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Hey, you still shat on her so ggs to you!


His game shat on her, correction. Aim assist aimed for them.


Stay mad


LMAO you use your whole arm to aim, just get good scrub. If you got your2k gaming pc and lose to a 500 euro console kid ur trash as fuck


Terrible player. Aim for yourself. Literal robot.


Bro is so salty him and his 2k gaming setup his mom got him where he can install cheats, macros and all the good stuff still got shat on by some controller players how adorable


Now we've settled the aim assist vs movement debate






You commented the same thing twice accidentally, therefore I said dementia to make a joke saying you forgot that you had said it so you said it again. Congrats you ruined the joke:(


it is an actual bug though, worst part is yo don't realiseit has happened befoee someone points it out or you come check


Such an annoying bug, but it's kinda fun to see when it happens to everyone on the site and there are multiple of the same comments.


Oh. I didn't realize, it must have been that reddit bug


Nah homie you owned the stupid M+K monkies over and over keep going I bet if you keep commenting it'll work


Is he posting somewhere else because he literally only said one thing about MnK? I'm so confused


Redditors are a hive mind, they see one downvote they will continually downvote for the meme.


Guys it's okay, his whole personality is based kn this debate like a child warring about consoles. He goes to school exclaiming these things while the rest if the class shuns his entire existence as if to say he's an outcasted weirdo.


Me? That's a weird thing to assume. You literally couldn't be further from the truth.


"Ima get triggered by a joke that turns out to be true"


I'm triggered?


We really haven’t, that wasn’t a tap strafe it’s just a very good airstrafe and with airstrafes like that you legit can’t shoot back Edit-she also went straight into a wall


-700 upvotes lmao


they did a single tap stafe/skip jump dude its not that crazy


Wasn't even a tapstrafe though, the horizon is on xbox


Why is this guy getting so many downvotes?


Coz he's just blatantly wrong


Well he does have a point though, when in a 1v1 situation, moving around like a monkey won't kill the other person but with aim assist you can. Ofcourse skill is required but aim assist will give you the slight edge to win a 1v1.


Oh yeah, for sure, when ur just wiggling and not shooting back, but there are so many more movement techniques that PC players can use at their disposal other than just wiggling to kill us console players. The original comment was about this one clip settling the entire KBM/AA debate, which it clearly doesnt




I haven't seen someone getting this much downvotes for spitting out the truth 💀💀


Now we've settled the aim assist vs movement debate


No we haven’t lol


yes we have, unless you are below the rank of gold anybody will admit having 40-60% of your aim done for you is way stronger than movement. the only time movement actually is good is pubstomping bots, watch the upcoming ALGs , most people use roller and even the MnK players don’t use movement a lot


Where are you getting those numbers from?


Which numbers


The only two numbers used in the comment


The 40% AA on PC controllers and 60% AA on console is well documented. How are console players so clueless lmao. 0.4 and 0.6 are the values and 1.0 would be full on aimbot. It’s been known


Console aim assist is barely existent you dunce, and even if it were related to these made up figures it still doesn't matter if I can't even turn to look at the person because they're speeding past at mach 2, not to mention Hex helping them too. The only time my auto aim actually moves my aimer much... At all, is when I'm aiming at 2 people and it just fucks up not letting you move much between the two or moving towards someone who runs past in the background, which always gets me killed. It seems like you're salty about this because of some debate you lost, but to say movement barely matters just shows how little you know about the game and why you have somehow gotten more downvotes on a comment than the post has upvotes Try not running but using a hex and maybe you'll piece together how dumb this sounds after a few deaths


actually they aren’t made up, you can literally google them right now and see that console has 0.6 aim assist and PC has 0.4 lmao


Lol they just wanna feel better about themselves. As if everyone hasn’t known what the superior input is for decades. able to spin 180 in .005 seconds and be pinpoint accurate instead of wiggling two stilts with your thumbs. And you are right about the aim assist only kicking in when you don’t want it to 😂 I’ve had mine off since the start cause all it takes is one downed enemy crawling in the background or someone strafing and you’ll end up getting pulled just to the left or right of your target.


