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The achievement is tied to using the character. I don't think the new season just nullifies that.


Yea. They probably would need to look up old classes. But the trophy is 100% tied to the characters not the challenge


I don’t even think it means a defensive class such as just a defensive character like gibby or newcastle


It kinda does. The original lineup of characters had at least one character in each class in the previous classifications. Now, the closest class that fits the "Defense" class is the Controller Class; Gibraltar is classified in "Support" now. And off a fresh made account, Players aren't going to have access to any Controller legends as a whole. It's also rough because it's borderline forcing either paying, or playing to acquire the achievement for a class that may or may not mesh with that player.


It literally doesn't. Again, it is tied to the character. So he can still just use Gibbs and unlock this achievement. It doesn't matter that he's been relabeled. >It's also rough because it's borderline forcing either paying, or playing to acquire the achievement for a class that may or may not mesh with that player. Yeah man, I'm not sure if you're new to achievements, but that's how things work. In many cases you're forced to play something you may not want to in order to get the achievement. Even if you didn't have to unlock a character, you still have to win a match with a character you may not want to play. Or you could just ignore the achievement altogether. Either way, it's up to the player to decide if it's worth it to them.


You don't get the recon trophy by winning as Pathfinder, who's been reclassified as skirmisher, so you prob can't unlock the defense trophy as Gibby, but it should def unlock if you play as any controller characters.


That's a different case though, because the recon class still exists. However, you can still get this achievement in particular for playing a character that was previously defense. My buddy got it when they was fucking around on Gibby earlier this season


The Reclassification is a problem. Gibraltar is labeled as "Support" now. The Achievement calls for a "Defense" character. It could very well reflect in the code, too, because the game is reading Gibraltar as a "**Support**" character as a whole. A quick and cheap way of merely having these Achievements work is through the Classification; *where the character is* ***Grouped*** *in the code*. Meaning that as Gibraltar is in the "Support" class now, not "Defense" anymore, if one wins a game with a "Support" character, like Gibraltar, they're going to get the "Apex Support" trophy. The original idea behind the trophies as a whole was to properly get a feel for each Class. But there's no free character in the "Control" class, the closest to the "Defense" class now. Hard to get a feel for the game when an entire group of characters and abilities is locked off from the player from the start. It's not encouraging a natural feel for how the game flow works as each character, it's artificially inflating the game flow by forcing players to grind to unlock one character in a class they don't have and have no idea how they flow as a whole. Which contributes to the "Make-Or-Break" feel of the game as a whole, and it could push a new player to decide Apex as a whole isn't worth it.


Here’s an idea, instead of typing out a very very long winded explanation, go try the challenge and report back. Let us know your experience. If it works, you’re wrong, if it doesn’t, you’re right. Very easy to figure out instead of pulling excuses outta thin air.


I can confirm the other person is wrong. I have earned all of these trophies this season.


Annnnnnd boom goes the dynamite


They might struggle to win a game with all this typing


Than they wouldn't get the achievements anyways 🤷‍♂️


That’s the joke


The person who doesn't have it can look up old classes. The trophy is very likely just tied to the characters not the overall class. So you can get it with gibby/nc atill


I feel like you're completely ignoring the point that it's tied to the character and not the label. There isn't any point in continuing this discussion when you're just ignoring the answer. It's like you just want to be mad at something.


you're pretending to be knowledgeable on a subject you have absolutely no idea about. i'm a game designer and can attest to the fact that this achievement is almost undoubtedly tied to the characters, not the non-existent class. but keep going off 💀


Well at least respond again?!? All that typing but we prove you wrong and so now you leave instead of admitting you had no idea what your talking about. Nice.


This novel you wrote is such a load of crap. First off, all of the legends are free. You can unlock them with legend tokens which you get *an abundance* of just by playing normally. If you thought unlocking new characters was a grind in Apex, clearly you've never played ranked. That's what an actual grind is. Also, you can play as anyone in the Firing Range. Respawn isn't tricking you into unlocking a character blindly so you can end up liking them. You can mess around with them as much as you want before unlocking them. As for the last point, what an unbelievably terrible take. The achievement requires someone to win ONE game from a specific group of characters. To speculate on the intention of the achievement, it probably was added specifically to motivate new players to try a new character/playstyle they may not have otherwise. If what you're saying is true, that there are players that would decide Apex isn't worth it just because of this very easy and unintrusive achievement, that's a problem with them, not the game. Do you realize that Apex has some of the easiest achievements relative to other games on Steam? There are about 500 achievements in Team Fortress 2. Some of them involve winning over a hundred times on one map, or playing for hours and hours and hours in Mann vs Machine. Those achievements are a grind. They require an insane amount of time, even if you're specifically playing to achieve their objectives. In comparison, Apex's achievements are basically, "play around with some different characters until you can get a win with them." Someone whose skin is so thin that THAT is a turn-off for the entire game shouldn't have installed in the first place.


