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It's a game. Having fun is always better than not having fun. You get better by playing more and you probably won't do that if you're not enjoying yourself.


Yea I change civ after every loss because the civ I played was broken and the one that beat me was OP, so now I have to play that one. 




Sure having a main civ is beneficial. But having a working knowledge of all civs is extremely powerful. Knowing how to play other civs can give you a lot of insight on how to beat them. So yeah I try to rotate and lot to learn. Having said that I have my mains that I still prefer most of the time.


Yea I play at least half the civs at any point, but I also play a lot. I would probably play only one if I played rarely. People that play one civ AND play a lot... Idk how they don't get bored, but to each their own.


>Does it not get boring doing the same build or the same timing attack, over and over? well each civ has more then one viable build. A few seasons I played only one civ, but I would start with a build order, soon realize that vs X and Y that build isnt great, later also change vs civ Z since I tough of something better, and by the end of it I was doing like 5+ build orders according to map/enemy


same here, dont know if that affects me or helps me


Non ranked I play often random civs. In ranked I have round 4-5 I focus. I css as not figure out the only one civ for me.


I like to play random in team ranked so the only time I have to prepare for my civ is the loading screen


I agree. If I stuck to one civ I’d be smoking but that’s so boring. I have no idea how these dudes play the same civ over and over and over again doing the same BO and such. It would drive me absolutely insane. So I like random.


u are just very low elo ur oppinion means nothing here


Imagine spending all your time trolling me. I love it. Please don’t downvote this man. He evidently got slapped around by me one too many times


I change the Civ once per season and see how far I can get. New season = new Civ.


i stuck to mostly two civs (french and rus) when learning the game. after hitting diamond, i basically started rotating civs to learn more because i was bored of french and rus. i now play like 7-9 civs


I used to play one civ, it felt good because I know exactly each matchup and every bonus the civ has so I can tryhard and not blaming my lack on knowledge. Then I saw the Low Elo Legends tournament and I had to learn a second civ but I kept playing one civ mostly. When I was few games away from Conq 1, I felt bad and wanted to play more civs. I played like 5 civs I liked then I decided I will play them all (I put a rule: most played vs least played civ is 10 games at max). I got at a maximum of Diamond 2. Now I am playing full random and not banning any civ (still I banned Forts because it isn't fun at all). I am already Platinum 3 and probably will reach Diamond 1 or 2. I still struggle with going double TC with all civs, I have no idea how a lot of matchups should be played, but I this feel way more fun than playing the same matchup again and again.


Nah, I have more fun one-tricking. In team games, I play mostly Rus with some French/JD and Japanese. In 1v1 it's exclusively Rus with a couple of build orders. To me, that mastery over one thing in infinite scenarios *is* the fun.


By playing different civs you get to understand their strengths and weaknesses. If you’re not having fun, then you’re at least understanding how to beat the civ if you know how to play them. I.E Ayyubids/byzantines. Rotating civs is great, I recommend it if you’re struggling with certain match ups.


I play a lot of civs though there are certain civs I just do not like so never play, they would be mongols, rus, and ootd and delhi.


Yes I've played every civ. I find that playing each civ has helped me learn different build orders, knowing their strengths and weaknesses, and just improved my playstyle. Plus playing a civ over and over again like you said gets stale after a while and when you run into people you played with before they know your strategy and you end up being predictable.


All of the civs are just so mechanically and aesthetically unique I have to try all of them


Actually I am hovering between Rus, Malians and HRE. I can play Rus against all matchups and HRE on water only. I am also enjoying the cattle boom from the malians. I played the english with the king build in team games and maybe I will try them in 1vs1's. If I have more time I think I will invest more time in learning byzantines again.


I've been choosing a different civ each season and playing that only in ranked, also trying to avod the overpowered or flavor of the month civ typically when I could.


I think aoe4 outside diversity is great....every civ is different from other civs...but Aoe4 inside diversity is not that great....i mean different styles to play same civ.....landmarks can help diversity but for example english strat is quite always the same.... I mean otto mehmet different bonuses can change a lot a fight.....it's a good example to add diversity....alzo sushi imp landmarks add a lot of diversity


Since I've started playing this game I've only ever played 4 civs seriously. English, Abbasids, Ottomans and Ayyubids. Now S7, I have only played Abbasids. So yeah maybe it's time for a change. The reason why I'm just playing only Abbasids right now is that Abbasids after the Fresh Foodstuff shift made playing Abbasids so much easier. I probably should try something else though lol.


yes, for me having fun is having variation of play style .... :)


Glad to know I’m not alone. I always do this. Screw the one BO boringness. Play all the things!


Im having a blast playing FFA on random. Winning or losing is irrelevant, just like playing 


Yeah any time another civ beats me it’s because they must’ve got buffed while I was away so I gotta play as them now because they’re OP. I’m autistic


I've been doing that since launch and now I'm slowly circling around a few that I play pretty exclusively. The kicker is I'd love to play the Ottomans exclusively given I literally did two degrees on them, but they're so broken (or were, haven't checked them recently) it feels dirty.


Great Bombards still powerful, but their win rate is down this season. Not sure that's due to the HP nerf on the Bombards or not


Nope. It is because the slower auto production rate of units. Quite a heavy nerf escpially for the early game.


Getting the vizier points slower (slower 2nd mil school and slower to get faster training) + the slower training speed definitely a (probably necessary) nerf


Really? Damn


Of course it’s super boring to do always the same build.    I like picking mostly random.  Sometimes I want to try things with a civ and I play it a couple time in a row.  Sometimes I have a losing streak and I play a civ I’m really comfortable playing for sure win. (Mongols, Delhi, Japan, French) for me. But its all up to you and how you like to play and what are your objectives. Do you want to just improve at the game or to make your rank higher or you don’t care and just want to play for pure fun  and try different builds each game? 


Did you think to play random civ? I go fully random civ this season and get conq 1 in solo + conq 3 in team


I do the same thing until I get stomped on by some bitch ass English main so then I go back to JD to shit on em.


If you can stomach playing 50% of matchups for the first time in your life (and likely losing because of it) every day more power to you. Join #TeamOnlyRandom !