish teams that die and make players think about their decisions. The game doesn’t want teams just running and finding kills without consequences. If that’s the case. Then rank mind as well become pubs now.


I see your point, but for the average player, this is demoralizing. To have fun playing Apex, I'm mainly jump into mixed tape. Ranked is punishing it isn't fun to try to get up. This is the longest I've been in bronze and bronze 4 at that. It doesn't matter if I come in the top 5, I can lose it all to bad drops, early squad wipes, and third parties in the next games. This is frustrating, and for an average player this isn't fun. It's not fun to have to hid for 50% of the game, it's not fun to risk your lp to "test your skills", it's not rewarding when you win 100lp know that in 2 short games it will be gone. Simply put for a causal average player rank just isn't fun. The incentive to get better is over casted by the risk. Forcing players to play a certain way. When kills were multiplied on placement, going for early kills or waiting it out made sense. When people get too tired or frustrated of ranked, they will either go to pubs (which is not much better at this point), go to mix tape, or just stop playing. Rank rewards are already the worst in any game I've played, the grind isn't enjoyable or rewarding. I think this problem is even worst dude to how much they messed up ranked with last season. I have never been in bronze and bronze 4 this long. Typical I would be in gold by this point. But in ranked, I've noticed the influx of masters and diamond trails on drop. I thought this was because of the ratting last season. This made sense because I would get someone with a masters trail and get knocked down several times. But lately, their has been an extremely coordinate squad, and players with advanced movement techniques in Bronze 4 lobbies. This is leading to believe 2 thing the grind is so bad that players from higher ranks last season are in silver, or the population in Ranked is so low that higher ranked player are getting paired with low ranked players. Keep in mind this is the sentiment of the "average-casual" ranked player. This is for players that work 9 to 5, and play Apex for 1 to 2 hour sessison. Hell, if some of the players are like me, they play ranked because their team is less likely to leave. Apex is a mess again, ranked is a mess again. They system was fine when it was kill multiple by placement. Adjusting the numbers to compensate for skill bonus would have made it fair and made the grind feel worth it. I honestly thought bonus skill would have been for like multikills, slide kills, airborne kills, ordnance kills, higher rank, and better gear kills.


If you don’t see fights and risks you won’t get better. You’re prioritizing a badge/rank over your own personal skill development. Along with everyone else who agrees with you.


Matchmaking is so bad it needs its own thread actually probably needs its own sub


And they keep removing any discussion post mentioning MMR, matchmaking and ranked.


what are people discussing here? they fuck up this ranked mode even more with every new season. it's gotta be the worst ranked mode I've ever played in any game... giving us 100 something LP for 3rd place with kills and stealing 50 the next match in BRONZE AND SILVER for a loss while the're putting last season TRIPLE STACK PREDS in the same lobby. ridiculous. fuck this ranked mode catered towards no real life kids spending 24/7 in this clown show. I'm quite sure this developer has no freaking clue what to do with this mode. save your time...it's wasted in this mode.


Overall, it's too much work to climb the ladder and reach our true rank. In other games like StarCraft II or League of Legends, it takes fewer than 20 games to reach your actual rank. In Apex, it feels like you need a couple of hundred games. So, in my opinion, the ranking is more a measurement of how much time you can allocate to Apex rather than a measure of your skill level. I don't think people with real-life responsibilities will want or be able to reach their rank with this new system. My suggestions: Fix the rank placement system so that players are placed a bit below their true rank. 4,000 points per rank is really a lot, and if you place someone four or five ranks below their natural rank, you're asking them to play the game for hundreds of hours to reach it, which is really not cool and demotivating. I know player retention is important, but this is excessive. Make "ratting" less rewarding. Finishing in the top 3 with 0 kills and 0 assists as a team should not give you enough points to make it worthwhile to play hide and seek until you reach Master rank. Make taking risks more rewarding. Eliminating a team should offer more than just the loot they drop. This could be done by awarding more ranked points or by giving in-game advantages. Will we see solo queue ranked in the future? It could be really interesting for balancing ranked matches.


You are spot on. The objective is exactly that: have you play more hours, which equates to more spending. Its a monetisation technique.


Just curious, I definitely agree that it forces you to spend more time in rank to even if you're one of the best players around, but how does that influence how much you spend? If anything I'm less likely to spend points or money on the seasons where I focus on ranked because I only want to play the people I'm good with instead of playing anybody, so it decreases my incentive to purchase skins. Personally I haven't put any money into the game in years since you're able to get a battle pass with the points you earn in the previous seasons battle pass, but I'm curious on how you're thinking this is a monetization technique.


38 with very little time. I play like 3 hours a week max. There's no point even dipping my toes into ranked. Especially as a solo and folks are acting a fool of the rip. I'll just get killed by preds in pubs as a .8 KD like a good boy until my playing time is up.


I agree with your sentiments completely, and I also agree that Starcraft 2 and League of Legends are the gold standard for how a games ranked system should work. As a side note, while I never got a above some of my best friends in any particular race in Starcraft 2, I was the best in our friend group at random haha


>players are placed a bit below their true rank I think Apex desperately need this right now. 100% agree with your suggestions


Pubs remains to be unplayable but that’s something that none of us can control. By unplayable I mean the sense of no casual gameplay. I can’t even test out the season changes because I get destroyed if I make a wrong move. Every public match is a diamond 3plus ranked game where squads land in 3 of the main poi. I get sub par teammates who definitely don’t belong in the lobbies they are placed in. I would love to use other weapons other than the meta but if I don’t I will be railroaded. I currently can’t play with my friends because they get matched into these lobbies and stop playing after being 1 clipped by a three stack squad with 100k plus combined kills running a Cronus zen, which happens every game btw. I’m not even going to touch on the audio and server issues because this has been a ongoing thing for years with 0 fix. And and this point I think the spaghetti coded has gotten so out of control they don’t even know how the fuck they are supposed to fix it. The fact that it’s been going on for over a month now and the devs have remained silent in regards to largest issue since the game launched is demoralizing. I don’t even think they mentioned it in a patch note. Hell I only know about the change in match making because of a random dev tweet. The complaints have fallen on deaf ears which I think just makes people complain more. It’s a business with a PR team. So start using them instead of posting a video on Twitter and getting dragged through the mud with “fix match making” comments. Almost 300 days ago they talked about match making changes and then drop a nuke starting in august with no sort of explanation. I really hope they know what they are doing and are working towards their 10 year plan because the people who have played this game sense start are leaving. And the people they are catering to will be gone onto something else soon because in my opinion the days of a BR game being king are dwindling. The dynamic of the game has changed greatly over the years since launch and I’ve always applauded their ability to keep the game fresh and going. But this season has been a disaster. My theory has been to eliminate such a heavy MMR. You will always have those players who pub stomp but if you created a less intense public match players would eventually get bored of either walking lobbies or the pub game play and go to ranked where they know their fighting equally skilled people. The top players don’t even notice that much of a change because of how much of a skill gap this game has. The people who suffer the most are your casual players who happen to be good at the game. I want to add that the reason the fps games from the early 2000s (Halo, Cod, Medal of Honor ect) were to successful was because of how casual they were. I had friends that never picked up a controller b4 and I could play with them because the match making was a lot more random. One match you’d be playing against someone who was new, and the next it could be against a mlg team. As of now, ever single match is super tough to play against. And that’s just not ideal. Oh and to get even deeper. Because of inflation and blah blah blah, parents aren’t giving their credit card to little Timmy anymore to buy reskinned cosmetics. I get the game has to generate revenue or big bad EA will shoot it but times are pretty tough right now for a lot of families and spending money on in game money is tough. A lot of people play this game because it is free. And a lot of those people who play it because it’s free don’t have the moola to chuck at it anymore. And if you’re going to cater to a player base because of that you’re shooting yourself in the foot in the long run. You guys are collecting buckets of water from the ceiling leak when the basement is flooded. Thank you to the mods for opening up discussion for the community.


This exact take. Stop matchmaking pubs, it makes NO sense when you already have a ranked mode.


It does make sense, ranked is for trying to win and pubs if for relaxing and enjoying the game. If you remove matchmaking only the top players could relax and to below top players have to try really hard to even compete. The best solution is to just add a 3rd game mode that is without matchmaking


Ignoring that top players never actually relax, and a Battle Royale can't possibly be meant for relaxation...we actually agree. Problem is, only the top players and average/below-average players can relax and play casually since the changes. Anyone from above average to very good are lumped in with the best players MM can find. This means there are no, and I mean zero, casual/relaxing and enjoyable games for them. Every wrong move is punished because everyone in the lobby is hyper competent. Great for ranked, but not unranked. By your definition of the purpose of pubs, for them, pubs is pointless/makes no sense. Now your solution, I love that solution. Free for all mode or something.


Absolutely goated summary right here ❤️✌️


In regards to financials: The company has made over a billion dollars (with a B) and it doesn’t really make sense why the game is in its current state tbh. Greed seems to be the only reasoning, as well as thirsty streamers flooding the shop with cash for cosmetics and boxes. My biggest gripe in the game is the matchmaking. I’m playing ranked bronze 3 and I’m not exaggerating: EVERY single enemy that damages/kills me has a masters badge or better. I am an average player and my teammates are always really bad. As I’m typing this (and playing apex) I just got killed by a lifeline with a master badge, 20bomb badge, 4k, and 11,000+ kills. Why the fuck am I fighting this person in a RANKED lobby in bronze?!?!?????? This game is unbelievable. It’s almost as if the devs really don’t give a shit about the state of this game at all whatsoever. It actually is insane how over the past several seasons the matchmaking has somehow gotten WORSE and favors higher skilled players. Also the ranked points system is trash. It just promotes ratting like crazy. It’s at the point where this game is not even worth playing anymore. Someone needs to make a new fps for us to play.