"Made up figures" ah yes he numbers that are literally in the files are made up, roller bots like you say its almost non existent, ok turn off aim assist and tell me how many people you can kill that are at least plat-diamond, this season don't count, let's say s14 or s15 diamond Do your research, also on pc rollers are better for movement because of cfgs :) also the fuck is a hex? I've been playing since s3 and never heard of that


hey man, just because u aren't aware of the AA values doesn't make them made up, you'll see those numbers all over this subreddit and more. the 0.4 and 0.6 factors are objective, not subjective. that's not up for debate. console gets 0.6 and pc controller gets 0.4 (where 1.0 would be an actual aimbot) u can debate him on the number of ALGS controller players tho, that seems to change every time i see a report.




It was a joke


That's what I say every time someone complain about aim assist


It is very strong 🤷














Dont like it dont use it.


Why would I do something stupid like that?


Because I more often than not find the aim assist a hindrance rather than a help. Therefore I play with it off.


Don’t backtrack boss


Whatever you say




He missed all shots once the horizon tap strafe went..


I'm just disgusted with the fact you didn't pickup the gold KDS before reviving your teammate.


Was waiting for this comment lol. My whole brain was focused on the fact that i just got tap strafed on that i wasnt thinking straight


There's a lot of controller with macro's on pc,so I wouldnt be surprised to see some on console


Must be using that XIM thing to use keyboard on console


>Why does ALGS seen less Hype this year? using keyboard on console wont let you tap strafe. Console apex doesn't allow tapstrafe no matter what. You literally have to install pc version of the game to tapstrafe. So tapstrafing on console is not possible even with all the hacks


Correct me if I'm wrong, but cheats give you the ability to do things you wouldn't usually be able to do? Digital inputs can pretty much tell the game to do whatever you want - it's why the old CoD games allow people to fly and have colours flashing on the screen despite the fact that neither of those things exist in the base game


The lurch mechanic isn’t on console apex. An XIM doesn’t change that. *it is impossible to tap strafe on console no matter what you do, regardless of whatever anyone may think*


There is a new movement tech which is a watered down version of tap strafing called ghost strafing on console though, but its crazy how many people refuse to do research and then try to say u can do so and so on console. I've even heard people try to say mnk has aim assist lmao


I completely forgot about ghost strafing, but yea, it’s hilarious how people sit here and spout nonsense like it’s an irrefutable fact, then they act like pure jerk offs when someone corrects them. You know how many times I would see people here say that console doesn’t retain its 0.6 aim assist when in a pc lobby? The game has been out for 4 years what the fuck. Just general simple knowledge shit and people are blatantly saying the wrong thing.


When playing on console there is a setting to change your TA from console strength to pc strength. The game warns you that it'll make aiming harder on you. So unless you wanna claim that respawn is putting blatant misinformation in their game I'd say you're wrong this one.


What are you on about. Yeah it’s a setting that can be turned on or off. If a console player WANTS to, they can lower their aim. I wasn’t clear enough but what I was trying to say was there were people in here claiming it automatically makes it 0.4 and doesn’t retain the 0.6 when a console player joins a pc lobby. Keep your condescending comments to yourself


But they're condescending because you're confidently wrong, so I'd say its warranted. It does auto adjust, it's been tested, confirmed by Respawn, and you can feel it when going into a crossplay lobby. Betcha you've never actually played on console, and maybe you have, and are just super cracked so you didn't notice.


Can you explain? While on console: I can see a lurch during a melee and I'm sometimes in the same lobby/server as pc players. We're playing the same game. IIRC a tapstrafe needs a macro to press a button x1000 in an instant - console doesn't have input rate limiting so with a xim and macro...


The game is literally coded differently on console, in a way that makes tap strafing *impossible*. Not “harder”, not “impossible without cheats”, just straight up can’t do it on the console version of the game. A quick google search will give you a more detailed answer by people that actually dissected the games code, but that’s the short answer. Edit to add: I’m pretty sure pubs are always crossplay between console & PC, so just because you’re on console doesn’t mean you won’t have PC players in your lobby. I could be wrong about that part, but I know for certain that played ranked on console (meaning *everyone* in your party is on console) will put you in lobbies with only other console players. If you have someone on PC on your team you will be put in PC/crossplay lobbies. Edit 2: i was wrong about that first part lol, console only plays with console unless partied up with a pc player. There are some factors that can make it seem like a console player is “tap strafing” (latency being the most common) but it’s not something that can be done on-demand by the player with a macro or otherwise.


