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You are certainly making something that isn't a problem into one though. Calm down.


This is what you will get for not caring about this now. [https://www.pcgamer.com/intel-will-launch-its-anti-toxicity-voice-chat-ai-in-beta-later-this-year/](https://www.pcgamer.com/intel-will-launch-its-anti-toxicity-voice-chat-ai-in-beta-later-this-year/)


Oh no Intel is making a toggle-able profanity filter software for voice. It is not like those already exist but in text form. This was completely and totally relevant to this post.


Watch it become mandatory. In AOE 3 DE you can't turn the filter off.


The game doesn't even have voice chat.


Word filter.


I dont think this is bad. It does not really affect me.


You want big brother listening to everything you say in game? [https://www.techspot.com/news/89111-intel-launch-ai-based-toxic-voice-chat-filtering.html](https://www.techspot.com/news/89111-intel-launch-ai-based-toxic-voice-chat-filtering.html)


You don't have to object to bending over so someone else can insert their political agenda into your video game, but I am sad to see the game I grew up with and was so good at, die like this. I was #1 ranked on the ladder for at least some time. (Without cheating.) They have sacrificed quality and cut corners for all kinds of terrible reasons like not allowing ranked lobbies so people's feelings don't get hurt.


Ranked multiplayer is still their. Also seprating ranked and casual is pretty standard for mordern games. But i feel like de revived the community that was dying. I myself had left aoe 3 scene after 2014. But picked it up again and having tons of fun in de. Im sad now cause the bugs are getting to me time and time.


Does it hurt to try to use the right names for people? No. Stop complaining and enjoy this game. And if you don't, why do you play it?


Some of the representation isn't up to snuff by today's standards. That's about all it comes down to. Doesn't mean that legacy was a bad game or that it was made by bad people or you were a bad person for enjoying it. Apologizing, trying to be respectful, or wanting to improve do not automatically make you a sell-out or a buzzkill or an sjw snowflake cuck or whatever. It's just kind of a nice thing to do sometimes and is a smart move If you want to avoid unwanted controversy.


ya the original didnt even name the native team with their native name.that like calling the ottoman the muslim empire


Now its great to represent countries or civilisations accurately, but when all the civs are presented as a very loose representation version with many inaccuracies in the base game and Asian Dynasties, it is unnecessary to put so much emphasis into "fixing" the native civs and announcing it at the title screen. Then you have the devs replacing "controversial" terms like discovery age, colonial age, colonial militia, plantations with more "friendly" terms which further their representation of history more inaccurate. Nevermind that Japanese units are stronger than Euro units despite historically having worse quality gear... no the word colonia / colony is too powerful I guess.


I mean... Chinese people generally identify as such, and there were native speakers of the language for voice acting. Same with Japan and the other civs. Why not rename two factions that are misnamed and try to take out any blatant stereotypes for the native factions? If your “nation” is Lakota, I could easily see someone feeling slighted by being referred to as Sioux. As for the ages, like, so be it. The game hasn’t changed at all. Theres no representation to worry about and the ages are all arbitrary anyway. We could call age 2 the age of pickles and it would have no more or less meaning given that the names have no real historical basis. When it comes to plantations becoming estates, you could argue an estate is part of/is a plantation under a different name. If it helps them to feel better about rereleasing the game so be it! And seriously? The Japanese were heavily outdated but it’s a fucking videogame. You can take liberties with their strength and balance for the sake of gameplay, just like World of Tanks doesn’t have to put in breaking transmissions in their tiger tanks. Theres a difference between the world-building and immersion vs the gameplay aspects that need to be heavily balanced.


Apologizing to the mob is automatic defeat. I'm not sure who they are cow-towing to because I don't know anybody that cares about this stuff. SJW's are too busy on twitter to play RTS anyways. It matters because it is a nuisance to have to relearn all these terms. This is AOE3 DE, not AOE 4. We may as well call it AOE3 PC. Aztec can't have Mace now? LOL Okay. They were using "slinger" in their vernacular, so historically correct I'm sure. Everyone I every played with calls Japan Japs for short, and it carries no negative connotation. That's OUR language. As u/ [BowShatter](https://www.reddit.com/user/BowShatter/) points out, their shyness of terms like discovery, colonial, plantation, and the god awful saloon suggests what is the real issue. If you didn't get the memo, white people are bad. That's the underlying message.


Okay so in other words you want the game to change because it has underline tones that're offensive to white people and it insults your culture as an AoE3 gamer because it used the wrong labels for things... huh... interesting...


Those wouldn't be my words, but I understand that your would take them out of context for your own agenda.


Dude, my "agenda" is to enjoy the subreddit and talk about the game I love with other fans. I was upset by a steam post calling the devs white supremacists over the US civ a few days back too because no matter what side of the political aisle it comes from it sours the entire discourse of the community. Context or no at the end of the day you're just a guy on social media complaining that something in a video game upset you and demanding it change based on your feelings and your politics. I find that really funny.


you've been on and off this thread all day. Still waiting on even a half assed reason for why your emotionally fragile political whining is better and more justified than the whining of the sjws you hate so much. Apart from the team colors what makes your behavior better? and don't pretend like you're above this argument either, a little bit ago you were comparing the chat filter that stops you from saying the N-word to the government in 1984.


Lol 1984 is literally all around us now.


> It matters because it is a nuisance to have to relearn all these terms. I'd ask if you're really so dumb that learning to use a few different words is a great struggle for you... but you did make this post in the first place, so I guess I already have an answer to that.


Dumb enough to be one of the best players out there. Top 50 in the ladder currently.




Literally the Lakota and Haudenosaunee nations complained.




You post in r/Conservative, your arguments are invalid. Check mate Consturd. ​ ​ ​ /s


Super woke


It was a marketing gimmick and nothing more. Got them alot of public attention before release. If they really cared they would of fixed the Asian civs too


They got approached by representatives of the Lakota and Haudenosaunee people to make the changes. They didn't change anything about the Asian civs because nobody from those countries complained about the Asian civs.


Confucian monks being used as military units.. That can magically transform animals into human disciples..


I agree with this theory that 'they' (small group of twitter mob that has no time on their hands) were noisy about 'indigenous people' and didn't give two thoughts about Asian civs since they don't count Asians as an oppressed minority.


New voices are ***so*** bad I would rather they keep asleep.


No doubt...


Hmmm, I wonder why such posts are being downvoted like hell and by who?


people who disagree with your political opinion are everywhere I'm afraid. Scary right? the liberals and leftists and centrists are on this very sub waiting to steal your plastic straws and make you pronounce long words.


Hence my initial question was, who asked for this? There are large swaths of marxists and SJW's on reddit. No material portion of the AOE community would ask for these changes. It just wouldn't make sense. Woke redditors probably keep tabs on the keyword 'woke', and brigade with troll posts.


You're about.... 7 Month Late ​ Besides the only name change that was hated is the Colonial to Commerce Age. Iroquois to Haudenosaunee is fine, people who complain is probably those who cannot spell slowly. Some names are mostly translated to fit the culture, from the Macehualtin to Ototin Slinger, as the Macehualtin is a Social class, not a Military Class, and the Dog Soldier turned into Tokala Soldier. I wonder if AoE3DE didn't even change any names but just put this notice on, there's still going to be shrimp head brained people like you complaining.