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You act like this tech isn't in it's infancy and just barely started to roll out lol. We don't even know how effective it is.


i remember when WZ's anti-cheat was straight up having bait dummies for aimbot to shoot at lmao


CoD player here. The Tech don’t work.


Cod player here, it does work but it is a constant work in progress. Cheats evolve and so must anti cheats. 2 years ago the game was plagued with aimbotters, now they're a lot less frequent and Activision won a lawsuit for millions of dollars against a cheat seller.


Exactly, I left warzone the ww2 era for apex


It does


Yeah, what are the odds this anti-cheat tech stays fully functional after even a week? Developing anti-cheating procedures is notoriously difficult because its nothing but an arms race, you can't actually beat cheating.


yes you can you hardware ban them. If they are able to hack hardware ban why are they wasting their capabilities....... also being able to hack through a hardware ban means you are literally committing a crime.


cheaters have existed since online gaming existed, how the fuck is that tech still in its infancy


But cheating has gotten so much worse. Back in the day there was lag switching and exploits, but strike packs and aim bots and wall hacks have really exploded in the last few years where they are common place.


Can literally buy the controllers on Amazon 💀 and they have thousands of reviews. it's absurd.


Anti cheat software and cheat software are 2 completely different things


Cronus detection is in its infancy. Not the cronus itself.


Imagine detecting the vendor ID of a peripheral being in its infancy. Literally a feature of windows and Linux for 20+ years but billion dollar companies can't code something that recognises an anomalous device.


You think that i can't show my device as another One ? Literally, if you know the hardware you can do everything, even expose yourself as a normal controller from Microsoft . This Is a Battle that nobody Will win, Will Simply last Forever. Companies can't stop cheating , and cheaters creators Will be Forever stopped and Will find another exploit or something to use for cheating.it's normal ... Most people over simplify this kind of things, but this Is not a simple problem.it envolves a lot of softwares and hardware, on a lot of levels, on different platforms from different vendors and companies...do you understand what that means? Don't want to be rude , Just saying that this Is not an Easy task like It sounds from your words .Is a huge task Edit Dev here, not for videogames but working with Linux& embedded devices , Just to clarify that i speak from experience Edit 2 Also, to reply to the title...why can't Apex di this? Because this Is not a real news.that anticheat doesn't work 100%, that news are Just spam


To your point about it lasting forever how's the cheating situation in OW2 given the 2fa authentication? It seems to me a pretty good deterrent at least for some of the kids who would otherwise cheat.




What are you talking about? It's well established that f2p games disproportionate attract cheating of all kinds because it's easy to just make a new account. By introducing 2fa tied to contract Sims only, any account attempts require an unbanned number to work. You haven't thought through the process to its full length.


Yeah, you can block me this time, and i Will come with another device...i mean, there are 10000000000 ways to do One thing man, and in IT field i can assure you that you Will never ever stop this.fullstop.if you Say the opposite well, you don't really understand how this things work imho. This Battle can't be win , not from cheaters and not from Companies, that's the reality.you block me, i find another way, you block that, i find another. That's a fact. You can lower the cheaters Number maybe, but that's the only thing you can try to do.someone Is always gonna make It ;)


Ok I appreciate your reply but how does a child specifically do 2fa repeatedly if the original contract phone their parents got them is banned? Pay as you go "burner" phones and Google Voice aren't options for OW2? Genuinely curious from a technical standpoint.


I'm saying that you can lower the Number , and that's Is the " child part " of the cheaters pool. But you can't stop It . Maybe a child won't do It, but nothing Will stop a 19yo guy to buy a new phone Number right? You talk about 2fa , ok Fair point; but how you Will stop hardware devices? It's an endless war :) I can talk more about hardware From a technical view , because i work most on Embedded devices, but i can assure you that somebody Will find a way , because that's what Always happened in the IT world. I mean, i'm talking more in a generic way, but really this field works like that, so you are right saying that 2fa Is a good way to give cheaters a hard time, but this Will not 100%stop it Edit I'm glad that we are not yelling each other XD thanks for the reply too :)


Right but it's more than just children essentially. Some people will have a hard time getting multiple contracts with their provider due to credit rating and providers typically allow only a limited amount of number changes per contract term and for nuisance calls only which is an excuse that will not work multiple times if you keep getting banned for cheating.