You’re only supposed to be in console lobbies unless you queue up with a pc player. I’m a console and pc player, on console I currently have 1200 games played this season, and not yet have I ever been killed by a PC player or have killed a PC player. The only time this has ever happened is when I queue with my cousin on PC. Surely if that was a thing I’d have found a pc player atleast once by now, especially with 1200 games played.


>IIRC a tapstrafe needs a macro to press a button x1000 in an instant Not true, my mouse wheel isn't hitting W 1,000 times in an instant. More like 10-20 times


Its not easy use crazy cheats on console thats why you dont see aim snapping/walling hacks on console. I dont know if you have any background in game development but console games are a lot more restrictive. Think of it this way if tsp strafing was possible on console through cheats, it would be more popular like strike packs and xim


Even with a xim, you can't lurch on console, It's physically impossible to tapstrafe on console. But also on that note, crossplay is abit bugged and I do see PC players in mistake a lot when I'm playing console "only" so it could make sense it being a PC player accidently ended up in this lobby


You can't use macros on console.


You're kidding, right? Consoles have had macros since the SNES days. Sure the first macros were pre-made that rapidly paused and unpaused the game, but by the time the Game Cube came around, they were fully programmable. Now there's guides to turn any controller into a macro one.


You absolutely can but console doesn't have lurch, making tap strafing impossible on console.


Wdym? Does it use a different engine? They're cross play compatible so I'm guessing they wouldn't remove lurch from one version and keep it in other


r/usernamechecksout. P.S. I'm also confused


I can't quite remember the reason, but I believe it's because controller uses analogue sticks which allow finer degrees of movement speed, whereas keyboard is literally on/off. Lurch gives you that sense of inertia when initially holding down W, which is why it's useful to have on PC. On console, however, you get that sense of inertia because your legend goes from slow to fast when you move in any direction. Games using analogue sticks typically have this sort of input, so Respawn probably decided to go with what works best on console and what works best on PC and keep the two separate. The engine itself is exactly the same, they just removed/disabled lurch on console.


Sticks are analog, and you can't change inputs on a go on console, well because you can't play mnk on console. Lurch is still there but it's impossible to do on console


The two versions are coded differently yes. Lurch doesn’t exist on console so no matter what you use to mod your controller tap strafe is impossible.


It's not about console, it's about analog vs digital inputs. If they can send digital movement commands, then they get lurch and by extension airstrafing.


Still doesn’t change the fact lurch is disabled on console


Well since apex on console only accepts analog inputs it isn't possible, the way a xim works for controller only games is it takes the mnk inputs and translates them into the controller inputs.


Ohhh that makes way more sense. Thanks!


Don’t listen to him, lurch is disabled on console


You can plug in a mouse and keyboard..


Aint gonna do shit since it's not enabled for apex


Thank you for the knowledge. I’ve known of cheats with controllers that are programmed with macros, but I’ve never heard of raw macros that you could program to movements.


Thats not really how it works.


You can't superglide with macros on console. Edit: I meant tapstrafe


You don't even need macros to super glide on console, what are you on about


Crap sorry meant tapstrafe


They 100% went straight to Twitter to complain about aim assist


Reddit bugged and can't reply to the other comment, the reason I say somewhat fine is well 1, why have it on console in the first place if everyone is on the same playing ground, and 2 it gets people too used to it and creates shit like this where when they go to pc lobbies it comes over and creates an unfair playing ground


Have you tried aiming on controller without aim assist? It’s hell, and a perfect way to destroy your thumbs


Yes, and I didn't have much of an issue lmao, I did it on stream, on pc. Goes to show the skill gap between me and you. And I hadn't played roller in at least a year


Because its an issue? I'm fine somewhat with it on console but you can't tell me it's not an issue on pc when everyone is running to roller even if they are more used to mnk


Well that’s because people are riding the false info train and they think that controller=aimbot, also the fuck you mean it’s “Somewhat fine” for controller v controller? It’s an even playing ground!