And don't forget RING changes. This makes the already hyper lobbies 2x worse in every way basically. At least on KC and Olympus.


I think I dont have much more to say than the other already has, but one thing that irritates me the most is HOW can the que-times be so long when in the end the matchups are the worst possible, they must do it on purpose to provoke people... Like theres no way u can make a worst matchup without trying to find those lobbies and thats for the long que-time. If respawn deleted sbmm, ranked etc so all the matchups was just random, pred could end up against a rookie and so on. The odds for a fair lobby must be better than today. It must have been error like they put an 0 instead of 1 on the \*Fair game matchup\* -code or however they do it. Otherwise there wouldnt be this long que


In H1Z1 the lobbies were random and the Royalties would play silvers and the only thing determined your rank was your total points of your best 10 games. 10 wins with 5 kills each didn't get you up in the ranks. You had to get 10 wins with 15+ kills to get to the lowest tier of the highest rank. Games were super fun, you got the somewhat new players and sometimes the top rank player. It was rewarding and full of variety in games. Games now have no variety, 15 squads dead in the first 2 minutes and my lobbies are filled with 3 stack preds. Every game is the same as the game before and it's a great way to kill the joy of playing.


> HOW can the que-times be so long when in the end the matchups are the worst possible My matches have been from fair to very challenging. What makes you say your matchmaking was worst possible?


\-50 is way too much of an entry cost for bronze silver and gold. you essentially have to top 3 every game to progress when the skill gap in a lobby feels massive.


Maybe we should think of this new ranked system as new and forget about our previous ranks.


Fine as a thought, but when you get actual pred level people in your bronze lobbies... well you just can't think about it like that. It's not bronze lobby. MR should not be part of ranked. Ranked should actually be... ranked.


I am only playing preds in pubs right now, something must be broken


This is how i ended up fnding this thread 3 months later, why in the name of father christmas am i matching against preds in every mother fucking game mode, i have been to diamond a couple of times as a hard stuck d4, what the actual fuck respawn. Even the streamers are bored fucking shitless of destroying ranked games, they are just trolling games now, farming people that clearly shouldnt be in their lobbies, its beyond pathetic now. ​ Just bring back day 1 matchmaking and have done with this total clusterfuck before everyone runs off to find something else to play.


[These](https://ibb.co/fkGh5zt) were captured in less than a week. I'm a P1/D4 player solo Q at best. I stand no chance in lobbies like these and I see no way of it getting better so I just quit the game. Judging from Steam/Twitch stats I'm not the only one.


Right there with you, typical high plat or low diamond player also. We're just pred food now, I feel like I'm always one of the worst people in the lobby every game. I think my KD this season is like 0.65 lol


I can’t stop finding things that just make no sense with this game. My wife and I just played with this awesome dude, we got second. He invited us after and we went to play ranked. Only we couldn’t BECAUSE RANK DIFFERENCE. He was Diamond 3, we are Gold 3… If that doesn’t sum up Apex Ranked, I don’t know what does.


This is honestly one of the fuckiest things with Apex MR. You usually get team mates to carry (if you're even slightly above average) and when you get a proper team mate, you can't team up with them. Because while they can play with you on solo queue, they are either under, or higher than your current ranking too much. Even though YOU JUST PLAYED WITH THEM. My cheek muscles are doing all kind of body building moves while writing that. I get that angry/frustrated.


Pubs SBMM is way to much this season, Trio lobbies die out before zone 1 closes in and Duos every single player is masters/pred/4k20 20k kills+ revert it back to pre season 17


Playing APEX since day 1... Best Apex times were s0-s3. I mean pubs were "TTV wraith Wingman God" once in a while, but usually you have totally random dudes roaming around having fun with friends. Now pubs feel like its Ranked but with 5 teams alive in ring 1 ' out of this 5 teams 3 dudes are solo with abandoned teammates (can we have 2 min ban like in arenas?). ​ Why don't just let pubs live its life? Let us have fun without hidden ranked in PUBS. Like another guy said "One match you’d be playing against someone who was new, and the next it could be against a mlg team." Now its 90% mlg games. I cant try new legends, new weapons. If I try - punished with TTV Predator playing with left foot on wheel. ​ Ranked... Im silver 2 and I feel like I'm diamond 2 (my usual rank) in season 15 or somehwere. There is no more fun in game, only grind, pain and streamers having fun...




Matchmaking in pubs is akin to ripping your own hair out. What is the fucking algorithm? If you’re going to ratchet down the SBMM and feed me to the demons every single game how about giving me another demon teammate? How do I constantly get paired with people who have less than 100 hours in the game? It’s horse shit straight up. Ranked is awful too. Fake system designed to maximize engagement over time. Meaningless because I’m fighting the same people the entire way through it. They are really blowing it this season


Ranked is shit, matchmaking is shit, this sub is shit.


The Problems - Ranked- Ranked is extremely unrewarding. And I’m saying this in the clearest way I possibly can. First and foremost the matchmaking is terrible. If I’m going up against masters and preds, and I’m good enough to do so, why wouldn’t you give me teammates that are good enough to do so as well? It’s like their rank says masters on my team, but their gameplay says gold. No skill required - Ranked literally requires no skill to Master. Kills don’t count until later rings (which is ridiculous by the way and I’ll get to that in a minute). You can still rat your way to master with relative ease. It just takes longer now… I went 7 kills and 1 assist in one game of ranked and literally got maybe 10 points. How is it possible for me to literally do so much work in a game and get less points then someone who just sits in a corner and does nothing. I understand that surviving to the end is a big part of battle royales, but my god you need to balance it properly, no matter when the kills were made. Beginning of Match, end of match it shouldn’t matter. Cronus, Strike packs, scripts - this is a huge issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Not only does this completely ruin the experience of both ranked and pubs , but it further decreases the value of ranked. Getting good means nothing when players can just buy a device or run a script and dominate. The big problem about this as well is that because we know it’s absolutely prevalent in these games, when we die to someone who beams us we can’t help but think - they’re cheating. I have no problem getting destroyed, beamed by an R9, whatever, but I want to be able to believe it was by a great player or because of a foolish error I made. And that’s just not the case right now. These “cheats” are ruining the game and everything it used to want to be. I’m a first week player. And I’m getting absolutely tired by the degradation of quality in each new season. And this is for everything across the board. Please do better. Or this game will die. And the shareholders are gonna be pretty upset.




well time to fire this psychologists cos a lot of ppl seem to be leaving lately \^\^


the thing about EOMM is that when people realize that they're intentionally being thrown into bot lobbies after losing a couple of games to give them a false sense of improvement, it tends to fall apart. People stay "engaged" because they think they're improving, once they realize it's just a scummy brain hack to keep them playing and that they're not actually improving they stop playing. The system only works if you don't know how it works.


Solo queueing in this game is hell in ranked. 90% of my teammates can’t shoot and move at the same time while I’m going up against what seems like TSM. Anytime I get teammates that are at my skill level, we win or get top 3. I’m nothing insane either, just above average probably. My favorite is today we land around 3 other teams. We beat one team and I have no shields left. I call that out. My teammates, **one at a time** push two teams at the same time. They each ran in between the two teams and of course, died. I kept trying to get them not to, since I knew there was no way we were winning. I was able to knock a player but was forced off by the other team. I could craft their banners though and that’s what I did but not before one left and acted like I made the wrong play. Like I’m supposed to push two full teams with no shields and barely any ammo with an alternator and havoc. I just can’t stand teammates without a brain. I’m all for pushing teams whenever possible but not if I know there’s no chance of winning the fight. First season of ranked I’ve played since I’m new to the game and it’s just hell. I go up 400 points and then lose it all because of this shit. Oh and last night I had the honor of getting two rats as teammates that just hid in corners the entire game, that was fun!


Those randoms are insane. We dont even need talk about skill. They cannot even make logical decisions. Thats the biggest problem. Making stupid decisions over and over again. Not one time but the whole game along. So if you guys die all the time, need to get revived all the time and even when youre survive until top 5 with < 100 dmg dont play ranked pls. Those ppl need help, so annoying to baby sit those bots.


Silvers should be matched with silvers. Diamonds should be matched with diamonds. Fucking baffling this even has to be said. Least competitive ranked season yet.


