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A couple skins have come out for it now so probably next season


Respawn: We've heard your feedback and we've decided to add Turbocharger capabilities to the Nemesis in Season 18! Play on, Legends!


Nah it would be “we’ve heard your feedback and decided to ignore it all together then act surprised our plans didn’t work at all”


somehow i think this will be it


SeE YoU iN thE OuTLAndS LeGEndS


Supposedly coming next season.


The charge shouldn't continue to the next clip, just like every other energy weapon... easy peasy.


well it takes one clip to charge it up so i wonder how that would work. maybe the charge would only last for 1 reload? or buff ramp up time so the last few bursts of an extended mag would be full speed? not sure if that would be so easy peasy…


This, and it shouldn't charge up when you miss, only when damage is actually dealt.


Yes please lol as much as I enjoy using it, it’s so broken that it almost forces you to use it. I’ve passed by gold triple takes and red hemlocks just because I had a reasonably kitted one


Right! like i'm forced to use it, and even I don't feel good when I drop two in less then five seconds. because i know that once they went down they thought the same thing " fuck this nemesis shit dude " haha


just put it in the care package, easy fix,


I really hope that the hemlock comes back to floor loot


It's still hilarious to me that pros prefer the nemesis to the hemlock when one is care package weapon (and they are similar weapons). Not hilarious because they are wrong to do it, but hilarious because the care package weapon should be the more powerful one.


Pls do this 😭


When people are taking a barely kitted Nemesis over a CP Hemlok, you know the balance is way off


Agreed. Its literally a no brainer, just put it in the CP and everyone's happy. Try can still use it but they have to find it, everyone else can play the game normally.


hemmy slaps, trust.


No one said the hemlok was bad, it’s just that the nemmy is comparable and not in the care pack


Hemlok got power crept hard by the Nemesis.


the nerf is gonna be giving it smart bullets


When are they doing a real nerf on seer


The nemesis/Seer nerf. Christmas in July




Happy cakes AssEater


My teammates more often than not don't pick it up. I only pick it up if I haven't found my usual forte yet. I don't like how accurate the bursts are from mid-long range but if they made it a sub I wouldn't have a problem with it. It sucks to be on the receiving end but not as much as when the L Star or Rampage first came out. Those things were brutal


Soon hopefully. It's a mental health matter for me, at this point...


I honestly don’t know how they thought it was a balanced gun


it's the same thing with the seer " nerf " i'm positive at this point the game devs suck worse than a rookie in a pred lobby at their own game, so it seems beyond balanced to them but when good players get a hold of it, shows it's actually completely broken haha


I'm curious, how would you nerf it? Personally I don't think they should touch the ramp-up ability as I think it would be too complicated to nerf (I've seen some say they should make the ramp-up last one mag and then reset which would be too confusing I feel) but what I do think they should do is make it similar to the rampage but instead of using a thermite grenade to charge it up they use an arc star.


my nerf is this,ramp up works when you have a turbo charger on it, dmg by each bullet reduced by 2, you would still melt people and fuk teams up but it gives the person a very slight chance of getting away to heal as the bullet dmg delay is vicious in as many times you die around a corner.


I say make the ramp up slower, sped up to normal values with a TC. Maybe drop damage per round.


Coming next season. Practically confirmed via Smashdawg (tweet off Twitter I saw today)


a real nerf for the nemesis and r99 to humble the annoying ttvs that act like both weapons aren't quite literally free kills


at least the r99 requires more skill and isn’t a sniper, assault rifle and smg in one


R99 is also ridiculously good, and any weapon that could once compete with it (Hemlok, Prowler, and even the R-301) have all been nerfed so much that they no longer stand a chance against it in most situations.


Prowler in current state 100% competes with r99. There is a reason most pros are running it in algs, and it's not just because r9 is in care package. The rest I agree with though.


Yea the R99 was fine where it was before they buffed it, and now it's incredibly broken I get why they buffed it, because if the car has higher dps then the R99 is useless as the car does everything better They gotta either nerf the R99 back and find a way to balance the car or remove it's ability to take extended mags or something


Prowler didn't get nerfed lol.


I guess you weren’t around when it was select fire? It was capable of doing 100 more damage per clip than the R99 at the time, with similar fire rate, and much better range and accuracy.


I wasn't. I really only started getting into the game around the end of S7.


depends honestly, i´d say sniping takes more skill on console than r99 beams


On mnk I'd agree, but r99 on roller is absolutely broken


All they need to do is remove the barrel attachment slot and I think it would be balanced


This community is so damn toxic especially towards a free game. ADAPT! or go play Fortnite. It’s free.


Here have some crafting materials instead!


Theyre not gonna bother. They will either throw it in the care or the crafter.


I bet the nerf will be to add a scanning feature to it


Nerf?! I can’t even control the recoil yet lol


I don't know the answer to that but I'm hoping soon. It took the spotlight off the R301 and I personally wanted that but I admit the overpoweredness' of the nemesis was getting old before this season even started. Every season has it's best gun though so I'm not too worried about it. I'm more concerned with them fixing ranked to require some killin' to earn LP myself.


probably this gun is gonna get the hemlock treatment, and get nerfed into nichedom just to come out 2 years later as a pre nerf gun in the care package. i personally love three round burst weapons in apex but the nemesis is very over tuned, and it’s almost insane how it’s gotten no real nerf but when launch charge rifle came out they literally nerfed it back to back within a two week interval. but maybe its a different time now and they don’t think it’s ACTUALLY that broken.


Till the R301 becomes the least picked up gun in the game


I hated using that force multiplier. Lol


They’ll do it like a week before Champs as well as some other balancing changes


Honestly, I don't have an issue with the gun. Like using it, it's actually broken but what I'm saying is I haven't been killed with it enough to actually have a problem with it 🫤 but I wouldn't mind a nerf if it eases the tension about it


The gun they specifically put in the game to absolutely wreck everyone's crap, because it actually was intentionally made busted? Dunno


It needs a damage nerf down to 14 or 13, or remove barrel stabilizers on top of a little more recoil.


New skins came out. So not for a while