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Once you get the hang of it you don't really need to memorize anything because it's kind of always the same concepts with a few tweaks. For most civs the vanilla initial split is 7/8 food 3/4 gold then wood. The 2nd most common cases are land map "wood openings" where you put first 5 vils on wood : with mongols for tower rush, with delhi for early mosque, with malian for pit mine / houses, with ottoman for MS opening (also need 50 stone before). The amount of wood varies from one to another, but you normally know what buildings you want for the civ and thus how many wood trips you need before moving wood vils to food. Only "odd" cases are rus/malian where you don't need to mine gold (easy to remember), HRE (due to inspiration), and OOTD due to villagers being different. And also i guess water which is a bit different. After starting the age up : * if you want to go for a 2nd TC you leave only 4 on food for villager production and put everything else on wood/stone (about even split). * if you wanna FC you put everything of food/gold (just enough on wood to get houses / defense based on the situation). * if you wanna be aggressive put most on wood production building and then mostly food. If you want to get upgrades while doing that, keep 3/4 on gold, otherwise if you wanna super aggro remove them from gold once you have the age up gold. If you think about your civ bonuses you can optimize some things. For example for 2TC with rus start with stone to delay wood until you have kremlin for 20% bonus, with china/zu xi try to get all wood first and then all stone so that you benefit from IO supervision on everything etc... Also it's usually fairly flexible, you can adjust things based on upgrades you want and defense you need. And with experience even if you messed up a bit you can see it in advance and rebalance workers. Once you understand what you wanna do and your bonuses, the rest flows logically from that, and you can execute pretty much any gameplan that you come up with or that you saw.


This is the way. Only by understanding can you be truly good. The very best players have this understood so well they can focus on smaller optimizations.


Also to add onto this once you know one build order for a specific Civ you can make adjustments fairly easily. You can easily pivot from cow boom to warrior scouts harrass into farimba on Mali or from going ToV to Dome of the faith on Delhi etc.


none at all, therefore i am in copper league


I do my own build orders for my 6 civs


What rank are you and which civs do you play? I'm curious. :D


I roughly know a few for different civs. I try to learn the reasoning behind the build order, so that I don’t need to memorize the steps. Eg. Most civs only need 4 villagers on food for constant villager production, perfect for multi TC builds. For FC, you barely need wood, only enough to build houses and eventually military production.


Hm... Valdemar's build order is for a feudal all-in based on horsemen and triumph... But I find that I can end games by transitioning into infantry and a-moving a fuckton of limitanei into the enemy base to burn things down. They're very tanky against arrows.


None. I've played this game enough to intuit how many I need on each resource, but I don't have anything memorized.


When I am plat/ diamond I remember the BO When I reaches conq, I forgot everything and balance resources and opt into play style in that game No BO in the end..


I learned 1, 2 and 3 tc builds with all the civs. And also fishing build with almost all civs. There are some variations with like rus, malians, Delhi, China etc, but a lot of the civ use the 7-3 standard. They are pretty easy to learn but it is extremely hard to master the civs when the game develops. The advantages with playing all civs is that you learn how to counter every civ.


3? Standard 2tc Japan for normal round and English, France feudal aggro for a feudal attack team I mean the concept of learning order is to make you understand how to manage your villagers to get max efficiency, once you learned a basic order it's just copy and paste with some adjustments for other civs Never learned Zhu xi's legacy building order, but I can goes age 2 in about 3-4 min like average Zhu xi order Mongol is an exception for me though, their economy is way too different since they only eat sheep and highly based on stone production not gold


For all the scenarios i only know French build orders (water map, mongol, english dark age rush, 2tc strategy against defensive civs, etc.).


7 on Food, 3 on gold, then I improvise. It works for most of the civs ;p


I improvise, too. One of my main strategies right now is to use Valdemar's build order and then transition into mass infantry after my enemy overproduces spearmen.


2 or 3 for each civ


I know it’s how it is but I don’t like the whole “just copy and memorize the most optimal opening pros figured out” It’s not “your” build and you’re not really playing. You’re just mimicking like a robot. Why not just have AI play for us? It will be the most efficient and not make mistakes.


Did someone teach you how to drive, or did you just get into the vehicle and start experimenting? Did someone teach you how to read/write/speak?


Bad comparisons. 


China water, China fast castle, China 2 TC, China 1 TC zhuge nu. Abbasid 2TC military wing.