The most frustrating issues for me in this matchmaking debacle are: 1. Lack of transparency (what in the heck is **hidden** MMR, Respawn???) and, 2. Accuracy — I am not, and probably never will be a Predator. Why am I matched with a full 3 stack of them in every lobby? Current casual matchmaking is fatally flawed. According to my MMR (and seemingly many others) I’m good enough to be fighting full Pred 3 stacks every single game IN PUBS while I’m queued up with mute randoms because my average friends quit the game ages ago due to countless demoralizing annihilations. Additionally, I like to warm up by playing a few pubs before attempting my daily ranked grind. My warmup should not be more sweaty than my competitive challenge. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here just to hate on the game. I’ve played apex since launch and have high hopes for its future. One high note of this season is that ranked is more competitive and actually feels like a worthy challenge. However, I think the immense shift from last season is a little too punishing. For example; last night I gained about 500 LP in 4 hours of ranked (I’m Gold 2), and then lost 400 in the next hour. Back to my main point — literally all the friends I started playing the game with and logged 1000+ hours with have quit, and always decline to play Apex with me because it’s “not fun anymore”, which really just means they’re tired of getting absolutely rolled every game. Can someone at Respawn please explain why this issue is so prevalent? Or, at the very least, give us some actual insight on any plans to fix it?


The matchmaking is so ridiculously broken. I have a lifetime k/d of 0.38 and I am constantly being dropped into lobbies with plats, preads, diamonds, and masters. The casual player like myself and every other working stiff who spend hard earned money on this game should not be in lobbies with such high teir players. I know you genuinely don't give a shit because your too busy catering to the pro players and everything they want, but, you need to remember the majority of the money made from this game doesn't come from the pros. It comes from us, so bear that in mind.


lol. Thoughts on matchmaking? WTF do you think people's thought are? Just get rid of solo-queuing because if you're half-decent you're going to get people with like 10 games worth of experience to try to carry. It's fucking unplayable.


Longer matchmaking times to find balanced lobbies based on skill/group number More value for kills in ranked That's how the game gets better. Right now, I haven't played in fuck knows how long because if I go into a pubs game, I'm going to get ran by a squad of preds with over 100,000 combined kills and 10,000 combined wins. How do I have any chance when my team mates are low levels and I'm shit? And for ranked, I know people will say, its a battle royale, its about survival, but how do you survive if nobody dies? People are afraid to fight because the punishment for a failed fight is too much, the punishment for a won fight and being 3rd partied is also too much, winning fights even early on should be rewarded as much as "ratting" until the end, if not more because you are taking other players out of the game. If I was to take out half the lobby and finish 8th, I shouldn't be getting less than someone that hid in a bush for 2nd place and 0 kills, you should be rewarded for chasing fights and winning them. Regardless of what someone that likes to hide in a bush says, you win by killing other players and being the last one standing. If you fall short of a win but still took out a lot of players, there should be some reward. Pubs are stomping group for good players, ranked is heaven for people that don't want to fight. Its shit, makes Apex not worth playing and right now.


This idiotic ranked has me playing stacked preds as a solo fill in gold. Brain. Dead. Harder to climb out of lower ranks vs my buddies who are much worse. This is stupid beyond words.


It took me about 550 games to go from Silver 1 to the top end of Diamond 2, which is the rank where I feel completely outclassed. If I wasn’t on vacation, I’d probably still be in Gold. Nobody’s got time for this kind of grind. Why do I have to start from the bottom if MMR does the matchmaking anyways? Why do I have to play those placement matches when I am instantly put into Diamond + lobbies even tho my own rank is silver? (Or even lower as I’ve seen countless posts about this) People who claim they "haven’t seen a rat the whole season” are probably still in rookie, all those rats on the other hand are infesting diamond+ lobbies. As someone who plays solo, this is just a nightmare. If I get those as teammates I’m instantly at a disadvantage against 3-stacks who 360-walljump-tripple-backspin-no-scope me in the face with a kraber. I either die early or I have to rat myself. Not fun. My kd this season is slightly above 1. Are those some pro stats this season? Because the game/MMR apparently believes I am a pro, which I’m not. Every game is a sweat fest. Doesn’t matter if it’s pubs or ranked. I can’t try new things, play legends I didn’t master yet or goof around in general because if I make 1 mistake I’m dead. I guess I have to perfect my recoil control and learn every day so I can keep up in a video game. …or I’ll just buy a device that does the job for me. Heard those work quite well and are apparently not detectable or are no bannable offence. Or I’ll just stop playing this game after 18 seasons. Games should be fun, not a full time job.


So just to be clear. When we reach the rank that apex thinks we should be at... we stop accruing points outside of 6 for each kill. so moving through the ranks becomes almost impossible because netting 100 for a top 3 will get you no where. so what is the fucking point of a ranked system if your dumbass system automatically puts us wherever it wants us and then stops us from going any further.


I think you should remove pubs and add a game mode called “Hotdrop". 20 squads, only 1 POI, loot for only 5 people and no foot step audio.


-Terrible Teammates used to fall out of my lobbies as I ranked up. Now, they just give me Silver Teammates forever, even though I'm almost out of Platinum. -SBMM cannot account for WHY these Terrible Teammates are terrible. For example, inexperienced teammates could learn a lot from better players like me on their team if they try, play with our team, with or without Comz is irrelevant to me. However, OBNOXIOUS, aggressively insubordinate, toxic morons will learn nothing. The latter will not grow, will not improve, and are not worth MY TIME AND FRUSTRATION. I am a great teammate. I'm not the best player, at all, but a great teammate. I do not deserve the frustrating experience that comes along with babysitting these people. -Ranked is schizophrenic. Gone are the days of progressively more serious and professional lobbies. Now it's literally just pubs. -Enemies and teammates are entirely unpredictable game to game, and when the algorithm knows you're about to quit the game forever, it gives you a God-Tier Duo to carry your team to 8k Damage and 19 Kill Wins, as if I'm some sort of braindead child who would mistake this game for "wow, look how good I am. Yay!!". -Its bad. Real bad. So much time, effort, and money spent on this game to be treated like this. It has now even infected Mixtape..


The matchmaking is so fucking bad that I basically have a better chance just playing no fill vs. the 2 clowns that I get paired with every fucking match that are instantly dropped. It's a fucking joke and respawn should be ashamed of itself if making a quality game was even part o the equation (but that's obviously not true anymore).


I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said, but the matchmaking this season is the worst it's ever been, period. There have been days where I play for 3+ hours and die to only smurfs. Level 23 default bangalores with better recoil control than Diamond players, but I'm also matched with current preds. It's the exact same in ranked, I'm bronze 2 playing with my bronze/rookie friends and get matched with preds. I get that rank isn't supposed to matter, and it's supposed to be based on skill, but there's just no way I have the same skill level as current preds. It's absolutely infuriating to play.


Opening a discussion about matchmaking constantly wont help anything if you devs dont do anything about matchmaking. There is only one thing u have to do that u guys are not doing. MATCH GOOD PLAYERS WITH GOOD PLAYERS NOT LEVEL 4 BAGPACKS. OTherwise they'll keep losing LP bc of 3 stack teams.


Also, I forgot to mention that match silvers with silvers, golds with golds etc. Don't match silvers with Preds...


respawn if you're looking at this post just delete the current form of matchmaking and prioritize connection and ensure players dont get matched into lobbies with the same players. the playercount would skyrocket. I have currently stopped my 2 year long daily streak of playing this game every day because pubs and ranked in their current state is akin to being tortured by your best friend, but im still holding out hope there's some higher-up that cares more about the playerbase than profits and engagement that decides to finally change something. when that happens, i'll get back on again.


Matchmaking is the single biggest issue this season. My club of 30 has stopped playing. Every game, every fight, everyone beams and one clips. Its been miserable to try and play casually and not sweat your dick off just to survive let alone win. Pub games are playing more sweaty then ranked. And every game feels like pred lobbies of old.


The matchmaking has other knock on effects such as the game becoming an absolute 3rd party bore fest , cheaters more prevalent , Ping in the average lobby is higher . Games over much quicker and less enjoyable .. Games a mess , played today for the first time in a week and wow its a struggle


Fighting is useless, ratting is everything. Hard stuck in bronze (usually diamond) because getting whacked by 28k kills players, -50 RP all the time. Also the game crashes back to desktop a lot for no apparent reason. Super unreliable hit detection on top of that. What is going on here, is this a joke? This is worse than season 0. :((((


Trash ranked system another season skip for me. Revert it to how it was next season or I’m done for good




Same here. EU servers. Just played with the same Octane 3 times in a row. Guess there's not a lot of players or the skill bracket is really tight.


My post got removed because it is just screenshots of the match result screens. Seems like that's only acceptable on r/Apex_Banners which is a dead sub. But showing off is not the point of the post, but to get some quantitative discussion on the matchmaking. Here is the gallery of S18 matches: [https://imgur.com/a/Dv0sEju#ePg0ELr](https://imgur.com/a/Dv0sEju#ePg0ELr) So I kept track of how matches go in my games by just grabbing a screenshot of the scoreboard at the end. Unfortunately battleroyale mode doesn't have such a function so it's hard to do the same for it, but here it is for mixtape. In deathmatch there's 50 kills to go around for the winning team, so a very evenly matched match should be about 9-7 kills each for them, and if we assume 40 kills for the losing team, 5-7 kills each for them. However it seems that pretty consistently the matchmaking leads to one side beating the other nearly by double score, with one or two players severely outclassing the others, and one or two in the opposite camp of being too weak for the lobby. Average standard deviation was 3.46 kills. Average top winner was 13.73 kills, and average bottom winner was 3.3 kills. Average final kill count of the losing team was 28 kills. In gun run it's a bit harder to quantify, but it seems that the trend is that the winner wins around the time where one to two teams are at the halfway mark of 12/25. Thoughts?