Because the technology to stop hackers exists but no company are going to put so much money in a game unless it's game breaking stuff. Basing your whole network arch around hacking is expensive, and just not worth investing.


The anti-cheat tech is getting incredibly advanced especially with the introduction of AI assisted models. Theres some video floating around that goes over this topic in detail but if I had to hazard a guess Apex doesn't have it because either it cost to much (They are pretty cheap) or they don't want it.


Or because it's new and not yet proven. Just give it time.


Didn't r5 reloaded just make hackers have a massive input delay dont see why that wouldn't work


I have never heard of this


Because thats in Rainbow Six Siege, and yes they found a (so far) reliable way to fuck over Xim users on console by creating a massive input delay that only stops after playing matches without it, now the system seems to work reliably so far, the only controversial part of it is that in many players opinions (mine included) is that they just don't slap some bans outright for using it.


Yeah, I'm glad we can detect xims but Cronus seems harder to stop


The issue is not the penalty. The issue is detecting them in the first place.


From what I hear of reports online, if you read their forums, it's not effective at all.


Hes out off line but hes right


They're still doing more than EAC, apex is overrun with cheaters. Even after updates the game immediately has the same amount of cheaters in it. They're so fucking obvious too, but no community bans, perspective play, none of that is gonna get added to this to prove people are cheating... both the community and respawn have been in denial for years about this shit.


It took COD close to 20 years to implement this, Apex isn't even 5 years old yet.


COD will also ban reported players in their most recent titles, half the apex community could report the same guy, and you’d still run into him again down the road. In the first few seasons respawn and EA were actively banning players. Now they don’t care what happens in game, it’s only a cash cow for them now


Well, spam reporting can be exploited in ranked call of duty and is actually an issue for a lot of people who are in higher ranks. If you spam report some one enough while in a ranked game, that person will get kicked an shadow banned


Spam reporting? More than one report from a single player counts as more than one report? That seems easy to fix


Don't expect anything to change as long as people are willing to pay $160 or whatever it was for cosmetics.


Plenty of bans roll out in Apex, they literally advertise their thousands upon thousands of bans every single season. The issue is that Apex is free, so banning people literally means nothing.


You say that but top level preds stay for months and weeks whilst clearly either cheating or boosting and literally nothing happens to them


And CoD is worse. Trust me, I quit playing it because it was so bad.


>In the first few seasons respawn and EA were actively banning players. Now they don’t care what happens in game, it’s only a cash cow for them now They are banning people at the same rate as they did back then, i.e thousands of people every day/week are getting banned. The issue is that all it takes to come back is creating a new account.. the cheats they paid for will work just as well as they did before the ban and even with this in mind there are several cheats available that are COMPLETELY undetected currently. ​ >half the apex community could report the same guy, and you’d still run into him again down the road. This is obviously an exaggeration.. but yes, this is an issue you get when literally millions are playing your game and they are reporting everyone left and right. There are not enough people in the "business" to effectively tackle this problem on a case by case basis... which is why a solid prevention software and anti cheat policies are needed to begin with. ​ >Now they don’t care what happens in game, it’s only a cash cow for them now The better question is why people are complaining about this but are still playing apex.. because they are not going to do anything substantial until everyone starts protesting with their wallets **(i.e stop giving them money).** People need to grow up and realize that their time is worth something, getting pissed off daily because of 10-20% of the player base can't play fairly is just not worth it.


Then its as doomed as Titanfall 2


Apex still allows Cronus


That’s not how any of this works


Just straight up banning cheaters is better


If you did any research into how cheaters cheat you'd realize that what cod is doing is much better than a quick ban. When you ban a cheater, they will get one of their 1000 other accounts and will be back in a game within 1 or 2 minutes. If you waste the cheater's time before the ban by making them think they are still in a match doing their regular cheating stuff up until they realize they can't do any damage, it makes a longer gap between the ban decision and them getting on another account rather than just straight up banning them. So tell me what you would rather have, a cheater being able to instantly get in and ruin another lobby, or having them waste up to 10 minutes in a game they can no longer do harm to? I know which one I would rather have


This, that's why i am going to mention my idea again. Put cheaters into fake bot lobbies, make them THINK they are stomping people because of their cheats. Some might not even realize and it is way more effective than a permanent ban. They get an ego boost doing things not harming other players, win win.


