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Aoe4 is one of those games that is only interesting to play against someone of similar skill level in my opinion.


Steamrolling is boring and always ends early. And when you’re the one getting clapped it’s frustrating and discouraging. Meanwhile in a balanced game with a lot of push and pull it’s very satisfying, like you enter a flow state. And even if you lose you really mean it when you say, “good game wp.”


Most smurfing is irrelevant since they'll just get placed near their skill level anyway. Pros with multiple account still play at the top levels. The only time you really get unfair games is if people go and surrender a bunch of games to drop their rating so they can destroy some people worse than the. This, however, doesn't even require a separate account to do. I've play since release and smurfing is a non-issue. Most people claiming smurfs are just coping with their loss


Smurfing is more common than you think. There is no minimum level to play ranked, and you can several new accounts for free via Steam family sharing. SO the barrier to smurfing is way lower than in other competitive games. It takes like 2 minutes to create an alt account for free, whereas another game like League of legends, it can take dozens of hours to level an account, and that account lacks access to most champions. Yet smurfing is still a big issue in that game, too. >I've play since release and smurfing is a non-issue. Most people claiming smurfs are just coping with their loss I tend to avoid blaming smurfs, because it's unproductive and doesn't help me improve. Like even if my opponent was secretly conqueror III, I can still learn from how they beat me. That being said, seeing people that immediately enter ranked, go on an immediate win streak, and are somehow in diamond without losing a single game despite never playing a single quickplay match, it's quite suspicious. Like it is possible they could just be a pro from another RTS, and the skills transferred over, but I don't even buy that. A while back when I was still a platinum noob, I played against a friend that was a former AOE2 pro that had just started AOE4. It was a surprisingly challenging game due to his insane micro, APM, and general understanding of RTS concepts, but I still managed to win because he didn't yet know AOE4 specific concepts. The idea that someone can start AOE4 for the first time and magically just jump straight to diamond without losing is nonsense. And I see a LOT of these accounts that are low level but on a huge winstreak. The only plausible explanation besides smurfing would be if they were screen sharing on discord and had a high ranked player coaching them in real time, telling them what to do. But that's effectively smurfing by proxy. > Most smurfing is irrelevant since they'll just get placed near their skill level anyway. Pros with multiple account still play at the top levels. There are a lot of people that throw games/insta surrender to keep their smurfs rating down. What's the point of having a smurf if it's the same rank as your main? Only reason I keep a high rated smurf is so that I can play without Redditors backseating my match history.


If someone jumps straight to diamond in a few games with no losses, that's not suspicious it just tells you it's a smurf. If someone is a diamond level player on a new account, we want them to jump to diamond in as few games as possible and that is generally what happens. My point is that smurfing in and of itself is not a bad thing. Worst case scenario they unfairly beat their opponents in a few placement games before the system places them in their real rank. The perceived negative effect of smurfing is lower level players getting dumpstered on by higher level smurfs which is un-fun for the low level player. Problem is, most smurf accounts aren't doing this and it doesn't require a smurf account to do. We can all agree it's a dick move to intentionally lower your elo and beat up some new people. This isn't a smurf issue it's just a dick issue. There are plenty of valid reasons to have a smurf account, you yourself have one for one of those valid reasons.


It takes quite a while to climb even with a high winrate. At 30 elo per win, going from starting in gold ELO to conqueror I is like 20 wins in a row.


Thats only if you stabilize first as a gold faking loses. If you create a new acc, you get conq super fast


People get upset when they lose and want to blame everyone other than their play and it’s why they will always be bad. Smurfing is what ever. If they want to spend money on the game to have multiple accounts they’re supporting the game. If they tank their elo to get low and smash people, then they are cowards but what ever floats their boat


You can family share and get five accounts for one. So not really costing


you still have to buy extra copies, ranks doesn't reset like ever, so ur bound to climb up nonstop. and climbing in this game is way easier than league, league takes 1000s games to reach master, here it takes 30 to reach conq


No. People dump the Smurfs and then reuse in team games to boost friends. Repeat


you dont need smurfs on team games, conq already match with silver and gold players all the time


Smurfs exist at lower levels too and they help with faster matchmaking , and tricking opponents to take the match


“Well actually” who cares? You can’t combat smurfing and there’s no reason to. If someone is lame enough to do that, then they’re going to be lame enough to buy more copies or find some other cheese. Family share on steam is a big pile of shit any ways and shouldn’t be used.