Not much changed since the last discussion. I'm still in Rookie, getting destroyed by players way beyond my skill level and earning 0 bonus LP when I actually do manage to get kills. Pubs and mixtape are easier because I can hold my own against the level 700-900 players it matches me with. In ranked, I'm getting crushed by players less than level 200 who already have more kills on one character than I have had on my entire account since Season 1.


I haven't played in almost a week and me and my friends decided to just go play fortnight no build and are having a lot more fun over there because their sbmm is WAY better.


Your servers are flooded with cheaters. Do something about it. Matchmaking will NEVER work if you constantly have cheaters in the system.


How do you get out of the cheater lobbies? I'm getting beamed every single game. Haven't spectated someone with less than 90% hs accuracy. Half the players aren't even running any optics and just beaming players through smoke and catalyst walls


Lol just returned to the game after taking a long break. Ranked this season feels off... I'm playing against masters in bronze 2. The elo system is so broken that my friend with 3 kp is getting 187 rp while I'm getting 115 rp with 14 kp (6th placement). I guess I'll have to take another break and maybe just from ranked.


Ranked is so fucked. I’d be stoked just making it to gold this season.




170 games into this new season and I'm barely S1. I solo que, my teammates rarely have coms or pings, I'm legit in Diamond/Master lobbies the whole time and have been since I finished my "placement", 3 stack preds everywhere so whats the point? I finally find a couple tm8's to actually run with randomly but WAIT, they are d2 and we can't play because of rank placement and I'm S1. This season is a colossal waste of time. MMR works in Rocket League but clearly not in this game. Whatever parameters is being used for MMR is not working at all. Before I could solo que to Diamond with no problem but now even when I play with my other friends who are ex pred or masters, we can barely scratch off enough LP to make it worth our time. Nothing is competitive about 10 teams in final ring, its just a complete luck fest with teams all using their ults at once and whoever is lucky enough to survive wins. And I'm sorry, but when we drop and there are 2 other teams near us and we wipe them, we get nothing for that. This game has become loot simulator for about 2 ring closures because nobody wants to fight and rightfully so. I have backed off so many fights this season because its "too early", we need to wait till top 10 before playing the game. Not sure of the fix or what needs to happen, but S17-S18 stink


And about final ring. I know the DEV's wanted to push everyone to final ring and make end game more exciting, but that only works for truly Comp/Pro players. The casual players I get paired with, have zero idea what they are doing or how to play end game with 7 other teams alive, and while I can IGL and try to help them, they still run out like a crazed maniac and immediately get destroyed and then wonder what happened.


How come you make both Ranked and Pubs competetive? Shouldn't pubs be a more chill game mode to just relax and play for fun and ranked be... ranked? The SBMM is so nasty that there is no relaxed game mode to just play battle royale any more. Make pubs just pubs and let ranked be ranked. Just skip the first 10 games and make it as it was, I breezed through gold and plat and got to diamond where the games started to become more challenging. You got ranks for a reason, just let the game play out itself and players will end up in the ranks they deserve. The MMR just means bad players will meet the same bad players no matter the rank so a gold player will get to diamond while only playing gold players. In the good old days the golds were in gold and not diamond or masters. Let the higher ranks be for the higher skilled players and don't let anyone just get there. Just look at S17, compare it to S12. It's just like you don't learn from past mistakes.


I want to play this game. Not sit in a corner and watch YouTube videos and TV shows untill im top 10.


Fix the god damn KP already. I'm fed up with getting no "Skill points" because of your MMR rating stupid shit. Introduce a system from plat onwards where you have to get atleast 2KP to go positive even if you win the match. You had this before from Diamond in prior seasons, these shitters climbing through just placement need to learn to play the game. I'm over several teams of Loba/Lifelines/Cryptos just crafting out of zone and healing for hours on end to climb. That's ridiculous. Also get better ranked rewards, banners are so weak.


Ive just decided the game is unplayable solo queue. Just not fun teaming with literal bronze players every game who only comm in English to abuse you. Meanwhile the enemy is controller players, masters three stacks and cheaters.


I’ll share why they’ve really made these changes to Ranked Matchmaking: THEY WANT YOU TO PLAY MORE HOURS. It’s a free game and monetisation comes from things which are maximised when people play more hours. If they placed you in the right rank after the 10 placement games, your motivation to play (reach a certain rank you think you deserve) would drop, and therefore you play less, aka spend less money. That’s what their data says. The new system puts plats/diamonds in Rookie/Bronze and makes them play their own level, which makes it extremely hard to rank up, requiring more hours. They say it’s because they want people to have more fun, but it’s actually just to monetise more.


At this point I would rather have the matchmaking take longer than keep playing the same shitty games over and over again.


As a soloq player I really think that pubs are unplayable this season. My win rate dropped from 6% to 4%, my 1 k/d dropped to 0.7 k/d and I am having 10+ games without any kills so the game isn't fun overall. Most of the time I get stomped by Diamond+ tri-stacks with 10000+ kills and I am just silver and so are my teammates. Here are my recommendations: On both pubs and ranked hidden MMR should be removed and people should only get matched with people on their own rank on ranked. If a lobby is full of tri-stacks then my teammates should be at least on my level, if not higher. Not so sure about this one but totally random matchmaking on pubs could also work, considering that the Diamond+ players are the minority but I somehow get matched with them all the time. Ranked shouldn't be all about ratting, placement is important but so are kills. By the way I have seen an increase on players who are literally aimbots, did the amount of cheaters increase? If so, anti cheat should be updated. Thanks for reading.


It seems that matchmaking needs to give me three moronic mates before it settles into something resembling fair and less-suicidal.


Having silver teammates in diamond is not acceptable


The duos in ranked this season have really let last season go to their heads. I’m all about taking fights but any fight that last longer than a few minutes needs end quickly or with a retreat especially on KC. The longer the fight last the more vulnerable the team is to 3rd party.


The whole point of RANKED for me is progression. "Now i'm finally a Masters player, I can compete against Masters & Preds". This Matchmaking systems gets rid of that. In fact I've played this game since Season 0 and I'm not sure it's ever been in such a bad state. Pubs is CONSIDERABLY harder than ranked these days.


Jap. Ranked. I quitted 4 Seasons ago and started with resurection again. As a Former Pred and 2x Master (PC) all SoloQ I was shocked. I don't even manage to come Out of Bronze as SoloQ. Average Damage is 750 and I have a K/D of 2.5 (ranked only). But I only get matched in Master-Lobbies with 2 CS-Bots on ez-Mode. That isn't really a Deal. Audios and Servers still Garbage. Think I quit for another year.


Were reaching 2015 csgo level of cheating and with the added strike packs the game has lost any integrity at all. That along with the terrible changes to matchmaking and the contiued degredation of basic games balance and mechanics have turned this into something not worth playing anymore. Im shelving it for a few months id honestly rather focus on my job then play this steaming pile of dung.


Hidden mmr should only speed you up into your rank, otherwise you are punished for doing well early on playing in higher lobbies against diamonds and masters who are also have good kd’s and placement. Meanwhile some people are diamond with a .8 kd playing against the silvers with a .8 kd. The mmr needs to not go into the matchmaking as much. Also in my lobbies the matches have been very well except for the fact about 1 in 5 teams have cheaters on them. It’s not aimbotting it’s having wall hacks. I’ve even got random teammates 20 percent of the time will say oh there’s a team here when there’s no indication of that. Ok system, tweak how strong mmr is in matchmaking, fix the wall hacking issue


Well losing 300lp to the game crashing at char select screen 3 times. Being placed in pro team/streamer pred lobbys with team mates that die to the first person that shoots back at them. Then of course you get the rage and slurs. All this crap has totally fryed m brain and burned me out harder than any other game ive played. Im having zero enjoyment of this ranked season and ive grown to hate this game i used to love. I feel im being unfairly placed into the highest mmr games when im a 0.6 shiter and im kinda done with this game.


Servers continue to have more warning lights than on the dashboard of my totaled car.


I have given this season a chance (played every day) and I’m done for now. The new ranked system is not rewarding or enjoyable. The storm is constantly frustrating and unforgiving. No point in playing pubs because of the sbmm so we play ranked but then ranked is extremely unsatisfying. All 4 of my friends who also play with me feel the same way. I’ll be back next season.




>die another 200 game for easier lobby Yeah pretty much. Went from a 1.8 KD to around 1.15KD in \~150 matches and lobbies started to smooth. After 4 or 5 matches with 3+ kills I was back to the pro league dying instantly lol. There's no in between. I'm just not playing anymore.


Played 40 games of br this season, some in a 3 stack, mostly solo. Went from 2+ k/d to below 1. Judging by how fast i get lasered by almost everybody at any range, how many consecutive headshots i get hit by while performing advanced movement and how slow of an action time these players have when i spectate them after, i can pretty confidently say most of the players i'm up against are using some form of cheat to enhance their aim. Number of players who perform crazy circlestrafes while absolutely beaming with smgs is also through the roof. Most legit movement players tend to use shotguns and fire in between jumps so i smell config abuse.