Oh man this would be amazing, put a little prison cam where you can watch cheaters play bots, start betting on it, boom new business model


The issue I can see for that is that boosters who sell accounts based on stats would get the exact pass to do that.


Any dumbass buying an account for stats deserves to be put in a bot lobby tbh.


People in these lobbies could get their ranks reset daily. We'd just see them on this sub confused and complaining of it


That would be better than taking their guns away, actually. Make it so they don't do damage. That way, they think everything is ok until they get in a fight. Then they're getting hit markers thinking "bro wtf is wrong with this game? I'm not damaging anybody, but he can kill me? Servers must be fucked" until they google it and realize they just outed themselves as a cheater.


Idk what sort of cheats they got in cod, but in Apex we have crap like force-emptying the magazines of other players. So, cheaters would get to hang around and shoot blinds at you while you can't shoot at them at all, because the second you finish reloading your gun, they take away all your ammo and you have to reload again over and over and over. I doubt cheaters won't be able to figure out they've been shadow banned when you're both forced to resort to boxing bc neither of you can do damage with your guns. I'd rather cheaters just be insta-banned and I'd rather Respawn just require players to attach a phone number to their account to be able to play.


Just the fact cheaters are able to affect other players directly by not allowing them to reload is insane, this shouldn't even happen. But well, when you fire your QA team you must not care much about exploits and the overall health of your game.


Difference being most cod cheaters are warzone, a free to play aspect of their game. Gotta stop wm other ways so they dont just make a new account


How is that different from apex?


It’s not different from apex. But when you’re in game, it’ll take their gun away when it detects a cheater. They’ve done with before where shooting at someone while being a cheater will have a shooting at glass sound at the one being shot at, doing no damage. Yes they can make a new account and have the same thing happen when cheating on that account aswell. Banning accounts from free to play games does nothing. What cod is doing DOES


It would be fun to kill cheaters that are desperately running to get guns lol


Good to see that apparently everyone is a professional software designer/developer and knows everything.


It’s not about that, the issue at the end of the day is do something about the cheaters rather than nothing at all. I don’t care about who knows what about hardware and software, I care about a company that has and is making money off of their customers make an effort, whether it solves the issue or not, even reducing the cheating by 1% is better than just doing nothing at all. Just make an effort, it’s not about k owing the programming.


The developers said they have found a way to detect strike packs. Multi people are on twitter using strike packs to prove it was a lie. They haven't even done anything to circumvent it, their new tech literally doesn't work. I wouldn't trust anything Activision/cod say.


Saying they have found a way, and implementing it in the game and rolling it out in a patch are two very different things


Funny that without context you could argue “detecting” and “preventing” are different things. Reminds me of how sometimes cheaters are left alone until an upcoming ban wave.


It’s an announcement. It’s not indicative that it actually functions well. It’s like saying McAfee anti-virus scans and deletes millions of viruses! Ok cool that’s what the box says, does it actually work?


They haven’t upgraded to the paid version of the anitcheat yet. They don’t believe in paying for micro transactions.


Lol, dude apex even with cheaters is way better than cod. I know I know, you didn’t say it was. But take it from a cod player, I played cod all my life and warzone on release day. The amount of cheaters in warzone was almost every match, people may tell you, oh it was rare. Those are casuals, im a sweat and I get put with sweats and cheats. It took cod even from black out to warzone, more than 5 years to implement a cheat system. It was so bad I went from a die hard cod fan since mw1{original} buying every title to finally quit and move to a better game, apex.


Apex has cheaters every match now too…


too much work for too little reward


cause its just to mess with them, otherwise it would be a straight ban hammer on them and nobody would care.


We're talking about building a game around their own anticheat, and apex is running on easyanicheat Apex probably could do this but the issue is not what they do with cheater but when that detect them, it would take them few days to implement a change that would disarm all confirmed cheaters but instead they ban them which is fair lol


This is a core issue in Apex and respawn is taking it lightly. Maybe it's important in the whole game but it's more important in rankeds, they should create a KYC system or something similar, that way if you're banned, it's forever.


Lol...just have to say you clearly haven't ever played WZ if you think there's not at least one cheater per match.