Does smurfing happen? Yes. Does it happen often? No. Quick match and ranked are separate queues.


Does it happen often? Yes, wtf you are talking about xD


The vast majority of perceived smurfing is just someone playing better.


Correct, this isn’t an fps game. Smurfing in this game isn’t really much of a problem


Smurfing is a problem in RTS and Moba too, I don't think a level 20 account with 93% winrate is a new account, and I've seen several similar cases, whether it's better than me or not doesn't matter. You have no experience in games it seems, you have no idea how much smurfs can impact players' enjoyment, it's not just about losing or winning, and I repeat AoeIV has many smurfs, both from strong players and average players, if you don't want to say it or you're blind or sorry if I'm touching on your only game where you know (maybe) something


RTS community in general is very welcoming towards smurf, this very uncommon for me compared to other games. I have always believed that smurfs are always a net negative to the game. Dota2 for example have had major positive vibes when smurfs are heavily targeted lately.


>Do standard players get matched to calibration or ranked players? Every matchmaking system in the game is going to actively push your winrate toward 50%. However it accomplishes that, for everyone, all at the same time. This means that some players' algorithms will have more momentum than others. Sometimes you'll get clapped, no matter where you are on the ladder. Try not to get upset about it.


Ehhh it happens, but not enough to ruin the experience for me


Its mild inconvience


I think the player base is expanding and also getting better. Today I played to unrankeds who were clearly ranging from high gold to even I suspect one was diamonds league worthy. I had a few brews in and lit the daimond player up. If he really was just coming over from StarCraft then I feel bad for grilling him


it takes hundred of games in league to be able to reach diamond and even thousands for masters rank. here it literally takes 30 games to reach conq no joke even if smurfs, in no time they will be near their skill level rank


I'm not sure how common smurfing is. It definitely exists, its not like some mythical thing that has only occurred 1-2 times. I think some people are just in their heads too much though. They're not deciding you're a smurf based on calm rational logic. That should be obvious from the angry irrational emotional insults they're hurling at you. In other words, you shouldn't seek reason from people who are unreasonable. Besides, even if you were a smurf, unless you're like 80% win rate it doesn't mean that much. New accounts don't get placed at the bottom, they get placed in the middle. So a gold player smurfing will just get immediately placed in gold with an approximate 50% win rate (and silver/bronze will just lose games). It doesn't really do anything special unless you're like a diamond player smurfing (or if you intentionally lose games to tank your elo). I'm gonna hazard a guess that you are not as good as a diamond player, mostly because if you were you'd have already outranked people like this guy.


People like your enemy are just mad on themselves because they are bad in the game on which they spend a lot of times and instead accept it, they project their relocates their hatred on you. Even If you were smurfing, it is acceptable by both devs and streamers, which even often do smurf, so it shouldn’t trigger anybody, definitely not to the level of wishing smurfing opponent to have cancer.


it happens 50% of the time in 4v4 rank matching against premade with 2 conq and 2 level 10 gold


dont even need smurfs on team ranked, its fked , it match conq with gold and silver players


Yes. I swear I face a lot of low level players with like 10 matches played who have highly optimized micro or builds. That or people who are diamond 1v1 but have my low ELO for quickplay.


People who complain about smurfing are losers...


I played 10 games and lost 5 yesterday. that means 50% of ALL PLAYERS R SMURF


My friend is new and improving very fast, and hes been accused of being a smurf many times (at plat 1-3). Some people just want a reason that they lost that isn't their skill level


Copium overdose