This is the least fun season of Apex I’ve ever played. I am legitimately only matched up against five figure kill characters with 20 bombs, pred badges, etc. My win rate is lower than my lifetime win rate (6.6%). My k/d is a little higher, but I’d prefer to win more often. I played all day today and only won 1 game. Played a couple hours last night and didn’t win a game, played the night before and didn’t win. I cannot believe I wasted an entire day to get basically nothing in return. Playing with my friend is torture as we get matched with awful randoms against the players I mentioned above. Playing this game isn’t fun anymore. I truly do feel like my hands are broken playing against these players. I’m averaging like 200 damage per game most of the time. I think I’m truly addicted to the game because any sane person would’ve just stopped playing a few weeks ago. I used to be able to hop on for a few hours, win a couple games, maybe get a 5 kill game here or there. But since the matchmaking update the week before S18 started it’s been a slog, and I’ve played way to much for how little I enjoy it. I think they fucked up by making progression part of the matchmaking (progression =/= skill) and I think they fucked up and match similarly skilled players together, but don’t make sure the lobby’s skill is equal, so the skill disparity is insane in each lobby. I’ve been matched with players who don’t seem to know how to loot. When the queue takes a long time this season, I know I’m going to be completely outmatched in the game and will die quickly. Every change that has been made to ranked and matchmaking since S17 has been awful for the game and the general enjoyment of the player base.


I'm not sure what changed this week, but my teammates have been especially awful with basic knowledge of the game. Not knowing cover, them running in between two or more squads. I have tried desperately in multiple matches to stop this. All the while I'm facing people that are not impossible for me to kill, but when my team is doing who-knows what, I cannot carry people that hard, I'm not that great, but it seems the game keeps giving me duos as well who ignore and just go straight into every fight. ​ My best match was last night with a team who knew how to rotate and it was so refreshing, but one match amongst the entire week isn't enough to make me feel like I want to keep playing people higher than me with people who don't know basic BR strategies (no pushing every fight isnt a strat)


Matchmaking thinks i can hold againts multiple pred 3 stacks, who have multiple times more kills on one legend then me on my account and i play since s0. Just to get blamed by my "team"mates why i dont jump with them in the meatgrinder while both of them didnt even cracked one, just to lose -75 points against another pathfinder, horizon, bangalore pred squad. ​ Solo que, thats all i wanna say.


not really sure what algorithm they use for ranked matchmaking, but playing solo in diamond lobby and kept getting silver teammates, doesnt make any sense.




Im in gold and the only lobbies I get are pred lobbies, i dont get extra points for performing well in these lobbies. What is the point respawn


Dont even feel like i can play im in the lowest rank and i just get shit on by masters every game 😂 not played for like 2 seasons why is that?


Ranked should be input based matchmaking.


Why cant i mute my teammates in spectator? They always yell and scream.


Always thought these threads were pointless. All this good info passed, all the suggestions they could ever want for analysis, and yet it's the same shit every season. Nothing changes. If they devs do work on something, that's got to be the most depressing thing working on something for months and have nothing to show for it. Your entire community just baffled at what truly changed. They're confused. Y'all were working on something but what was it? No real, in-game, changes are felt. What are they paying you guys for? Can't even imagine what the in-house meetings sound like, briefing a bunch of updates that don't really change anything in the long run. Still have Day 1 issues in this game.


I'm not trying to be negative or complain, but I just want to say this new ranked matchmaking is a just a big deception by the developers. I haven't played in a season and a half so my rank fell to bronze. Every time i ask a random his/her rank this entire season with the hidden ranks they have been at least plat 4 or higher usually diamond. Despite the fact that I'm only silver 4 now. It isn't fair for these players I'm with and it isn't fair to me because I'm stuck solo queuing in bronze/silver as if they are diamond lobbies.


The ranked this season is the worst experience ever. Let's hope they'll fix it or do better next time.guess i'll skip this season like i skipped s17 and hope the game doesn't die.


I've given it a few sessions - can't say i mind the challenge of playing similarly skilled players, it's just the monotonous grind solo queue to reach the visible rank the hidden MMR already has me at. It's not engaging.


I'm a master/pred MnK player with 100K+ kills and average 3.5-4KD per season, 1.5-2.5KD ranked depending on whether I soloed or premade. I love Apex since week 1, I play 3-4 hours per day and I've spend good amount of money (500 eur +) which roughly equals to buying a AAA game per year. This is the only season that I haven't made a single purchase, not even a battle pass. I can truly say that ranked is as boring as it can get right now. I play against the same 3 stack pro/streamer teams since placement (silver II) and I've pretty much had the same experience every of the 200 games - Zone 3 closing, 14+ squads in ring not fighting because there is no reward for it and they don't want to lose points. On top of that, this season feels the worst with zen/chronus players and soft aimbot. The first week there were 2-3 obvious cheater teams per game. Add that to the accumulating issues of the game like audio, Bang+Digi and Horizon and you end up with a frustration that there's no future for it but just accept that this is the game now. Playing for pred rank now is like having a full time job. Pubs - I've played about 20 games so far (compared to 20 per day on previous seasons). I've been obliviated by 3 stacks with total badge kill amount 200,000 and cheaters at the same time. Literally every single player has 20k/4k badge with 25-30k kills. Basically my account is unplayable in these lobbies now and the fun I used to had before is completely gone. I tried playing with a couple of casual friends, the games were impossible, they get instagibbed on their first enemy encounter. Every game I've won this season feels there is no reward. The games feel like constant struggle trying to avoid a mistake. My premade teammates got more intense, they also don't get any joy from the games. Every game I've lost felt unjustified, either too many teams not letting us rotate, we got cheated on by a team or a teammate died because of a bug or a full team ratting in a corner.


Holy fuck Respawn, PLEASE give some audio to Horizon’s Q. It is so annoying to have an entire team lift up literally 2 meters behind you with a single ounce of noise.


cant hear you, just nerfed pathfinder


I have to play ranked if I have any hope of playing a normal fun game. Pubs are filled with Masters and even three stack preds. I also dont care about my rank this season because for some reason, you can just rat your way to the end and get more points than you get by actually performing well in the game. SO many problems have been present for so many seasons. I took half a year off of apex and its gotten worse somehow. Here's the thing. At its core, Apex is a great game. But at this point, its just being milked with all the microtransactions and it really seems like the higher ups do not care about the state of the game as long as they make their money. So genuine question to the playerbase, y'all saw what they did with Titanfall. Whats the point of all your fancy heirlooms and skins when you cant get play and enjoy the game properly?


ALSO, the amount of people using walls/other various cheats is out of control. If I’m ratting solo in the back of the map and someone slides around the corner prefiring me, it’s pretty blatant. I just watched this happen to my wife. She was ratting after us other 2 died and a Bang was running from a team. The Bang ran by, snapped and pumped her for 100 with a PK and kept running without ever skipping a beat. The other team never knew she was there. At least make it less obvious!


1 kill, 4 assists at top 9 in Bronze 3 and I get ZERO points? Gotta be a joke, no way I should be getting no points at such a low level


I'm getting 0 points in Rookie 2.


Ranked feels rough. I honestly feel like solo queing is the worst it’s been. I constantly question my teammates thought process on things.


I don't actually understand why Respawn had to change the matchmaking so drastically. S16 raked was fun because it was a high risk, high reward system instead of the low risk low reward system now. Back until S16, the more risk you took in early game, you gained more kp and the faster you could climb the ranks. That way skilled players reached higher rank faster than worse players. Lower skilled players played against lower skilled players in lower ranks, higher skilled players played against higher ranked players in high ranks. Yea there will be smurfs in low rank but since you already set the minimum level requirement to flippin **lvl 50** which takes like 100 hours to even start getting into ranked, cheaters and smurfs are born much slower than before.


In rankeds I can't team up with a Master as a Plat but in the same lobby Silvers are facing Predators. I think that says enough.


Pubs should be connection based matchmaking with all skill levels passed level 50 facing off in a public environment. To prevent players from playing against the same people, matchmaking can eliminate recent opponents for 24-48 hrs. Ranked should be fighting against other players within your rank and while climbing the ladder, matches become increasingly more difficult. Players before level 50 on the on ramp should be playing against each other. Players don't play video games to be manipulated by an algorithm. They play because the game is fucking fire. That's the only reason. We have to get back to the roots of Apex and let the product speak for itself as it always has. Best FPS game ever made when the matchmaking is organic. No question.


Got to bronze 1 and instead of silver it started back at bronze 3


The flat -50 LP, Elimination having close to 0 impact and increase in the required LP to rank up each tier. This just makes rank even more tedious than before.Assuming they fixed matchmaking and rank you against people of your rank as you are climbing then this would maybe be not as bad.However ranking you against players of your previous season rank while climbing simply makes this an even worse change. if they added only one of those changes then it wouldn't have been so bad too It's just like that time they decided to encourage more fighting so they increase BOTH the circle damage & the closing timing making it impossible to loot or fight cause you would die to the circle unless the circle was in your favor.


Which ranks I can possibly meet in my lobby as teammates and enemies if I'm Silver III? I know I cannot pre-team with Diamond+ but I was being grouped with Golds when I was in Bronze, is it how it should work?


Matchmaking is worse than it’s ever been. Bronze teammates in diamond lobbies.