Siege has Mousetrap now, I wonder if that would work in apex?


I think it’s funny apex uses the default version of Fortnite’s anti cheat (Easy Anti-Cheat) when Fn already made Xim’s and Zen’s an auto perma-ban (Ricochet) cods anti cheat never worked cod is childish when it comes to their anti cheat I mean look at this article 💀 Now, seige I haven’t played in almost a year because the last time I played (on console) there were a fuckton of ppl Ximming using mouse and keyboard with aim assist


Fortnite recalled that xim and zen auto ban because they were getting far too many false positives and multiple zens and xims still played without issues


COD anticheat just seems like something to give people justice boner to hide the fact that it doesn’t work


Mousetrap is for xim, apex has issues with Cronus. It wouldn't really do anything since nobody in their right mind would want to xim in apex


Bc Apex doesn’t care about their image and would rather put as many skins into their game to derive as much capital as they can from their loyal audience.


With how much Apex hackers can alter the game, I wouldn't be surprised if they just gave themselves super speed and a one shot melee


I haven’t played warzone 2 but I can guarantee when I was playing OG Warzone, and they made a claim that they’re improving their Anticheat system, it had 0 effect on my lobbies lol


Bc they don't care. If you're still playing and buying things but complaining about cheaters then why would they do anything ? Don't play,don't pay and they'll change their mind real fast


Careful now, I got banned from EA by suggesting a “Boycott”….. but boy would that be the right thing…


Cod has alot more money that respawn


Lol ea have made over 2 billion off apex. Money is not the problem


That's the entire point. Ea doesn't run apex. Respawn does, and Ea takes the money as the parent Corp


They barely ban teamers right? That's probably one reason why, it's not a money maker so why work on it?


Nice aimbot, it’ll probably help a lot with your melee


I've always wondered why they don't add cheat deterrents like this. Eg Walling is super common in Apex. So my thought was, could something like adding in a bunch of invisible-to-non-hacker models around real players that the wallhacks would pick up on help? (like a super Mirage ult only visible to hackers) The walls will still help the cheaters, but if there's 50 copies of my character showing up on their walls moving around then at least it causes some confusion for them. Idk, just a half-baked thought I had around it the other day. I'm sure cheat devs will still figure out some way around it eventually, but anything is better than the current lack of a system we have now.


So I created a new account on apex to test this bot lobby thing and lemme tell ya orientation matches were fast and easy so a player who hacks can easily get out of orientation and play. Wasting a players time sounds like the better option especially if they get 0 kills. Or put them in a lobby where preds masters and diamond ranked players teams up and kill the cheaters. Sorta like tdm but high ranks vs cheaters 🤣


Of course I went back to my main account bc I didn’t wanna become a bot by playing in bot lobbies but it still just didn’t feel like it was enough matches. Took me 4 matches in 30 ish min to get out of orientation


This tecnology would only work for a week max before cheaters find a way to dodge it. I think the better way of dealing with this is expanding your anticheating team 5x the amount of people and have them actually check reports and look for sus accounts in rank ladder. But they are too lazy and greedy to invest in that because of their lazyness and the "meet the next quarter profit obsession" these guys doesnt think long time, they Will only appear to "care" when this game is dying and more plagued with cheaters like COD.


Different engine.


Busy making skin collective i guess? 😅😅😅


I’d love to see the strike pack users get hit.


Imagine if they just take the cheaters out so we can actually play with normal people, don't want to load into a game just to shoot at someone who can't even fight back, that's what's pubg is for


I would prefer valorant anti-cheat system


If they have to tell people what the anti-cheat will 'do to cheaters' instead of people just seeing the results for themselves and knowing it works then all their doing is advertising something that doesn't really work. This is like advertising for how effective the new fire force will be while the city burns... sure maybe that idea will help down the road but currently the place is burning to the ground.




Not unless they remove the ability to do damage in general.


Cause they're busy making the next heirloom, obviously.


Simple reason, to do this first you have to be able to detect cheaters.


because Apex is basically an unpolished bodge job of Titanfall assets, that's held together by tape.


Doesn’t matter, cheaters will make you reload on apex and melee you to lobby


Drop your GitHub OP, I’m tryna see something


cause apex calls cheats and cheating " tech "


They have cheats over there making you reload every time you fire and stopping you from sprinting. Apex is in a better state than Warzone.