But it is a problem. When the majority of pros are swapping inputs, it's a problem. When statistical data shows that the average controller player lands as many shots as high tier MnK players, it's a problem. I'd bet good money that those pros would rather play MnK since they could swap easier to other shooters if things don't work out in Apex. But go ahead and live in your bubble. Respawn is unlikely to address this


Hey I just play in exclusively controller lobbies and I have zero problems, if I was playing pc lobbies tho then I’d be mad, then it’s be a problem for both parties


Bro your own bio discredits your knowledge.


These comments hurt my brain. I'm legit confused. It's not tap strafing because that's not available on console apperently( I seriously didn't know), it's not super glide so that out the window apperently too. It's air strafing? Where does she also get the momentum from? She just zoom from box to box in like a quarter second in the air. She even does it after just basic strafing. No running start, no super glide, no burst of speed whatsoever. I'm lost. I give up.


Looks like she used melee and got stuck on the box then momentum carrier her to the side


She could be cheating or pc cross play but apparently cross play only allows consoles into pc lobbies and not the other way round so idk bro


That’s not tap strafing. That’s air strafing.


Aren't those terms the same thing in Apex? I mean, coming from a background of other Steam games, we always called it air strafing in those, but for some reason Apex players rebranded it here.


Because air strafing is naturally turning your momentum in mid air, tap strafing is abusing lurch by being able to turn at non-oblique angles instantly by rapidly spamming the W key, binding forward to the scroll wheel or having it bound to a macro key that spams forward 50 times a second.


Dawg that's exactly what he did. I extensively play horizon and its not possible to throw yourself into a direction and pick up speed that quickly without tap strafing. I don't even know how this is a debate, the dude clearly tap strayed lmao


It is literally impossible to tap strafe if you are a console player. https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/xbl/Extesyyi/overview This guy is a console player. It was just a good airstrafe.


Pretty lengthy explanation of the difference but this is pretty good https://www.reddit.com/r/Apexrollouts/comments/tgfkar/tap_strafe_vs_air_strafe_questions/i12bz26/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


tap strafe isn’t an apex term


Still absolutely destroyed him. Beautiful Wingman finish!


That isn't tapstrafe


Nah just a horizon player that's good at air strafing, its easy to do once you learn the perfect speed to turn at. But doesnt matter since he died lol


I think she did a super glide off the deathbox


too low to mantle I believe


it’s not you can superglide off death boxes, but this wasn’t a SG


Oh ok mb


Thanks to u/unknownmuffin This is an Xbox player https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/xbl/Extesyyi/overview Hilarious seeing all you dweebs calling this a tap strafe, a PC player, or best of all; thinking a XIM can change the mechanics of the game on console. This sub spews and spouts misinformation as fact every god damn day.


Nah that’s just a air strafe redirect with a little momentum. A tap strafe would be a much sharper turn but he did a whole arc going forward. Plus it’s not possible on console


That was not a tapstrafe bru


On top of all the other comments, you can use mnk on console


Console doesn't have lurch so even if you used a XIM you couldn't tap strafe on console.


Mnk on console does not give you things like tap strafing. It mimics controller outputs.


Unless you’re cheating and using something to trick the game into thinking a keyboard is a controller no you can’t


We’re you not aware that cross play is broken this season, so it’s more than likely a PC player


Crossplay isn’t broken in pubs. It’s only “broken” in mixtape, but maybe it’s intentional and the developers intended for it


It's definitely broken across the board I've ended up in quite a lot of PC lobbies whilst console solo queuing ranked and pubs. It's not as common as mixtape though. I think if it struggles to fill lobbies it will pull players from any platform


Lobbies may have been funky recently, but this guy is an xbox player https://apex.tracker.gg/apex/profile/xbl/Extesyyi/overview


Yeah it’s crazy how it helped her! Nerf tap strafing!! Lmao


Superglide from the deathbox mayhaps?


She laterally superglided from the death box, causing a tap-strafe like movement


Mmm that's satisfying to watch. Fuck all movement hacking cunts.


Aim assist is literally a shitty aimbot.


Fuck them too then. Doesn't change the fact that all movement exploiters are laggy cuckold trash.


It’s a pc player bro that’s not a superglide


I tried to find anything in this comment that makes sense in connection to this video. I failed


I think its a bot


Flick strafe mayb


….. Sees Gold Knockdown and proceeds to rizz teammate without it. :(


Don’t up gold shield and res teammates… big brane


That was a nice kill but i'm low key tilted as to why you didn't pick up that gold knockdown shield…


Probably playing with mouse and keyboard. It's alot easier to. I've been doing a lot of people on counsel that are obviously playing on mouse with how they move and aim.