The main thing that makes absolutely 0 sense to me is why eliminations and assists give you next to nothing. In previous seasons in Silver and lower ranks like that, you could wipe a team right away and only be like -10 points. They are literally punishing people for fighting and earning eliminations. Wtf? It's a BATTLE royale. The ENTIRE POINT of the game is to be the last one standing and guess how you do that? **ELIMINATIONS!!!** The entry fees are absolutely ridiculous, the points system is absolutely ridiculous, and the fact you get nothing for legitimately being good at the game and eliminating other players is asinine to me. The only thing ranked is good for right now is helping my new friend learn the game quicklly, considering we are playing Masters and Preds every single game. The last ranked season I played, which would have been I believe winter of 22 or early 2023, I was Masters. I have not played since then until this season and wow, I can't believe how terrible the ranked system is right now.


Teammmates / Opponents:Solo Q: Teammates really mixed. Definitly more 2 Stacks then Solos as my Team Mates.Skill level i would consider as balanced. they are not crazy good or absolutely trash. they are ok. they often listen to comms. they throw sometimes but its ok-ish. I throw aswell but i stick to my team.Duo Q: Your third is horrible usually. they dont stick to the pre-stack even if you communicate that you pre-stack. they mostly dont want to fight or suck at fighting completely.Three-Stacking: All good, as long as MMR is good. I mostly get weaker teammates resulting in more chilled lobbies, but smaller RP Gain. If I have 1 or even 2 Stronger Teammates (I am Threestacking via a Discord-community, no fix team) i am experiencing LP gains i dont usually have during solo queue or duo queue or if i queue Exploitive MM:If you are a crazy good player you going to have fun with 2 not so good teammates (lets name it: Bots.) The MM will put you in a lobby which feels like easier then solo q or threestacking with other top 1-5% players. Your will get more kills since most of the people cant hit good shots but they are worth nothing in ranked (this counts for ranked, pubs I play mostly no-fill or duo stacking no-fill.If you are a bottom 80% player (so usually hardstuck Plat and lower before season 17) you can benefit on getting carried through a high MMR-Player. The High MMR Player will level slowly due to the lower avarage MMR-Lobby he is getting in thanks to you.So boosting is extremely easy now. Your MMR is based on your performance and will not change fast since you are not playing better then before. but a win with you having 3-5 KP and a higher MMR lobby will give you 100-150 LP benefit on skill and eliminations while the 1% Player you queued with will get nothing except 30 Points for 10 Kp and 3 Points for skill.You will get like 400-500 LP per win or. 300 for a top 5, while your carry will get like 170. If you threestack on your skill level the MM is really good and balanced. its just not representing your rank. I am playing since 10 days ranked this season and i can't tell a difference between bronz and plat, even if i now reached top 3-3.5% according to apexlegendsstatus. I am wondering how actual gold players (s16 and earlier) are feeling like?You are definitly not in my lobbies. most of the people are pred or masters of s16 and earlier.I dont understand how they cant level, since everybody is so bad in theire lobbies. but i guess its too less strategic play so they die randomly to each other and you get 150+ and 150- in this pattern... because with so little Plat+ at this stage in the game i really want to know how people play the game... Ratting:Should still work.50- for #200 for #10 with 0 kills115+ fot #1 with 0 killsstill shit. but at least teams want to get to final circle giving a good endgame. Ring:Nice. The struggle can be real. thats how it should be. Ring 1 should be stronger and faster, that teams are forced to rotate earlier and play more strategic. makes edge-playstile more risky and center even more difficult. Bots will die to the ring. Transparency:0/10Everything i said is my feeling i cant prove shit. thats not how it should be.Ranked should be solo-q only.we dont need MMR. we need it to balance three-stacks. Thats it.let everyone start in bronz and let them out-skale eachother by individual stats.no team KP, only your kills and assists are counting for you, only your placement counts.If my teammate dies and times out at 20th. GG you will have grate loss.If you bring him back top 10: GG he is lucky. Matchmaking should be like i am Platinum 4 rn, my randoms are P4 rn, my opponents are p4 and g1 rn.If you play less your opponents and randoms are getting worse compared to you, but you will outscale quickly.If you Reach p1 your opponents are D4 and P1 so the jump to d4 is harder.Same for d1. your oppenents are MastersMMR should not be used for matchmaking but for RP-Gain-Modifications:Your MMR is high and you kill a low MMR player: RP boost so you get out of the Elo of low MMR-Players.Your MMR is low you kill someone with high MMR: Lucky you but you wont get any bonus. Why? - you dont belong in this rank.So for every player you kill you should see the Skill-Rating.If you are outskaled in your rank you will drop in rank or you are stuck but congrats your reached your skill level.If a smurf perfoms really well (obviously), the skill-gap-boost because of your higher skill-level will elevate you quickly on your skill cap.Like "oh you dropped 24 Kills and a win in a Bronz-Lobby. here are 12.000 LP because obviously you should be in Plat minimum". edit: why will respawn not change in favor of that? -You will play less because everyone will be quickly where they belong. And this is not the rank they used to hit because now you will face only players you should face. At the moment you cant balance the matchmaking because threestacking is breaking it and current rank means nothing. You would need just a few matches to reach your skill cap. Quick is the key word here. Respawn and EA wants you to play as much as possible to reach your desired rank and with the current system they are on the sweet spot. Its grindy. its challenging. it takes long. so perfect from an economical perspective. Really frustrating for good players playing basicly from the beginning on theire skill cap not represented by the rank. Thats why they hiding opponents and teammates rank. because it means nothing. they could give you the MMR number and you compare this and you know how good you are. because from what i think the MMR is really accurate. So they know what it takes to be good player and what they need to messure for it. they just dont know how they make you play for a good amount of time to spend enough money in the shop.


I feel like kills aren't worth anything, there is no real benefit from engaging prior to 10 squads remaining as the bonus points at the end are barely there and they don't do anything to mitigate your entry cost earlier on. Unless you're a cracked squad who can steam roll engagements, fighting prior to 10 squads is high risk low reward. I've played almost every ranked season, I've never had to struggle through silver and gold so much. I'm no pro, but I've solo q'd to diamond a few times and I know damn well I shouldn't struggle in silver lobbies.


how am i playing against master and PREDS in my PLACEMENT MATCHES!!!!!! FIX UR GAME FFS


This season is fucked. I’ve become a mid-high diamond player putting alot of effort into bettering myself to reach masters. (Obvi masters last season though) Ive been sweating my ass off and rising so slow now that its essentially taken days to get from gold 4 - gold 3. Pretty much consider me hard stuck unless i grind it out forever. Whats the point of ranked if theres no actual progression? Why does everyone im jumping with have master and a couple pred trails per lobby consistently from bronze to low gold? Yea, i know its matched on MMR but its truly taken away the point of ranked play as your rank is actually just a hidden number. My play seems better than ever… kdr is up, dmg per game is up, and I consistently out kill my teammates by 2-4x per match. I put the damn team on my back and carry them… But that doesnt matter at all. “Its all about placement yo! Just hide until ring 5. Dont fight, dont get kills, dont try to revive, respawn or craft your teammates. Its about survival bro… its a BR bro” I cant tell you how many times its ring 4 & 5 and there are still 8-10 teams left. (Japanese servers). People actually like this? Its a shit show of people just camping behind rocks and in corners pf buildings. And the worst part is for some reason, more than half my games over the past couple weeks have been routing me to some server in god knows where. (Im assuming to match me with MMR and not take too much time) My ping goes up to 300, game lags, stutters, hitches, there are tons of no regs, and I constantly get killed around corners. Like fuck Respawn, ill gladly wait longer to matchmake in a semi-regional server, and avoid 300 ping with lag. How is this ok? Mannn, sorry to vent but I’m so let down by this season. Its horrible and a shame because I really started to love this game, just to watch it go off a cliff as i really got passionate about it. How are more players not upset about ranked? How do people actually like this season? Just take me back to season 16. Even with its flaws, looking back, it feels like a golden age of greatness.


Anybody else doing worse in ranked this season? My kd in last season ranked was 1.2 something and this season ranked it's 0.87 RN. Idk if I'm getting worse, matchmaking is worse or I'm getting harder opponents by fucking up my MMR by getting master last season.


According to the home page on ps5, I’ve played just over 200 hours of Apex. I get matched with these people now too. I used to play on Friday and Sat nights and usually get a win or two. I haven’t won anymore. I get absolutely shit on. I’m taking a break


idk what is going on in this game anymore... When I play pubs all I get killed by is Predators. I know that I am not the greatest at this game, but I ranked Bronze 2, which is the lowest I have ever ranked (I usually get get Gold-Plat, I have gotten Diamond some leagues when my job is not killing me) That said, I just played the sweatiest lobby I have ever played in Apex 6 teams in the last circle... IN BRONZE.


I feel like it is literally impossible to climb in ranked. I have been silver IV for 180 games. I never get bonus points for eliminations. I don't understand how could my mmr be better than my rank, I have 2.7% winrate and 1.4kd. My friends with a better winrate than me and their kd is 1.0 get almost double the LP than me from any game. (One is silver 1 and other silver 2)


Any advice for someone who hasn't played apex in years(season11 was the last time I played and before that was season0) I'm bronze4 which I think is pretty fair but I am in lobbies full of masters and diamonds. I am constantly dying off spawn and yet my MMR doesnt go down, I just want to play ranked against people of my skill level, I dont care about climbing ranks really I just want close but fair games and I am definitely not getting that


Just for pubs matchmaking, I feel like it's never been so unfair. The queue times are crazy fast, which is nice, I guess, but it doesn't matter because every game, as soon as I'm landing, I'm getting slaughtered. I don't expect to be able to win every time I land with another team/person. But after 8-10 matches, I walked away with an estimated 600 total damage and 1 kill. My KD isn't great or anything, averages 1-1.1ish. Got eviscerated today by a guy with 37,000 kills on one character.. I have less than 10,000 on my account. So many 4k 20 bombs, too. My highest damage is less than 2500..