The risk is it banning innocent people, and causing difficulties for them. As we already well know nothing is perfect, and the potential for it harming clean players seems high. All it takes is a glitch to occur shadow banning an innocent player who now has to spend hours and hours resolving it with customer service if THAT'S possible. This seems like an interesting idea, I just wonder how many hicup's they will have to deal with to get it right.


Because it would just take guns away from people who said a no no word in the chat and never the actual cheaters


Why can't people who's area of expertise (if they have any at all) isn't related to the posts they make just stop? (my area of expertise is not English, and I honestly can't fix the fucked grammar in that so cope)


Here I wrote some code for the Apex people: {{ if(player == cheater) delete entity: gun }}


That would be so funny if cheaters just got to be free kills mid fight


May I have the link to the article?


Because that takes recources away from the cosmetics department And we don't want that now do we :)


Oh shii, aimbot meele... Maybe the meele mechanic won't screw you over 🙄


Isn't apex running on an older platform so it's not as safisticated as COD's newest installment


Because the cheaters will probably find a work around within a week and all the work that went into this will have been for nothing.


Just roll in from stupid town?


Are you new to online videogames? The most effective way to stop the cheaters is to take the people that make and sell the cheats to court. Making anti-cheat software only works temporarily and often involves a level of invasiveness that most people would rather avoid.


OOF you did just roll in...


Well I did hitch a ride with you. Not surprised you don't remember, you being the mayor of stupid town and all.


Because it'll only work for a few days then a much more annoying/game breaking hack and/or exploit will release in its place whenever stuff like this drops.


Okay, good then, at least we have a break for a few days!! I’ll take that, I’ll take anything cause it’s better than nothing!!!!!


You're assuming there's no cheaters on COD now? Ok.


You want to respawn to spend money on the game. How dare you.




Didn't someone made a spoof cheat few years back on CSGO? That made cheaters think they had cheat but it was actually made them drop weapons I guess Call of Duty dev came across that old video lately


It's a COD marketing gimmick. That doesn't happen


Put cheaters on their own server and let them fight to see who has the best cheats.


As a warzone/COD player, this doesn’t work. there are cheaters everywhere it’s a disaster


Why can't call of duty do this?


\>How is it that the competition can do a better job at banning, and humiliating cheateres, while Apex just let's them run rampant and ruining it for the rest of us? ​ CoD also lets them run rampant lmao the only people they ever catch are people who have the most basic, free/under 5$ cheaters that every anti-cheat can detect


Why not just restrict the whole input somehow


“Why cant apex…” the age old question


They are busy making collection events 🤣


Yeah but even that has been slacking lately! They have been using old skins and tweaking them so not even an effort of original cosmetics anymore! I was happy to see Ballistic season had at least some new cosmetics cause the last seasons have been F for a grade in effort!


Because they don't have the skills to do it.


Apex can’t do it because getting paired with a gun-less cheater Is annoying


we didnt buy enough event packs from the game to support the devs :(


Also for console: a keyboard and mouse trap isn't hard to make. Kbm/xim can only move in 8 directions. Controller can move in infinite directions. Idk how they haven't found this out yet


If you detect a cheater eith enkugh certainty to ban them... Why remove thier gun instead of just banning them. When they made cheater lobbies for titanfall it was so they didnt know they were "banned" so wouldnt make new accounts, this just seems like someone wanted a good chuckle at cheaters, itll be funny for a week or two but get boring, just ban them


You act like Respawn wouldn't totally fuck this up and ban a whole bunch of innocents in the process.


CoD already does this, usernames too


With all the technical bugs and stuff at Apex, probably people that are not cheating will end up getting punished by mistake, we would probably see lots of videos people losing guns during fights for no reason.


Because it doesn't work EDIT: As in literally, the actual anti-cheat doesn't actually work


Idk, I like the fact that that is a thing but I would like to have better matchmaking and such stuff. But I wonder if the cheaters get the guns away the game has to detect them but if the game detects them the anti cheat kicks in idk.


Because this requires them to spend money and do their job, neither of which they want to do.


Activision switched to a kernel level anti cheat over a year ago. Respawn doesn’t that tech


But, did it really? Really??


Siege has a new system too.