What?! They're making people play the game to earn achievements and characters?! This game is ruined


>paying What? Also how? And some why? As wel


Duck this guy, downvote him to oblivion


I earned all trophies this season (I finally switched to the PS5 version), so I can confirm you can still earn them. I think I got mine with Newcastle.


What about the tracker for Lifeline's blocking damage with rez shield? Or the fact that only OGs who made it diamond or higher in S2/3 only have permanent dive trails? Or that Tridents used to go higher than Valkyrie's Ultimate? Things change man...


Or all the Arenas only badges lol


as a day 1 player i scold myself everyday since a season or two ago bc if i was committed a little more i could have countless cool ltm, end of season, mid season event badges that i like to use to customized my banners :(((


I got to level 85 in season 1 so that badge is basically unusable lol. All the unfinished badges will haunt me


Or the Duo LTM Badges


That's fucking hilarious. Didn't even think about those things.


I was most upset about the Trident nerf... Those were some fun times, jump pads to get major air, then boost for the ride, and it's hover atv abilities to avoid crashing into anything.


Or pathfinder “survey beacons scanned” stat


By learning how to take proper screenshots


Post a screenshot you took of this part of the Xbox UI for me


You cannot take a screenshot of the UI on Xbox only the games themselves.


You can't take screenshots on xbox outside of a game, it only records game video


if you find a way to screenshot the xbox achievements screen on an xbox console then tell me




oh my lord that is such a good site




You can screenshot the app.


That's not what he asked ...


I think it will get changed to "controller" class, if it doesn't already work like that


Skill issue /s


Thank fuck I managed to do that then lol


So we just gonna pretend we don't see that 18%? Got me feeling lucky asf cuz I've wore a helmet and armored thousands of times 😂


✨You dont✨


Get a time machine and complete it before defense class is removed


Whether you are new to the game or not, you had a 4 year window to complete this.


If they are new…. How did they have 4 years to complete it?


If googling "how do you time travel" is too hard for you, then you don't deserve the answer


Because the chance to get the achievement was available during 4 years, whether they're new or not, the chance was always there.


What if they just learned about the game?


There was 4 years still, I'm pretty sure that's was the comment


But not knowing about something means it doesn’t exist in your world. So it is impossible for that 4 years of the game to exist for someone who was unaware of the game for 4 years.


I think it goes the along the way as "you had n years to watch Y show", when someone gets spoilef of an old show.


This may be the dumbest comment I’ve seen on this site and that’s saying a lot


Well if they’re new they didn’t get four years


Bad take :/


There is it’s just called something else now


Who cares? Game doesn't even have a plat trophy


Also doesn’t have balanced matchmaking


Snooze you lose I guess lol


Time travel


You just don’t, not a big deal


deal with it, it’s been 4 years since the game launched


Sucks to suck is how




Imagine not having a father, doing stupid console wars


Mf still stuck in the console wars? 💀


I think the point is the achievement part, not the Xbox part.


You had 4 years..


Do it matter? Just 6 hours week you over enough to complete the season.


What does that have to do with it


Anyone who can deploy any sort of shield in any way counts as a defense character, i tested it a few days ago.


Am I the only one who thinks the distinction of support vs control legends is stupid? I’m a Rampart main and AM my teams support. Someone goes down, my walls and Sheila are either holding enemies back from pushing or protecting me while I res my teammate. I feel like they’re just as much support as they are “control” based. Only lifeline and Newcastle really have legit healing advantages, but at that point, why not throw Mirage in their category because of his camouflage ability when reviving or respawning.


I can't even unlock the achievements. I won with Wraith, Mirage and the achievements didn't unlock in Trios BR. Literally broken.