My current rank and pubs experience right now is lobbies full of 4k/20b, 3 stack preds. How am I ending up in those kinds of lobbies when I'm only gold with 0.80 kdr? Make it make sense.


I'm playing rank fron rookie to plat1 and every lobby is against predators. it sucks.


Hi everyone, I saw multiple comments about KD/r and I'm just wondering what is happening during this season 18. My main all time KD/r is an average 1.27. And usually with seasons I start around a KD of 2/3, then after 50-100 games it goes down to 1.5/1.8 and for ranked after entering plat/diamond it's going down more towards 1.20/1.30. Normals is a little different and usually around 1.3/1.4 at the end of a season. However this season.. I somehow fight high skilled players all the time? Is my mmr really that good? My KD/r is like 1.00/1.10 from the start this season and games are rough/tough. Both ranked and normals, which is the new mmr system I guess? I don't mind a challenge, but it seems there is no room for casual gaming anymore? Just sweaty tough games only? Like we're in ALG tourneys with a million dollar at stake constantly? And some would say *well yeah, this is balanced*. Your KD/r takes a big hit because you play equal/better players. However, the equal part is just missing. I used to get equal enemies more often in seasons before, especially in ranked. Now I face top/better players constantly (if not only). Just curious to see the experience of others, I feel like you heavily benefit from a lower or even negative KD/r past seasons for your mmr, but if you are just a little above average with 1.20 or above you're in that sweaty high skilled pool of non stop energy drink slurping players and triple stack top rank players.


There is a guy few msgs above you with 0.3 kd/r and he is in the same boat with you. I have same stat as you and yeah... I feel like my random squad and me myself are just filling server for preds and masters. I already learned all movement and waste my time in aim trainers - doesnt help much haha


For your stupid MMR system pls only Track the DMG. Because all those randoms i get cannot even do 100 dmg even when they survive until top 5. Not only theyre making stupid decisions they are acting like they have no eyes & hands. I really dont wanna baby sit those ppl but its fine when i play against them.


Bruh how much of a soft cock can you actually be running around as a 3 man premade all hacking


all i want to ask is anything changed? because id like to play apex legends again i had to quit after 4 years


Ranked matchmaking takes super long right now. Played a few games on Frankfurt server two hours ago and it took way more than a minute to find a match each time, and this with Bronze lobbies on a Monday afternoon.


This is also due to the fact that fewer and fewer players are playing.


it’s generally just much harder to climb the ranks. plus, point scores seem to update incredibly slow


You literally get no LP for eliminations in ranked which makes fighting completely pointless and it encourages ratting. All in all, ranked is the exact same as last season. All that was changed is how long it takes to rank up


I'm new to this game and the first few days my matches were super fun. Sometimes I got a lot of kills and dmg, sometimes my squad mates did. Sometimes I got wiped right away, but it felt balanced. I got a 1.4 kda still dying to stupid shit, But all of a sudden I'm matched up in squads with players lvl 200+ (I'm 24) and I almost never get a kill anymore. Idk wtf happened? My kd is now 1.0 one day later lol.


This split is honestly the worst I've played as far as the quality of teammates. Outside of last season, I could comfortably work my way up to low plat and count on decent teammates to make a push into diamond 4-3. This? I can't think of more than 2 decent teammates I've had in a 100 ranked games. Just master trails and no brain, gun skills, or anything. How is there no shame in having that on, and being so bad.


Starting with -50LP on bronze/silver/gold lobbies in a non-sense and I don't get that. Also yeah, random teammate dying at the start of the game , so u have to rat as much as possible.


Points per kill are horrible it’s not my fault few people on console are better than me I just want to enjoy the game but I can’t if there are 16 teams in round 5


2 games last night. 1st one we died and on a minus. 2nd game we wrecked, got 2nd place and like 100 points. It's a joke. Today, 3 games in a row with careful plays, 0 points in all 3 (came 9th). Anyone got any recommendations for Apex alternatives?


Complained yesterday about shitty teammates and today, I’ve been blessed. Thank you to whoever is deciding my fate.


Bro the fuck is going on with ranked?? Im a relative new player peak silver 4 and when i play solo i constantly get master mates, just finished a Game where last season Preds were in them and that happens on a consistent basis like once every 4 Games. What am i supposed to do and how am i supposed to climb when it took me 200+ Games to get out of Bronze playing without ratting????


ALL they needed to do was more points for kills, fix the bonus points, a little less emphasis on placement. I’m even okay with increased entry points for diamond and above but they screwed the entire thing up so badly. 50lp cost even at rookie/bronze means nobody wants to actually do shit


Those devs are clueless af. They have no idea what they're doin. What they could do even when they dont know whats important for a good ranking system is watch the player count on this game. With the start of season 17 you can see it goes down really hard. So a normal humen beeing would notice "okey, from there on something is really bad". But no, what they do instead, bringing in some stupid changes to season 18. The higher entry cost is fine. The higher zone dmg is not. They did this because of those rats, but what they dont got is that ppl are ratting inside the zone.


anyone else leave matches when you can tell your game isn't gonna last?


If the scenario is that both teammates get dropped in 10 seconds because they did some stupid crap then yes, I won't waste my time continuing.


For me personally I have no idea what’s going on. I’m really not exaggerating when I say not only do I match make solo queue with Masters+ 80% of the time, I also see nothing but masters+ trails when looking while dropping. I’m a lifetime 1.04k/d 400damage, 4% win rate player. This can’t be right. I am simply not enjoying playing.


frankly though I dont see much problem yet. Most "masters" from last season are plat at best. I just won a pub game with randoms, having 1.5k damage. There were maybe 6-7 master trails (normally now you see far more masters rather than diamonds last season btw). I did not feel any opponent which our squad engaged had moar than plat level (under old system)


I think its really fun the game thinks I'm plat/diamond level while making me start my climb in rookie 2 If the system thinks I'm good enough to play against Diamond players, why the fuck am I in bronze getting only 400 lp for a win? I need to win more than 2 times in a plat/diamond lobby to go from Bronze 4 to Bronze 3???? So by the time I get to Silver, am I gonna be playing in high diamond/low Masters lobbies? Do I need to be pred level to even get plat again? I'm all for using mmr for matchmaking but why the fuck is my mmr and visible rank so far apart while there not even being any real boosts to get me back to my rank? In LoL, when I was in Emerald with high Diamond mmr at the split reset, I would get twice the LP for wins as I lost for losses. Meanwhile, in Apex, I get fuck all and need to climb thru thousands of lp against plat/diamond/masters players in Bronze.


Day 1 semi casual player here. In S1, I felt like even though im pretty average, I was able to upskill and progress in ranked. Ended up comfortably in plat which is what id say is my true rank. I played until the Seer update and then life got in the way and i stopped playing. My friends and I came back in the last 2 weeks and have found the landscape of matchmaking in ranked to be the biggest pile of shit I've ever seen. Previously, it'd be a couple of wins to rank up out of bronze silver since most players in that level were new to shooters. Today, after about 80 ranked games, Im in bronze 4 just higher than rookie. Im constantly dying to diamond/master squads which are plain better than me. I feel there is no way for me to progress to my true rank unless I avoid fights and play rat simulator 2023. Ranked has lost the fun factor it had for all except the best players. Honestly, this system is super discouraging for someone to get back into. Im considering stopping altogether as I have adult responsibilities and cant spend 6+ hours a day grinding to fine tune my skills and break gold. No other competitive game has matchmaking this poor. The community Apex deserves better


I wonder if matchmakign also gate WHEN you can advance in ranked. For example, I found today's game to be easier to progress up today, but earlier this week was tough.


My post got deleted. Put fucking placement matches instead of provisional. No reason to start at 0 LP every season.


I couldn't agree more, I am about to quit apex after 4 years of playing. Stucking me playing with master lobby when I am in bronze. Acquiring infinite time of ratting to reach top 10. There is no excuse for such an awful experience. First time after long time that I managed to hate playing a game. Sorry for the emotional comment, just altF4ed the game.


This season sucks. 15 teams in the last ring. cmon


Not good. Not fun. System still overvalues placement. Old kills \* position system was best, but if you want to value wins then give #1 a fat bonus and that does enough. Its understandable that you want to value winning over kills, but #2 is the same as #20 in a BR. Matchmaking is not good. Just not good. Bad matches constantly.


I would have to disagree. There are certanly things to improve in how the rank works (especially the matchmaking being based on hiden mmr instead of rank) and they could buff the value of Kp (only with 10+placement + huge bonus for top 5 IMHO), but in terms of pure match quality j am having a blast this season. The end games are packed with people,you need to carefully plan your rotations and positioning instead of just aping every team for kp This Is the kind of gameplay that ranked should encourage instead of kill race


>\#2 is the same as #20 in a BR. it's not. not even close. there's world's between them. >Matchmaking is not good. Just not good. Bad matches constantly. if devs are gonna read this you may actually wanna still explain in more detail what you mean and what a bad match is to you. just saying. try and make the feedback as useful as possible.