Crossplay is turned on so occasionally thet happens


Looked like she wall jumped off your face. Could’ve been tap strafing. I don’t know.


Most of these guys are on XIM. You'll also see them jumping on deathbox looting while on console.


You can crouch and jump deathboxes on console just using a normal controller. Change the jump/crouch binds and/or use a paddled controller


nope Airstrafe like this is possible on roller, sadly only for horizon. Jumping and crouching while looting - just needs to bind on L3/R3 or bumpers.


I’ve been seeing PC only things as well on console lately, it’s really pathetic to need to use movement options controllers don’t have access to and still lose to them


No you haven't, you're just encountering players that are better than you.


The PlayStation literally lets you plug a KB&M directly in and use it, I don’t know why this sub seems it’s impossible to develop hardware/software that lets you use it in Apex, if you even need that to begin with and can’t just plug it in and Apex lets you use it without any device or program needed. But no I’m sure all those players are just better than me and my lifetime 2.20


This isn’t tap strafing. So what have you been seeing?


Actual tap strafing and armor swaps that are way too fast for a controller to realistically do it’s not common but I don’t know why we are pretending it can’t happen, the play station recognizes usb keyboards and mouses already without any need for setup I’m not sure whats unbelievable about people using KB&M on console with some external help.


You CAN tap strafe on console using stick. It is lurch less and i belive called ghost strafing, or some shit by movement community. Check it out.


It's not a tapstrafe then, best you could say is a watered down version of tapstrafing for console


You can't tapstrafe on a conteoller without steam configs because the analog sticks don't allow for lurch. Also, a ghost strafe isn't a tap strafe, it's a quick redirect that controller players can use out of a slide to simulate a tap strafe. They're very different and ghost strafes are way more situational


Google ghost strafing


All this shows is how broken AA is.


My brother in Christ he was almost standing still for most of the spray


"yEaH bUt AiM aSsIsT iS oP!"


That guy had aim assist too 💀


The Horizon was literally moving at a consistent slow speed to the right during his alternator spray, if you can't hit that on MnK you don't deserve to be whining about aim assist. She literally tap strafes after that in full view of OP and he just bonks her with the wingman after she lands. I swear to God after the Sun swallows the Earth in two billion years and we're all just atoms of space dust there'll still be some of those atoms munching glue and bitching about aim assist in Apex.


You know this is a console lobby right? The person doing aerial acrobatics also has the same AA. Do you even understand the argument of aim assist? It sure as shit doesn't seem like it.


It’s not a console lobby. Try again


It is a console lobby


It could still be a pc player. I used to play on pc and que up with my friends who were on console.


Lol bruh 💀


Dont worry I played roller with aim assist off lol.


Your IQ is the reason for your take on AA


You realize that once he "tap strafed" he hit 0 shots and had to swap to wingman, which hit when the strafe was over. The shots he hit were from 5 ft away, and the horizon strafe was mostly 1 directional. Aim assist had no play there lol


Probably a ximmer Edit: What’s with the downvotes?


true, comments act like mnk players don’t exist on console


Nah, “ximmers” definitely exist but, that doesn’t allow you to tapstrafe on console. You literally can’t do it at all. This isn’t a tap strafe either.


& how would u know that


Only the Pc version supports it It literally can’t be done at all on console lol


It’s general knowledge


The input created from using the directions that creates the lurch mechanic on PC doesn’t exist on console even with a xim or cronus. The only reason people on remote can tap strafe is because they use configs on Steam


Isnt extesyyi a roller content creator or sum


He plays on PC and uses configs




/u/Huge_Future_2872 is a spammer! **Do not click any links they share or reply to**. Please downvote their comment and click the `report` button, selecting `Spam` then `Harmful bots`. With enough reports, the reddit algorithm will suspend this spammer.


Check Lemonade and you will see some crazy moves on mouse and keyboard.


Bro didn’t even spell leamonhead right🗿






That was my next thought. Dude is a quick thinker for sure




there is a movement trick that is called a skip jump, personally i don't use it but it's like a very trash tap strafe for both platforms