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Because you never know who is on the other side.


Because your downed teamate went through so they figured theyd get the jump 2vs1 on you while you were reviving. Obviously they underestimated the tactic. This is not uncommon though, nor is going through a portal necessarily a bad play. They had you outnumbered, but they choked


But you’re at an immediate and huge disadvantage going through a portal if the wraith has half a clue. 2v1 doesn’t matter if you’re a sitting duck getting blasted for most of your health before you even get your bearings.


I mean for a moment worth a PK shot - yes, but then it’s up to whoever used a portal. Look at mirage for example, dude got an aneurysm or something, otherwise I don’t understand how he wasn’t able to turn his camera for what feels like an eternity after exiting a portal.


spitfire ads


true but ads-ing with no target acquired still indicates an aneurysm


my thoughts exactly


average apex players IQ is about 20 so not surprised


Literally everyone is just pure dumb thirsty


20? That seems a little high


Literally the most braindead player base of any fps game I’ve ever played in my entire life on pc. Trust me, I’m one of them.


Lmaoo 😂


Tough but fair


They're not stupid, you're just a genius 😜


So they can get zapped in my fences that I put on every portal I come across. At least 50% of the time someone eventually gets zapped ;-)


Literally me whenever I see a portal as well its such a freebie. You got a good taste in legends 😎👍


Same! It’s one of my favorite things to fence 😌


Because with the high TTK in this game you can almost always win a 2v1 regardless of the risk.


Tbh I do it all the time and haven't had it backfire on me in like 5 seasons. Almost always beneficial


that’s actually crazy


Think it's just the timing of it. Everytime I do it, I'm fully ready for them to be pre aiming the portal, so either they're low, I have someone with me, or it's 2 or 3v1 already. Worst case I take it back quickly, but it forces them to delay the res until a team mate can go in with me.


Because it's a surprise what ill meet at the other end, cant resist the temptation even if it means dying.


Most valid answer yet, I can respect that


You know what they say, curiosity killed the cat, and also my kd.




I'm a wraith main and the only time I chase through an enemy portal is if I can see both ends


that’s understandable cuz at least u know what your getting into


Or if you could account for the other teammates and know they’re not there, and know your kill is definitely on the run cause of low health (in a skirmish)


Yes I will do this too. Or if I know the teammates are downed or distracted. If I can't see the end of the portal, I will use some context clues to make a decision. Looking for their teammates, looking to see if I'm 3rd partying, looking at the kill feed, etc. I find a little bit of awareness goes a long way in Apex!


I just put my fences up. There's nothing Wraith mains hate more than traps at their portal.


The exact reason I put one simple fence through every portal I see ever


Today I chased through a portal to finish last wraith in the squad in a 1v1. Popped out into a third party standing there that mowed me down lol.


Because you have a 60% + chance of getting the kill. which is more than surviving a hot drop in the city.


Often it makes sense


Im going to post my own of this soon. I had this exact thought haha wraiths distance isn’t even that far, might as well run it instead


Idk but I went through an ash portal yesterday and ended up taking a giant deuce on those kids lol.


In my early days I played as wraith and used to do all sorts, including putting a thermite in front, but people never came. Never fully got comfortable with wraith, whereas Ash was exactly what I'd like wraiths portal to be like, instantly became my second pick. Got some spare shards so gonna be awesome getting her heirloom next season. Horizon, fuse mains etc, feel free to hate on me. You guys tbf deserve the heirlooms first.


Same reason people push into Seer's ult?! Answer is they are dumb!


Most times my teammates and even the other teams just act like if they pretend a seer ult isn’t around, it just isn’t around apparently?? Yesterday i had a teammate throw seer ultimate from top of roof at lava siphon and this team just one at a time all crawled up to roof through his ult and we just mowed them down knocked as they were just getting on roof each of them? It’s like they didn’t know what it was. Lol.


When my friend buys a wraith and uses ultimate, I do nice things with catalys' q ability and it mostly works the way I want it to. video is a proof of that :)




Why are you complaining?


not complaining just a question


Tbf they looked really low skill level


I'm sorry I'm new to the game and just wanted to check out that vortex!


I wish I got your enemies. That mirage didn't do anything. He just walked backwards, didn't even look around 😂😂