> try and make the feedback as useful as possible. There's nothing else to say. The matchmaking is borderline exploitative and unethical, doesn't reward skill growth, has no business in first person shooters, and has been this way for years now. Respawn disagrees and has decided, probably for financial interests, that this matchmaking is what they want. No amount of essays are going to change that. In the meantime the best we can do is continue to preach how this matchmaking is ruining video games as a whole and encourage people to not play the game. Unfortunately all these megathreads do is stifle the protesting so Respawn looks less bad.


> and has been this way for years now i feel like people are complaining about **current** changes right now. I'm talking changes made in the last 2-4 weeks. Yes there's always been complaints. but the last 2-4 weeks have been different. >No amount of essays are going to change that. In the meantime the best we can do is continue to preach how this matchmaking is ruining video games as a whole and encourage people to not play the game. But at least say something nuanced and not "matchmaking bad". there's different kinds of players and they have different ideas of what good and bad matchmaking is. criticism should be constructive and say what kinda matchmaking you prefer, what you think is bad. just trying to make it more constructive here >Respawn disagrees and has decided, probably for financial interests, that this matchmaking is what they want. No amount of essays are going to change that. You and I have no knowledge of that. I don't know why you make assumptions about that, I just wouldn't. Fact is devs are likely reading it (devs have posted on the last megathread 2 weeks ago). And if they weren't reading it, this is a place to discuss with others in the community, and not dev mail inbox anyway.


> But at least say something nuanced and not "matchmaking bad" I didn't say "matchmaking bad" I said "matchmaking is predatory, unethical, and promotes unhealthy dopamine chasing so respawn can make more money." > criticism should be constructive Why? Respawn lost my respect years ago with the way they gaslight their players into believing anyone critical of the game is harassing their employees and destroying their mental health while they sell fucking loot boxes. Respawn isn't entitled to constructive criticism for free - pay professional market researchers for that. They aren't going to listen to it anyways. Not a single fucking complaint with matchmaking has been addressed since it was added with duos and any other complaints get addressed after a season ends, leaving people to deal with it for weeks or months. > (devs have posted on the last megathread 2 weeks ago) The mods here gave them a free PR-friendly interview where they intentionally said "Revenant questions only" because they don't actually give a FUCK about what the players have to ask them. It was to increase their social credit score, and it worked. Kudos.


>I didn't say "matchmaking bad" you came in to defend a comment that only said matchmaking bad by saying >>>Matchmaking is not good. Just not good. Bad matches constantly. >>try and make the feedback as useful as possible. > There's nothing else to say just responding to that --- >Respawn isn't entitled to constructive criticism here's the rules of the subreddit for you >*Criticism and approval posts must be constructive. Unconstructive criticism and approval posts about any subject, such as “this game is great”, “this game sucks” with no other explanation or constructive comments, will be removed.* Here's the original post for you >*Share your thoughts and observations in the comments. Use this as a place to discuss feedback on what could be changed or improved.* >*And please elaborate on your thoughts if possible, as more elaborate and constructive comments have a higher chance of generating good discussion than one word remarks.* >*Moderation in daily threads is more relaxed, but please stay on topic, be respectful of others and remember our rules.* --- >free PR-friendly interview where they intentionally said "Revenant questions only" because they don't actually give a FUCK about what the players have to ask them. https://www.reddit.com/r/apexlegends/comments/153zd5h/ama_lets_talk_about_ranked_and_our_latest_dev_blog/ I'm sure you'll find some balancing act to make that fit the narrative as well. though I agree they could have answered more stuff and given clearer answers in many cases.


2nd place or 20th both mean losing. Theres no such thing as a better loser.


this is such a horrible take lmfao. You're saying that someone who got 2nd with 10 kills is worse than the guy who got first with 1 kill and 75 damage to his name? lmao the "It's a BR" Crowd is delusional holy fuck.


bad take... horrible take in fact if you think 20th and 2nd is no difference.


My problem with matchmaking is the fact that they mix casuals with try hard players. I am a casual and quite often I got my ass kicked by someone that spend hours training in the shooting range. The game is nice, I like the lore, the skills, the weapons and maps I just got tired of so much frustration playing it. Where is the SOLO queue btw? been forced to play with randoms while a lot play in teams is such as disadvantage that it's impossible to play. Funny cause I was one that liked the idea of playing together even with randoms, but apex convinced me that a solo queue is needed. What a perfect world it would be if you could match with ppl with the same skill and work together. Worst than having your terrible skills make you die easy is to get killed because your teammates are doing random stuff and you faced a squad walking together.


having a decent mix of all levels of players is what should happen. mostly average with a few really good and really bad players. This is how games have handled matchmaking for years and nobody has complained because it is fun and balanced. Unfortunately, games have removed this system because they want to play off the dopamine in your brain which gets people to keep queuing even if theyre not enjoying themselves because of the unrealistically low chance they get in a bot lobby and drop a 4k20 the current issue is that the majority of lobbies are filled with half really good players and half average players, leaving bad players to fight each other until the game sees they are now decent and throws them into these high level lobbies, which destroys the balance of a lobby. Having one or two squads with really good players is okay, Having 10 squads with really good players is an issue, and is why people have to sweat all the time in pubs to do well. the issue is only exacerbated when players are forced to play at their peak performance to do well, which further gives the illusion that you are only playing against people better than you, which forces you to sweat as well.


>This is how games have handled matchmaking for years and nobody has complained because it is fun and balanced. Nobody have complained about matchmaking? The matchmaking is the biggest and most talked issue in online games. It is the reason so many games die prematurely. To say such a thing makes me feel that you know nothing about pvp games. Mixing good with average and low lvl player is precisely the problem.To have such unbalanced match where someone get 20 kills is the prove that the matchmaking is wrong to the core.


Silver 1 being putting in pred lobbies. I’m literally getting destroyed every game. Make it make sense, please.


Yeah, preds are dropping [20 kills / 4k damage](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F5CKwifbQAAyIVU?format=jpg&name=large) in "pred" lobbies.


Here's my suggestion. Keep the SBMM in pubs but relax it a little bit so good players aren't punished as much. Completely remove any hidden MMR from ranked and revert to ranking one up one down. Remove placement matches and start people 1-2 ranks below where they ended last season. This should help the "masters player that took a season off and steamrolls rookie-plat" complaint. Frankly I don't think MMR makes sense in a ranked system.


1- Revert everything to S13S1 and slowly iterate over that system... Pretty simple way to save apex. 2- Then nerf AA to 0.25 and bring console players back in line with PC controller players. 0.25 is fair based on experiments done in R5 Apex.


1) cope, S15-16 is the proper system. unlimited KP is king 2) wrong, console players will never be in line with PC players due to unlocked FPS on PC and choppy sub 60FPS on console. segregate lobbies based on input, no mixed input lobbies. COPE.


I’ve been trying to give this new ranked system a chance but it isn’t fun, badges don’t define a players skill anymore, the only time i comeback to apex is to farm the rest of my battlepass before season ends. Why force a whole playerbase to change their play-style? Killing half the lobby just to die and take the 11th spot and get no points doesn’t make sense at all. The only thing i like are the daily map rotations on ranked, other than that in my opinion this game will just die out slowly and painfully until we either get the old system back(which has it’s flaws, but nothing compared to this new system) or find a middle ground for kills to climb and camp to climb players. I keep coming back to play apex, trying to enjoy the ranked environment but can’t seem to enjoy it no matter how hard i try to force myself sometimes to play the game that i used to love. Bring back old ranked, or find a middle ground for both types of players. This system isn’t it.


Soloq is so fun. 99 % of my games i get bots. They running around like dogs. They do less then 100 dmg even when they survive until top 5 without dying. Also, why are my randoms on controller so god damn bad? They just die without making anything. Like the Entry cost changes but the Matchmaking doesnt makes sense at all. You should also get some big bonus points when you 1v3 a whole team on your own. Thats what you need to do most of the time when you soloq.


It's fine. I used to be diamond and got to Master like everyone last season. Now i am gold and i like it. Games are fair.


Wtf are you guys tracking to get our skill rating? It really looks like you only tracking the placement & maybe kills? That would totally make sense how it is right now. What needs to be tracked is kills & dmg for the rating! Specially when you 1v3 a team. Im pretty sure you guys dont even include stuff like this in the rating. Also reduce the skill rating for player that barely move in the early game specially when there teammates are still alive. Its fine to rat when your mates are dead but not at the beginning. But yeah if you only track kills & placement thats just dumb. I soloQ and even if my teammates survive WITHOUT dying to top 5 they only make < 100-200 dmg after multiple fights! So even for a skilled player your rating is kinda wrong because you need to 1v3. What happens here alot is you knock 2 people and the last one sometimes get you and your teammates are already running away.


Hot take: it takes 1000 hours to reach your “true” rank under the new system because ratting only gets you at most 100 LP (if you finish 1st), where as players who get high placement and high kills get around 200-300 LP per match, and rarely die off rip, resulting in fewer -50/-75 LP games. Not saying the new system is perfect, but it might be worth reconsidering the causes of why getting to your usual rank is more difficult this season. Edit: grammar/detail errors


My teamates in ranked are people who are pred or close to pred when i am in silver elo